@Milwaukee Bucks

It’s time to fear Giannis Antetokounmpo & Milwaukee Bucks | Hoops Tonight

It’s time to fear Giannis Antetokounmpo & Milwaukee Bucks | Hoops Tonight

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So you guys don’t miss any of our content over the course of this season all right let’s talk some basketball all right moving on to Bucks wolves so the Bucks actually had a huge win today on the road in Philly they won by 21 points I didn’t actually watch that game though

I did watch them go in on Friday night and dominate The Wolves though and so that’s what I want to talk about today’s game so or Today’s Show so they go on a huge run in the third quarter they get stop after stop after stop they get out

And transition I thought Dame and Giannis both did an absolutely fantastic job of applying Rim pressure and making good kickout passes then they were working the ball around Malik Beasley was just completely scorching hot hit a bunch of Threes during that run Dame hit a bunch of nasty pull-up Jumpers in that

Stretch Giannis hit a three off the bounce uh there in the middle of the Third quarter and they just blew Minnesota’s doors off it was crazy it was like a close game and then all of a sudden they were up 20 it was like it was it was pretty wild but uh Minnesota

Made a little bit of a late comeback but it was never truly a game after that but Brook Lopez was unbelievable in this game he dominated on the defensive end which I want to dive deeper into here in just a minute but he also came out red

Hot from three hit a bunch of big shots early in the game he’s averaging two made threes per game over his last seven games I’ll be it on massive volume he’s actually taking six point four per game it’s crazy watching the bucks now cuz Brook’s like straight up playing with a

Massive green light U but I wanted to I wanted to dive into the Bucks drop coverage in this particular game because that was basically the story of this game the uh uh like Brook Lopez was guarding Rigo bear and just sitting comically far back into the paint so

What that does is it puts your on ball guy in a little bit of a predicament because he’s basically playing one on two right like he’s trying to guard ant or ever Mike Conley whoever it is that has the ball but he’s got a screener and he’s not getting any help at the

Perimeter so his only real job there is to try to fight over the top of the screen and try to get a contest but Rudy goldbear is a really good screener and so most of the time like he is getting a solid screen set on the ball right but

There’s a specific reason why this works for Milwaukee and this is actually a very similar thing to what I was talking about earlier with the Lakers as it pertains to playing into your strengths like this particular roster the the strength of their defense is on the interior so it actually doesn’t make

Sense to over over index towards the ball handler to try to shut down the ball handler at the expense of giving up layups and threes that’s not that’s not the strength of your defense you’re actually better off allowing the ball handler to be more comfortable but stay home off

The ball and try to force them into making a lot of really difficult shots in the mid-range and so again let if I want to start by just looking at it from the standpoint of what a drop coverage looks like so I want to look at just the first

Possession of the game you can actually find this clip on my Twitter feed atore jlt was from Saturday morning if I remember correctly so the the first play of the game was a turnover for Mike connley in pick and roll so if you watch the play Mike Conley is being guarded by

Dame Rudy goar comes up and sets a screen to Dame’s credit and he’s been doing this really since doc took over really good job fighting over the top of the screen but brookl has just sitting way back in the paint so even though Conley gets downhill and actually beats

Dame like again that’s what you expect right when you have a ball screen it’s really difficult to get back in front of the ball handler right Mike Conley’s going downhill but Brooke is waiting there and he’s able to effectively split the difference between Conley and gobear

Rolling to the rent now why is this important because now you can defend the action two on two because you can defend the action two on two Jay Crowder who’s on the weak side and I think he was guarding Jaden McDaniels if I remember correctly but I’m not 100% certain

Guarding on the weak side he’s able to stay on the ball or on his man and so because he’s staying on his man as Mike connley Works towards the Baseline and he’s there getting attacked by Brooke he’s got to get rid of the basketball but now he doesn’t have an outlet

Because Jay Crowder doesn’t have to help if Brooke is higher in drop coverage now Jay Crowder likely has to come over to help in the paint but because broke his back Jay can stay out which takes away those kickout passes that was basically the story of the game the Bucks played

Minnesota into their worst Tendencies because they are not a very good shot-making team they can make threes off the catch they’re good catch and shoot team but Anthony Edwards is a high volume pull-up shooter who’s not particularly accurate Mike Conley is an accurate pull-up shooter who’s not particularly

Aggressive and so as a result of that it played Minnesota into their worst Tendencies and it was a lot of playing pick and rle as Brook sat back into the paint and guys missing pull-up shots and floaters it was a lot of attacking in ISO while Brooke is just sitting in the

Paint waiting and for all the CR you know a lot of criticism about Rudy goar over the years defensively is just inaccurate and I’ve talked about that on the on the show before so I’m not going to get into it but where Rudy goar has struggled in the past is he’s not enough

Of a threat offensively like he can get a few offensive rebounds he presents some vertical spacing but he’s not sharp enough when it comes to scoring on the roll like he doesn’t catch and finish super well and so on offense it can turn into a situation where where Rudy can’t

Actually make Brook pay enough for ignoring him and that leads into a lot of their issues and so I I want to tie that back into two things first of all that is Milwaukee’s best chance they will never be an elite defense because they don’t have the perimeter uh

Personnel to do so but their Pathway to defending as well as they possibly can or well enough for them to get to the trophy is that deep drop coverage because it allows them to cover Two on Two and stay out of rotation essentially taking away layups and taking away

Threes while conceding comfort and r them to the ball handler the next question is that in that is which matchups will that work in and this is where it becomes really interesting in the playoffs because a team like New York maybe Jaylen Brunson will kill you

And maybe that’s not going to work a team like Miami they’ve got a lot of guys like Duncan Robinson and Tyler Harrow who can really do some damage if you chase over the top and they get some good screens from Baya bio right Terry roir hasn’t played super well yet and

Then he got hurt but we’ll see in the long run whether or not Terry Rosier fits into that mold but like they are a team where drop coverage might be a little bit of an issue but then you look at teams like Boston Boston is the team where like man

You could really bait them into their worst Tendencies by running a super deep drop right and so that’s where I kind of look at it as matchup dependent but even within the the the the view of like a Miami matchup or a New York matchup I still think that might be their best

Chance to win and just be like jaylen’s going to average Jaylen is going to average 38 a game but we’re going to take everybody else out of this thing and then we’ll be good enough on offense and again the nuclear offense is the main thing that makes it work they beat

Minnesota their drop coverage did work I’m not going to lie about that but it was close for the most part through three and a half quarters it was close in the fourth quarter they brought it back a little bit close although Milwaukee I thought let their foot off

The gas a little bit but there at the end of the third quarter they went on an absolutely nuclear offensive run where Damon Giannis just time and time again were able to develop and create incredibly high quality shots that’s the formula defend as well as you can which

The strength of your personnel is your interior defense so it makes sense to do it the way they did then on the other end of the floor you need to be a nuclear potent offense in order to uh cover the rest of that Gap there on the Wolves

Front I was so disappointed in their offensive process in this game because they played right into Milwaukee’s Hands by spamming pick and roll in bad isolation basketball one of the things I’d like to see them do and again this is something I’ve talked about a lot when it comes to Minnesota they don’t

Have the best decision makers in the world Mike Conley’s a high-end decision maker but when you get past that it’s like Carl towns can get a little carried away Anthony Edwards can get a little carried away you know even ni kale Alexander Walker can get a little

Carried away they can take some tough shots and they can play like Jaden McDaniels even can sometimes get a little tunnel vision and take some bad shots right and so like specifically during that third quarter run I I just thought the Wolves play really poor offense there wasn’t a ton of like

Action that they were running it was a lot of like Brute Force style of basketball which paid directly play directly into Milwaukee’s strengths again in that situation if you allow Milwaukee to sit back you’re going to have issues but if you have more ball in player movement you can have it be more

Likely that Brook Lopez has to direct attention elsewhere and that’s where you can maybe move him further out of the coverage and maybe you can find more opportun to generate higher quality offense but that’s going to be an issue with the wolves and that’s been an issue

For the Wolves throughout this season is their ability to consistently execute in the half court on offense

Jason Timpf reacts to Giannis Antetokounmpo, Damian Lillard, and the Milwaukee Bucks’ impressive 112-107 win over Anthony Edwards, Karl Anthony-Towns, and the Minnesota Timberwolves. Jason breaks down some of the biggest highlights from the game and shares his thoughts on the Bucks’ big win. Is Milwaukee starting to figure it out?

Watch the full episode here:

00:00 – Bucks big win over Timberwolves
01:34 – Milwaukee’s defense dominates
06:01 – Bucks best chance for playoff run
08:20 – Concern for Wolves?

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  1. They beat the bum ass sixers nobody moved by the Greek. Cheeks and doc rivers, talk about jokic last 3 game and why he is the best player last 20 years

  2. Scariest thing about the Bucks is that they got time to get it right and the perfect opponents to play against so they’ll be ready for the playoffs

  3. The bucks Offense gets 10x better when Brook and Bobby learn to swing the ball (specifically to dame)

  4. Celtics win 8 straight: “Fool’s gold”

    Bucks win 2 games after going 3-7: Jason- “FEAR THE DEER”

  5. Drop coverage doesn’t work against the Celtics especially when they play 5 out and pick and pop with Porzingis plus one of the things Boston does is mismatch hunt with the guard and forwards and have Porzingis or AL sit at the 3 point line so Brook and Giannis has stay to home or give up wide open 3s over helping, You can argue it’s not gonna work against Miami or Indiana with Halliburton

  6. Even when the media were on negative bucks overload, you were always fair to them. Which is why this is quickly becoming some top notch basketball content regardless of platform.

  7. Jason: “the Milwaukee bucks will never be an elite defense”
    Milwaukee bucks: rank 6th in defense since the griffin fire
    lol I think they’re looking consistently solid on defense. That’s a 15 game sample size vs tough opponents

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