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NBA Legend Boris Diaw visits the Utah Jazz | UTAH JAZZ

NBA Legend Boris Diaw visits the Utah Jazz | UTAH JAZZ

Back there just talking all right they’re working on the cream they’re working on the cream they’re working on it okay well anytime you’re ready yeah no but then you explain me the rules perfect that’s it that was the all rules but you have to make those four shots you have five

Shots to do it though and you can’t miss I got five shots to make four yeah four different makes front rim back R switch got be four in a row no so I got to go four out of five yeah I can miss no no

No well you say you got five shots five shots is so like if you hit the back rim and then you shoot a switch and then you hit the back rim again you you’re still alive you get like one that you could double up on okay but no Miss no missing

Which for you problem cuz you don’t Focus very well no bad Focus it’s not even straight oh see the rim is like this unbeliev it is not straight are you ready to do this no waiting for the cream we’re not waiting for your cream yes we are no we’re not

Yes got to keep the legend alive there is no Legend there will be after this piece there is not a legend that was a motivation motivational advice you’re going to take this home enough working hands now for working hands oh oh it’s on now oh the cream

Thank god let’s go come on come on wait I need practice shots shoot two practice shots cuz you have to wait the crib to get sink in you’ve been practicing I I saw you oh my God that’s your shot now that’s my practiceing what happened to

Your elbow it’s going oh I just saw chip it just changed it yeah last week chip Chang changed it last week come on yes come on still working on my game come on man I might make a comeback okay what is it stay right here I introduce you all right hold

On I don’t like you not sideway no is that how we’re going to stand like this why would we stand like that I don’t know if I knew had a haircut if you knew you were going to be on camera we thought this was a radio show

Well no no just forget what’s up Jazz plus welcome to another edition of shoot the shot special guest today former jazz man my very good friend Boris di one of the most interesting people that I’ve ever met in my life I’m excited for you guys to get to know him a little bit

Let’s get to the game okay I don’t know which one is this one back room that’s a back Bobo yes people know you for your playing career as a basketball player yes the things that I think about when I think of you are your photography okay and your sailboat yes discuss your life

Away from basketball before I shoot while I shoot while you shoot oh my God it’s an interactive show well I got to make my bank oh oh my goodness now you now you have plenty time to talk yeah but it’s easier to talk when you rebounding um

Well outside this the the the court now basically basically my plan retirement plan was to go around the world and visit and see a different culture I always been curious I always wanted to see different stuff so my retirement plan was like I have time I want to

Travel around the world that’s a back rim back rim um so why not get a boat and go around because you know that when you have time and carbon fruit prit get a salil boat and then go around the world where is your boat now right now

It’s in New Zealand when will you go back to meet the boat I will go back to the boat in March to sell from New Zealand to Tahiti Fria front rim that’s a front rim you’re also doing a lot with the French national team yes talk about

Your role with the French national team for the people at home that don’t know what you’re doing so for people who don’t know French national team it’s like Team USA when they play the Olympics except there is not only the Olympics that’s a swish uhoh this could

Be short that was a swish oh so you got to make a bank shot and then you get to go home so keep it keep talking that’s it quick show quick super quick show uh yeah so national team is the summertime I’m the general manager for the French

National team and so we play European Championship World Championship Olympics play against the us we play against you when you were doing the the video that’s true and you were doing the editing for them back in the 2019 in the World Cup um so yeah try to organize the whole

Basically French national team to be ready and participate in all the international competitions so you’ve obviously played in the NBA for a long time and so you see people that you work with change roles a lot so when you and I met I was in the video room yes you

Were a player in San Antonio yes is it weird that I’m a head coach and do you take me seriously um seriously is not the word because I know this side of you that is not serious and that’s why I if has to be a serious show because I know this

Out the S side um but for sure you know so people growing and change into a different role and I saw you know the way you did and change and everything you took from that experience and that was you know years ago and so all the experience that you could get from uh

All the coaches that you were with um but also all the players and so I think I’m a prodest you know I’m I’m part of what you are now because I was part of your experience for sure you you are everybody was a part has been a a part

Of my experience players coaches you get influenced by everybody in in different ways exactly um yeah I I learned a lot watching pop coach you or not coach you whatever we do for exactly how we approached you every day it seemed like more not coaching you yeah it was a

Different approach but it worked before I shoot this last shot Boris tell everybody one place in the world they have to go see if money wasn’t an object if you could go see one one thing in the world you have to go to the TU motus in French Polynesia French of course

Somewhere in French Boris it’s been a pleasure adios brother well I wasn’t sure by the rules let me try again that was too short I just made the bank shot now perfect for my timing oh my God I have to go okay wow I’ll come tomorrow to practice maybe

Utah Jazz alum and NBA legend Boris Diaw stops by the Utah Jazz practice facility to play a game of Shoot the Shot with Coach Will Hardy.

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