@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Draymond Green is really upset at the referees for not calling a foul on Jokic prior to his own foul on Jokic (with a replay). His complaints can be heard throughout the video.

[Highlight] Draymond Green is really upset at the referees for not calling a foul on Jokic prior to his own foul on Jokic (with a replay). His complaints can be heard throughout the video.

by MrBuckBuck


  1. Jokic’s just a big, sloppy boi, Dray. Stop being soft and deal with it.

  2. Teleporter456789

    Anyone see the tech Brook Lopez got the other day? And then there’s this.

  3. shanmustafa

    this seems like a normal push that everyone does, idk why Draymond took so much exception to it

    unless he got hit in the throat or something

  4. Dull_Entrance9946

    that’s an overly aggressive approach. man needs help

  5. NotManyBuses

    Draymond: plays incredibly physical and cheap with Jokic all game, gets away with it bc he’s smaller and has a DPOY reputation, also sets 20 illegal moving screens with no calls

    Also Draymond: how DARE YOU refs

  6. warriors got dog walked

    my goodness jokic almost got a 30 by 20 by 20 game

  7. AlternativeTea9268

    Honestly should’ve been a flagrant on the foul and a tech for the bitching

  8. NeatTry7674

    I will never understand why the NBA lets him get away with screaming at refs the way he does.

  9. Zombiepirate86

    To he fair to Dray, this brought his personal foul total to 1. Disgusting officiating not letting him play.

  10. copaseticepiplectic

    yeah there’s no way he gets a tech rest of the season

  11. The_Assassin_Gower

    Lol even the first contact draymond tried grabbing jokic before he pushed him off.

    What a fucking clown

  12. jmoneysteck88

    If anyone’s curious, that ref he is screaming at is the same fucking loser that ejected jokic earlier this year for saying “call the fucking foul.” Make it make sense.

    Draymonds leash is incredibly long and he still finds himself in trouble constantly.

  13. JacquouileFripouile

    Why is this old MF the only allowed to scream at refs? Like I ain’t seen any other player be allowed to act like this

  14. No_Pickle_8155

    Just a reminder that Tatum got a tech for waving at an official last night.

  15. A lot of players who have no history of getting techs get hit with them quickly for even a little bit of that, but Draymond gets away with a lot?

  16. Draymond is such a fucking clown. Ive never seen someone get away with so many fouls… yet he has the audacity to bitch and moan when he doesnt get a call for flopping.

    Please retire so i dont have deal with watching his shit anymore.

  17. twinsrule1991

    He’s the only one in the league who gets away talking to the refs like this. Ridiculous.

  18. OriginalBus9674

    Booker got his second technical and an ejection for a thumbs up a couple weeks ago…..

  19. illiterateaardvark

    Adam Silver and the entire NBA are pathetic for trying to gaslighting everybody into believing “Draymond needs help” after that last suspension

    Draymond is NOT a victim, he’s a toolbag

  20. Have lost so much respect for the NBA with their handling of everything related to Draymond.

  21. KSMKxRAGEx

    I kept yelling “EJECTION EJECTION” every time he got upset

  22. exynonimous

    What the fuck man. Everyone is getting techs for swearing in refs’ faces right now, not Draymond tho. The warriors bias alive and well.

  23. Drawing_The_Line

    Good thing he didn’t clap like Tatum did or he’d be tech’d up immediately.

  24. PattyIceNY

    I can’t wait till he’s out of the league or irrelevant, he’s a cancer.

  25. dizzlejones

    Dray is the same clown that throws his hands into the air like he was fouled AFTER punching Nurk in the head. And that’s not the only time he has done that.

    Dude’s legacy will be one of the dirtiest players in NBA history. He is extremely lucky to have gotten to ride Steph and Klay’s coat tails for his career.

  26. CiscoKidRex75

    I personally think draymonds daddy Adam Silver has told the refs to not T him up. The way I seen technicals being called this year. He should’ve had many by now since he’s been back. Nothing has changed.

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