@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Full compilation of Jokic destroying Draymond

[Highlight] Full compilation of Jokic destroying Draymond

by RedditModScums


  1. EmiyaShiroko

    Draymond will look like a clown trying to guard prime Tim Duncan.

  2. Moist_Walrus5413

    Jokic is agile and mobile af not athletic my ass

  3. if jokic gets the calls he should, draymonds dumbass fouls out early

  4. Ilikesporks_

    dray has a superstar whistle despite not being a superstar

  5. Jokic is a better player. He is taller, bigger, more skilled, and more gifted. Doesn’t take away from what draymond has done and proof is that he is a 4 time nba champion. Give credit where credit is due and pass the torch when it’s ready to be passed. 

  6. ja_sam_tu_bi

    That 2nd clip – he  sold him The Cream Shake

  7. It’s crazy because I actually think he guarded him pretty well. He had to work much harder and was forced into some misses that usually go in.

  8. introspectiveG

    Great offense beats great defense every time. Draymond did as good as you could ask.

  9. MamaHadACow

    Most of these should be regular season and-1s. I would understand not calling these in the playoffs though

  10. I mean he’s Jokic first of all. Also its a mismatch in size and strength no matter how good of a defender Draymond is, even in his prime. The Nuggets did this to the Clippers too when they went small. They had Kawhi guard Jokic a few times and Jokic went bbq chicken mode.

  11. To me, Draymond did fine considering the size advantage. Its just that Jokic is so freaking good, it doesnt really matter. He can shoot over Draymond at will and in the post he is so much bigger and stronger, the Warriors in general have 0 chance of slowing him down.

  12. NoMoreMountains

    Going after the head of the snake. Smart.

  13. nnetcatil

    I’m sure Green was thinking of doing what he did to Nurkic, Sabonis and others. Then he remembered Morris wasn’t the same person after getting bulldozed by Jokic

  14. granttheginger

    1. Great Move
    2. Great defense, even better shot
    3. Stole a bad pass by Klay
    4. Pick and fade, semi open 3
    5. Scores on Kuminga
    6. Great recovery by Jokic to stop the lob
    7. Reads the play perfectly, followed by 2 great fakes
    8. Tough inside hand layup, another play with very good defense, but Jokic is just that good
    9. Nice pick and roll w/Murray, decent recovery by Draymond, another tough Jokic shot that went in because he’s just that good
    10. Draymond fouls to prevent the and 1

  15. imperialmoose

    Came here ready to be delighted by Draymond getting punked…. He actually did about as good a job as a guy his size could do. Pushed him off his spot, made the shots slightly more awkward. 

  16. Just going by these short vids, I think Dray should get some kind of award for how many fouls he gets away with.

  17. that spin move out of the post is a nightmare, jeez.

  18. MrBuckBuck

    He is doing it to everybody, not just Draymond.

    Just ask Anthony Davis, lol.

    And he did not destroy him, Green had some good defense here and there (and Jokic still converted).

    Not to mention, you didn’t include Jokic’s misses.

    [Green had a great defense on Jokic’s first attempt as well]( (full list of Jokic’s FGA), and he overall did quite well (Jokic was “only” 13/24 from the field), and that’s without taking into account all the off-ball defense and on-ball defense which Jokic did not shoot because of Green’s defense.

    I don’t like Green as a person, but you cannot say he was doing bad defense against Jokic last night – that’s quite a stretch I’d say.

  19. Apologies as I’ve already posted a novel on this thread (that should be titled “My ignorance for greatness”) but I have to mention one more thing.

    I was giving myself an out with the excuse I haven’t seen something similar before. Curry looked like an average Joe but I didn’t think a big had done this.

    When I stopped to think about the traits that I believe make him good, I simplified it as: Extremely high basketball IQ, humble, teammate first, learns new tactics and efficiently deploys them, master of footwork, master of using his weight/size (and not using it when they expect him to) and a few more.

    Then I realized, I’ve just described Tim Duncan and Jokic.

    RIP excuse.

  20. Jokic is like, better get my 30/10/10 so I can go home and hang with my family. This game bores me.

    Next night, does the same thing.

  21. Over half these plays had Draymond Green playing very dirty

  22. ThedirtyNose

    I think the rest of the league just shat their pants watching this game

  23. rawspeghetti

    Why didn’t Draymond try punching Jokic? Is he stupid?

  24. HatefulDan

    The joker isn’t athletic narrative is lazy. That dude doesn’t get tired. At. All. He’s durable and hella strong. His coordination is crazy and skill level is off the charts.

    If he were phenotypically different with another body type (and from America) he’d be the face of the league.

  25. NoPin5154

    I hate Draymonf as much as anyone but this is as good d as u can play on jokic when u give up half a foot in size

  26. KingOfNoth

    These highlights are misleading cause Jokic shot under his averages last night. He’s just so good that his below-average shooting is still insane

  27. Triple-Star-Hunter

    Green did well, you just can’t stop someone with that ridiculous size advantage + ability

  28. loplopplop

    Surprised they called a foul on that last one.

  29. Didn’t destroy him. Green’s defense was solid the whole time, and some of those shots we’re tough

  30. Drawing_The_Line

    The ESPN crew tried running with the narrative early in the game that Jokic’s previous wins with the Nuggets over the Warriors were against a team without Draymond, and that Draymond could take him out of his game. I mean, what? Look, Draymond is a fantastic defender, and he can alter the games of average players, but Jokic is an all-time player, a transcendent player, and someone who imposes HIS will on players, not the other way around. Crew was desperate to try and force that narrative on the viewers, problem was Jokic wasn’t having it.

  31. Jokic deserves another ring. He’s just too good.

  32. FantasyFan83

    Draymond is actually in good position on most of these plays. Jokic is just on another level offensively. Plus being several inches taller is a big advantage. But as they say, good defense, better offense.

  33. culversdeluxedouble

    Jokic needs to be careful, he’s a white European so it’s olonly a matter of time before Draymond makes an attempt on his life

  34. wafflehouse4

    horsemaster jokic stampedes over warriors goon draymond greene

  35. IDontCare198

    Hating ass OP 😭😭 Great offense beats great defense 10/10 times, and Draymond was playing as great defense as you can get. Jokic is just the best offensive player in the world.

  36. Jokic has such an incredible radar for what’s going on around him, both at the perimeter for open shooters and also the dude guarding him. He coaxes tremendous defenders into silly mistakes.

    Makes me wonder what Jokic defended by Prime Hakeem would look like.

  37. capitalistsanta

    Draymond really just shoved the MVP aside and cursed out a ref and got no T at the end there lol

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