@Houston Rockets

Chet Holmgren PostGame Interview | Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets

Chet Holmgren PostGame Interview | Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets

Um just continuing to like want more I guess uh whether it’s more knowledge or uh more ability whatever it might be just continue to want more no matter where I’m at uh you know I can always do better and uh do more for this team so just always trying to figure that out

Mark was saying that there was a lot of urgency from you guys especially you know into that second quarter into the second half when did that kind of flip that switch flip for you guys to kind of kick in more um I feel like it happened in the second quarter

When we started to kind of cut that lead um it really started when uh we kind of got organized on offense turned it a little bit um and forced them to uh you know have to communicate and not just kind of load up on you know ISO

Possessions a lot of that was on me too I was kind of stopping the ball slowing down the off offense and uh forcing it a little bit so once uh you know as a collective we got the ball turning and moving um you know they had some

Breakdowns we got some easy looks and then that kind of got us flowing um but you know I still think it started with defense um you know getting stops uh allowing us to get out and transition and stuff coach was also just talking about how you know there’s been an

Emphasis on on lobs for you guys especially going up against switches and and how valuable that can be how have you felt you guys as a group grow in in that area um I feel like on all all ends of it we’re getting better um you know

I’m getting better at uh you know creating the opening for the lob to be thrown and uh guys are getting better at uh seeing it recognizing it and making the play happen um you know all the way from uh you know me and dub uh you know

I’ve kind of gotten it rolling um for a while now uh gids thrown me a couple good ones in the last couple games they haven’t gone down um mostly on my end like they’ve been good passes uh Zade threw me one um you know like just continuing to um you know

Trust it even uh if it doesn’t work out you know no play in basketball is going to be perfect every time so um just trying to trying to build it and make it better so it’s something effective for us you talked about how you’re a physical player multiple times this year

When guys are getting overly or more physical with you is it tough to kind of stay in character not get out of character and get too physical with them and just continue to play Within the game but up your physicality uh I mean yeah there’s always a balance there um

You always have to be physical and you always have to play with Force um you know there you can always overdo it um with either one that’s when you uh you know start getting fouls or uh you know start trying to make plays that aren’t there but um you know I’ve been playing

Basketball for a while um and I’ve always been the skiner guy so somebody uh you know trying to play that game I guess isn’t going to make me switch up my game you know I’ve

Chet Holmgren PostGame Interview | Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets
Chet Holmgren PostGame Interview Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets


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