@Detroit Pistons

The call was just all wrong! – Brian Windhorst on Knicks-Pistons controversial no-call | Get Up

The call was just all wrong! – Brian Windhorst on Knicks-Pistons controversial no-call | Get Up

Oh my goodness the finish of the night and it was insane so the Knicks and the pistons pistons trying to avoid the worst record ever Knicks of course in a serious playoff Chase we’re in the final minute Pistons down by one here comes Quenton Grimes that’s up and good so

Detroit has a onepoint lead the Knicks get the ball our man Mike Breen is at the mic and watch the madness that ensues three punter Off the Mark rebound deflected chase down saved by GR Stan Teo knocked away hardenstein picks it up out to divon chenzo 10 seconds to go he

Throws it away ball loose picked up by Brunson Brunson inside the heart hars backs it in out a foul Nicks Take the Lead Monty Williams is furious he thought a Val should have been called there was so much contact but Josh Hart with the big bucket fre throw so

Unbelievably the official who was standing right there misses is the rugby Tackle by Dante Devan jenzo and then they called that and so the Knicks wind up winning on that bucket Monty Williams enraged and he has every reason to be we’ll play you everything he said after

The game where’s the New York media now the absolute worst call of the Season no call and enough’s enough we’ve we’ve done it the right way we’ve called The League we’ve sent in Clips we’re sick of hearing the same stuff over and over again we had a chance to win the

Game and the guy dove into aar’s legs and there was a no call that that’s an Abomination you cannot miss that in an NBA game period and I’m tired of talking about it I’m tired of our guys asking me what more can we do coach that situation

Is exhibit a to what we’ve been dealing with all season long and enough’s enough you cannot dive into a guy’s legs in a big time game like that and there be a no call it’s ridiculous and we’re tired of it we just want a fair game

Called period And I got nothing else to say we want a fair game and that was not fair I’m done so that’s what he said afterwards the crew chief James Williams acknowledged that he’s right quote upon postgame review we determined that Thompson gets to the ball first and then

Was deprived of the opportunity to gain possession of the ball therefore a loose ball foul should have been whistled on New York’s Dante D venzo that of course is from a Detroit perspective too little too late here’s Wendy what are we supposed to say this morning Brian wior Monty Williams is absolutely

Correct it’s impossible to make uh no call there the referee and it was the crew chief James Williams the most veteran Referee on This Crew who is is indeed Standing On Top of the play it’s a clear loose ball foul um it’s an interesting moment of karma if you’re a

Knicks fan because you remember Drey two weeks ago that game in Houston where there was a foul on uh called on Jaylen Brunson right at the end of the game that the officials in that game admitted was an air directly after that um and that cost them that game in this case

The exact oppos it happens there’s no call made and this basically wins them the game now you may ask yourself why can’t the NBA officials review this call and the answer is because there was no whistle blown there was no stoppage of play there was no call to overturn you

Can’t overturn a call that was never made in the case of the Brunson call two weeks ago that call could have been overturned but Tom Tibido had already used his coach’s challenge it’s an imperfect system and unfortunately the NBA has had a couple of very bad mistakes at the end of games

Here where they’ve admitted immediately that there was an error and it cost the team the game and and as far as the frustration from the Detroit side I just think it’s worth reminding everyone why despite the fact that they’re nowhere near a playoff Chase why these wins might mean so much to

Them yeah they’re sitting on eight wins and and they’ve made changes to their roster I assume that at some point they’ll get two more wins but they are not out of the woods yet on the worst ever record which is 76ers back in 7273 nine wins they’ve got eight they’ve lost

Six in a row now and I’m just going to point out they lost 28 in a row earlier this season so yeah in addition to just being real Angry they’re really trying to dodge this history and this obviously situation doesn’t help them in that no uh just remarkable and so again to

Finish it up there was there’s probably not a whole lot that can be said or done more than us just saying it and doing it everyone sees it and the call is missed Wendy we’ll have a lot more from you there’s a bunch of other NBA to get into

So stay close by NBA acknowledged it the crew chief who was actually the the the official who was closest to the play acknowledged that they missed the call so what are the right things to say now the morning after it happens well this is the second time in

The last two or so weeks that there’s been a call at the end of the game that has been dead wrong that the league and the officials have admitted are dead wrong that’s involved the Knicks remember a couple of weeks ago in Houston Jaylen Brunson gets called for a

Foul at the end of the game was a very controversial call again a Scramble Play out near midcourt this game it costs the Knicks the game in in the in the game last night Jaylen Brunson on the other side he gets the loose ball on a no call

Now you may ask yourself how come this play is not reviewable with all the things they review in the NBA and the answer greeny is that they didn’t blow the whistle if there’s no call there’s nothing to reverse so in this case there’s nothing that they can even look

At in the case of the Brunson call that was reviewable in Houston but Tom tibbido already used his Challenge and I think it’s just worth pointing out we all understand where the Knicks are right now if they get Julius Randall back healthy they’re they’re competing

For a high seed and maybe a deep playoff run but you say to yourself why are the Pistons so upset they’re having such a difficult season that the opportunity to win any game is incredibly important to them yes this is not a tanking team this

Is a team that is trying to avoid infamy they still have only eight wins the the worst of all time is the 72 73 76ers who had nine wins they’ve now lost six in a row and I know they’re in February and they have plenty of time but remember

This team lost 28 games ear in a row earlier this season and so any game that the Pistons lose right now is them getting closer to history which they are desperately trying to avoid and we know this because they have made a number of Trades to improve this roster and not

Bought any of those players out they are trying to win this was bitter for them because they were several of their players were traded off the Knicks uh and including Quinton Grimes who thought he might have had the winning basket a few moments before this and they end up

With a very very bitter loss and there’s nothing you can say except for the NBA and the referee screwed up yeah I mean mistakes happened and that was clearly one that went a long way towards deciding the game when a little bit of a a complicated place our Jonathan gavone released his first

2025 mock draft for the NBA yesterday and and the noteworthy name in this of course is USC’s bronnie James that’s LeBron’s son and gavone is projecting him to go in the second round of the 2025 draft at one point he was projected as a 2024 lottery pick so LeBron went on

Twitter shortly after this he has subsequently deleted this tweet but he tweeted can y’all please just let the kid be a kid and enjoy college basketball the work and results will ultimately do the talking no matter what he decides to do if you all don’t know

He doesn’t care what a mock draft says he just works earned not given again LeBron has subsequently taken that tweet down Brian wior again you’ve known LeBron since he was a teenager this is such a complicated area I get so uncomfortable talking about things like this when when we’re dealing with

Someone and their son we understand all of the Dynamics involved what what is the right reaction to have to all this well I think Jonathan gavone whose track record of uh projecting prospects is golden I think he’s being very fair and he’s not the only one who feels this

Way Scouts feel this way John Hollinger at the athletic a former NBA executive wrote something similar about a week or so ago um just let’s be fair from LeBron’s perspective too I agree with him that bronnie James is definitely a hard worker and definitely should be

Given some space but also we don’t know what bronnie wants he has never done an interview since being at USC he never did an interview in high school we were only left with what his father says which he’s made clear repeatedly about his desire to have his son with him in

The NBA and that’s what we’re reacting to here and the other thing is yes he is a College freshman and let him have the college experience he also is projected to have the most nil money of any college athlete this year in excess of $6 million so it’s not also pretend like

He is not extremely high-profile the bottom line to all of this right now he is not an NBA level player that doesn’t mean that he won’t be in the future which is what gon’s ranking reflects and and and all of that aside as you mentioned LeBron has talked about

Wanting to play with him and all the rest of that so what should we be thinking with the Lakers having the season they’re having right now what should we be thinking about LeBron’s future yeah let me just say a couple things about the Lakers regardless of what happens this season and they’re

Still in the thick of it for sure they still are in position to make a major move this summer and they also LeBron can opt out of his contract this summer which I think he will do greeny for two reasons one he can get a multi-year contract uh that averages 50 plus

Million do a year regardless of how long he wants to play I think he’s going to want to do that and this is important he doesn’t have a no trade clause right now which is why all of a sudden there was this you know this chatter about him at

The trade deadline if he outs out of his contract and signs a new one even if it’s just for two years he can install a no trade clause to get that out of the way so I expect regardless of Brony regardless of the Lakers finish it’s probable he’ll opt out of that contract

Even if it’s just to resign with the Lakers He

Brian Windhorst joins Get Up to discuss the controversial no-call that cost the Detroit Pistons the game against the New York Knicks.
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  1. This was for sure a foul. Refs made an awful call against the knicks in houston and they had 2 make up for it. I didn’t hear brian windhorst being all outraged a couple weeks ago with that BS call but ok

  2. As a Knicks fan, I see this as Karmic justice because that game against Houston would have resulted in a W for the Knicks. With that said, very clearly a foul on Donte and it should have been called. The refs suck and the NBA need to hold them accountable.

  3. That’s the Knicks whole defensive tactic to dive for your knees. That’s all they did against my Heat and injured butler for the rest of the playoffs

  4. I was at that game. Happy knicks got the dub but not like that. Refs also called Bojan for a foul when there was like 5 inches of space between his hand and the shooter

  5. Refs that miss a bad call needs to be punished maybe a fine or need to be sent to a retraining program lol

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