@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Our favorite #HeatCulture moments | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Our favorite #HeatCulture moments | Five on the Floor

Welcome to lat episode of five on the floor in the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app Google podcast Apple podcast Spotify and red circle also the Five Reasons YouTube channel make sure you hit like subscribe and turn the notifications on also check out off the

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The entire Tri County Area and that’s water cleanup of Florida if you’ve got the Schmutz they got the guts and now today’s episode five on the floor ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars bubble frogs just like bu said you in

Trouble y Che the plan got it all B y’ SE the block stop with one hand and Pat trust it’s power have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the

NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex too plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor I’m Ethan scholnick you can follow me Ethan J scolnick and at five reason Sports we got Greg sander you can follow me at Greg sander today floor

Plan Greg’s going to be smiling through this episode it’s taken me four years but I finally caved in I’m going to do a full-fledged heat culture episode those who know me and have followed my work know that as I’ve made the transition from journalist to whatever the hell it

Is I am right now I have fought the whole heat culture designation just as I fought the heat lifer designation that one was stupid by the way because you can’t really do the heat lifer thing when zo and Dwayne had to come back but anyway it is what it is heat culture is

Something that Greg sander lives by we talk about guts and all the rest of that stuff and uh for a little while again I didn’t like the term because I thought that the heat were using it to make up for the fact that they didn’t have enough Talent uh because the heat

Culture thing kind of popped up after the big three era ended after LeBron left after Bosch’s situation where he got sick and then you know after you were trying to sell Hassan Whiteside James Johnson and Deion waiters to the public and then it’s like heat culture okay let’s we’re going to take these

Guys that make them into better players than they were before uh and then we’re going to flame out in the first round and and that’s that’s kind of what it felt like to me for a little while um but I will say I will say that as I’ve

Gotten more into this space and uh had to deal with more fans from opposing teams on Twitter and all the rest of this stuff there is something to this heat culture thing I will acknowledge it uh but what I what what it means to me Greg is their stability that that’s

That’s the first thing I start with and we’re going to get into our heat culture moment M today so we haven’t prepped this uh not together and we’re just going to go back and forth with our favorite heat culture moments they could be anything they could be on the floor

Off the floor in the locker room whatever it is but whatever it is that to us signifies what heat culture means but to me just on a on a macro level it’s stability it’s the fact that you’re able to go through some valleys because you’re going with it with the same

People who got you out of The Valleys the last time and and that that is why this organization in my view has been more successful than 90% of other major sports franchises and I’m including you know NHL MLB NFL any of them uh is because it’s

The same people from 25 30 years ago or it’s it’s people who’ve been groomed by those same people and kept in house and it’s why you can have someone who’s a video coordinator like Eric spoler is now the best coach in the world you have somebody who was a a media relations

Assistant of all things like Andy ellisburg and he’s now the best cap guy in the world and it’s Pat Riley Above All of It kind of making sure that it’s still flows the right direction and so even though we can be critical sometimes of things that they may do the

Overall the overall uh premises messages Fritos of of the organization are the same and and that to me is significant and I do think that leads to winning yes winning leads to that but I also think that leads to winning so that’s my overall Theory before we go forward with

Our particular moments gr how would you define it um I think that the mo the the Mantra is great and I think stability leads it as you mentioned and to me that stability what it brings is the a certain disposition and it it’s a disposition that does not leave and so

You know what you’re getting when people say like that’s a Miami Heat player or that’s Miami Heat basketball there’s no there’s no doubt what people are talking about with the hustle stuff and um you know just kind of going all out and laying it all out there all that kind of

Stuff I’m not going to be cliche and just go through them all but that stuff when you see it consistently come back and a lot of it has to do with that the same people are delivering it over and over again I think that that is a big

Part of it you know what you’re going to get from most heat groups there’s occasionally a year where things get a little weird and I do agree the timing of the heat culture campaign was tough because like those of us that knew that heat cult cult existed far before that

It was almost like oh no but this isn’t a marketing slogan like this is actually some real stuff that has been building um I mean I have examples of it pre Riley even uh not that it necessarily really should predate anything that’s um you know with Pat Riley but to me I just

Think that it’s something that’s been a Common Thread since Riley arrived so you can say what 94 95 uh and it’s still here today so the fact that it lives on even though now it’s become a lot more commercialized I don’t think that those of us that have

Seen it develop and Blossom like it it it hasn’t lost its um its sacredness I’ll say that just because people have commercialized it and it surviv it survived certain things it survived 15 and 67 right uh and just in the same way that I think for other organizations it

Has a little bit I like Spurs the Spurs have a certain culture and they haven’t won in a while but I think everybody assumes they will because there there’s a framework that’s been put in place by papovich and bu fer and obviously part of that framework is is tanking so that

You get a number one overall pick because that certainly worked for them with Tim Duncan and it looks like it’s going to work for them again uh with wemi but but again there’s a certain trust level with that organization that if wemi had gone somewhere else I don’t

Think would have necessarily existed so this is kind of the we’re not for everybody I guess uh culture that we’re talking about here with Miami and I think that’s what what you’re getting into there one of the reasons we’re doing this episode of course is because we’re waiting and by the time this

Episode is released we may know I may have actually done another episode on this we’re waiting on suspensions related to the scuffle in New Orleans uh which was certainly a heat culture moment and so we will get into some scuffles here because those are part of

It uh but I’ll let you start here G give me a uh a heat culture moment again it doesn’t have to be a scuffle it could be it could be just anything else so we’re starting with the scuffle um and first I want to reference the pre Riley one and

That was when Keith asins went crazy on the court in an Atlanta Hawks Miami Heat playoff series in Atlanta there was a fight there was Dwayne farel and Steve Smith and Grant long getting into it and then on the complete opposite side of the Court kind of similar to what

Happened in New Orleans like the camera all of a sudden pans to the other side because they see something happening it was Keith asins throwing the types of punches that don’t get thrown in today’s NBA nobody throws hands like that so anyway that’s where I’m starting but the

Biggest heat culture moment when I think of this it’s Tyler hansboro Udonis Haslam and Dwayne Wade that’s where I’m gonna start and that has some squirmish uh uh like Skirmish excuse me activity to it in that he popped you know hansboro fouled Dwayne he’s bloodied on the basically next possession or so you

Comes down and lays one on hansboro where you I mean he he fell hard and we all knew it was coming and to me that was a lot about the disposition of the culture and that you got your guys back uh you don’t let stuff like that go no

Layup rule like that it just reinforced all of that so that’s the and the leader in the poll position for me shout out to Keith asins though is that hansboro yanis has the moment we’ll go through all of them maybe we’ll even let people vote uh the

Reason the Atkins one resonates uh even though most of these are going to be Pro post Riley coming in is because that kept Keith around uh for a reason right and Keith is still around so if you have one of those moments even if it predates

Riley it gets remembered uh you get get remembered as somebody who stays in the organization all right I’m going to go with a heat culture it’s more more than a moment but it’s kind of a movement um to me the first heat culture team in of

The Riley era was the Road Warriors team because uh that U that that symbolizes again toughness on the road um you know in in hostile environments we we saw you know it it play out later and I’ll get to this one later with obviously the big

Three team and a lot of what they had to deal with now that that those heat teams with Timmy and zo and mash uh they they didn’t H and PJ they they didn’t have to deal with what you know the the Social Media stuff and everything else uh but

They wanted some hostile environments a lot uh if you go back to that particular team and it is again it’s always one of the uh you know it’s one of the Melancholy things of heat history that those teams never were able to cash in uh but uh they just kept winning on the

Road they won everywhere they won in all circumstances and and to me that those teams were the ones where or that particular team was the one where Riley was able to put in kind of what the New York teams his New York teams had where there was a little bit us against the

World type stuff and it was symbolized by zo and and I feel like we’re going to talk a lot about UD here and and I’m I’m probably going to get into some Dwayne stuff as well and some of the others uh but a lot of this starts with zo I I you

Know I feel like the and and I got a chance to talk to him at the out of all things um you know the fashion show that they did last month and about uh his his his role in all this uh because and he said he said look when I met with with

Mickey and with and with Pat about what this was going to be he said Pat told me the truth he said everything Pat said was going to happen happened and and they really Pat and zo were so aligned on everything we I always used to say

That basically zo was just a parrot of everything that Pat said adversity introduces man to himself all the rest of that stuff but it started with zo zo was the original they always had a heat culture kind of power forward um Grant long was kind of the first of those that again was

Preat uh they drafted Kurt Thomas obviously they exchanged him for Mash but it was PJ Brown for all those years um and then kind of UD was sort of the the next in line to me of all that stuff PJ did it differently than UD did but so

PJ had a hand in this too but to me zo you want to say heat culture there’s a reason they have zo do the narration on that hardest working you know toughest best conditioned uh bit that they do one thing on zo I got to add here probably

If you had to encapsulate heat culture in a YouTube video it’s his highlights from game six at Dallas in 2006 like that what he did that night his heat culture bottled up shown in one felt swoop so like that’s where I’m going uh when we shout out zo obviously he

Carried the culture set the tone for so long but that game under those circumstances in his role for to do what he did like that actually I and this is where I’m going to start to contradict myself that has to be the the highest of heat culture elements right there that

Zo game six well and the reason for that you mentioned in his role and and that’s the thing because we talk about heat culture too and I know this will get some people fired up about C present day but zo accepting that role Goron dragic accepting that role Dwayne Wade

Accepting that role that’s a heat culture element also and we talk about the Spurs that’s something that Manu did with the Spurs there were always certain organizations I think that would be able to get a star level player particularly someone who’s been a star for you like

The franchise pillar for you and in that case that’s true for both zo and Dwayne to accept a role like that and so I do think that’s a heat culture thing and I know that’s going to set people a flame when they talk about what’s going on now

But uh I do think it’s worth mentioning but I felt like and I was in Dallas that night and I was in the locker room also and I was there for Rachel Nichols question to zo that took zo 13 minutes to answer and he he actually his answer

To the first question of the press conference after they won the championship at 06 was longer than his stint on the court uh and yet and yet that stint on the court really changed that game um and and he was the best center on the floor that night uh not

Shaq it was it was zo and I always felt like that little spell that was zo’s Fury from all those years that he had to endure right had to endure losing to the Knicks then had to endure getting sick when they put an even better team around him in

2000 and had to endure leaving we all know that that didn’t go so well he wasn’t so happy at the time and and there was some friction there you know the Toronto thing the New Jersey thing and then coming back and and uh and having that that was that you’re right

That’s definitely one of them I’ll give you another one here we’re just G to keep bouncing these back and forth I’ll give you a heat culture moment uh team is uh 11 and 30 right in uh in 1617 and and even Andy ellisburg is like okay

Pat it might be time to take this thing like or at least have a conversation about it and they were supposed to have that conversation team won three games on a home stand they got to 14 and 30 and they never had the conversation um if you talk about a

Season that ended up going nowhere but still embodies heat culture and it pissed some Heat fans off at the time by the way although it worked out because you end ended up dropping far enough and took bam out of BU him uh but not punting on 11 and 30 and then going 30

And 11 and missing uh the playoffs by one game which they would have made the playoffs that year if Dion doesn’t get hurt doesn’t sprain his ankle in the last two weeks of the season because Dion was playing at a high level for them that year that’s a heat cult that

That just embodies it as as you know two couple people in the Heat organization have said to me we don’t tank because we suck at it they’re just incapable of it they they tried it they did it in ‘ 0708 but that’s they didn’t plan to that year

And everybody got hurt but they even they they they couldn’t even lose games they were trying to lose I mean another heat culture moment was I remember getting a call someone who still works for the heat I’m friendly with thanks very much for the credentialing uh I got

A call from the heat about a column I wrote for the Sun Sentinel on the last week of the uh 2003 regular season where I wrote how they need to lose to Toronto this week week we they need to lose to Toronto because they need to get the

Extra ping pong balls to move as far up as they can to try to get in the mix at the time it was for Bosch uh that I thought the play for but of course it could have been Carmello it could have been who know okay Z but just get up as

High as you could and I got a call from someone that said Ethan why are you doing this I said what do you mean he goes we don’t do that we don’t lose on purpose so stop it they won the damn game in Toronto ended up dropping to

Five Toronto took Bosch and the heat took Wade another one that ended up working out for them and it and they end up with Bosch in the log run and I think that’s when spoler will say it’s the karma of you know the karma of the game

So to speak you don’t cheat the game and it doesn’t cheat you you ended up with bam and Dwayne and eventually Bosch because you didn’t try to lose at the end of the season and I remember they tried to lose a game a couple years ago

In Philly or not tried to lose we thought they should try to lose it and they ended up winning that game didn’t Michael Beasley play in that game I think um right so anyway the the not tanking thing uh you know and I again I 16 17 2002 2003 uh that’s that’s heat

Culture stuff all right I hold hold yours we’re g to get to some more here uh after the break before we go again we’re waiting as we speak here on suspensions to be handed down so I’m sure we’ll get into some more fight stuff because we haven’t done enough of

That do want to mention a great sponsor of the five Reon Sports Network our friends over at prize picks use the code 5 FIV want to be clear on this because some of you may have heard this uh in this State of Florida and it’s the first

Time I’m mentioning this by the way but again we were waiting for it to become final in the State of Florida they have to tweak the game to stay legal down here um again has nothing to do with us this is uh there’s some politics at play

Here there’s a certain vendor that may not want some of these other vendors to be in the State of Florida you could probably figure out who it is uh but uh we’re mentioning this year because if you have money in your prize piix account you will be able to withdraw it

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You can continue to play unless something happens in your state like the wacky politics of the State of Florida wacky is not really the word want to use but it is what it is use the code five FIV get your initial deposit matched up to $100 I do want to mention better Edge

Is still legal in the state of Florida we’re going to be still endorsing both uh better Edge you use the code five RSN and you get $20 to play we have the contest and the the difference is that there’s someone on the other side of the

Bed uh and that’s why Florida has kept some of these legal and not others but price pick is supposed to be coming back uh with something new here that will comply so just keep your account you need to withdraw your money you can do it from prize piix better Edge just keep

Playing or maybe if you’ve been with prize piix uh try better Edge also use the code 5 FIV they got props I I I won on the Heat game the other night we’ve got contest competitions and all that great stuff use the code to that one

Five RSN you get $20 to play all right Greg you’re up wow um I would have to say that uh the night in Denver where the entire Locker room was being held back by Andy ellisburg and that was captured in photograph is a huge uh like snapshot

That screams heat culture for me um I would also say that Jimmy Butler going absolutely Bonkers in Indiana was a lot of fun and a heat culture moment getting up in in uh TJ Warren’s face and the comments afterwards uh so that that’s a big one

For me I I I just want to mention before you go on on that one you somebody post this on Twitter um the heat are 4 and0 in the games that somebody pisses Jimmy off uh right so there’s there’s TJ Warren the Grant Williams one right oh

That’s a great one the the Grant Williams one uh and I’m not thinking the other two right off the top of my head but anyway he posted the videos from those whenever you end up with a Jimmy meme uh off a confrontation assume that the Heat won that game that that’s

Because that’s basically what happens all right go ahead because I gotta couple related to that for a different player PJ Brown picking up Charlie Ward and hurling his ass into the third row or so uh is going to be the other one that I have to make sure makes this show

That was a huge moment it obviously was not the most uh I mean he didn’t play again that Series so it wasn’t great for the heat necessarily com uh completely but they did win the series came back from a um or yeah what was it a 3-1

Deficit right that they came back back yeah that was that was the one I always get them confused although I I was at all of them uh and again we’ll never see we’ll never see that again like four series primary Rivals all those storylines and all four series Go the

Distance either five or seven games whatever the series was that year but that year was the one where they had to stagger the suspensions and we’ve talked about this over the past 24 hours because we thought maybe the NBA might have to stagger the suspensions for the

Heat if they get everybody who left the bench for the heat early assistants need to take care of that stuff can’t let them off the bench um they need to go through those drills but uh uh they had to stagger him because they didn’t have

Enough players to do it so they ended up and of course the he that’s the one the Heat won um I will say that the PJ Brown Charlie Ward one always sticks out to me first because they used to let us sit Baseline at the Garden uh which is just

I mean these These are the stuff I miss from my early days of covering the league uh so we were I was literally right there it was right in front of me like it was it was and and it was the most unlikely thing because PJ was my

Favorite like to deal with like I I I loved dealing with PJ Brown just a class person and always available to us and was the last guy you would think would want any smoke like it just like on that team he was just like the quiet he was

The Quiet One he was the Regal one he was not you know Timmy you know Timmy would say exactly what he was thinking Bashan wouldn’t look at you Marley had an edge to him always had an edge to him uh and and of course

Zo that guy like PJ was like you know PJ was the guy you know you go sit and have a nice dinter with a glass of wine you know a bottle of wine with and Charlie Ward was like the religious one I mean I you know I mean he was

Controversial in some ways but it was like those two guys to get into it they ended up winning that series uh I got some all here’s here’s to me if you want heat culture in in a player later uh the moments that I remember the most with

Dwayne are when when you don’t make Dwayne bleed his own blood like just and I I was I was at this one of the garden too the galinari thing uh if you remember that one this was early this how long galinari has been playing this was like early in galar’s career uh

With the Knicks before they traded for Melo and if you remember he he got uh he that was in Miami I think oh was it in Miami I can’t remember which of the two was although there was another one I’m sorry the one in New York was the um uh

The but the game winner what was no but he also had the bandaid uh The Band The Weight a or Band-Aid or whatever the heck game yes there was the one okay that was the one in Miami that’s right where he and and he made him bleed his

Own blood ginari did um and there were um there were a bunch of these like whenever you would piss Dwayne off he would go back back at you hard and that is a quality that Jimmy has also Dwayne wouldn’t talk as much but you would he

Would get this look right you know like that and it’s was like all right you know you’re effed right now that that’s pretty much uh what would happen and and also for the big three the entire 27 game winning streak you know it’s another heat culture moment to me the

The game that jumps out um in Cleveland they fall behind by 27 yep and come all the way back they could have that [ __ ] go Shane hits a three LeBron hits a three and it just it was an avalanche uh from that team and again that team just

Ref it was just a refuse to lose two months like they they were down in so many of those games and they kept coming back coming back coming back coming back another heat culture moment right after the 27 game winning streak we talked about this again I don’t think you can

Get more heat culture than the president of the organization defending his star player and saying that an executive on another team a rival team with whom he’s had battles with in the past should shut the [ __ ] up and manage his own team very heat culture and that happened

Right after the 27 game winning streak ended and I’ve talked about this before we were in New Orleans uh the game right after the Chicago loss and and that happened uh that happened there so that for the 27 game winning streak that’s those are the ones that jump out to me

Kind of as we here and get uh as we’re I’m chronologically trying to do this I think that in retrospect now Jimmy and SPO having the so are you going to fight me moment and then them also having that run in the playoffs as an a seed that’s a pretty heat culture exemplified

Situation as well that at the time I thought the team was on thin ice I heard the team was like really uh what’s the word for it grumpy towards each other let’s just say that it was an edgy group but then all of a sudden it catapulted them into a run

Right so that that was another heat culture moment that’s a little bit more recent than some of the stuff we’re hitting him with with the 90s references and another macro heat culture thing of course is the development of the undrafted that that has become a huge part of this when

People talk about heat culture one of the things is uh when fans of other teams now are like wait they did it again like what is this black magic thing like who is this like there is this fear among fan bases of other teams particularly teams like Boston Milwaukee

New York the Philadelphia the ones that are in the heat space now whenever the Heat have a guy pop for a game like Jamal Kane had a game in pre-season and everybody was like oh my God yeah wait they found another one and it’s it’s happened with heith it

Happened with Shu it happened obviously with Duncan it happened with Gabe um you go back this was a little bit more predating but you know Riley did find these guys before this recent era there were the Anthony Carters of the world it just didn’t get quite the same you know

Hike Austin Etc it just didn’t get this quite the same notoriety that it does now obviously because this has become a thing there is an assumption pretty much that anybody who comes through the heat pipeline now is gonna have moments and probably going to be starting for you in

The in the Eastern Conference Finals against somebody and so another heat culture moment that I’ll give you and this is I I this is a more current one is player that they get off a two-way because Jay Cole suggests him ends up in your program as maybe

Potentially an 11th or 12th guy starting in the Eastern Conference Finals averaging 20 plus and basically putting his hand in front of his face while he makes threes from the quarter in TD guarden Caleb Martin last last postseason was pretty much heat culture like that that symbolizes it uh or the

Fact that Shu and Vincent were starting in the freaking finals exactly regardless of whether or not what we felt about the decisions that were made in them in the off season um that is also that is also a heat culture thing and and and here to me the slogan that

Is most heat culture of all of them it’s not the best condition most this most that most that that’s good is more organic than that um to me the most heat culture slogan and this is why I think we did this episode today as we’re waiting for suspensions to be handed

Down it’s three words we have enough like that has to me become the heat culture slogan because it’s organic from SPO and it’s he truly believes it he’s a psycho about this stuff like he believe you cannot tell him anything about that if you try to talk to him

About players who’ve been out or any of this kind of stuff he will not freaking tolerate it it is the anti- do rivers it is the anti many of these organizations that have been in the mud for a long time it is that we have enough there is

This feeling that and he’s not when he talks about that he’s not just talking about the players they have on the court that night he’s talking about the organizational structure the salary cap space the money that they have to allocate to players the resources for development he’s

Saying we have we’re not going to complain about whatever it is there may be things that are not perfect not exactly what they may be somewhere else or whatever for for this moment for this group we have enough and I think if you don’t have that at the top of your

Organization structure and and SPO is the face of the organization now Pat still guides it the Arison still fund it you know and Etc but SPO is the one who’s facing the public and the media on a daily basis that phrase is the heat culture phrase that that’s that’s the

One we’re not for everybody there are some other good ones but to me it’s we have enough like okay put it on the t-shirt we move forward we we have enough exactly we have it on a t-shirt all right thanks to Greg um thanks everybody for listening again check out

Uh better Edge us the code 5 RSN prize picks you got a few more days get those props in um over the over the next few days if you’re in the State of Florida if you’re outside the State of Florida you can still sign up we’ll let you know

When uh when everything is cleared on that here locally as well and of course water clean up of Florida I’ll let you close with us again if you’ve got the Schmutz they got the guts thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the fers and Sports

Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad so

As we await the NBA’s response to the Miami Heat’s conflict in New Orleans, Ethan Skolnick and Greg Sylvander reflect on the fights, decisions, slogans and players who most embody what is now known as #HeatCulture. Alonzo Mourning, Dwyane Wade, Udonis Haslem all make appearances on the list for different reasons — as do many others.

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