@Charlotte Hornets

The Charlotte Hornets Get An Impressive Win vs the Utah Jazz | 4 STRAIGHT?!?!?

The Charlotte Hornets Get An Impressive Win vs the Utah Jazz | 4 STRAIGHT?!?!?

What’s going on everyone trust the buzz here if you’re new to the channel I’m a Charlotte Hornet content so if that interests you make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you cannot tell by the thumbnail and title of this video in today’s video

We’re talking about how the Charlotte Hornets have won four yes I said it four game straight tonight they won 115 to 107 against the Utah Jazz um it was it was a road game it was the first time that the Hornets have beat the Utah Jazz

In Utah since like 2006 so that’s like 18year record that is insane the Hornets were the Bobcats at the time but tonight it it felt like a special game I mean I know the win obviously makes it special for a multitude of different reasons really going you know being on a four

Game winning streak and also breaking that terrible terrible record of 18 years of not winning in Utah but what made this game so special and you it just just the whole game itself was special was just the back and forth between the Hornets and the Jazz and how

Things at times were going right for the Hornets as far as they were hitting their shots they were they I don’t think at any point they were getting calls but the the the the the referees weren’t against them at some points but most of the time they were that that that’s

Really what it felt like and I’m not only someone that does not blame the refs but it seemed pretty one-sided in tonight’s game but no matter what was going on the Hornets were just able to bounce back and keep steady and that’s something that we’ve always wanted from this team

Even at times where we felt as though look this isn’t our best team we just want to see some type of product on the floor can you give us that can we stop being down 30 um as soon as the third quarter started and tonight I’ll say

This is probably the worst third quarter that we’ve had with the new guys and if I mean if you’ve been watching the whole season you would know that the third quarter has been really giving us trouble but I think this time in the third quarter I I mean the refs the

Calls weren’t were completely against us in that in in that quarter but also we weren’t hitting easy shots it wasn’t like the shots weren’t there it wasn’t like the Jazz were playing as just amazing defense we just weren’t hitting and that’s going to happen it’s a make

Or Miss league so I wasn’t really upset about that but I was just like okay here we go let’s see how we bounce back and we bounce back to get the win uh what one thing I really liked about this win before we really get into the stats is

How balanced the game was so like through the first three quarters it was like okay someone needs to break out and really take us over the over the top someone needs to break out and really separate us from you know the jazz or well actually we were down so at least

Bring the game close someone just needs to get hot and in that fourth quarter what Grant Williams and Miles Bridges were able to do is just it words cannot explain just how clutch they were and how I mean really they weren’t doing well Grant at least wasn’t doing

Anything special he was just picking and popping but the Jazz did not have an answer for that especially considering you know you have three seven Footers roughly kind of know Jason Collins or John Collins isn’t necessarily seven feet but you have roughly three SF Footers on the floor at any almost any

Given time considering um Walker Kesler and then they also Taylor Hendrick started tonight uh the the the forward Wing from uh UCF he’s Al also has some height on him and size so they at all times it seems as though they had some type of like double big or triple big

Rotation and the Hornets was just able to make them pay I I I went back and watched um the game before the allstar break where the Jazz played the the Golden State Warriors in Utah and what really did it for the Warriors now they almost gave that game away but what

Really did it for the Warriors was that they were able to play that five out and that’s exactly what we were able to do and what was important in that was was that Draymond was hitting shots I think great Grant Williams is a better shooter than Draymond uh but Draymond was able

To hit shots that kept them honest and then also we know Draymond is just a phenomenal basketball mind so him being able to pick you know the defense apart with his playmaking and just just his eyes and having people think he’s going one way and then he goes the other way

As far as passing it it he was really able to manipulate the defense now wow we I actually I’ll take that back because as we’ll get into talking about the players we don’t necessarily have that from that position as far as Grant Williams Miles Bridges uh we can say

Brandon Miller but he’s a rookie so you never know but as of right now like tonight we don’t really have that the Draymond aspect where they can play make from the top of the key by pulling the big out and then people cut that’s how the warriors were were beating the Jazz

That’s essentially what they did was they they would make you play up you couldn’t sit in there because obviously 5 seconds so the whoever was the center or the big cuz sometimes they’ll put walker kler over there on the Wing they would have to come up and then everybody

Would cut in behind them and they weren’t able to stop because it’s not like uh Colin SE is that great of a Defender It’s Not Like Jordan Clark is that good of a Defender it’s not like keontay George is that good of a Defender so they were just cutting on

Them and and making them pay that way and then you know of course you have Steph Curry Klay Thompson went crazy that game but anyway the point is the Hornets were able to do that but in a different aspect while I said D it was important that Draymond was able to hit

Shots to allow the Hornet I mean allow the Warriors to keep doing that what worked for the Hornets tonight was that essentially Grant Williams just kept hitting shots so what Draymond was able to do with his playmaking Grant Williams was able to do tonight for us by hitting

Shots and we saw just how impactful that was for the for the game because the one thing about the Utah Jazz is with with all that size they I think they’re one of the best teams when it comes to blocking shots I think they’re top five

So of course you don’t want to go straight at them so we have to manipulate their defense in some way shape or form and I feel like we were able to do that because we were able to go five out it really didn’t hurt us too much on the defensive end there were

Some times you know we weren’t getting rebounds and whatnot but it it killed them uh on their defensive end on our offense and I mean it showed we ended up winning the game so I’m just really glad that that kind of worked and I was able

To see some of the patterns at what the Warriors was doing compared to what we were doing so I’m glad that worked out um because while once again we weren’t able to have like the cut and all that we were able to kind of just get Guys

Open because it the the the their defense was just so spread out so as far as like individual performers as I said for the longest time it was pretty steady and I think that’s a good recipe of for Success U so like for example uh right now like Brandon Miller was six

For 16 he didn’t shoot that well but he had 16 points five assists and three rebounds Brandon Miller it you didn’t need it was one of those games where I’m not going to sit here and defend his six for 16 of course he needs to shoot

Better he knows that we all know that but it was one of those games where you’re you don’t really even notice that he’s shooting that poorly which I’m I’m not even I don’t even care to to me I how you shoot as long as it’s not consistent you’re going to have bad

Games as we as we just said earlier to make or Miss league but it was one of those games where you didn’t even notice he was shooting that poorly there was also times I thought he got fouled I’m not going to make excuses for him but you get the point there was

They was one of those games where he was doing so much like there was that one time Keon tried to throw it over him he tapped it and was able to get the ball and I think they that ended up in a score so there was yeah that was the one

He got the ball and then he was what one-on-one with uh Chris Dunn end up getting fouled but either way the point is it was one of those games that everybody kind of contributed in their own way so yes Brandon Miller didn’t have the best stat line Brandon Miller

Didn’t have the 30-point gain that we’re used to him having at certain times especially in situations like this but since the new guys now that they are able to spread to love and spread to Joy and spread to scoring I think that has helped his game more so than when he has

To when he’s literally forced to drop 30 cuz we saw I want to say it was against the Raptors the game we lost against the Raptors at home Brandon Miller and J miles Bridges were they almost dropped like 40 a piece but at the end when it

Mattered the most they were gassed what happened tonight they didn’t have to do that it was a pretty in fact like I said I was waiting for someone to kind of break out and really one catch us up because at the time we were behind and

Didn’t exceed us and have us you know take this Victory home and I was like who’s who’s it going to be and both miles Bridges and brand Miller had the juice to finish that game now miles Bridges really did a bulk of it and then of course like I said Grant Williams but

That that is a good problem to have it allows Brandon Miller to really develop I feel like it allows him to not uh just adopt bad habits trying to save the game because we know how much winning means to him we know how much winning now for

Sure means to the team um so I think that it it is good for him to be able to have these guys to rely on and kind of him just play his game and then Cody Martin I mean he started off at point guard did not like that that’s something

That we could we we can talk about real quick I I didn’t really care for Cody Martin playing at point guard he had two really really early turnovers both trying to get the ball to Brandon Miller and I I don’t know what necessarily happened um but both passes just looked

Off the Mark and then there was one where he tried to like dump it off and it didn’t work either I for I think it was to Nick Richards and it just didn’t look good Cody Martin I think is a very good I I say this I believe Cody Martin is only going

To be as good as the team the team is getting better Cody Martin does seem to play better one thing I will say is that I feel as though maybe we can get what he does for cheaper and and then you know as we’re go slowly building this team

And at this point I feel like it’s just little nuances you want to fix here and there and kind of optimize the best way you can I feel as though we might can replace him for something cheaper now is it is do I know it’s out there no um it

Is it worth forcing a move just because it’s like oh well we’re paying them 8 million let’s try to make it you know less and and settle no I don’t think it’s worth it that either but all I’m saying is that the opportunities out there and and the owners and whoever the

New GM and Coach are if they’re sure that’s you know someone they can pick up and take and do what Cody Martin does then by all means I’m I am not against it at all whatsoever because I do feel like his his performance can be done by

Somebody else like I said for a little cheaper but I’m I’m not going to force it because I do feel like this is the recipe of the team we can talk about that a little bit later but Cody Mar at a point guard no I I I know that you

Know they don’t want um meich to to necessarily start I guess because that will leave like no guards on the bench outside of Seth Curry so maybe that’s why I know you can Stager the bance but I I I’m assuming that’s why at least move Trey man to the point card and and

Figure it out that way just for my sanity that would help miles Bridges as I mentioned he had a he had a great game at one point he was 7even for 17 he finished the game for 10 10 of 20 uh shooting four for six from three 26

Points 14 rebounds and four assists miles Bridges was just doing miles Bridges things he has looked more he what I like about this version of Miles Bridges is that in the past he was just so good so athletically gifted I it’s kind of obvious that athleticism has

Dwindled down a little bit and probably a lot of that is just missing so much time but what I’ve liked about this you know basketball version of Miles Bridges is that he’s finding other ways to do to impact the game it’s not just relying on his athleticism he’s making

Smarter plays I think he looks a little more agile I know that the athleticism not there but he just looks a little more Nimble out there on the floor and I think he’s just looking to make better plays he looks like he has a little bit of better touch as well sometimes he

Misses the easiest shots and he says it I mean it’s obvious sometimes he misses the easiest shots but for the most part I think he has a really good t touch and he just adds to me it’s a he has a little more finesse to his game than he

Had in years past and maybe because he knows that his athleticism is not quite where exactly where he wants it to be he’s still relatively young so I think that’s something he can get back I truly think it’s just he doesn’t have his legs he missed the first 10 games he missed a

Whole year it takes time so I think he’ll get back to you know those levels where it’s like highlights miles Bridges but he’s still doing it but in a more finessed way and I like that because that to me finesse add a little bit more longevity to your game and like I said

He’s adding that with better IQ plays I think that’s a match made in heaven he’s going to get his bag this summer hopefully it’s from us um Nick Richards I I like okay so like this is one thing I’ll say and I kind of speed this up as

We’re as we’re going I like Nick Richards I have really nothing wrong nothing bad to say about Nick Richards I just think his IQ is a little off like there was a point where I think it was in the fourth quarter uh him and Brandon Miller were running and pick and roll

And Brandon Miller as soon soon as the pick hit he went to the left and tried to like cut towards the basket and well drive towards the basket and Nick Richard literally cut down the middle and brought his man to uh Brandon Miller and then Brandon Miller don’t remember

If he got fouled or turned it over it was one of the two but either way it just it just made it difficult because why are you bringing your person and you see that I’m I’m literally attacking the basket things like that is what kind of

Bothers me about Nick riches as well as his hands I feel as though he’s not it’s like what tell wide receiver tight ends all the time in football I think he’s too busy thinking about what he’s going to do with the ball next instead of just focusing on catching the ball because

Sometimes the easiest passes he just drops them and just is is just not able but he has all the physical tools um he has some key key blocks even one I thought definitely was a Goen and they look at and I didn’t think it was I was

Like no that looks like a clean block but in real time I thought it was it was a go but Nick Richards I think he does a lot of good things he has literally absolutely what it takes to be a top three backup big in the league I I I

Said it I think it’s fact he’s on EX an exceptional deal which if he’s three his deal kind of would make him one or if he’s you know what I mean if if he does reach the levels of top three backup big his deal will make him one depending on

Who you would clarify as the I can’t think I’m top of my head but depends on who you clarify as a number one backup Pig I think if Nick Richards can solidify himself at three his deal will make him the best but it’s really just kind of it

Um our pick and roll game is not as strong as you would want it to be but it’s just strange because he’s so tall he’s so strong I don’t know what’s not clicking maybe we’ll see something with uh lamelo no most of the time when me is

In um he’s It’s usually the five out line up there are times where it is with Nick Richard and they still don’t really use the pick and roll like that we’ll see that’s something we do need to work on I feel as though but maybe with Mark

Williams it be different because I do I think Mark Williams as we were talking about miles early I do feel like Mark Williams is a little more Nimble than Nick Richards is so maybe that has something to play into it this this the role is a little more smooth um as

Opposed to like kind of just power focus when it’s Nick Richards nothing wrong with that but I do feel like there’s some things he needs to touch up on and then Trey man I mean Trey man had an excellent game he he just does All the Small Things he does all the small

Things and he does it effectively um he’s he’s rebounding he had a huge huge offensive rebound late in the game that was that was big for us he’s he sees the floor he he does that runaround thing that ismith does but it the results of it are so much better because he

Actually is looking he has the ability to score so when you’re defending him you don’t know what he’s going to do so with ismi you knew he was just going to run around and maybe try to do that like that that step back in mid-range with

Trey man you have no idea like cuz if the if the Corner’s open he’s running to the corner you have to rush out there and guard him because he will put up the shot if you you know commit too hard he can cut back and then just go for a

Layup or he can just find the open man because I think he has a excellent he does an excellent job of reading the floor and he the way he does it cuz it like I it’s literally the same move as ismith it’s not any different but the

Way he does it is a lot more smoother and it seems a lot more calculated now I don’t know if ishmi was doing that because height disadvantage and you know he knows that he gets bumped or he’s old there’s a lot of different reasons but watching Trey man kind of do this

Maneuver compared to ish Smith it does it just seems a little moreal Cal at it just seems a little more paced it seems a little more calm and that fits his demeanor so that easily could be it but I like when he does it because it actually seems as though he’s scanning

The floor as opposed to ish felt like this is the guy I’m going to pass to I’m going to this I’m going to do this and I’m expecting this guy to be here type of thing that that’s kind of was the difference is the difference to me but

Trey man overall huge huge Two Step backs in in the first half um yeah he he just he really just does it all whatever the team needs that quarter he does I would like to see his minutes staggered a little better I think he played like the whole first quarter then I don’t

Think he played at all in the second quarter and he was kind of in and out um for the remainder of the game and then he didn’t really close the game in this particular game I can kind of see because you still needed mijes to be out

There but you also needed Cody Martin because you wanted the offense to kind of keep flowing but you needed that defense to prevent the you know the Jazz from really coming back so I kind of got it if Steve Clifford Contin to play it by game then I’m okay with it we’ll see

I I really now that I think about it I need to go back and look and see how it was handled in previous games I know that I think he didn’t close like a couple of games but I need to kind of see what was the scenario either way

Treay man excellent player love what I saw from him uh Grant Williams as I mentioned had the big game he had a big game he being able to hit those open shots being able to kind of body up lry marketing cuz lry markeing I mean he had

He was five or 14 from the game and now La Markin has such an impact where it definitely seemed like he shot better than that but I think Grant Williams did an excellent excellent job of guarding lry he just did not make it easy he was physical and he turned around like I

Said and then with Trail and then just boom picking pop three pick a pop three and it wasn’t even in the same spot it was like kind of all over the you know deep perimeter so just shout out to Grant Grant Williams I think he played some excellent defense that of course

Was hitting his shots and then here’s a thing that Grant Williams does that I feel like we have not done and he sells foul if he gets fouled you will know he gets fouled and in today’s NBA I know that some people complain about it but

In today’s NBA I’m starting to see and and and I’m trying I need to go and make sure it’s not my bias for the team of course but I’m starting to see where more and more players kind of exaggerate those fouls because we we’ve been through I mean last season we didn’t do

It beginning of this season we didn’t do it we don’t get foul calls like that but nobody on our team I think exaggerates fouls and even and that was like a fault I had of uh like lamelo because he would get fouled and last year I think this

Year he’s done a better job but last year he would just get up and go down the court he might say something but it wasn’t like okay I’m I’m fou let me say like let me really get in their face and not necessarily say anything bad but let

Me really let them know instead of kind of saying like no foul and him moving on he’s gotten better at it this year but yeah I I think we’re not exaggerating calls Grant Williams does that and I think that’s huge it’s it’s super small but we see how it changes momentum it

Happens against us all the time we’ll be on like some type of run and this is even pre Dre deadline we’ll be on some type of run and then they’ll get a couple calls their way cuz they’re exaggerating and it it kills our momentum and then you know the game goes

From there I think that having someone that can kind of play you know into the arms of the refs and kind of get us some calls whether it’s a slow down the game to catch up slow down the game to catch our breath either way it slows down the

Game and kind of sifts momentum even a little bit no matter what the score is good to have someone that can that knows how how to do that I wish more of our players did it especially miles considering um you know the way he’s he’s how often he’s attacking the basket

Brandon Miller too because he gets fouled a lot and doesn’t get a few calls so anyway shout out to Grant Williams excellent excellent game he had zero rebounds zero rebounds but he still had a great impact because I think one thing that’s you know misunderstood is one you’re guard L

Marking out on a perimeter two he did a good job of guarding whoever he needed to guard and then box them out the ball wouldn’t get to them get to him to where he can bring it down but it allowed everybody else to rebound and since our

Team is just stacked of rebounders it it’s a little easier and I can’t I can’t wait till lamelo and Mark come back because I think we’ll be one of the better rebounding teams in the league I’m I’m and I’m not even exaggerating um ber Hans he unfortunately got injured in

This game with a hyper extended left knee and I think you know and we’ll we’ll wrap this up cuz I don’t want the video to be too long plus I got to do the podcast so uh anyway brons huge he had nine huge points he left with

Hyperextended KNE it was kind of late mid fourth quarter so maybe they were just being precautious because we do play The Warriors tomorrow um but I mean the the price t for Bon’s is frustrating because like I said January 10th of next year his contract becomes fully

Guaranteed so it goes from like the 4.5 or five million to 16 million but his value is unmatched I don’t know where else you’re going to find that in in the beauty of it is he doesn’t have to hit he’s just a threat he gets on the floor he’s a threat

Because he’s not the stationary catch and shoot guy he’s running off picks he’s flying down the court on transition he does a lot he even has a little active hands on defense you know Bert’s defensive player of the year I’m kidding but you get the point he he’s just a

Threat and if theam team doesn’t have anything better to do with the money and they don’t want to force a move I’m all for just saying hey we’ll guarantee you it’s it’s a lot for sure but that I I’m not willing for like for Cody Martin I’m willing to you know maybe

Miss out on some some some of his upside if we can bring in a player close of in caliber what beron is able to do at the level he’s able to do it I it doesn’t match the price tag but if you miss on trying to replicate that and getting

Someone it’s going to hurt and and it’s going to hurt your team I don’t need to and I know he only played six minutes he probably would have played what maybe 12 so it’s not like he plays a lot of minutes but the ability to sit the whole

Game and then come in and just launch and change the trajectory of the game is huge so I I I’m really conflicted on what to do in that scenario I’m pretty sure they can figure it out that kind of goes into optimization I was talking about earlier

In the video but I mean BT H is just it he’s huge it it’s huge how how able he’s a how he’s able to impact the game in the way he’s able to do it literally doesn’t play gets up scores and sits down and then is a very active guy on

The bench and it seems like the teammates love him because they definitely give him the ball like that is not I I don’t think I’ve seen Berton looked off once if he’s open there’re giving him the ball and he’s putting it up and and I love that whether he makes

It Miss it I honestly don’t care obviously of course over the course of a season if he’s like shooting 27% it’s going it’s not going to have the same impact but if he has a couple of games where he had like I think the last game

He was like one for five or something maybe last two games I can live with that because he’s going to do like he did tonight and be three for three so I’ll take it um I think that’s something we’re going to have to figure out as a

Team uh and then Seth Curry I think he did his thing just being that veteran guard uh because even with treay man we do have a young guard we we have a lot of young guards or yeah because it’s Trey man uh Cody Martin kind of I guess

Brandon Miller not really a guard but you get the point just a lot of guys in that little area of we have and in lamelo of course uh we have meic who you know is more of a veteran but it’s nice to have just another veteran guard that

Can shoot that’s another thing his is a little easier um I I do like his defense I think he he’s pretty self-aware he seems like a good veteran of course you love the story between you know having Seth and Dale but overall I do think Seth Curry provides value and at his his

You know pay I think it’s like 4.5 not mad at it and I and I probably would keep him I don’t think there’s anybody I’m really it it that’s one of those things where if you do try to optimize that position by maybe trying to get a

Little cheaper or younger or whatever in that but play that same role it it’s just not worth it that’s like at the bottom of the list compared to things we need to do rather bring him back for you know that 4.5 amount it might even be

Less than that it it sounds like it’s a lot it might be even less than that but you bring him back for that amount and just allow him to continue shoot play defense and kind of ball handle when he needs to when we’re in between deich lamelo uh Cody Martin minutes because I

I do feel as though um the reason he is doing a little more you know handling the ball a little more is because no lamelo I think once lamelo comes back it might dwindle down a little bit or maybe they’ll take it away from Cody I don’t

Know we’ll see he I think Cody may be the better playmaker but Seth is just a good veteran with the ball he’s he’s going to make the right play whether that’s passing somebody open or whatever the case may be I’m confident him making the right play and then lastly meit as I

Mentioned did not shoot well he was like one for eight uh could not hit a three at all I don’t even think he could hit a free throw but he had eight assists and while that’s you know I’m not going to knock or pretend that him not hitting

You know his shots is not a detriment but he’s his floor General in ability I I don’t think anybody on the team can do what he does outside of lamelo and that’s that’s just being honest his the way he’s able to command the attention of the opposing defense is something

That I’m not going to say I’ve never seen before that that’ll be a lie but I it’s something I haven’t seen on this team especially from someone who obviously isn’t not a starter and in this case like I said lamelo ball I mean it it’s just it’s one of those things where

We’ve seen out of every movement him make a different play we’ve seen him go for a layup and then at the same time it it in a split second he dishes out to the open man in the corner we’ve seen him go up and it kind of looks like he’s

Passing it and he reels it in and does like a under the B you know goes under the basket and lays it up that way we his movement is just impossible like I know like there’s the triple threat move his his just shooting mentality or whatever you want to call

His shooting mechanics is is a trouble threat move because you do have you have no idea what he’s going to do and he pass the ball so fluidly I I I really his presence is literally what we need I and we’re going to need that offense to

Hit a little more we’re going to need his shots to hit I I don’t think he’s taking any bad shots he’s just not hitting we’re going to need that the ball you know we’re going to need it to fall the shots to fall but I mean as of

Right now the threat itself of just having him on the floor and having him kind of command and offenses I mean he was plus 15 tonight despite being one for eight in a game that was you know after the second half it was up and down

There was times we were up five and then we were down six or times we were up seven and down eight so him being plus 15 despite putting up the shooting performance he did that tells you everything you need to know about meic in my opinion but overall

Thank you so much for watching this video I mean let me know what you thought about the game tonight I am yeah I recorded it tonight but as you as you all know know I am old so I will not upload it tonight cuz I had to sit here

And let it render and do all that stuff so you will see this video tomorrow sorry kind of for the delay but it is what it is until I figure something out I guess maybe you know I’ll start uploading these at night but overall thank you so much for watching this

Video let me know what your thoughts are down in the comment section below um we’re you know I took a break from Allstar I know that you know previously I had been uploading like I needed to then I’ve started uploading now CU i’ I’ve got my joy back but I took a break

For Allstar as well because there’s some things around the house I needed to do so I had to get above my butt and do it but more content is coming your way I’ve ordered a lot of different uh kind of like tools and not not necessar tools uh equipment equipment to make better

Videos make better content so you will be seeing all the Renditions of that so please be patient with me as I kind of try to figure it all out but the videos will not stop they will just obviously change and in uh quality hopefully for the better but you know of course

There’ll probably be some hiccups on along the way uh once again thank you so much for watching the video and I will go ahead and do this podcast and I’ll see you guys next time probably after the Warriors game tomorrow it will be Friday so I might actually upload

Tomorrow win or loose but thank you so much for watching I’ll see you guys next time peace

The Charlotte Hornets have increased their winning streak to 4 straight in a tough win against the Utah Jazz. Grant Williams and Miles Bridges did a great job of closing the game. Guys like Tre Mann and Brandon Miller were impacting the game in every facet and team were able to get a hard fought win.


  1. They're starting to develop winning habits and winning culture in Charlotte and New owners of the Charlotte hornets are building a winning program. Appreciated your work and content as always and God bless

  2. I've never liked the Martin twins from day 1, but it seems Cody Martin isn't going anywhere. The Hornets just need him to play defense and hit a few shots. That is it. He is not a PG.

  3. Honeymoon is over!, GS is a real completive team see what happen Michic is he injured ? He can't jump
    Miss layup after Layup. Or it gets toss like salad.

  4. Tra still not sold the best of the bunch is GW, SC, However, MB is amazing
    Anybody douted him don't know Basketball.

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