@Boston Celtics

Lakers comeback against Clippers, Should the Celtics be the title favorites? | NBA | THE HERD

Lakers comeback against Clippers, Should the Celtics be the title favorites? | NBA | THE HERD

All right star of stage and Screen Rachel Nichols we love having her on the show we haven’t had you for a couple of months what a pleasure to have you you were at the Lakers uh Clippers last night which I said with about 8 minutes

Left I’m like I’m going to I’m going to go to bed who needs it get a good night’s sleep and you told me during the break as Laker fans oh at the end of the third yes I mean yes they were down by 20 like leting the arena yeah absolutely

So shades of the Miami Heat fans from years back that’s right um you know it is it is I I’ve said this I always appreciated this like I think there are certain comps and I understand the LeBron Michael stuff but it is weird it has a Sandy kofax like Justin Verlander

Feel like Verlander’s been great for it’s a dairo uh Robert Downey Jr both great one one an Oscar in 74 and may get another one here in 2024 LeBron’s doing stuff and I said this he’s not the best consistent player in the league but there are Knights like

Last night he’s easily the best player player on the floor of two really good teams did it feel like that 100% I mean LeBron is a Transcendent player and that was a Transcendent performance last night he has never done anything like that before that’s crazy when LeBron

Who’s in year 21 gets to something he’s never even done before you know it is a very big deal so that is just phenomenal what he did last night obviously offensively hitting all those threes was terrific but the fact that he played great defense he bothered Kawai on that

Last shot and when they started doubling him and just kind of made it impossible for him to to get to the basket he had all the right passes to All the Right teammates who he had given a ton of confidence too so you know I I’ve been

Saying it’s it’s like the Toby Keith line you know I’m not as good as I once was but I’m as good once as I ever was right I mean that’s what LeBron is right now he cannot be the LeBron of his MVP seasons in Miami every single night for

82 games plus three months of the playoffs but man when he puts it out there nobody can match in the league what he does on the nights that he is as hot as he is because they have players on the roster the Clippers that have had um kawai’s had some great postseasons

But Paul George I think to some degree unfairly has been criticized for his playoff performances I think he’s better than people think James Harden has run out of gas Westbrook’s been very hot and cold nobody necessarily myself included trusts the Clippers in the postseason is last night an indictment is there

Anything you watch and think man that that that felt like a playoff game at the end and they didn’t have it I I don’t I don’t think so I’m not spinning out a much larger judgment look nobody should be up 21 points in the fourth quarter and lose no matter who you have

Out on the floor but you do have to remember two of their five starters were out right and Paul George in particular he is a backbone of that team he is a plus player in every game not even by a little bit and 21 points is not what it

Used to be and in the last few years alone the Clippers themselves have been down more than 30 points and come back to win games and other teams around the league have done it too so you can’t look at this and be like man they can’t handle anything anymore um but I do

Worry about the Clippers handling length there are some other big teams in the Western Conference Minnesota Denver and the Lakers with ad um and in Lebron and I I just think that this would have been a good win for them especially without Zoo but it didn’t happen they didn’t

Have zubot I mean we’ll have to see what happens but they do have to figure out that how to play length problem before they get to the playoffs one of the things I’ve always I’ve always liked players like Drew holiday because um we talk about stars and mobility in the NBA

A lot but the truth is LeBron’s been mobile and successful KD’s moved around probably should have never left the Warriors we also talk about stars a lot or should have gone to the next I’m just going to keep beinging that drum but there’s also players in this league that

Are wildly valuable and they don’t get discussed a lot so really one key player changed the bucks on Celtics Drew holiday yep Milwaukee is not close to the same team and Boston looks like I mean significantly better than the rest I think the Celtics are much better than

The rest of the East then even Denver is against the West I think there are teams that could give Denver I don’t think anybody plays with Boston um the Milwaukee situation they had a coach with a winning record they got rid of him yeah like the doc thing I know ESPN

Was unhappy he just jettisoned them what do you make of Milwaukee and Boston now is it a Drew holiday thing should we be worried in milwa I mean Yannis Rachel he’s gotten a little westernized he was such a nice kid now he talks about get me this fire this if

Milwaukee is a one and done is Giannis there I mean look you don’t win anything in professional sports by being nice so I have no problem with Giannis knowing what he wants asking for what he wants that is the modern NBA and look I personally would not have fired Adrien

Griffin without record um but we all know that playoff wins are different than regular season wins and if they felt within that organization if in the locker room among the players they felt this guy is not a playoff coach and we are trying for the finals we are not

Trying to have a nice showing in the second round that is I assume why they felt they needed to make a change and we’ve seen so many teams right who are good regular season teams and then they just cannot handle a playoff environment I am curious to see if the Bucks turn

Into sort of the opposite they have Damen Lillard they have jannis TMO they have other good players and in Doc Rivers obviously everyone has talked about his record in seven game series etc etc but he is a championship coach who has won a title he’s won big games

In a lot of really hardcore playoff situations and I’m curious to see if when the rosters are short you know the bench is shortened and all the other stuff whether that team performs better in the postseason than we have seen so far but I will say I agree with you on

The Celtics no matter how much better the Milwaukee Bucks get the Celtics are so clearly the class of not just the conference but it’s you can watch them On Any Given night they went they go to Philadelphia now obviously embiid’s not there but when you watch them on a

Consistent basis against Eastern teams they they just destroyed Homer a roog everyone so so with Boston to me the question isn’t really are they coming out of the East anything can happen and the people in Milwaukee I I mean in Miami right now I hear you know screaming at their televisions but wait

There’s us never forget us we’ve beaten Boston a couple times when it counts in the playoffs but um I I really think the question for them is can they beat a Denver let’s say if that’s who they match up with in the finals and those are the most likely teams to get there

And I just I don’t know I think for the Celtics it’s not Championship or bust because obviously they’re a young team if they don’t win this year they’re going to be able to come back next year I do think for the psyche of that Boston team absolutely right they they lost to

The Warriors in a finals in a series that home game they had control of the and got yes and they got dogged at home yep and then even that series against the Heat last year and again no disrespect to Miami because that team we’ve seen just comes alive in the

Postseason but they should have Boston should have won that series and the fact that they didn’t so if they do make it to the finals again this year I think for their sort of mental who are we what can we be are we a championship group

They kind of need to win this year otherwise I wonder if they’ll do a little tinkering over the summer yeah that’s what I feel as well so New York tonight uh plays Golden State Warriors are a fascinating team usually after a dynasty Michael Jordan’s team the

Heedles you kind of bought him out for a few years they have kind of pivoted they hit on a draft pick kind of the next clay kaminga pop Chris Paul back they’re actually really Draymond has been great Wiggins who was bad early now has found

His role in his Groove so I I like Golden State tonight in that game as somebody that uh is a Nick fan I thought they would now they’ve had injuries to Julius Randall but I do feel it’s pretty obvious when you watch them and you see

A Denver or even a Lakers or a a a golden state or you see a Boston I feel like they’re missing a piece an offensive piece were you surprised they didn’t make a move at the deadline uh I wasn’t only in that there wasn’t something out there that felt like to me

Oh my God we have to have this I think the Oobi move which was what a week and a half before the deadline or two weeks before the deadline whatever it was was their deadline move yeah um I think that they have more to do though I agree with

You they have a missing piece to be a championship level team fortunately they have the assets to do that yeah so whether it’s this summer whether it’s before next year’s trade deadline I expect them to do something big and I expect it to make a big impact so

Finally um I think Victor wanyama is fascinating I’m old school F yeah there’s a little s buoy uh it’s um you know these guys now these European players come down the wing at 73 put it on the deck I mean it’s it’s just a whole different ball game you can’t you

Bottom line is you can’t hand check so everybody gets to the basket and there’s no bigs at The Rim cuz they’re all out in the perimeter are shooting when you covered him when you’ve been at games what’s what’s the atmosphere like with him yeah I saw him just a couple weeks

Ago at a game and he is just I mean people’s jaw drop on TV he looks great but I promise you in person it is an entirely different experience it looks like he can do anything he wants uh he was playing against the Lakers he made Anthony Davis look small I mean LeBron

Said I looked over and Anthony’s looking like you know a regularized person over there um if he played on a better team I think he would be a strong candidate for defensive player of the year right now as a rookie and he still has more

Progress to go I said uh as he entered the league I said to me if he is able to stay healthy he already has displayed he has the drive if he is able to maintain that he could be a top 10 player of all time and that is not something you say

About guys who haven’t played a bounce yet in the NBA but to me I I it seemed obvious and I got to say I nothing has changed my mind at hren similar body type we worry about wemi but more chat hren will they be pushed around I heard

A lot of Scouts say pushed around but you watch the offensive game of Chad and wemi and you’re like these kids I mean these these guys are you’re talking seven-footers that can put it on the deck and beat you off the dribble it’s insane and remember what Giannis looked

Like as a rookie right he’s either the before and after pictures I mean he looks like a totally different body and a totally different person get Victor weany in an NBA strength and conditioning program he’s already started to put on some muscle I expect that to continue Rachel Nicholls all

Right great Sena she got a good one last night as the Lakers came roaring back from a 21 Point deficit I was almost turning it off people were leaving and LeBron did a LeBron hi everybody it’s me Uncle Colin subscribe here to get the latest from the herd including exclusive

Behind the scenes videos and more wherever you may be however you may be watching thanks again for making us part of your day

LeBron James led the Los Angeles Lakers to a 21-point comeback against the Los Angeles Clippers to win 116-112. Colin Cowherd and Rachel Nichols discuss if this proved that LeBron is still one of the best players in the NBA, and how concerning this loss is for the Clippers. Plus, if the Boston Celtics should be the NBA title favorites following their 9-game win streak.

#TheHerd #NBA #Lakers

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Lakers comeback against Clippers, Should the Celtics be the title favorites? | NBA | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd


  1. The mainstream a$$ kissing sports media is SO desperate for any good LeBron performances. They make me want to puke how they fall all over themselves. How about a PED investigation? Look at him. It's very obvious

  2. What do you mean he has never done that before??? He has outscored teams in the 4th qrt 17-18 times. I remember him scoring 25 in a row against Pistons in 4th and OT

  3. Every time lebron has a game like this , comments flood in online with guys who vote republican who have 2 teeth and live off a disability check screaming he’s overrated , they’re the 9th seed , steroids ….

  4. Did Colin really say LeBron not really the best consistent player in the league? Dude has averaged virtually the same 27 7 7 for his entire career. If that's not consistency i don't know what is.

  5. Oh my god are we really supposed to buy into the Boston hype again? Can’t wait to see Brown and Tatum both decline to be the guy in the biggest playoff moments.

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