@Houston Rockets

Mark Daigneault PostGame Interview | Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets

Mark Daigneault PostGame Interview | Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets

Nastier and tougher um and more tight and together on the defensive end of the floor especially and then the offense came around we ended up shooting higher from them from three for the game even after how they started so um you know usually it does you know if we’re

Playing the right way which we were uh but the defense really needed to get corrected and it did you you know like I said Midway through the second quarter it was a really big second half home what do you think changed for him after half time um you know nothing really I

Thought you know he kind of played the a really good floor game you know even in the first half especially late in the second quarter he was in the middle of that run he was getting us to a lot of actions even if he wasn’t the one

Scoring uh he was getting kind of the the blender sted for us with you know getting in and out of picking rolls and um I thought played with great recognition and you know we continue to do a better and better job of finding him when he’s open for three and when

He’s around the basket and I thought we had plays like that again tonight which is critical for us to maximize our team you guys you mentioned the physicality and adjusting to that you kind of also adjusted to the way the refs were calling and letting a lot of

Physicality go how do you feel like you guys the Poise that you guys did with that not getting out of character and just continuing to play your game but also in a physical way yeah I give Houston credit because I think you know they set a really physical tone for the

Game and the referees adjusted I thought to them you know I thought they were they were punching Us in the mouth early um and on every touch basis and the refs bent towards that I thought and um that’s a credit to Houston you know I thought um they deserved you know to

Have the game called like that with the way that they started and so um if you if you want the game called tired you got to play with more Force you got to you got to put the referees in position and make calls we didn’t do that well

Enough and um Houston did and so they were able to set the tone of the game Che I don’t know if you’ve been asked this about Shay or not um in the past few years but when a guy has it going like that do you just sit

Back and just say you got it or do you try to draw plays for them or just say just let them do what they’re P for I mean a lot of times they’re they’re playing you know out of Concepts and they’re they’re reading the game you know they’re the ones making the plays

So um I don’t have full control over it ever but um I do think it’s important uh when you play the right way when you have it going it shows confidence you know and so it’s important that you know we have talented guys of good players it’s important that they learn to

Continue to play the right way through you know their little pops of success and I thought Chad did that tonight I thought you know he play the right way Shay does that on a almost nightly basis dub does that you know those guys to me that’s a testament to their confidence

You know that they are willing to make the next right play even though they might have it going in a particular you know part of the game did you challenge the guys at halftime to kind of stay on stay on the Rockets um no I mean I’m not a big

Halftime speech guy you know we trying to point out in the game uh how physical Houston was and that we had to amp it up if we wanted to come out of here with a win or even have a chance at a certain point in the second quarter um and it’s

That’s going to be our challenge we play these guys again in two days which is a unique Challenge and um you know their solution I I think they probably came out of the game in the second half feeling like we got the best of them there so they’re going to show up ready

To play um you know in uh on on whatever night it is Tuesday when we play them you know that’s a mark of coachi doa’s teams you know they’re always tough and so those guys are going to come to play and we have to too Shay’s had a scoring

Superp in the game Shay as well nice to see Chad have a scoring expt like that before just another another guy that opposing defense has worry about yeah I mean he I think they worry about him anyways you know I think that’s you know part of why we’ve had success as a team

Is because teams are worried about him they’re worried about him popping worried about him rolling he’s got great gravity for us and he’s learning how to leverage that gravity and we have to learn how to maximize him and like I said I thought the guys did a really

Good job of finding him tonight um and we have to continue to do that and establish that threat that’s that’s how we un

Mark Daigneault PostGame Interview | Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets
Mark Daigneault PostGame Interview Oklahoma City Thunder vs Houston Rockets


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