@Golden State Warriors

Warriors/Nuggets Postgame, Steph, Klay, TJD, Coaches Kerr x Malone Reactions | Feb 25, 2024

Warriors/Nuggets Postgame, Steph, Klay, TJD, Coaches Kerr x Malone Reactions | Feb 25, 2024

That 140 run Denver had to end the first half was that maybe a loss of focus for your guys so what led to that well first of all Denver’s the defending champs so they’re really good um I thought we had uh two or three offensive possessions

Where we didn’t get organized and we got stagnant and that hurt our flow we were in a good Rhythm until then and then the pace slowed down uh so we needed to get better organized offensively and then you know uh they hit some tough shots Murray hit some some tough fadeaway

Shots um I had a couple of and ones I think we fouled Gordon twice on layups and you know those are tough I’d rather just let let the guy have the layup so we can keep the game going but when we foul they can set up their defense and

Now we’re playing in the half court so that was definitely the key stretch of the game and then the first five minutes of the third I didn’t like our our energy I didn’t feel like we responded well enough and Denver kind of controlled the game uh from there

Uh Steph went I think something like six and 19 you mentioned uh earlier this week you thought maybe some fatigue was setting in uh are you seeing that with his shooting lines yeah yeah I I think Steph has looked tired to me the last couple games and it makes sense you know

The uh doing the All-Star Game stuff not getting much of a break uh three games and four nights um you know the whole deal so he he looks looks a little tired um but this is all part of the Season you know these stretches happen and and he’ll bounce

Back you I mean you have a pretty condensed schedule really the rest of the season but this week um I mean do you look to maybe try to get him a break or you just can you at this point with this where you are yeah I mean I’ll talk

To Rick about that um you know we’ll just take it game by game and and uh see how he’s doing but um like I said I mean that this is all part of the Season every every player goes through it you know just feeling a little fatigued a

Little heavy legged and then you know he’ll um he’ll get it back and if we have to to you know give him a game to help him do that then then we’ll do that first half clay scores 23 points and he goes scoreless for the rest of the night

What did you see in the difference first half versus second half there it just felt like Pace to me you know first half the the pace was in our favor until those last few minutes and so he was getting free and we had a lot of good

Pin Downs for him um and then in transition you know he got a couple couple buckets so um yeah Clay was great and then the second half I thought Denver’s defense was really really good and um you know they got to the line quite a bit which as I said kind of kind

Of slowed us down Brandon had a bit of an off night he was showing some like frustration probably more than we’ve seen from him so far this season what do you tell him in these moments when he’s experiencing these kind of first bouts of things not quite working out for him

Of his career yeah you just I mean he’s had such a good season and uh wasn’t his best night but it wasn’t anybody’s best night you know um they really took it to us um obviously joic was amazing I mean he just completely dominated that game

Um and put us on our heels over and over again and um so you know again they’re the they’re the champs for a reason um they they took control of that game late second and was tough night for everybody and we’ll we’ll bounce back even outside of yic collectively um with their size

What kind of challenge did that present tonight yeah I mean that’s it’s a lot to ask of Draymond to to guard him you know the entire time out there and um he’s just uh you know such a dominant force in in every way he’s so smart defensively and force steals anticipated

A couple of passes that that he stole um the pass at the end to to Gordon for the dunk you know I think with two minutes left was I mean I was kind of right behind him he didn’t he didn’t I don’t even think he saw him he just knew he

Would be there and U so yic control control the game 16 assists um I’m willing to bet they they don’t lose much if at all when he gets 16 assist because that means everybody else is going too you played trace and Draymond together May the first time in a long time um was

That because of yic uh what was the thinking there yeah you know uh with joic and Gordon there’s they’re a really physical front line and uh last game when they came in here and and caught us at the end um it was their physicality especially Gord that really made the difference it was

Their physicality especially Gordon that really made the difference and so we wanted to give that uh a look there for uh for a few minutes um and you know I could have gone with uh with Dario um but we went with Trace he was on a nice

Run and we just figured let’s let’s give the two big lineup a try and uh we didn’t didn’t get much out of it so we made the made the sub after that hey coach in the back uh earlier this week you said that every coach kind of wishes

They had had a fiveman unit that they could rely on and go to um was tonight an example of you know particularly playing against a team like the Nuggets who have a five who they right are very set with what not an example of a time

When when that kind of hurts you well it it it just means that there there are decisions um to make every night whereas um you know if if if you have a a five you know you’re going to get to then you just kind of Follow Your rotation

Pattern that you put together before the game so um the way our team is is constructed and the way our our our guys are playing um it’s going to be different combinations um depending on who’s playing well so it uh it does make it a little trickier but um I like

Having the options too we’ve got a lot of talented players Steve the the four top teams in the west have kind of done a pretty good job of separating themselves from everybody else Denver Minnesota OKC and the Clippers but as you approach the end of the season what

Do you try to what do you need to do to close the gap you’re not probably not going to catch them but what do you do to close the gap with those top four teams well I think we we have been doing that you know it’s two-way basketball

It’s been it’s it’s good defense and and and solid offense and you know the last few weeks um we’ve been doing both we’ve been playing well at both ends but uh tonight just wasn’t our night you know shots weren’t going uh we didn’t get into much of a rhythm um but I’m

Confident um that we can get back on track because we’ve been playing really well lately it seems like Joker and and Aaron Gordon they started playing the pass pretty well especially when Draymond had the ball would you like to see a little more aggression out of him when it comes to

Just taking taking a shot instead of forcing that pass yeah I mean it it’s uh it’s It’s Tricky when you’ve got that kind of size and physicality with with those two guys and I trust Draymond I mean he’s he’s one of the best players out of the pocket that I’ve ever seen

Just making plays for others or finishing at the rim and he probably had a couple of them that he’d like to have back that you know maybe he would have preferred to try to score go to the rim but um but they they played great defense and they deserve the credit for

That Steve as you guys head out on the road you guys have been pretty good on the road especially recently what does that say to you about your team and how important how much hope I guess does that give you going forward because you have a kind of a road heavy schedule the

Rest of the way yeah we’re very confident that we can go out on the road and and win games and we’ve been doing it lately so like I said I I think this is a game we we have to move past quickly you know um Denver played great

Uh they dominated that game from the last few minutes of the second quarter on um it wasn’t our best night so um we’ll just we’ll we’ll get back back on the horse um you know in Washington in a couple days and we’re excited to to play

Again Moses Moody you know played a lot against Charlotte not so much tonight what about this matchup might be a little bit more difficult for him about the matchup with Denver Denver or the decision not to play him as much tonight yeah I mean it’s there’s uh there’s only

So many guys I can play you know I mean I already had 11 guys in the rotation which is almost impossible uh 12 is impossible so um he’s he’s you know out of the loop right now but it doesn’t mean that’s the case for the rest of the

Season so um you know we’ve got a lot of a lot of guys who are healthy and and we’re getting Chris back you know on this trip at some point so um everybody’s just got to stay ready but you know there’s not not enough minutes for everybody when you mentioned Chris

Uh is that a possible way to ease some of the burden off of Steph you know bring the ball up initiate the offense play him with Steph for sure is is that like one of the key things he could bring for sure you know those guys uh

Obviously Chris will play when he comes back he’ll play all of the non step minutes and then he’ll be out there with Steph as well and we’re it’s it’s easier for us to to put step off the ball and take some some of the wear and tear off

Of him you know when Chris is out there um because he doesn’t have to bring it up and battle pressure and all that over here coach on your left uh in this matchup obviously the personnel has changed a little over the years but used to have a lot of success with pick and

Roll with step bring yic further out on the floor uh you get we get a lot of easy buckets off that it seems like this year hav lost the season series 40 that hasn’t been as effective you any theories on why that is why that’s changed well they’ve done a really good

Job of um you know putting um their roster together they’ve got bigger and stronger guards in the back court than they did a couple years ago so um Pope is really a good Defender um plays with a lot of physicality um you know they they obviously bring Watson and brown

Off the Bench and so they got more more size I think across the back court and that that’s been helpful for them thanks um I just think that we just need to I think coach said it at halftime when we get into things like being able to slow down and get into

Something on offense I think that there was a few times where that didn’t happen especially to close out the half and uh they took advantage of it what makes it so challenging when you’re guarding a big guy like jokic who is equally as dangerous setting up an

Offense and passing the ball than he is as scoring the basketball um it it puts you at a disadvantage I mean he’s one of the best players in the world um he can score he can facilitate but we Tred to take away his passing obviously he had

15 16 assists so it’s hard but at the same time you got to choose something to take away and we tried to and he was just doing it all tonight hav haven’t seen them four times haven’t seen them four times this season I mean what sticks out the most in terms

Of what they do well it’s obviously so many things but what what makes them who they are um I think they’re resilient they’re a very resilient team obviously they won the championship last year uh return most of their guys but at the end

Of the day I think it’s it was on us and we bit ourselves in in the foot a few times um when we get a lead we just got to maintain it I mean last time they were in here we were up by 15 or 16 uh

In the fourth and so I just think that we need to maintain and uh keep building on the lead and keep getting stops and stuff of that nature Trace to go off of that with Denver it’s now seven straight losses against them I know you weren’t

Here for all of those but what’s the frustration like knowing that you guys weren’t able to get one of the regular season this time around um it at the end of the day we got to flush it um we’ve been playing really good basketball um

They’re a great team I think in two or three of those we didn’t have Draymond and so who knows what would have happened in the other ones but at the same time we got a flush it we got Washington uh in two days and so we got

To get ready for that when you say you know you guys are trying to take away the pass from jokic what is what does that look like exactly like is it just playing him straight up one-on-one yeah exactly playing him straight up one-on-one trying to um press up on him

Get into his uh Grill basically uh take away passing Lanes everyone space out and kind of just by yourself one-on-one obviously he’s such a good player you can stand on that one foot and then at the last second throw a lot throw something if you try to come double late

Or stuff of that nature he’s a very very talented player Draymond was the primary Defender on yic what did he tell you guys about the task of handling him and what do you think about Draymond finishing this game with only one foul when he was trying to

Contend with Y um it’s just it’s just who he is as a Defender um obviously it’s two two greats going at it um Joker’s a great player draymond’s a great player um obviously offense is at an advantage in this this day and age in

The NBA but uh at the end of the day we try to take a lot of his thing uh stuff away and um sometimes great players make great plays CL just from a a team defense standpoint what makes uh jic so challenging um well he’s really big he’s

Very Nimble and uh he’s got great touch he’s got great vision and I mean he had a monster night tonight uh but uh just a I mean one of the best players in the world how and and why do you think this game kind of flipped so drastically like it

Did I think we may have relaxed a little bit when we got up 15 can’t do that against defending champs but uh we’ll learn from it and uh start a new win streak on the road you had 23 you know in like you know 10 11 minutes

And then finish with 23 what you just not able to get the the the same looks in the second half uh yeah I just took a I mean I took two great looks from three third one might have been a little rushed but uh I mean I just got to do a

Better job of inserting myself and the flow of the offense in moments like that not even just to shoot but just to make plays and feel the leather usually when you do that uh you get you generate good looks clay before the game uh Steve was saying that he was applauding your

Approach to coming off the bench and saying he thought you were more relaxed um and had a better mindset than you had a couple of weeks ago do you feel that and and just how have these how has this stretch been since coming back from the

Allstar break uh it’s been great I mean I feel refreshed especially mentally uh from the All-Star break and you know I I never looked at coming off the bench really as demotion considering I’m still playing 25 to 30 minutes T night um and uh um you know I’m been in this league a

Long time and to still be contributing at a high level and playing those type of minutes you got to be grateful for that have you changed up your routine at all pregame to you know to kind of adjust for coming you know into the game later with seven minutes

Left or six and a half minutes left not really to be honest I still uh just trying to stay loose on the sideline be myself and uh you know uh just play with a a free mind and um yeah just be myself when my number’s called how how easy or hard is

It to jump into the middle of a game you haven’t you say touch the leather you haven’t been playing uh to feel like you’re right in the flow when you’re coming off the bench uh it’s not that difficult because usually coach will call set for me or or point guard so uh the

Adjustments been pretty easy and I mean still played uh second minute most minutes tonight and uh coming off the bench so it’s not a not the end of the world clay what’s the difference in your mind on the road with this year’s team versus last year you guys are

Obviously more successful on the road you have a bunch of road games coming up um it’s a good question um I don’t know I just think we’ve been able to close out games better on the road this year and we leaning on everyone to play and uh guys are ready when their numbers

Called you know you might not get a lot of tick the night before but the next night could be completely different so we’ve had guys who are being great pros and competing when they’re called upon uh Chris could come back on the the road trip what are you expecting um from

From him to add to the the second unit then just what ways has he stayed engaged despite missing time I expect Chris to be himself and that’s just a great one of the greatest Playmakers a pesty Defender and uh just to kind of write the ship when um Step needs a

Break it’s very exciting and I’m excited to step on the floor with him and uh lead that second unit I think we could be a I mean you can’t really ask for a better back court to come off the bench with so it’s very exciting to be honest

Nice Steph you’re you’re up 14 with a few minutes to go in the second quarter uh what happened to change that that 140 run that that Denver got on they hit some tough shots um we had some open looks that didn’t go down and then they made us pay on the back

End uh their Style of play when you know they’re able to push in transition yic at the top or Jamal with the ball requires you know a great effort to try to slow their momentum down and they made us pay for like five six possessions in a row and it got to the

Free thr line I think twice slowed the game down a little bit so they you credit them they it’s been maybe three games like this obviously not in the fourth quarter like last game here but we’ve had a significant lead and they’re a great team that didn’t panic and slowly walked us

Down you know it was just one of those uh tough stretches that gave them life and they took advantage of it you’ve played in all but three games this season Steve was saying he said a couple times recently he thinks you might be a little fatigued um do I mean do you

Feel uh do you not want to to to rest it all coming up okay what uh three out of your last four games shooting numbers have been down just missing shots or what would you kind of attribute it to yeah you miss shots like it’s it’s one of those

Things um that’s why they’re called averages like you know you got the highs and the lows of it and you know nobody again the standard that you set when you don’t meet it there’s questions about are your legs tired or not you just miss shots and you keep shooting

It’s part of the nature of being available and playing every game um which uh yeah never lose confidence and come back whatever it is Monday try to shoot well on the road Steph um uh before the game Steve was saying that he thought that Clay’s mindset was improved um over the last

Couple of days or weeks and and um he’s more relaxed and and accepting of you know kind of coming off the bench or his new role what do you see from him and and how he’s contributing exactly that um even the game I think

He was it the LA game he only had three points it was one of the better you know allaround floor games that he’s had where he took what the defense gave him he took the shots he was supposed to you know shoot some of them or most of them

Went didn’t go in but the way that the game flows and where he gets his opportunities he was always just making the right play playing great defense um on whoever his match up was you know got us some some rebounds extra possessions that way and then like tonight it’s kind

Of the opposite where he’s hot and keeping us uh giving us a huge lead and a huge boost and like the first nine minutes he was out there so it all comes from understanding that no matter if it’s a starting roll bench roll whatever it is he’s still Klay Thompson and he

Can come in and do exactly what he did tonight I know he wanted to you know shoot better in the second half but the more reps he gets of and more confidence he has to just go out there and just play basketball and don’t let the narratives kind of consume him that’s

When he’s in his when he’s at his best Steph uh Steve also said he thought Chris’s return which is obviously coming up on this trip would help you relieve some of the burden um and obviously playing you know he’ll play the non the minutes you’re not out there but you got

Also play together quite a bit how do you see his impact on both the team and and yourself I’m excited about it just when he went when he got hurt we were not in a great place and trying to again establish our identity we’ve had a pretty good run you

Know built some momentum since he’s been out but he’s such a connector and a floor General and a guy that gets everybody in the right spot so whether it’s when I’m on the bench or the rotations where we’re on the court the same time it’ll hopefully uh Elevate us to

Another you know to another level where he gets comfortable gets his his legs Underneath Him and again just does what he does and that on top of how we’ve been playing up until tonight um hopefully allow us to to keep building oh hi Stephan uh I think it’s

During the fourth quarter you’re uh you’re sat on the bench and close the eyes take the deep breath and uh what’s on your mind at that moment and I want to ask that how to do always the frustration uh when the team lost yeah those are all just moments to collect

Yourself uh I’m on the bench for a short time so you want to get your recovery in and get your mind right on what needs to happen when you get back in there it’s a routine that I’ve been doing for a very long time so uh just taking advantage of

Those minutes I’m on the bench and losing is never fun you just try to turn the page and you know not have you know backto back efforts like we had tonight because we’ve been having things go really well as of late and you want to you know have a good bounceback

Game on Monday clay himself mentioned the idea of him and Chris being the back court of a second unit is pretty amazing to think about have you thought about that what that’s going to feel like when two Hall of Famers I would imagine not are in your second team back cour they

Should win most of those minutes that they’re out there and you know that’s what it takes to be a really good team is is having those combinations and with experience you know talent and just a knowhow so throw in like what Trac has been doing in that group and

You know mixing and matching who’s out out there with him style should kind of you know it should be a nice chemistry there and it’ll be fun cuz you know obviously our starting unit has been playing a lot better as of late and if you can get off to a good

Start and then you have those two guys coming in got you know a lot of smiles and confidence on what they’re what they’re going to be able to do out there on the floor Steph I’m curious with uh with clay and and this transition he’s going through what’s the communication been

Like with the two of you I mean I remember back when Andre made the shift and talked at length about the way that Steve you know gave him the Spurs example and Manu and all these different ways for him to to buy in has clay been talkative with you and and other guys

Behind the scenes is he going through it by himself like what’s the communication been um think consistantly he’s never wanted to really like go out of his way to ask those questions in a sense but we all uh in the locker room or on a one-on-one there’s been plenty of conversations

On not again not allowing narratives to control like his his peace of mind or his ability to again uh impact winning with this particular group and like I said not straight too far from the Klay Thompson that we know and expect when he’s out there on the floor

So it is uh it’s one of those you know any any team Dynamic any locker room like you’re going to have uh plenty of moments where you need to be picked up and you know you see a guy down and you got to go pick him up and those

Happen all the time so there’s not really a specially like come to Jesus type of situation it’s just normal um you know reacting to how The Season’s been going and what we all need individually and collectively coach that was the first time under Steve Kerr that a team has

Swept the warriors with Steph playing in all four games and I just am wondering your thoughts on the effort and the discipline that it takes to be able to accomplish something like that yeah I mean it’s um we know that Steph is you know uh one of the greatest to ever do

It and we know what that team presents in terms of all the problems um but what I was most proud about tonight aside from winning of course was just we’re down 16 in that second quarter and when we played Golden State we do things differently you know this

Is not our standard defense we try to do things differently because of who they are and their personnel and so they’re going to be some breakdowns and there were but for us to close that second quarter 14 to zero tie it up at half and then start the Third on a 14-4 run

That’s a 28-4 run in their building after being down 16 that’s what I’m most proud about we had a lot of guys Nia I mean another triple double he was outstanding tonight 30 2 16 16 four steals one block five deflections I thought Nico was just uh once again

Showcased why he’s the best player in the NBA but Jamal Murray’s contributions I felt uh I fought Zeke Naji Christian Brown Off the Bench um you don’t beat a team like that AG 17 Pope the defense he played on a guy like Steph Curry it’s

Not just one guy but uh our guys just were were locked in and to start off 3 and0 post All-Star Break um I couldn’t be more proud of our group um Michael for Zeke and Christian how important just was sort of the energy that they gave in the fourth quarter in particular

You guys only gave up 16 in that quarter as you sort of pulled away yeah 16 and and 29% from the field in that fourth quarter so uh your fourth quarter is when you want your defense to be at its best and it was for us tonight um and I

I felt you know we started Jamal Aaron and Michael to start the fourth quarter and when I had uh CB and Zeke out there I I thought they played really really hard but also efficient and effective uh CB made a big three Zeke on the glass um

I thought both of their defense was uh was outstanding and that’s important you know to play fourth quarter meaningful minutes um you know this hasn’t been an easy year for Zeke Nai but I’m really proud of him for staying with it and playing at the level he’s played at in

The last three games and um you know he’s only going to continue to get better for us Klay Thompson came out of the bench tonight for the game how did that change the D dynamics of the game for Game preparation and it’s a great performance by the Nuggets but the DCH

Points Warriors do all scor nuggets is that a future concern for you U well as far as clay you know we knew he was coming off the bench and um obviously he was shooting a flamethrower in that first half you know he had I think all

23 of his points were in the first half so the fact in the second half we kind of locked in and eliminated the his impact Off the Bench was a huge reason why we were able to win this game cuz in that first half he got whatever he

Wanted um as far as the bench points I don’t really worry about the bench points I worry about their defense I worry about their rebounding and their disposition and I thought it was where it needed to be tonight also it’s a seven consecutive wins against the Warriors is there any extra motivations

Like when playing against the Warriors no no uh we we get up for each opponent that we play um we know in this building against that team we know what they’re capable of and we know that they’re also a highly motivated team right now trying

To make a run to get out of the playing and try to get into the uh the top six but um we we get up for everybody that we play we know that as a riging world champions we’re going to get the best no matter who we’re playing and now we have

To go home get some rest and get ready for a home and home back to back Michael um in the last few games with Zeke it feels like you’ve paired him with a little bit more size whether it’s mpj or tonight he played alongside Aaron and Nia do you feel like that’s unlocked

Anything for Zeke or or made life easier for him at all well I I think anybody playing with Nicole is going to make life easier for them because Nicole is just such a great player and he makes everyone around him better uh we went big tonight with that second unit thank

You I’m dying up here uh we went big because we’re getting our ass kicked on the glass I mean they were uh first half I’m not sure how many offensive rebounds they have but they have the line share of their 11 in that first half so just

Having size out there with Zeke and Aaron um you know that that group was able to prod uh provide productive minutes for us to your L here coach you mentioned that you have some special rules going against the Warriors you’ve been able to have some great defensive stretches in

This building I think it was a 264 run uh last time you played here to take the win in the fourth quarter this time 140 so You’ had some stretches where you really be able to play great defense again so what’s been the key to improving your defense against this team

As we’ve paced them over the years well it’s easier said than done but the message to our guys is always the same no matter what we’re doing you have to find a way to limit the three I mean coming into tonight their last five games they were making 17 and a half

Threes per game and shooting over 40% so to hold them to 11 of 34 and only 32% that’s why you beat them if you let Steph and clay and uh jsky and all those other guys get going from three that game can get away from you in a hurry so

We do some different things to try to eliminate that our guys have bought in we beat them four times this year that’s great but um you know there’s a lot of things that we can still clean up going off that last question and you kind of

Answered if you will I thought the game changed for you guys that last run of the second quarter last three minutes of the second quarter you have scor him 14 to nothing what what happened differently in that section do you feel that kind of turned the whole momentum of the game

Well you go back to the last time we played here and we closed the game on a I don’t know 25 to four run whatever it was to win the game at the buzzer and for me I I think some people can get caught up into what you’re doing defensively what you’re doing

Offensively I think the deeper and more important question is how you’re doing it and I felt for the first quarter and a half they were the aggressor they had us on our heels and we were reacting to everything they did and I think for us

To close out 140 and then to start the third 14 to4 I think we kind of flipped the switch and we became the aggressor on both ends and uh stopped thinking and started playing with an attack mindset and an aggressive mindset and I think that’s when we’re at our best it’s not

About are you switching are you showing are you blitzing it’s how you do those things and I felt our intensity level and our aggression definitely picked up coach can you talk about just how uh uh Jamal’s been fighting through this season uh injury-wise and had a nice

Night tonight um just the strength he’s shown this season and just the challenges he’s overcoming yeah I mean uh just so proud of Jamal Murray one of the tougher guys I’ve ever been around physically tough mentally tough and um you know he’s dealing with an injury you

Know and that’s why obviously he wasn’t able to play in the Portland game so we have to be aware of that and make sure we’re doing everything we can to protect him as we move forward with these final 24 games going into the postseason uh but Jamal’s a gamer he’s tough uh lives

For the moment makes and takes big big shots and the reality is this you know we win a championship last year and I understand Nia finals MVP Nia Western conf uh Conference Finals MVP uh we don’t win a championship without Jamaal Murray there were games in that stretch

Run where we went 16 and four well Jamal Murray Murray put the team on his back and and I think throughout this season the ups and downs of the injury being out for 14 games and recuperating um N9 to 16 from the field gets to the foul line six times 27

Points and uh just contributed all across the board you mentioned that it doesn’t even necessarily matter the game plan so much as how you guys are executing it defensively what were you seeing specifically from Nia defensively tonight that that made him so effective well I mean any time you can grab there

And you get 14 defensive rebounds four steals a block and five deflections that speaks to activity that speaks to a physicality that speaks to just um being in the right place at the right time and kcp got the defensive player of the game because we only travel with one we got

To change that cuz I if we had two chains Nicole would have gotten the other one um when you’re guarding Steph Curry and pick and roll the big has to be up you’re almost blitzing him and Nicole was up every time in that in those pick and roles to help contribute

To what kcp was doing so just his uh engagement his activity uh was just off the charts thanks everybody

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  1. That’s why I quit you run the show until the half and fall off like dummies losing concentration, confidence, I just can’t with them anymore you not come and punch people anymore like you used to do get up!

  2. They are the best bump the joker that is one game. Just watch us we're there in the playoffs and God has their back.that is my team forever I 💕 love them they are the best NBA team. Plus they are the best best team in the NBA and remember they have Steph Curry and went you have him you are a winner 🏆🏆🏆🏆.

  3. lets be real, Curry had an off game, which normally doesnt happen, and they had this game within reach for most of the game, Denver is good, but it shows the Warriors arent far off and their seed doesnt reflect their potential. good luck in the playoffs for anyone playing against the Warriors.

  4. Why is our only player capable of guarding joker playing only 27 minutes. Dray should have been on the floor near 40 minutes maybe throw in trace for more then 12 minutes. Why is pods playing more then them

  5. Enjoy your chips golden state becsuse you aren't sniffing the Finals for another decade + back to being the Warriors! Choking huge leads and a 3-1 Finals lead. Garbage

  6. Here's an idea. Play Kuminga more than 24 minutes. If TJD put you up 16 then play him more. This Lester Quiones over Moody shit needs to stop

  7. The shots ain't falling or we just get away with it we'll just happended we lost fair and square.. well played to Joker and Denver 🔥 we lost some we win some. Let's just get back in the lab and make our mark to secure a seed in playoff time😊

  8. denver is just so good rn definitely felt it coming when kerr benched the two giants TJD and Saric. Hope to seeing more of this two, if you saw the game they be passing the ball at each other and making plays.
    with them on the court together with Wiggs, JK, Podz or Curry or Klay.

  9. These reports love to try to as the same shady questions different wording in hopes to break someone’s confidence and create negativity.
    Keep Going Golden State God got you 💗🙏🌻

  10. Denver had lost 3 in a row, and they are the defending champs. I don't know if we could have stopped the last 15 points of the Nuggets before the half. They were that good. Just like we have(coming) a second team that may outperform our starters, I would like us to come up with a squad that defensively could stop the momentum of our opponents. Instead of saying what we did wrong, maybe we can do more than that. I'd also like to see Moody and GP2 together to quell our opponent's momentum at times. We don't see Denver again, unless it's in the playoffs.

  11. I said it before the game ever started for GS to beat Denver all 5 starters had to score in double digits and when they get a lead they have to keep that lead

  12. Just like a 20-point lead means nothing this year, the idea that you have to cut down the rotation in the playoffs might not be true this year-especially with our team. I'd be happier if the coaches pay more attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each of our players, then trying to make an idea, although one that worked in the past, work out.

  13. Malone is trying to steal your idea of a second squad and playing a lot of players, Steve. He's trying to expand his squad for the playoffs, while you might be trying to get your players used to a cutdown of the squad for the playoffs. I'm not completely sold on the idea of cutting down our squad for the playoffs.

  14. Don't worry warriors Chris Paul soon be back you are going to be hoopin let's start back winning u have many more games to play and win so don't hang your heads

  15. Yeah, we all know they are the defending champs, and I knew that would be one of the first sentences in regards to why you blow a 15 point lead. So boring. After Klay's great first quarter, and partial second quarter, based on past experiences, I knew klay would go cold in the second half, and he did, yet stayed in the game. 23 first half points, and NOTHING, in the second half! I mean zero points from one of your main "scorers", how in the world can win with that? Am I the only fan left wondering why in the world you wouldn't take him out, put in a Moody or somebody else, to at least TRY something different? Man, it's painful to watch and in my humble opinion, really not fair to Klay who needs COACHING, he needs a keen eye to see he's gone ice cold and give him a break and take him out. I hate losing, but it's less painful if we try every single angle we have, but to watch the same tired decisions, very hard to watch. To try to still enjoy the games, I've switched my mindset from "will they keep the lead" to " I wonder how they will blow this lead this time", to make it more of a puzzle, like a mystery movie instead of thinking they might actually win, which has become a constant low blow.

  16. @FreeDawkins

    Love the longer format so not hunting around for shorter, repetitive videos, which is really FRUSTRATING

  17. With Murray and jokic in this town, we will always be number two (if that). There'aint enough room for both of us.

  18. When you play Denver, you have to play for real or get ready for a long night and then go home empty and worn out and humiliated.

  19. The earth is being hit with a bunch of energy. Knowing this, can the Warriors take advantage of it? Players on other teams will think this is how I feel this far in the season, and maybe on a back-to-back. This may not be true right now.

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