@Sacramento Kings

Harrison Barnes, De’Aaron Fox & Coach Brown | Postgame Pressers 2.25.24

Harrison Barnes, De’Aaron Fox & Coach Brown | Postgame Pressers 2.25.24

Speak on you guys congruent game play and fighting off the clippers late in the game as they press to take the lead but you guys held them off I thought the big thing for us tonight was just uh our pace and our physicality you know we talked about

That um during this last stretch you know we feel like we play our saly of basketball we’re being in a lot of these games so I thought we start off the game the right way I thought Fox set the tone defensively for us um you know my six

Years probably one of his one of his best defensive games all around um that I’ve seen him play and I think that everyone just fed off that pretty good especially on the road you beat one of the elite teams play 16 it’s got to be one of the better Road

WIS you’ve had this year yeah I mean I think it was um one of our more complete games on both sides of the basketball that we’ve had and I think that’s been a big challenge for us just being consistent you know we can do

It for a quarter we can do it for three quarters being know putting together that consistent game um that we did today is something that we we struggled with so it was good to kind of get over that hump and do that Harrison domas joined a list of six

Players to PO 20 or more triple doubles in a single season tonight what what can you say about just how unique a talent he is and and how good of a year he’s having I think what domas is doing can’t be understated I think sometimes when

You see a guy that goes out there and you know puts up those type of numbers that type of production people kind of get uh numb to it you know what I mean I mean not saying that he’s going out there uh for recognition but you know to

Be recognized as an All-Star to be recognized as all NBA I mean those are things that um he is more than I think capable of his resume speaks to that and what he does for us every single night going out there and doing that is impressive what about uh what about your

Game tonight offensively you scored I think 10 over your season average so you had a a good impact uh shooting the ball talk about that please yeah I think um one thing we talked about before the season one thing that’s been true for us during the season is um just being

Aggressive you know in the shots that you had have you know whether it’s me Malik Trey Kevin uh Keegan whoever it is obviously Fox and domas every single night are going to have the opportunity to go out there and get theirs but for everyone else it’s just be ready to step

Up when your time is called so um that’s what we just try to do every single night Harrison you guys have uh quite a few wins over the top teams in the west pretty much everybody ahead of you um and and now tonight you move back up to

To six I believe um how how much does this help with kind of the belief and and the Buy in and and what you guys have to do over the last like 26 games now I think the belief is has been there I think you know like I said for us it’s

A matter of can we do this every single night regardless of a team’s record you know I would love to see you know what our record is you know versus teams above 500 verus below you know what I mean and I think you know it’s easy to say okay

You know we’re coming out here we’re playing the Clippers you know a great team great defensive team you know great offensive players things like that and for us to rise to that occasion but can we do that you know every night all right appreciate it thank you guys thick ass she

Dear you you had a great game tonight um can you speak on what turned you on or what you saw differently this time versus the Clippers to light to light them up like that um what what for me offensively yes I mean I have 41 time so

I don’t really I mean uh but you def all this time for for us um I think it started with us on the defensive end we were able to get stops we were able to get out and run um obviously this team has a lot of good Defenders uh

Obviously they’re physical they’re long um but we were able to get out in transition got some easy baskets you see the ball go in and it kind of made the game a lot easier for us to not necessarily you want to inch into the

Game uh but I think we came out and our offense was started by our defense tonight what the does this win mean for you guys against the Clippers I mean it’s big you don’t want to go down three 0 against any team in this league um and

Obviously this is a division team so we’ll see them one more time and uh with the way that the standings are you never know what can happen at the end of the year and tiebreakers matter um so if we if we went down 3-1 I mean 3 0 uh

There’s no way we’d have even an increment of Hope at a tiebreaker so um obviously I think we have 20 26 more games um but if we can guard like this I think will be in a good spot what were coach’s words to you when they got it

Down to to Five Points you guys just turned it back on what was what was his words of inspiration I mean I think right there it started with our turnovers we were turning the ball over they got out um we gave up some offensive rebounds and now those were

Things that we weren’t doing uh throughout the course of the game so whenever those things happen I mean this is basketball runs happen at times you might turn the ball over two or three times in a row uh those type of things happen but at some point you have to be

Able to fix it and I think that was big for us being able to answer the run you you touched on it but Road wins are not easy in this league you you beat an elite team by 16 and you you had you had

It most of the way how how really good a win is this I mean that’s huge like I said uh it all started with the way that we were guarding tonight um I mean going up against a team like this we didn’t give up 30 points in a single quarter

You put yourself in in a great position to win regardless of who you’re playing against if you never give up 20 I mean if you never give up 30 and a quarter so um it probably didn’t matter what our offense looked like at that point if you’re playing if you’re guarding that

Way you give yourself a chance every night uh Fox Harrison said that he thinks this might have been the best game defensively he’s ever seen you play what how much do you take that to heart how much does it mean to you to to be

Able to impact a game that way I mean I know for for me to be the player that you know I want to be and my coaches think I can be um and for us to be the team that we want to be it starts on a

Defensive end um and just being that first guy being that point of attack picking up um those are kind of things that you ask you know your defend quote unquote Defender to do or or your your backup or someone coming off the bench

To do um but I want to be one of those guys who can get it done on the offensive end and also do those type of things on the on the defensive end and I think with that starts you know you have to be in great shape to do that uh try

To do that for you know 82 games uh however long you’re out there going into the playoffs being able to do that if you if if I’m able to do that and just be able to disrupt the offense from the point of attack um I think we start in a

Great spot and uh domas became the sixth player in NBA history to have 20 triple doubles in a single season tonight how what can you say just about how special this season is for him I mean we run we run so much of our offense through him

Um and he’s equipped to do that regardless of who we’re going up against um even games where he doesn’t doesn’t feel like he’s having a great game because he’s probably not scoring the way um that he that he has uh he still affects the game in so many ways for

Offensive rebounds um I mean going vertical at the rim for us uh being able to play make dh’s guys go back door um there’s not there’s no pass that he can’t make when he has the ball if he’s bringing the ball up if he catches in a high post

Catches in a low post uh he’s able to create so much offense for us and uh like I said I think people kind of become numb to what he’s what he’s doing and um averaging close to a triple double you know that’s that’s a tough

Thing to do is it crazy for you to see him his name like with guys like Wilt and and Oscar and you know some of the other joic yeah I mean just his consistency you know uh I mean obviously he was sick coming into the first game

Uh so he didn’t practice the first two days and then he comes to shoot around he’s like I’m playing he’s like I’m not I’m not sitting out and obviously we need him out there like I said he’s a big point of our he’s a big focal point

Of our offense but uh that’s just a testament to him wouldn’t always be available thanks man thanks everyone Coach Brown um can you speak on oh I’m sorry my bad no no problem yeah uh I I thought uh it was a really good win by our guys

Tonight we always talk about bringing a level of what’s up man how you doing good good we always talk about bringing a level of physicality to the game and I thought our guys brought that level of physicality while leading with their their their chest and um you know this

Is uh probably one of the games that we did it for 48 for as close to 48 minutes as possible uh I thought our guys were really really good on the defens end in the floor one of the things that we talked about do is doing a better job of

Getting a three-point Shooters and I thought our guys uh did a hell of a job uh with their technique get to their hot guys and their non-hot guys and um you know I said this before if we could be average in that area throughout the course of the year we probably have

Another four to five wins if not more um so great great job defensively um by our group overall we had a lot of different guys step up and guard different guys I thought that uh uh domas was great he had seven deflections tonight so Not only was the physicality there but our

Activity with our hands was there foxy was fantastic on the ball uh he was ahead of a snake tonight he really set the tone for us defensively and that’s what we need from him night in night out he had he had eight deflections um you

Know he he was great uh HB ended up being our defensive player of the game he was fantastic was great he re rebounded the ball for us at a really really high level at his position uh I I tell you what Kevin Herer was freaking fantastic um you know it was a great

Problem to have tonight cuz I was about to go back to him and then we went on a little run and then I ended up not going back to him but I could have easily gone back to Kevin because he was awesome on both ends of the floor I me he started

Out the second half hitting a couple of big threes that gave our guys a lot of energy while defending but uh just a hell of a game from from Kev Davon dorte was great Malik showed up in the fourth quarter he was he was really big for us hitting some timely baskets

Um at at the end of the day you know offensively we told our guys to keep pushing the ball uh play as fast as we can but uh you know we need to be better when it comes to attacking the glass and I thought our guys did a heck of a job

Attacking glass you know you shoot 50% from the floor you still come up with 14 rebounds and 21 Second Chance points that was a big night for us hitting that crash Zone and all of our guys did a fantastic job with it domas leading away with with with with uh with with seven

Um but just you know again good road win speaking of domus the last thing I’d like to point out uh and fox fox has 33 uh uh 33 points seven assists uh six rebounds uh three steals like I said eight deflections domas another triple double uh this is Dom’s 20th triple double I

Think on the year uh guys there’s only one two three four five there’s only five other players that have had 20 triple doubles in a season I don’t know if you guys five other players that had a triple double in a season and these are Hall of Famers James Harden Nicole yic wil

Chamberlain Russell Westbrook and Oscar Robinson and domma sabonis the the sad part about it is this man is didn’t even get an All-Star bid and he’s one of six in the history in the history not not the not in the season in the history of the game

It’s unbelievable to me how this league operates in that in that Arena it is what it is heck of a game by our team big road win for us and now we got to figure out how to get it done tomorrow oh coach you guys were uh

Leading a majority of the game but they got it down to five what were your words of inspiration that reignited the uh offensive output well first of all I thought it was our defense our I thought our defense was really really good and I mean that’s a

Talented team and you know uh they were missing Paul George but they still have uh obviously three Hall of Famers that uh can still go get it done and then they have some good players surrounding him and obviously a Hall of Fame coach and Tylo so um for us it was about

Getting stops we felt we’d be able to score as long as we can get stops and our guys put their mind to it and and went and got it done it was really nothing I said it was the all the players they were saying the right

Things in the Huddle um I just reminded them that they’re it’s a good team down there and they’re going to make a run they made their run now let’s get some stops and let’s get let’s push this lead back up and our guys responded Time After Time After Time coach you spoke

About defense so um is this something that we will be seeing um for the rest of the season this defensive prowess that you guys showed tonight right so I again I I thought for the most part during the season I I felt our defense has been pretty good not great but it’s

Been pretty good we just haven’t done a great job defending the three-point line and you know I’ve said it before if we were just averaging that era we’d be a top 10 defense so we’ve shown that we’re capable of doing it now we have to make sure we bring a

Level of physicality to the table along with it and defend them the three and I thought tonight we did it we talked about uh the extra effort making sure that we’re uh we had an awareness especially on the weak side of the ball and then we we we’ve really tried to

Clean up our technique uh when it comes to closing out to to three-point Shooters and uh it showed some tonight hopefully uh it will keep giving us tonight’s game will continue to give us belief that we can get it done uh behind the three-point line on the defense in

The the floor and if do with as talented as that group is in in that locker room the sky is a limit Mike Harrison said this might have been the best defensive game he’s seen Daren ever play and and he’s been with him like you know for quite a while

Would would you agree with that and and how how big is that for your team for for Darren to to kind of take these steps defensively yeah I mean it was it was huge he he’s the head of the snake he he set the tone for us and and

Because of it I I thought this was our probably our our best game in terms of our physicality on the defense end of the floor for as close to 48 minutes as as possible and and again like I said a lot of it was due to the tone that that

That foxy set he’s more than capable foxy I’ve said this many times before that when I had him at that camp when he was in high school I I I was amazed and I felt he can be an elite elite two-way guy and he definitely showed the ability tonight

And domas um you know you guys talk about people almost getting numb to to what he does because he’s so consistent but does your appreciation just keep growing and growing it it does because you know in our business there are a lot of great players but you really appreciate the

Consistency of the ones that are great and Dom’s level of consistency on both ends of the floor is something that is much appreciated more so than than the numbers hi Mike how you doing uh well 26 games to go in the regular season and you guys are in the Mex mix in the

Western Conference uh how confident are you guys that you can actually play a role at the end of the season maybe go very very deep this year and uh maybe even get to the Conference Finals is that something that you you guys discussed or do you just take it game by

Game we we take game by game we’re don’t don’t get a twisted though we’re we’re in this to compete for a championship and we talked about that at the beginning of the season but right now we feel like we’re in control of our own destiny uh we can finish as high as we

Want to based on what we do out on the floor and our guys are taking that to heart they understand that there’s 26 left they understand there’s a sense of urgency uh but they also understand and know that we’re a really good basketball team and anything can happen if we put

Our minds to it and they’re trying to show it every time we step on the floor so we talk about getting the next one and how important it is for us standing wise and not letting the game go to waste if we end up losing it’s not

Because of this because of that it’s just because that night that team was better than us and if we go lay it out out on the line and we’re able to look ourselves in the mirror after that after the game and say hey we left it out there we’ll live with the results

Because we’re going to win a whole hell of a lot more than losing thanks everyone thank y’all

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  1. What a great win!!! I rewatched the classic game that happen last year before tonights game and the longer the game went, the more I felt the Kings were locked in like last year.

  2. Sacramento Kings passed about the All-Star and they are going to Stand on Business as a team to be known as be ready to play when you play them in the NBA, good game !!!!!

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