@Detroit Pistons

New Starting Lineup? Monty Williams Says Detroit Pistons Will Start Isaiah Stewart Moving Forward

New Starting Lineup? Monty Williams Says Detroit Pistons Will Start Isaiah Stewart Moving Forward

It sounds like the Detroit Pistons will be going with a new starring lineup as opposed to the one we have seen since the trade deadline is this a good move is this new starring lineup a good idea we’ll talk about all that and break it all down in today’s episode of the

Lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Johnson with one second to go what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter at cookah Hill I want to thank you guys for being locked on Pistons your first listen of every

Single day we have free available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and

Today’s episode is brought to you by grammarly make a bigger impact at work with grammarly sign up and download for free at podcast and today’s episode we’ll talk about K Cunningham looking like he’s unlocking a new or maybe an old part of his game and also we’ll talk about a

Recent Pistons transaction that they did involving one of their I or guess former one of their former best backup bigs and what this means we’ll talk about that a little later but we’re going to start off with the the news that it sounds like the Pistons will be

Employing a new starting lineup and maybe it’s not new because it did start in this last game against the Chicago Bulls where they did win they did beat the Chicago Bulls with this new starring lineup but before that starring line or before that game against the Bulls they

Had a different starting lineup the previous six seven games since the trade deadline on February 8th and it sounds like they will be going moving forward with the starting lineup of Cade iy assar Isaiah Stewart and Jaylen durren I I just want to break down the entire process of this decision

Making and whether this is the right move so let’s let’s start with the let’s start with the older starring lineup the one we saw before this last game against the Bulls that staring lineup had K Cunningham Jaye Ivy assar Thompson Simone fonio and Jaylen Duren now the

First place I want to go with this is just the process you if you guys have listened to the podcast for a while you guys know I’m a big proponent of process proc over results because if it’s bad process that leads to good results it’s not sustainable just because you had bad

Process and it led to good results one time doesn’t mean it’s going to be sustainably good results you’re eventually going to run into those bad results because it’s not good process good process eventually will lead to good results that that is a big belief of mine so that that and you’ll see why

We’re staying with that point in a little bit but let’s just go with the process the process behind that starting lineup the idea behind that starting lineup is you have C and Ivy who are your main ball handlers obviously with your core four guys in Cade Ivy assar

Duran what do those guys need around them they need a shooter because assar and Duran is not going to provide that outside spacing you can provide spacing in other ways we’ve talked about that many times in the podcast but they need an outside shooter and not just one which is

Something we’ve talked about in the podcast a lot not just someone who is going to be a standing catch and shooter that does not provide the same type of space they need a movement shooter they need a guy that can consistently attack Closeouts a guy who knows how to move

Without the ball beyond the three-point line find his spots they need someone that provides that type of gravity and that is what Simone fonio was bringing to that Squad and they were playing really well that was the process behind it they had so they had defense with assar guarding the other team’s best

Player most of the time he helped on the glass with durren because he’s a good rebounder for his position fonio also was active on the glass and is a fine Defender as well so like prior to to the trade deadline you had to go with boan maybe in that spot that’s just a

Horrific Defender you’re having to basically choose offense over defense at that point no with fono you’re getting a balance of both with assar and him on the wings you’re you got that spacing you got that spacing you can try to work things out in the half court offense

Because you have that movement shooter and then on defense you’re not just completely forfeiting by having a boan out there Alec Burks out there you have a fono with thear and durren on the glass so the process of it made sense you got that movement shooter with them

Now will it pro will would it provide good results because again you can have good process and maybe it just doesn’t result result in good uh good results I said that twice maybe it doesn’t happen that way because the players aren’t good enough however that wasn’t the case with

The starting lineup in the seven games now it is just seven games okay it was a small sample but everything we’re talking about now is going to be a small sample because it’s since the trade deadline since they completely reshaped their roster in the seven games since the

Trade deadline the Pistons were were 15th in the NBA in defensive rating since that trade deadline since since those moves were made they were 15th in the NBA in defensive rating in all of these games Isaiah Stewart was not a part of this team he was not a part of

This team so I know the big argument is oh this team’s just it’s horrible with Isaiah Stewart on defense well not actually since the trade deadline when they actually acquired wings that can move laterally at all they’ve been 15th defensively could they be better yes Jaylen Duran needs to be better

Defensively but as a team they’ve been middle of the p since then it has a lot to do with the the Acquisitions of wings that can move along with that the starring lineup of Kade Ivy Simone Asar Duran had a defensive rating of 110.4 that was their defensive rating

That would rank 10th in the entire NBA so those five guys were playing at a top 10 defensive level they had a net rating of plus 4.7 they were winning their minutes they were playing extremely well extremely well together and the Pistons were not losing games during that streak because

Of the starting lineup the starring lineup was consistently outplaying the other team starting lineup they lost games because Monty Williams wanted to play 11 guys in the first 15 minutes of NBA action play fiveman bench lineups that were getting outscored by a thousand and the team and the starters

Would have to come back in and try to fight from a deficit that’s what was happening the starting lineup was working great they were playing extremely well together extremely well and the process made sense you had spacing while having some defense you weren’t just forfeiting either side of

The basketball it was making things flow better in the half court offense fonio spacing his ability to attack Closeouts was helping like all that stuff the process made sense and it was providing good results they were playing really well now let’s enter in the new starting

Lineup which is Cade Ivy assar Stu and Duren let’s start the same way process does that make sense process-wise no it does not make sense because Stu assar and Duren are not going to provide any type of spacing gravity they’re not going to they’re they’re not going to

Provide spacing they in the game against the Bulls you can look many times Stu was one of five I believe in the first half against the bulls the bulls were asking him to shoot thre Cade and Ivy could not get paint touches because either Andre Drummond nicoa vuich

Whoever it was that was guarding Stu was just standing in the paint and was saying if you guys want a result if you guys want your end result of your offensive possession to be in Isaiah Stewart 3 we will take that every day of the week and in the first half they were

Winning that now Stu did make two in the third quarter but despite that they were not going to change their defensive coverage and it’s something I’ve told you guys since the off season Stu is not going to be a good enough shooter this year at any point and it’s not going to

Provide any of the type of like all of his threes are basically all wide open Catch and shoot threes they’re all wide open because the defense wants them to be wide open it’s not like he’s getting threes off of Mo off of movement coming off screens or anything like that he’s

Getting threes because the defensives want him to get take threes those are the only shots he’s taking he’s not taking semi contested threes he’s only taking wide open ones so even when he makes them pay he hits like two in a quarter like he did in the third

Quarter defenses are not going to change their coverages so now you got assar Stu and durren who are not going to provide that and it’s going to make life it just not not even just looking at what’s actually happened just the process of that is oh I have two ball handlers who

Like to get to the paint who like to get to the rim and kick out are they going to be able to do that with three guys that won’t command the defense to respect them be on the arc no no that that that just you can you

Can put two and two together and say no that does not make sense it doesn’t so that’s the process of it now defensively they’ll probably be really good because obviously defensively with assar and Stu they’ll be good defensively but in the half court offensively does the process

Make sense no and what happens when the process doesn’t make sense in the half court offensively when you have Kate and Ivy I guarantee you we’ll see how it plays out but I’m willing to bet that the turnovers will Skyrocket because the space is going to be tough and it’s

Going to be tighter windows it’s going to be tighter driving Lanes I guarantee you turnovers will go up I guarantee you paint touches will go down by your lead guards I guarantee you Ivy and Cade will not get the same amount of shots at the room that they were previously with this

Other starting lineup and you’re basically will be asking Cade and IV which we’ll talk about in the second segment to survive off of jumpers a lot of jumpers and a lot of floaters outside the paint because it’s GNA be tougher for them to get all the way to the rim

Maybe that doesn’t happen but I think the like just thinking logically about it that’s probably what’s going to end that’s that’s why I’m willing to will happen now now let’s go on to the numbers of it that that starring lineup right there if you look on at all their

Minutes this year that starting lineup they have a plus 8.3 net rating they have a defensive rating of 105.1 and a def an offensive rating 11 13.4 so if you look at that if you look at that you will say oh co what are you talking

About it looks like it’s thriving let me break it down for you that lineup has 63 minutes played together okay 63 minutes play together the Kade ibsr St Dar it has 63 minutes played together on the season they played 23 of those minutes together against the Bulls what happened

In that game against the bulls the bulls shot the worst three-point percentage we have ever seen we have seen since 2014 they shot two of 19 what does a lot of mysteries lead to it leads to a lot of long rebounds what do a lot of long rebounds lead to transition

Opportunities fast break opportunities early offense opportunities so the Pistons were’re not having to live off their half court sets they were getting a lot early offense transition fast break they were able to keep the pace up because the Bulls were shooting threes and missing him at a historical rate not

Just because some of it maybe you’ll say it’s because of the Pistons defense if you go back and watch every three the Bulls take took in that game a lot of them were wide open a lot of them were open the Bulls just didn’t hit them so

23 of those minutes came against that in that in that context and that context they were fantastic that that starting lineup played fantastic in those 23 minutes is it because of their own defense is because of their own play or does a lot of it have to do with the

Fact that the Bulls just weren’t hitting anything and leading to transition opportunities I tend to say that second part the reason why I tend to say that second part is because if you take those 23 minutes out just that Bulls game and look at the sample of before the Bulls

Game that they played together they played 40 minutes before that in those 40 minutes they had a negative 14.4 net rating they had a 103.4 offensive rating and a 117.8 defensive rating so if you just remove the Bulls game where they play 23 minutes a g 23 minutes in that

Game and the Bulls shot the worst three-point shooting performance since 204 10 years ago a decade the worst three-point shooting performance of a decade if you just remove that that performance they’ve been a terrible lineup together why because the process matches the eye test that if you have these guys on the floor

Together driving Lanes get tight turnovers will Skyrocket they won’t get enough good quality three-point looks off Ivy and Cade won’t get to the rim as much and what does that lead to turnovers will lead to easy buckets for the other team a lot of Miss shots just

Like the Bulls did will lead to early offense for the other team so no matter how good you are in the half court in a set defense you won’t even get to set up in that half court defense because you’re constantly turning the ball over missing shots not getting good quality

Shots off and leading to early offense for the other team so to end this all off do I agree with this new starting lineup absolutely not the other one made sense logically process-wise and made sense it testwise and backed up by the numbers and backed up by the performance

You watched every single night with that St at lineup it made sense from the get-go and then it made it confirmed that it made sense this lineup doesn’t make sense process-wise you clearly see where the problems are going to arise and before the game against the Bulls

Where the Bulls had a a historic bad shooting performance the proc the bad process matched the bad results so we’ll see how it goes the rest of the year maybe maybe somehow it just completely flips and the logic doesn’t match what ends up happening on the court and it

Ends up being a tremendous lineup maybe that ends up happening I’m not willing to bet that and I don’t understand why when the core four should be your main priority when the core four guys should be your main priority and the process says start a guy like fono that provides

Movement shooting and then the process leads through great results with those guys they were playing great basketball why you’re then changing it to force Isaiah Stewart as a starting power forward when the process doesn’t make sense to do so and it makes it s in the process and it test before the Bulls

Game says you’re making life harder on all of them on offense by doing so I don’t know why you do that but it is what it is we’ll see how it plays out long first segment but I think it was worth it let me know what you guys think

In the comment section down below or over on Twitter at Cahill when we come back K Cunningham is unlocking a new slash old part of his game that will take him to the level of superstardom in the future if it’s here to stay we’ll talk about what that is when we come

Back our partners at eBay motors have teamed up with lock on Fantasy Basketball host Josh Lloyd to bring you some of the best fantasy picks each week all season long whether you’re prepping for a daily draft or scouting the waiver wire every week we’re going to provide

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And with Trey young out the touches and shot attempts will Spike Trey young going out that’s a lot of usage for the Hawks that just is gone that has to be replaced by somebody I’m sure it’ be spread out a little bit throughout the

Team but I think Josh did a great job in singling out DeAndre Hunter I think his shot attempts will go up I think his uses will go up and I think he’s going to Fair well with that I love that pick of DeAndre Hunter few other picks that

Josh has here that I agree with there’s one in particular I’d say Benedict mat he’s in the career best form posting numbers in multiple categories concerns of consistency but while he’s rolling and if he keeps rolling he’s 100% gonna be worth using Josh Lloyd from Lockdown fantasy basketball is going to help you

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Customers eligible items only exclusions apply at eBay so I want to thank you guys again make lockon pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free to your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button

Or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast K Cunningham has been playing absurdly well absurdly well since the trade deadline not only does he look more like the player actually he looks I won’t say

Exactly like the player he looks close to the player that we saw before he celebrated that KNE sprain against the the Nuggets that lasted for 34 games the 34 game spree of how well Kade was playing that he looks closer to that guy now that he looks

Healthy he had a he had a chance to take the All-Star break let his knee heel he looked fantastic he looks close to that guy you might be wondering well Co why do you say close to that guy because close to that guy would insinuate or the

Same as that guy would insinuate he’s actually playing worse because right now he’s actually playing better than that guy was those 34 games he’s actually playing better it’s close because it’s not close in a worse way it’s close in a better way he’s playing better than that

Guy over these last four games he’s averaging 28 and a half points 6.3 assists 5.5 rebounds he’s shooting 59% from the floor 57% from Deep only getting 3.8 free throw attempts a game which we’ll talk about that another day I I can’t I can’t do the the free throw

Stuff with Kate he just he gets a terrible whistle but and in in two of those games by the way he didn’t even get a free throw attempt just pure ethics just just just pure hoops man P pure Hoops coming from K Cunningham foul grifting nah don’t need it flopping

Don’t need it don’t need no free throws we go out and get straight buckets uh so kage’s been playing extremely well and one of the biggest reasons he is playing so well over these last four games and one of the biggest reasons outside of the the brief you know like

Four to five game stretch after he came back from his knee injury that he was struggling a little bit um which he I think actually you know let me not say that he wasn’t playing at that well uh the four or five games after um his his knee spring when he

Returned um outside of that stretch the reason why he’s having such a good season which he’s having a really good season one of the biggest reasons why is his three-point shooting his three-point shooting has absolutely skyrocketed this year his previous two seasons in the OR previous season because last year he

Only played 12 games that doesn’t count so his rookie season he shot 31% from deep in those 12 games last year he was sh 28% from deep and then he got hurt but he was dealing with the the shin injury obviously so through two seasons of yan

Con it’s really just 76 games he was shooting 30% from deep that is terrible not good at all and if you remember coming out of the draft one of the reasons why Cade was such so everyone was so high in him as a prospect people were talking about him as just a Next

Level Camp Miss Prospect was because of his ability to score from all three levels and his ability to hit outside shots at his size and through the first 76 games of his career first year and then 12 games the second year he just was not doing that he just wasn’t he

Wasn’t shooting very well but that has changed that has changed this year for the Detroit Pistons 4K Cunningham and if he continues to shoot like this it will unlock super starred him starred him for him that is the part of his game that that is was holding him back

From being the guy that everyone thought he was going to be coming out the draft that right there is what what what held him back because his three-point shooting wasn’t at the level that people expected to be and not just his three not just his catch and shoot three-point

Shooting which has been good which has been good by the way he’s shooting 40 close to 40% on catch and shoot threes ever since the first 12 games of the year if you take the first 12 games of the year when he was struggling he was starting next to Killian Hayes he

Was starring next to assar Thompson isaah Stewart had no spacing at all literally as soon as they switched to a more spaced out offensive lineup literally as soon as they did it so since those eliminate the first 12 games over the last and incl this is even

Including that four to five game stretch when he was struggling with the knee injury coming back last 36 games he’s shooting 38% on pull threes I am telling you right now and he’s been hitting step back threes he’s been tearing them up from Beyond AR the last few games but

Even before the last few games he’s shooting extremely well on pull-up threes which is what he was expected to be coming out of college what people thought he was going to be coming out College step back threes hitting threes when guys go underneath the screen all

Of that he’s doing 38% on pull-up threes I’m telling you right now if he’s shooting close to that I expected to regress a little bit probably to like 36 35% even at that level if he hovers around 35 36% on pullup threes I am telling you right now Cade will be a

Superstar in the future because that you will not be able to stop him that is the only part of his game that has been lagging him back that was the part of his game that was supposed to be with him coming out of college it has not been there if that

Part of his game is back if that part of his game it’s a new part of his game but also an old part of his game because it was there Oklahoma it was there Oklahoma State I’m sorry it was there it was not there in the first two years first 76

Games of his career so it’s new in the NBA it’s it was a part of his game in the college level if that is back good luck NBA trying to guard him because he’s going to be unstoppable which is what you’ve seen the last four games if

You if you can’t just go under the screen against him if he’s able to Boogie on you and hit step back threes if he’s able to dominate switches by hitting threes not just getting to the rim but also hitting threes when the big man gives them space because they’re

Switched out and they don’t want to get beat to the rim good luck trying to stop him that’s not even talking about his catch and shoot threes which has been on point All Year by the way even including the first 12 games of the year where he wasn’t

Hitting threes like that he’s up to 36% on the year from three by the way up to 36% from three his splits on the season by the way these are his splits on the season 46% from the field 36% 36% my goodness from Deep 50% on twos and 85% from the fre

Line he has a 55.3 two shooting percentage it’s going to go up it’s going to keep going up if you were told those were his splits before the year you would everyone would have lost their minds and been like Kade is back that’s the Cade that we expected to see coming

Out the draft because this is the Cade we’re seeing I don’t understand why it took people so long to realize that’s the Cade we’re seeing but that’s what we’re seeing finally we’re seeing that Cade take the next step and to reference the first segment we were talking about the starting

Lineup the only way I think that that staring lap would be able to survive is if cage remains in this heater from Beyond The Arc if he’s able to just survive and make and just just destroy teams from Beyond The Arc he’ll survive off that because he won’t have to get to

The pain as much if he’s able to keep shooting like this they’ll get away with it if he’s able to keep consistently bringing two to the ball because they don’t want him to get shots off from Beyond The Arc and allows his team to get four and three situations they might

Be able to survive with it might might it’s still bad process that’s just the best case scenario Kate Kate is playing extremely well dude he he’s looking tremendous and that three-point shot is going to unlock everything for him and it’s going to make him borderline Unstoppable Unstoppable his mid-range game is on

Point he continues to get to the basket can finish at the basket he can shoot free throws even though he doesn’t draw enough of them not no fall of his own if he’s able to bring that three-point shot around now with him cutting down his turnovers

Like he has since the first 12 games when they decided to stop with the awful spacing even though they want to go back to it now I guess they want turnovers to come back up but if he continues to do all this that that’s Cade that’s the number

One overall pick right there that right there is the is the Superstar prospect that right there is the future superstar in the NBA that that’s the player that everyone was waiting for that right there the player we have seen the last 36 games of the year that that’s the

Player the Pistons will be all right if that player is here if that player is here good luck NBA good luck Pistons are down now kad’s down now give it give it two years next year give it two years good luck good luck if this three-point shot’s here to stay good

Luck let me know what you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter at cill real briefly we’ll touch on the Pistons buying out Mike muscala what I think about that we’ll talk about that when we come back no matter what kind of work you do how

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For being locked on Pistons your first listen of every single day fre on podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support

The podcast Mike muscala and the Detroit Pistons have come to an agreement on a buyout before I go any further into giving my thoughts on the Pistons doing this I had to preface it with this I I have not seen I don’t believe anyone’s reported on whether um Mike muscala was asking for

This whether the Pistons wanted to do like we haven’t had reporting on why exactly this happened like was it because was Mike muscala not playing because he didn’t want to play and was wanting a buyout did he ask for a buyout because he wasn’t playing because he wasn’t being played so therefore he

Asked for a buyout so he could go play for a contender but if that’s what happened like depending on which one happened I’m gonna have two vastly different reactions if he wasn’t playing because he wanted a buy out so they just weren’t playing him which I’m not gonna

Lie I don’t think makes much sense because I believe he actually did get some minutes in a re in a recent game when someone got into fou trouble um so that could be the case but it just doesn’t make as much sense to me that that would be what happened but I’m not

Ruling off the table it definitely is possible that’s what happened um if that’s what happened I I don’t have much to say I’m not like I don’t have I don’t have much to say and you know it is what it is that’s unfortunate because he was playing well for the Pistons

However if he was bought out and asked for a buyout because he was no longer being played in the rotation if that is the reason I have a huge problem massive problem because Mike muscala is about a 10 times better option at backup five than James wisman is and the Pistons

From Troy Weaver to Tom Gores to Monty Williams have all said over the last few weeks that right now is about winning they’re trying to win games they’re trying to go into the offseason on a high note they’re trying to go into the offseason having played 500 typ

Basketball having won quite a few games that’s what that’s what they’re that’s what they said their goal is now I know that you know Monty said that was his goal and then he proceeded an hour later to play 11 guys in the first 13 minutes of a game and play five men

Bench LS still like I understand that you know what Monty says as this year is basically the opposite of what he actually does so I take that with a grain of salt I understand um however if we are to take them for the at their word which I

Mean like I said I understand that may be Troublesome for for Pistons fans to do um but we’re going to take them at their word that they’re trying to win games now they want to win games for the rest of the year playing James wisman over Mike

Muscala is just might be a bigger sin than them playing Killing Hayes as many minutes as they were before like that I’m not joking it may be a bigger sin than that it won’t be a bigger sin than starting killing over Ivy But continuing to play him a lot of minutes after that

It probably is a bigger sin than that Mike Scala in his minutes with the Pistons out of any rotation player this year for the Detroit Pistons had the largest onoff Difference by far like is even close his onof was a plus 19.1 the next closest of any rotation player is

Isaiah Stewart at 8.4 so over 10 points better he allowed the Detroit Pistons to play five out if you go and look at Mike muscala and assar Thompson lineups they thrived why because you had a guy who could space the floor and actually drag def defenses out to him beond the arc

And allowed assar to have so much space inside the arc to work backup lineups you could play stew with him and you actually could go five out because then you could have Stu at the five and run pick and papa stew you can try to go five out with that those lineups just

Simply it’s not even about Mike muscal himself being a good player it’s simply about the fact that he was able to space the floor out at the five position to where the Pistons could run four out one in and even five out lineups they were thriving in his minutes

Thriving like dominating his minutes no like legitimately dominating his minutes just because of that because of the space that opened up for their other players for their best players they were dominating his minutes and the argument that Monty Williams brought for not playing Mike muscala over James wisman

Was because James wisman brings more defensively when that’s just flat out incorrect the defensive rating with Mike mcalla on the floor 107.9 when it’s off 118.5 that’s a 10.6 difference the team was 10.6 points worse defensively with him off the floor James wisman he has a 12.6 defensive rate when

They when he’s on the floor when he’s off the floor they have a 11 17.9 so they’re 2.7 points better with him off the floor I look defensive rating per just a player single defensive stats it’s it’s tough they are wonky but this big of an onoff

Difference matches your eye test it’d be different if it did not match your eye test the the onoff splits very clearly match your eye test the worst defensive ratings of of defensive um of guys that have played rotational minutes for the Pistons Buon bonovich James wisman Isaiah livers Malachi Flynn jayen Ivy

Does that not match our eye test it does so that’s why I’m saying if if if he was bought out because and he wasn’t being played because he wanted to be bought out so they just weren’t playing him okay then it is what it is it’s unfortunate if he was bought out because

He was not being played and then he wanted out because they wanted to play James wisman over him that’s that that that right there is just like that would be something like I I I don’t know what would I I don’t know I I seriously just

Would not know and I hate the fact I I I don’t want to come on here in bag and go at James wisman like I don’t want to do it but the coaching staff and I feel like the Pistons franchise is like forcing people to talk about it like no

One wants to be going after James wisman having to talk about this but they keep doing it to him they like they’re they’re they’re causing more harm to him than anyone else is James wisman played 16 minutes the other night he had five fouls he almost fouled out in 16 minutes

Of action when he comes into the game teams immediately go at him every single defensive possession like I I pray to God that the reason why he was bought out and was not being played was because he refused the play because he wanted to buy out I’m

Going to pray that that was the case because if that was not the case if he was simply just not being played because Monty we were taking Monty at his word that it was because defensive reasons like I I don’t like I don’t know what to

Say like I I I I I don’t have anything I seriously don’t have anything but that that’s that’s my that’s my thoughts on that let me know what you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter ATK Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making

Lock down Pistons your first listen every single day frear podcast platforms hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

Monty Williams said after a recent Detroit Pistons practice that the team will move forward with the starting lineup from the Chicago Bulls game, which replaced Simone Fontecchio with Isaiah Stewart. Is this the right decision by the Pistons coaching staff?

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  1. I appreciate the process, but also consider context. I don't disagree, it is concerning but if you are looking for some hope, Monty may seem like he will say one thing and do the other you never know maybe he says this the lineup but like the 9.5 players, he might switch it up. The one exception though, I feel is when they are going against big lineups, I am not sure Tecc can face that but that's not most NBA teams so we saw him get bullied by Rui and Bron vs Lakers and I understood it matchup wise for Stew vs the Bulls when thjey do play a big lineup. But most teams are not that big so I am curious to see how this works.

    Also for context, Stew literally has not played with this team since the trades until the Bulls game. His last game, was I think the OKC one and weren[t we concerned about Cade at that time that he came back too early and/or were those stats because of the lineup, maybe both. As recenty as last week, Monty said in the postgame they were sort of managing Cade's minutes. And I do wonder, and no right answer but how much space do you give a lineup or a player to make mistakes. There's been a lot of in and out of the lineup issues, injuries, Killian started a bulk of the games, is this a decent enough sample size? The stats will be bad for a young team still trying to figure out but when do you account for more time for growth because now, seems like Ivey is getting more consistent time and Cade is slightly healthier and we are going back to this Stew lineup.

    And the last thing, should we focus on starters or minutes composition? Because Stew may start but we saw Tecc get heavy and deep minutes into the 4th because of his performance, he didn't end the game but he took a lot of it. Grimes as you noted on twitter ended the NYK game over Ivey because he was doing better that night

  2. It's a little puzzling tbh.. Maybe they'll stagger the bench more and start earlier. But it does seem like it will lead to Stewart shooting 3s and a lot of contested Cade 3pt shots. I guess if the Pistons manage to play good defense they'll get the transition buckets. I could see them going back to the other lineup though.

  3. what’s the evidence to me is whether it’s Killian, Isaiah Stewart, as a starter, big minutes for James Wiseman or whatever someone wants to just push through these things knowing for well we are not better doing that.

  4. Maybe the Pistons had a number they wouldn’t exceed in order to resign Fontecchio and they’re realizing he’s going to command more on the open market than what they want to pay him. And given that the team is clearly not in a win-now mode (despite what they say) they might be playing the players they know for sure will be Pistons next season.

  5. Ku you are so wrong in this video. In almost every perspective your argument fails a logic test. Keep it simple, you're using 3-game sample size to argue everything, but in the 1 game (100%) sample size everything you said is disproven. That lineup dominated. Same lineup played the best 3 game stretch of the season to start the season. I actually agree Tecc should start, but it should obviously be over Ausar, not Stew. And that's evident in so many ways.

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