@Charlotte Hornets

Hornets vs Trailblazers: Coach Clifford Postgame Media Availability | 2/25/2024

Hornets vs Trailblazers: Coach Clifford Postgame Media Availability | 2/25/2024

You mentioned Cody being healthy a little bit um 10 assist for him tonight just wondering it’s been a tough for him in terms of being out not being hisself um how much does this give him a boost maybe and just as a team help you

Guys when he plays this way oh I think it’s a big I mean because what it’s doing in the AC you know I mean with what since he’s come back what we’ve been able to do and you’re seeing it now is as you know when he first came back

He had you know he played seven games last year he missed a lot of this year and he wasn’t healthy so he couldn’t play every night and we’re in a position you know because of injuries and everything where we could do that and so he’s really been allowed to kind of get

Into Rhythm get into condition and feel good about his health over this last like few weeks and now you know he can play back to back and play 28 minutes 30 minutes on the second night and you can see his movement is a lot better but

More than anything he’s just a lot more in Rhythm you know his his instincts are coming forward because he feels more comfortable physically you know and he’s just in better shape better Rhythm you mentioned to Ashley um just about Nick Richards being his best game probably

The season I guess just again he plays his way know he’s been a little bit up and down times but when he’s this kind of I guess player for the guys inside what does that do for the team and how does that make you different than you

Are pre oh yeah we have more of a presence at The Rim you know with size so um you know and then the search for every player and every team is consistency you know so that’s what we got to get to last thing with reic honestly same thing with him he’s had a

Couple of up and down games tonight he was like he was the first game for you guys what you see from him and what’s the difference between him tonight and just last couple well I do think with with the with the the you know the guys

That came in here let’s be honest they were here for six days we played three games then they went home they’re moving you know I mean they got a lot going on too so I think just to get back to the right intensity the right concentration it’s a little bit different for those

Guys too but he’s a he’s a talented player his awareness his feel for the game is you know really exceptional so I think as he he gets comfortable again and and we you know there’s still a newness to us I think the more organized we get offensively the better he’ll play

Got by his court Vision he had a couple of Ni there obviously to Brandon and Nick actually to miles for three he’s make those kind of plays for you guys appreciate his vision to be able to see listen his IQ his awareness his vision is you know look the guy was MVP

In Europe two years in a row I mean to do that from that position shows you know I mean but his P again size you know he’s big his size uh can pass can shoot smart he’s a good pick and role player um so you know and again

I think as he gets more comfortable he’ll play better and better also two or three wins this road trip so you guys what in your mind been the biggest reason why our defense for sure you know like even tonight obviously that’s not going to be a it’s not going

To be a great offensive game we get we we’re not going to be win consistently if we keep turning the ball over and you know there’s just too many needless not not just the turnovers but giving the ball to guys where they shouldn’t have it and you know not being

Organized enough on offense I think the offensive part is harder to get to than the defense offense is harder you know no training camp it’s not like we’re playing two new guys you know we’re playing five of them so it’s going to take a little time but the turnover

Stuff you know that’s as they say in football that’s a personal responsibility and we got to cut it out with the turnovers and we’re not not going to win consistently you miss the trip in Milwaukee on Tuesday um do it feel like been a week you’ve been on the

Road getting back allar what’s like for you guys not be home for stress yeah but I mean you know that’s this league you know everybody goes through it everybody has a similar schedule so you get used to it over the years and um got to be you know that’s why again the turnovers

Are big because you got to get to a way to play as a team where you can win every night regardless of four in a row on the road three in a row at home whatever it is that’s what the good teams do so you know hopefully you know

Everybody gets through this hopefully we get those guys back and then uh we can continue with the defense and improve the offense good coach you have these guys score this for almost six minutes in the second quarter which is like inconceivable in 2020 but like is there

A part of you that’s like kind of like your mind is blowed by the defense you guys are playing yeah know we and you know what I think looking at it I mean before watchingg the film but we’re really like guys are you know like we’re good with our hands right now we’re

Getting deflections um you know we’re locked into the game plan stuff they’re talking to each other um and I think as much as anything like hopefully that can be the start of an identity you know for so many new guys we got to have things

That as you know that you grasp on to and and hopefully the defense can be the beginning of that

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