@New York Knicks

Boston Celtics vs New York Knicks 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 24 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

Boston Celtics vs New York Knicks 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 24 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

In 5 minutes as we’re under the 4minute Mark here’s white brown Cuts left-handed can get to the go and porzingis fouled on the follow oh you get the emotion somebody so important as McBride goes past goes inside shot block porzingis at holiday right there number of defensive possessions the individual defense

Pressure on the basketball you know appropriate switching timely and then sometimes the late close outs to challenge oh white to porzingis Celtics starting to put some finishing touches on this one they go back up by 20 equaling the largest lead of the game Brunson fakes drives gets inside

Block from behind hartenstein on the follow can’t get it but a foul once number three defensive rated team they’re just great at both ends of the floor they are without question the best team in the NBA right now but still I I just I mean we can’t preach enough that

Two starters are gone three starters really for the next they’re starting front Court yeah but especially against a game like this what Randall would be so important offensively would and an Obi would be so important defensively Nick will drop to five and six without those those two they’ve been

Out the same time this is the 11 straight game both have missed again encouragement that that Randall and an anobi could return in a few weeks Brunson meanwhile continues his spectacular play flips that up on him the right hand another 34 points another eight assists for

Brunson but you had a Boston Celtic team that was shooting through three quarters 68% from the field against a really good Nick defense Tatum to porzingis this time puts it on the floor he just knocking him down 22 now for porzingis Celtics will go 4-0 against the Knicks and again they’ll play one

More time as stenzo knocks down that three-pointer because of the quirk in the schedule this year with the season tournament last game will be played in Boston not a good Quirk for the Knicks that’s not the team you want to play five times the Bucks they play five times as

Well Brown scoop play up can’t get it White’s tip misses Josh Hart pushing it Nick’s still fighting turn it over again after pretty much every game meanwhile Tatum’s played 43 minutes holiday goes inside drives and a reach and foul they’ve played so many big playoff games five of the last seven years

They’ve made it to the Conference Finals how much of their fight is mental as the playoffs roll on it’s a great question cuz I think playoff failures do weigh on you as a group but I I I will say this Christ stops porzingis and Drew holiday

With this group it’s a cheat code it’s a cheat code is do do they have a weakness I would worry about two things only and I they shoot the three is their free throw rate high enough is their Rim rate high enough I mean it’s some sometimes you feel like they’re

Unbeatable when they make these shots um but they shoot it so well and are so skilled and so unselfish I’m I’m sort of making stuff up I think this a trick question meanwhile the Knicks again they’ve shown how tough they can be when ho and they just need to get

Some very important pieces back and the Celtics will dribble it out this is eight straight wins now for the Boston Celtics they’ll go to 45- 12 on the year eight straight road wins they’ll go to 19-9 on the road and they Coast here in the second half here at Madison Square Garden oh

Boston Celtics vs New York Knicks 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 24 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

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