@Los Angeles Clippers

The Clippers Rebrand Is Interesting…

The Clippers Rebrand Is Interesting…

What’s the word y’all the Clippers are rebranded y’all now the name is still the same but New Jersey new logos and it’s happening at the perfect time as we all know the in Dome the new arena for the Clippers is opening up at the beginning of the next season and I felt

Like they needed something they couldn’t give these old Vibes off in a brand new Arena and they’re doing that Steve bomber and them they they decided to announce it and I think the announcement time is pretty interesting but let’s take a look now this is an entire

Article by Zack low um oh man people are laughing at it oh most people love it okay 5,000 people love it and there 29 people that’s laughing and I got an assumption that the 29 people that laughing are are Lakers fans maybe not all right let’s take a look now this is

What the Clippers logo used to look like I always hated this logo it was bad but as long as your fan base enjoyed it that’s all the matter this logo was not for me I’m not rooting for this team on a nightly basis um even they they talk

About it here mostly panned as generic and Bland and I completely agree now the new logo is here they completely Buy in to the name of a clipper this is supposed to be a naval ship in the middle kind of gives off cruise ship a

Little bit but I’m here for it um I can’t say that I love it I’ll be honest with you but it’s way better than this one and that’s all it really matters this is so bad this is a lot better I actually like the global logo where you

Have the Los Angeles Clippers written out I think this is beautiful they’re buying into the naval more than the baby blue which I enjoy this one I don’t love this one I’m I’m here for I’m here for again as long as it’s better than this that’s all you can really ask for my

Main complaint is the main complaint I have about majority of sports logos so I’m not going to be a d horse but they come off as too minimalistic and they’re very safe and again I understand it right you’ll rather have every one of your fans be be very neutral about a

Logo versus 50% of fans hate it and 50% of fans love it you know so I understand being very neutral but the circular minimalistic logo has been overdone and I just would love for a team to say hey we don’t really care about keeping it uh traditional at this point let’s go back

To what logos used to look like you know what I’m saying maybe that’s just the old head of me let’s get to the actual Court the court I enjoy this I enjoy this court uh I’ve read an article about the lighting that they’re putting together in an in a dome and I think

That these colors will pop a little bit so I’m here for that uh the the jerseys are cool I don’t hate the jerseys again it’s still minimalistic but I actually think that’s okay the white jersey I like a lot I think that the script that they give these jerseys is perfect I

Cannot complain about that whatsoever now this one I don’t love I I don’t know exactly what it is about this jersey maybe Kawhi Leonard’s not a good model James Harden look enthusiastic Kawhi Leonard doesn’t but I don’t love these jerseys but the red we going to get to

This red this is the one if I was ever going to get a Clippers jersey in my life it would be this one I don’t think I will unless one of my favorite players end up on that team I I I don’t think I

Will but if I was going to do it it would be this one so I think overall they did a really good job all things considered I would give this entire Rebrand like a B2 B+ honestly I mentioned the timing I think the timing of this and it might

Have already been set in stone head to Monday the beginning of a new news cycle but last night they played a game against the Sacramento Kings and they lost there’s no there’s no I was going to say surprise I don’t know the word I’m looking for but the sacrament Kings

Obviously a very good basketball team the Clippers were without Paul George so it makes sense that they lost this game it’s not about losing the game or even how they lost the game it’s about what happened after they lost 12 seconds left in this game let’s let’s play Let’s play

The footage you going to see how damning this really [Applause] is music to our ears from LA to Sacramento that is something uh that you don’t want to do or you don’t want to hear on your home court especially cuz Sacramento is such a small Market in

Comparison to Los Angeles so for a team to come into your Arena beat you and have the fans chant like the beam that’s not great now obviously again they getting a new Arena now and the new jerseys and stuff so maybe that’ll change it’ll flip on his head but the

Marcus s between Sacramento and Los Angeles is pretty there’s a huge gap there so you don’t want this type of stuff to happen now when you see like a Lakers versus Clippers it makes sense that the Lakers fans are going to outnumber them because no matter what

You think it is a reality that Los Angeles is a Laker town and it has been and it probably always will be you know so it it makes sense that it’s going to be more Lakers fans than Clippers fans in a game where they’re heading against each other but Sacramento versus Clips

Oh I don’t like that and maybe the the Kings fans are the vocal minority that is not that many of them in there but boy are they voices loud I don’t really know but it’s still not an amazing look and you’re like hey here’s some new

Jerseys and remember we got a new Arena opening up so don’t even worry about this for last night don’t worry about it now now one thing that has been true um and will probably be true for a long time is again that this is a Lakers City

It’s a Lakers town if if you listen to Jaylen Brunson and Josh Hart’s podcast they had Mel Bridges on and obviously we’re talking about different cities between Brooklyn and New York City but the state of New York is a Nick City and they talked about how when you’re at the

Barklay center it feels like a home game for the away team more likely than not and that is kind of The Vibes you get from the Clippers sometimes specifically when the Lakers aren and this is a thing that is I guess under talked about as far as the kawhai Leonard Paul George

Era in this article um they talked about according to their internal studies this is from the Clippers directly the Clippers have doubled their overall fan base in the past seven years Team official they want to double it again going forward and that’s that’s huge right that is huge um over the last

Seven years of course they brought in Kawai they brought in Paul George and you undoubtedly you can see just by going on to Twitter that there are a lot more Clippers fans now that there were again s to 10 years ago but I remember when kawh Leonard first signed to the

Los Angeles Clipper this was a marketing campaign um from New Balance this is his City and one thing that has been under talked about in this era is that they haven’t been able ble to market the players that are kawh Leonard and Paul George to see more of a growth again SE

Like doubling your fan base in seven years is huge but I feel like it should be more considering how good kaai Leonard is and how marketable Paul George has been throughout his entire career again he’s good at basketball too but PG had his own signature sneaker um

Uh kawh Leonard has his own signature sneaker like it should be way more fans there part of that is during the KA era those guys had played 36% of their game together until this year so it’s hard to grow a fan base when you’re tuning into

A Clippers game and it’s Kawai or Paul Paul George instead of Kawai and Paul George again we’re seeing that change now even Kawhi Leonard after this game he was asked about why he’s playing more he’s like hell I didn’t tear my miniscus I didn’t tear my ACL so I’m actually

Healthy right that plays a huge huge part of it but over the last five years of it being kawh Leonard and Paul George we haven’t seen them bridge that Gap to their fan base as much as you would expect it and it was one of the reasons

Why why they they knew that they had to get out of staple Arena and if it was to ever flip on his head that somehow Los Angeles becomes a Clippers Town it probably won’t happen in our lifetime um but they would have to have an immense amount of success like the

One thing that the Lakers have been able to do to help build that of course the Championships matter right having double digit championships almost 20 championships if I round up a little bit matters a ton to keeping a core core fan base because more likely than not the

Lakers are going to be compe enough to to compete for a championship the Clippers haven’t had that throughout their career just yet but another thing that the LA Lakers have done so greatly over the last I don’t know 70 years is take care of their star players when

They have them they always always always try to prioritize keeping their star players happy and healthy and that is something that the Clippers need to figure out um during the this phase of the KOA Neal George era in whatever phase happens next and it is it is so important

It is so important when we talk about this and growing the fan base over the next 20 to 30 years because it it’s going to take a long time right it is so very important that this Clippers team wins one I can express to you how important that really is because most

Star players if they’re hitting free agency and we talk about how the Lakers have been able to build over the course of their 100 Years A lot of it is like well we’re going to draft well and we’re going to use those players to potentially get Anthony Davis or we’re

Just going to be like hey we’re the Lakers come sign us ex player and that exp player ends up being LeBron James one of the reasons why Lebron James will opt to La is that he knows that ownership and the front office is not going to leave any stone unturned when

It comes to putting him/ them in the right position to win a championship and the Clippers need some jewelry for the next generation of stars that might hit free agency to think about the Clippers net fans close your ears hereo close your ears here because you’re not going

To want to hear this I believe because the Kevin Durant uh Kyrie Irving and eventually James Hardy thing did not work out that when the next star player is available and he’s thinking about New York he’s not thinking about the Brooklyn Nets because he saw the last time they brought in Superstar players

On free agency it didn’t work out well this team had Kevin Durant and Kawhi Leonard I went to three games in the barklay center in a span of a month and they never felt like a home game they’re the little brother the Clippers have the the opportunity to win a championship

And kind of switch things again it’s it’s never going to be a Clippers time at least In Our Lifetime but switch it so that the Clippers are a viable viable option again for free agency when kawh Leonard and Paul George ended up there this is an experimentation baby this is

Experimentation just like when you saw krie Irving look at Kevin rand’s eyes and say two Max spots when they were in Chicago for Allstar Weekend it was an experimentation because Brooklyn had not been a team that was been compettive enough to compete for a championship we

Can be those guys to do that and that Clos and I think it closed for some time for Brooklyn when it comes to signing star players the Clippers it’s wide open right now they’re one of the best teams in basketball and they need some jewelry for the Next Generation to say oh yeah

The Clippers can get it done we saw them get it done with kawh Leonard we saw them mortgage their future to bring it James and it worked out perfectly and I’m the next star player and I kind of want to have that experience yes I got

All the way there based on a rebranding but it is a reality in my eyes so let me know what you think about the Clippers rebranding um again I I would probably give it like a B2B plus I enjoy it it’s not perfect but it is what it is

Clippers fans you let me know cuz this logo is really for you it’s not for me so you let me know what you think

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  1. As a clips fan I love it. Our logo now looks like the paper clip that used to help on Microsoft Word when I was a kid.

  2. i prefer the old logo. the new logo should have basketball in it. right now the logo doesn't look like its for a basketball team. it looks like a logo for a cruise ship

  3. I would’ve liked it if they got away from the red, white, and blue. There are so many teams with that branding in the league.

  4. Better. Still not good. I personally woulda scrapped the whole “Clipper” name as a whole or tweaked it to something more interesting like the Los Angeles Armada or something.

  5. I think Synthetic Sports had a fair point that the previous branding was generic and could've been better, but was necessary for the organization to separate from the Donald Sterling era.

  6. On a side note,the "Clipper" name doesn't even make sense for LA as much as it does for San Diego,where they used to play. But I understand why they wouldn't change it atp

  7. The logo aint the best, but its way more creative than the old one. Minimalism nowadays is lame that any creativity goes a long way.

  8. The Nets comments Kenny made is so true, it hurts as a Brooklyn Nets fan how bad the front office fumbled KD, Kyrie & Harden…

  9. Like the rebranding but definitely need to work on the logo. I can’t tell if the old one or the new one is worse

  10. The navy blue jersey with the red writing is so nice imo. That’s the one I’d get if I want a Clippers jersey for some reason

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