@Chicago Bulls

AYO DOSUNMU PostGame Interview | Chicago Bulls vs New Orleans Pelicans

AYO DOSUNMU PostGame Interview | Chicago Bulls vs New Orleans Pelicans

Like you are content doing whatever Billy Donovan need to do whether it’s guarding the guy 6’2 or guarding the guy 6’10 like Brandon Ingram did I thought you did a great job with him tonight yeah I mean he’s a a phenomenal player and you know in this league you got to

Be matched up um with anybody any size and um that’s what I want to hang my hat on being to defend multiple positions and um you know one night last night it was Jaylen Brown then today you got Brandon Ingram you know um and that’s

How it is in this league you got so much great players and um as leag is involved and you have multiple different talents at different heights and I just want to be a player where I can pretty much um have my coaches trust me to guard um any

Position well talk a little bit about the three-point shooting I thought you know last year you got off to a great start you got hooted and then you kind of went through a cold stretch but this year you’ve been probably the most consistent three-point shooter on the

Team talk a little bit about what you did this summer to get that going the way it is a lot of work early mornings long nights a lot of work a lot of film and pretty much a trust in my my work put a lot of trust into my game a lot of

Trust to my jump shot to have it be a threat and know help help the team this year um a lot of credit to the the Player Development guys here um the work I do at home um with my dad and my brother and um pretty much a lot of

Things to the Lord you know I pray pray each and every night just to be able to to get better my motto is getting better 1% each day and um I pray that he allows me to do that and um behind doors that come out here and just trust in my work

Appreciate the time tonight fantastic job IO thank you appreciate you got s

AYO DOSUNMU PostGame Interview | Chicago Bulls vs New Orleans Pelicans

AYO DOSUNMU PostGame Interview Chicago Bulls vs New Orleans Pelicans

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