@National Basketball Association

Chris Paul reveals that Daryl Morey lied to him by saying he wouldn’t trade him to OKC, says Morey has “no people skills”

> “I go over to the gym to go work out and Daryl call me…He said ‘I was just calling you to make sure you didn’t wanna go to OKC.’ I was like, ‘No, why I don’ moved 15 people to Houston.’ And he was like, ‘Okay I was just making sure.’ He was like ‘I would never trade you to somewhere you didn’t want to go because you chose to come to us from the Clippers,’”

> “I chose to go to Houston from LA…I’m at the house chilling, I was on the phone with Jada [Chris’ wife] and next thing you know [the alert] said that I was getting traded [to OKC],

> “And then my phone started ringing and it was Daryl calling. So I ain’t know…Daryl was like, ‘Hey man, it just moves so fast.’ **I said, ‘It’s all good I just want you to tell me one thing. You said you wasn’t going to trade me, right?’ He said, ‘Yeah I said that but–’ I said, ‘That’s all I needed to know.’”**

In a different part of the conversation he says:

> “**If you know Daryl Morey, no people skills, real talk**, you know what I’m saying. He don’t really understand how to talk to people,” Paul said. “So as soon as Melo told me that (he was released) I got Jada my kids and we got up, I said Rudy (Gay) I gotta go. I went back to the hotel called Melo went to his room knocked on the door or what not, and I was in there with Melo for along time, a couple hours.

> “And Melo was in tears and I know how much he gave to the game but throughout the whole process of him coming to Houston me and Melo would talk about… all this stuff, I never said this is going to happen or not going to happen. So he tells me what happens with Daryl and I was like what? He came in his room told him he’d get him a flight back to New York, how do you say this to this man? **Some of the most disrespectful sh*t I seen**”

All from CP3’s appearance on [Dwyane Wade’s podcast](

by AdulasMoonblade


  1. iRockaflame

    “Daryl Morey is a liar” pack hitting hard lately

  2. Wishiwasaballerbaby

    it’s going to be hilarious when they re-sign Harris because players around the league don’t like or trust Morey.

  3. inshamblesx

    morey’s reputation going down the drain this year

  4. LongTimesGoodTimes

    Morey has been overrated and this is part of the reason why

  5. AgadorFartacus

    >Like the time he was late for his flight and parked his rental car at the terminal then tossed his keys to the baggage guy and gave him $50 to bring the car back to Hertz.

    >Or the time he was driving to the NCAA tournament in a frenzy to catch a tip-off and created his own left lane to beat the traffic.

    >Or another time when he had to rush to the airport so he called a team travel attendant to let them know he had left his bag back in his hotel. The attendant arrived and got the bellhop to let them in. Morey’s bag was in the room. So were his clothes and toiletries, scattered across the counters and floor.

    >One of the multiple former colleagues who relayed the latter story remarked, “Typical Daryl fashion: What’s the most efficient?”

    >In the mid-to-late 2000s, he owned a Lexus that he parked anywhere he wanted, regardless of the signage on the side of the streets of Houston. It kept accumulating ticket after ticket after ticket until the local parking enforcement agency stopped writing tickets and booted his vehicle.

    >Normally, someone with a boot on a wheel of their car would pay to have it removed so they could drive again. But Morey had another idea. He instead contacted Lexus to tell them he would buy a new car if it accepted his trade-in and dealt with the outstanding tickets. After negotiating and signing a deal, Lexus asked when he’d bring in the car and he gave the company the address to pick it up.

    >“As soon as that car got booted,” Morey said, “[I made that deal] to avoid having to go through the hassle.”

    [Source.]( I mention this not only because it lends credence to Chris Paul’s claim but also because I find it very funny and on-brand that KOC sees these as laudable examples of “efficiency” rather than privileged douchebaggery.

  6. Pat Bev also said that right before the trade deadline Morey came up to him to tell him “nah we’re not trading you Pat, not you” lmao

  7. amoeba1126

    Also told Tilman he wanted to quit to spend time with family… and then turned around to sign with Philly.

  8. DirkNorizzki

    Harden, Melo, Pat Bev & now CP3 all have the same story about Morey.

  9. BannedforaJoke

    He’s not on the spectrum. He’s just an asshole.

  10. PlayfulIntroduction9

    Compare that to Presti who asked CP3 if he wanted to play in OKC, and told him if he said no that he would work with him to find other options.

  11. Yodudewhatsupmanbruh

    Presti meanwhile told him exactly how the season was gonna go and then traded his ass to his preferred team.

  12. Misterstaberinde

    Surely his erratic behavior and willingness to win at all costs has won him numerous championships…right?

  13. altruisticdisaster

    Morey was a consultant for a while so odds are he’s just a dick

  14. HoyaDestroya33

    Morey is acting like a baseball GM and going through the numbers to construct a team and treating players like commodities. Baseball is the most individual team sport like when you’re at bat, its just you against the pitcher. Meanwhile in basketball, chemistry is very important. You cannot just use sabermetrics to construct a basketball team.

  15. StoneColdAM

    Morey is losing support in the league. Coupled with the fact that he hasn’t won anything, I think he might be sent packing in 2-3 years unless Philly wins a ring. 

  16. Forbidden_Donut503

    I saw Daryl Morley at a grocery store in Philly yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
    He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
    I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
    The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
    When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

  17. youknowhattodo

    I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people, can’t you understand that? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!- Daryl Morey

  18. People in these comments saying “Why is he mad, it’s a business!” are missing the point. Morey doesn’t need to straight-up lie to his players in order to do his job.

  19. Naismythology

    At some point, you need to understand that building/maintaining relationships is part of the process, and it can’t just be all about “financial efficiency.” The Lakers gave Kobe that huge extension at the end of his career. Was it worth it from a strict basketball standpoint of on court production? Hell no, of course not. But how the organization treated Kobe got them their next star. How they treat LeBron will dictate the star after that. And on it goes.

    Morey would’ve never given Kobe that deal. Would the Lakers have been more successful in the intervening years if he hadn’t? Hard to say. But whether Morey likes it or not, loyalty does matter. He just sees numbers on a spreadsheet. How does he think people are going to see him going into negotiations with him?

  20. blacksoxing

    The more I read these types of stories about Daryl Morey the more I think about folks like Suge Knight, Baby, and Diddy – shrewd businessmen who seemingly would purport one idea and dream to a person while fucking them over when they left.

    CP3 to OKC worked mainly because CP3 made it work and was beyond professional about it….but lord knows that wasn’t his choice and that Daryl should have at least kept it real with Chris. I’d too be pissed if I moved all my family to an area only to them be told “nope, pack it up! Welcome to OKC!”

  21. thebigmanhastherock

    I don’t think he sees his job as making players happy and he probably does view them entirely through the prism of winning, as it’s his job to improve his teams.

    The thing is, having relationships and positive interactions/not burning bridges does have at least some marginal effect on potentially helping your team.

    Like for free agency signing a player might not want to sign for your team if they feel like the GM won’t be honest with them or if their friends and sour on the GM. You might have players that might not want to re-sign or players that won’t want to be drafted by you. This might be rare but it’s a possibility and you should probably do what you can to eliminate that possibility from happening.

    The ability to be able to be honest with a player and convey information they might not want to hear in a way that they can accept is a skill and should be something a GM at least considers. If you are bad at that you are bad at a part of the job.

    No matter how analytic you are and how data driven there is still a human element to managing players and coaches on a sports team.

  22. AdebayoStan

    Wade’s podcast has been a breath of fresh air in the world of sports podcasting.

  23. On the other hand, Evan Turner said Sam Hinkie was real when he traded him. I don’t care what anybody says, Hinkie is my GOAT GM and he deserved to see the process through. The Process did not fail – it was not allowed to be completed!

  24. AnyEstablishment5723

    Is this a good time to have the “Morey is a bad GM who made a career off of one trade” conversation?

  25. Chimbondaowns

    This is no “revelation”. It was publicly known back in 2018 that Morey promised not to trade him. The thing is, and i’m not trying to be devil’s advocate, it seemed pretty obvious at the time that it was never Morey’s idea and he was forced to make that move.

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