@Philadelphia 76ers



The Sixers have suffered a frustrating loss at the hands of Doc Rivers and the Milwaukee Bucks in his Philadelphia Homecoming in this video I want to break down a little bit of what went wrong in that game what specifically frustrated me about doc River’s pregame comments

Which is the meat of this one and then dive into a little bit of a future outlook of the six as a whole so to get the actual game out of the way and what exactly went down there the Sixers ultimately suffering a 119 to 98 loss at

The hands of the Milwaukee Bucks most of the blame I’m going to pretty much chalk up to the shooting variants here that the Milwaukee Bucks shooting eight 18 of 37 from three 48.6% from Beyond The Arc the six years 16 of 46 34.8% and frankly the disparity was much larger for most

Of that game that the bucks came out shooting the absolute lights off and there has to be a look yourself in the mirror moment for this Sixers team knowing you’re just not going to be able to go blow for blow with one of the Eastern Conference threats like the

Milwaukee Bucks without Joel embiid on the floor now I’m not worried about this Milwaukee fcks team in the Long Haul I do not consider them legitimate Championship contenders I think that they are a a hair below what teams like the Boston Celtics are and frankly I would throw the New York Knicks over

Them in the conversation and most of that being because of the M do rivers and to dive into specifically what he said that motivated me get on here and be frustrated in his pregame speech he did a lot of reflecting on his time in Philadelphia was asked a number of

Questions by the media about his time coaching the Sixers and said had some interesting answers so to dive into the specifics I want to start off with the beginning of his quote here which I watched the whole video here and the quote that jumped out to me of the star

Is when asked about the series loss to the Celtics he said quote I don’t know I honestly haven’t thought about it much since maybe they were better could that be a possibility and this once again brings in kind of the the concept of the lack of accountability that doc rers

Takes and to further emphasize the deflections that he does do and the lack of accountability the unwillingness to accept his his role in the loss he had this quote as well to add on to that he finished just by saying maybe they were better I thought game six was our game I

Didn’t think Joelle got the ball enough trust me it was for him to it was for him to get it and he didn’t get it I don’t know how healthy he was so again Doc Rivers might not even be wrong here but it is the tone the condescending

Nature and just the the at this point in time like even if he had fully deflected and been like we tried our best I enjoyed my time in Philadelphia I’m happy and focused on Milwaukee I would be more satisfied with that answer from do rivers but instead we do have to

Continue to hear the spewed nonsense the lack of just accepting what he did wrong for this specific franchise and now he is there in Milwaukee now I mentioned that I do not believe in Milwaukee as a championship Contender doc river is being front and center the reason for

That that even after this game and this record being without this game so they’re now five and seven the Bucks are with Doc River coaching that is not exactly a linear stat this is not not all correlated to Doc Rivers I do think once again that Adrien Griffin was dealt

A bad hand that I do have some sympathy for the process that he went down and I think a lot of the issues with this team are issues that are going to show up regardless of whether or not Adrien Griffin is the coach Doc Rivers is the

Coach or Phil Jackson is the coach that when you go from Drew holiday to Damen Lillard as your point of attack primary Defender you’re going to get worse defensively that Drew howy being one of the Premier uh perimeter Defenders across the entire NBA and Damen Lillard finding himself on the exact opposite

End of the spectrum but I do want to highlight again look at the at this Sixers team this is a look themselves in the mirror moment that they do have to find a way to at least red water and survive that to dive into how things went down today with this Pacific box

Score not a lot to break down here Tyrese Maxi leading the way in scoring with 24 points in his 38 minutes of play shot just eight of 19 from the field he did have seven assists I will say for Maxi specifically I don’t think he found the proper balance today of bring being

A playmaker bring being a scorer being a guy that initiates the offense and frankly what I think speaks to his importance most is how night and day different this team looks when he is on or off the floor that when he is there you do see how the offense Cycles around

Him and specifically when you look at this Sixers team it has been the right roster construction mindset to get these essentially limited players that their strengths are so particular in fitting next to Joel embiid that I will highlight a guy like nicoo Batum specifically that his strengths are a

Player as a player are he’s a terrific entry passer that he can make passes to Joel in the post in the mid-range to create looks there and he’s an excellent catch and shoot player that he quicker than any player I’ve ever seen as as far as the no dip three-pointer his ability

To get it off but when you look at him in situations like this where the team is starve for offense it needs guys to create he’s not a guy that can step up and kind of fill that role so that’s when you do see the give and take and I

Do want to dive in a little deeper on the box score I will highlight Paul Reed thought he did very well in the starting role tonight that 13 points eight rebounds six of 13 from the field he did knock down a three-pointer he had two blocks as well the five fouls are always

Going to be things that stick out with him and I will say specifically it’s tough that fifth foul was just straight up not one it was a Giannis flop moment after the fact and that’s the the the the hand that Paul Reed is dealt sometimes that he does not have

The friendliest whistle from the defensive side of things and refs are looking for the things that he does actively do he’s a little too active with his hands gets you know over engaged over exerts himself frankly I live with that that with Paul Reed we

Kind of know the story at this point as a backup center I still think he’s very good but he does get a little Overexposed when he’s asked to do more and play these starter level minutes that he’s currently being as to in Joel embiid’s absence and by the way it is

100% the right move to continue rolling with Paul Reed cuz Mo bom has been Dreadful of late so I will speak on that to dive a little bit now buddy heel not a good game likely his worst in a Sixers uniform 11 points shot three of nine

From three four of 13 from the field two of those three-pointers were in garbage time so not quite as much weight there he did have four assists but didn’t quite have the same playmaking gravity that he’s flashed then Tobias Harris continues to absolutely frustrate me eight points and eight rebounds in 31

Minutes of play three of 11 from the field 0 for three from three it has been absolutely brutal to watch Tobias Harris of late and that is a major reason why this team is struggling to stay afloat that you can cut it however you want to that tobias’s role has changed forever

That he H has been dealt a bad hand as far as what his expectations are you can code it however you want the bottom line is this man is making 40 million dollar and not playing up to that standard that he is not a guy that has been able to

Elevate his game without Joel and frankly all of the numbers have been worse without Joel so I don’t want to hear about these sacrificing his role I don’t want to hear that he’s an assassin scorer to tell a friend to tell a friend that he’s a sharpshooter I don’t want

Any of that I want to see Tobias Harris figure out how to play Confident basketball because it has not been that way to this case and I will shout out tyres Maxi once again that this is a guy that continues to step up with only court and as a leader with this team

That he had this quote after the game that I thought really encapsulates something about Maxi that tyres Maxi on Tobias Harris is struggles and trying to get him going I think it’s probably on me I got to do a better job of getting him better shots and getting him in

Better spots to be successful so I love that from a leadership standpoint it’s very cool to see Tyrese Maxi being the guy to step up into those leadership skills to take the responsibility on his shoulders and really deflect the blame from his teammates but in all reality

While I love seeing that from an inside the locker room standpoint it is not tyres Max’s fault that Tobias Harris is playing like straight up garbage that it has been disappointing the product he’s putting on the floor there’s not an area of the game that he is shining even the

Eight rebounds I thought a couple of those were lucky ones that bounced out to him if you’d ask me to guess these stats without looking at the box score I would have guessed lower that based on what the impact on the game felt and to

Dive down a little bit more on the box score there are a couple guys that I do want to highlight here number one Kelly UB Off the Bench 29 minutes he added 12 points nine rebounds those were rebounds that I did feel the three steals from

Kelly UB and the thing that I I don’t know whether to praise this or not for Kelly UB this this point I love guys that dunk I love guys that want to go up and put it down dunk it on somebody’s head Kelly UB tries for it night in and

Night out and I don’t think I’ve seen him actually flush one down yet that today specifically there were two big big time dunk attempts one on Brook Lopez and I forget who the second was neither of them he was successful and both of them I can’t decide whether I

Want To Praise Kelly for going for it and kind of setting that tone athletically or maybe he’s just a poor dunker who needs to lay off that at this point in time cuz seriously it is every single game and I’ve yet to see him actually pull off like a dunk on

Somebody but I again I will take that he is going for it and I did think overall he was very good in the minutes that he provided today De Anthony Melton has been a necessary change in this team he added 16 points shot four of eight from three he’s been very good since

Returning Kyle Lowry I also thought was solid even though the box score is not showing it three points there three assists two rebounds and Ricky Council the fourth only seven minutes of actions for him he he did add two points a rebound and an assist that is the theme

With Ricky once again is he makes things happen and I think as we try and figure out what to do with these Tobias Harris minutes that I do think it is time to phone up the front office say Daryl I’m sorry this man is making $40 million but

We have to make some changes that is what the proper response should be and Ricky council is very clearly to me being a guy that should feed into some of those minutes KJ Martin didn’t step on the floor today that he was out with an ankle injury and we still did not see

The Boost from Ricky Council of the four so very frustrating the way that that is playing out there and when I talk about the Tobias Harris conversation that I see so much push back on the Sixers will never bench Tobias Harris because he’s making the $40 million and I get I

Understand the logistics of that I get why that is the case and why that is likely the Sixers mindset but it’s just a wrong slant to take that if you want to compare this to an organization that is committed to winning at a high level look at the Golden State Warriors and

Look at Klay Thompson Klay Thompson has not been the best version of himself this season they ultimately put him to come off the bench Klay Thompson’s making $43 million this year Klay Thompson has four rings on his finger this is a guy that has way more reason

And has been a way more crucial part to that Warriors Dynasty then Tobias Harris has been to the Sixers team so if Klay Thompson is willing to take swallow the pride and come off the bench if the Warriors are willing to make him do that Tobias Harris is not immune either that

If that is the best route for this Sixers team if this is a guy who continues to play at this level there have to be adjustments that are made and I do think Nick nurse is weighing do I lose him for the entire season mentally

If I do drop him to the bench is this something that’s going to frustrate him how will he respond these are all the conversations that are going through his head but the point blank answer is the Sixers have been a worst basketball team with Tobias Harris on the floor and only

He can hold the responsibility for that one I don’t know how that turns itself around the bottom line is he just has to straight up play better but it is frustrating in a day like today where these Sixers desperately needed somebody to step up and produce the guy that is

The most the highest paid playing highest paid active player only roster was nowhere to be found so we’ll see what ultimately happens from here it does suck that the Sixers had to take this L from Doc Rivers right in his Philadelphia return doc did get the nice Philadelphia welcome booze from the

Crowd when they did announce his name some mixed reviews for Pat Bev which I was curious about coming in I would say mostly positive that it was mostly claps Pat Bev of course hit us with the Belta AZ tour immediately after the game as expected there but this is just kind of

One of those Frank of the matters that you have to wear this loss you know that this is not a Sixers team that can compete with the upper echelon of the East until Joel embiid is back on the floor but they ultimately got to find a way to tread water in the process

Appreciate you guys for tuning into this video let me know how much the Doc Rivers comments bothered you your thoughts on this team how much it has changed over the win against the Cavs and then the loss to the Bucks where your mind is at and I’ll be back talking

With you the rest of the week right here on Sixers digest don’t forget to hit that subscribe and I’ll be talking with you next time peace


Doc Rivers made his return to Philadelphia and spoiled the Sixers Sunday as the Bucks produced a win. Sean Barnard breaks down what went wrong in the loss and what comments from Doc Rivers frustrated him from the head coach’s pre-game media availability.

#nba #sixers #philadelphia76ers


  1. Tough times. It's sad that I'm not even upset about this game tbh, It feels more expected if anything. The truth is if #12 does not step up, it's most likely an L. He's Giving me 25 vibes with mental issues & I'm starting to feel bad for him honestly. & Now you have 23 Year-old Maxey trying to stick up for him, its bad. We really should have moved on from him & might end up breaking him fr.

  2. Tobi has gone in a shell since the trade deadline it seems. Dunno if the Buddy signing then Kyle signing have effected him or what but he's really appears to be almost uninterested as of late. That's a great point about Klay n perhaps it's time to move tobi to the 2nd unit. Honestly at this point almost anything should be on the table, they are woefully offensively anemic right now n in today's NBA if u can't average between like between 114-120 ppg u don't stand much of a chance no matter how good ur defense is. Let the young legs get more time, tobi has been given more than enough leeway…

  3. Coaches don't win many games. Players have to show up, so yes I agree with Doc that the Celtics were better or is it that Embiid and Harden 💩 their pants

  4. Sixers Terrible game, Horrible Defense, Please get rid of Tobias, Melton and Others, Darry Please make the team better for the fans, We want a Championship now 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  5. We can’t blame Nick for the players we have. Our bench just aren’t good enough to step up when needed. They always look lost without Embiid or Maxey.


  7. You guys need to get over doc Rivers. The sixers had career playoff chokers on the floor . He didn't sign those guys . You are really a delusional dude . The bucks have consistently beat the sixers in the entire embiid era . You sound like a YouTube guy who looks at all these weird videos for content.

  8. I really like Tobias as a human being so it’s hard to hate on him but he needs to step up and play like the cap space he takes up productivity wise

  9. it'll be well with the 76rs if they will ttank the rest of the season away try anf get to end of the lottery never no they might get a top 3 pick just shoot (but don't score tge ball ) for the young stars .
    Just how things works OKC & Pels , Cavs young and upcoming

  10. Bro you clearly don’t know what you are talking about in regards to the bucks . That 5 and 7 record you speak of leaves out Dame, Middleton, and Lopez missing multiple games in that time frame . The bucks defensive numbers are elite under Doc compared to griffin .

  11. It is not Doc`s fault that Embiid played like "straight up garbage" in the playoffs again!!. Imagine your MVP being horrible and your second star only showing up for 2-3 games and you still almost beat Boston. And you have nothing better to do than to blame the coach for the loss. 😀 What was he supposed to do with these two chokers?
    Further the defense of the Bucks improved significantly since Rivers joined. This was the reason they fired Griffin. Yes, they had a good record with him, but they also had an easy schedule with several close games vs weaker teams and couldnt manage to get rid of their defensive struggles.

  12. Nick cut tobias minutes. The blame not doc its players. Joel shrink, maxey air ball wide open 3. Pj wide open looks, tonias scared shoot, lol

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