@Indiana Pacers

New Orleans Pelicans vs. Indiana Pacers: Game Reaction

New Orleans Pelicans vs. Indiana Pacers: Game Reaction

We just want consistency genuinely like I just want consistency from everybody and don’t get me wrong like I fully understand the team got in late Jen Hale said they didn’t even get to bed this morning until 6:00 am and like I recognize that I genuinely do but

Seriously like the this is what we talked about all last stream is that we just want consistency like that’s all we want we just want a team that’s going to come out here and realistically play hard for all four quarters we got blown out to start the game what what was

Something that you saw at the very beginning that made you think like man this is not gonna be a good game for us well I’ll tell you this you say you want consistency but we are consistently starting the games not very well I’ll tell you that that’s really what you’re

Looking for um Coming Out the gate we started off slow I think CJ had shot like it was like CJ was like over for four to like start the game it was just it was terrible and granted like I know C CJ’s coming off the um injury he’s had

With the turned ankle but I mean today he was just it was it was ugly for him and I felt bad knowing that he was fighting for fighting through his injury to make sure he played but I also will say this we really missed Dyson Daniels tonight because his defense definitely

Would have helped a lot dude I’m glad you said it because I think we undervalued how important he is genuinely I think that a lot of the fan base sat back and said oh we’re good he’s Dyson Daniels his offensive game is terrible his defensive game is okay but

We don’t need him as much as we think that we do and I think all those people have been proven wrong genuinely like we need another Defender that serves the herb Jones role when herb gets in foul trouble when herb comes uh out like he did tonight and get a couple fouls kind

Of early like we need someone to play and play and I love Naji Jose’s obviously still out but still those guys don’t bring what Dyson brings in any way whatsoever and this game got ugly early um for I want to say kind of for both teams especially in the second and third

Quarter but realistically realistically You Can Count this as a schedule loss if you want to yeah but still we were right there what makes it frustrating is because we were right there like there was a few times we would come back get the lead down to six five points three

Points in the fourth quarter it’s like bro you right there one mistake one turnover you keep traveling the ball like I’m like bro please just lock in because it makes it it makes it way worse when you’re gonna be right there instead of just getting blown out yeah

Uh make sure you like comment subscribe tell us what you think about the game in the comments we’ll bring them up here and talk about and all that fun stuff one of the things that I have a question about is why didn’t we see Matt Ryan tonight like Matt Ryan’s nowhere to be

Found nowhere to be found where is he I need to locate where this man Matt Ryan is I need to know and don’t get me wrong like Trey didn’t play necessarily bad obviously didn’t shoot that great from three as he did last night Hawk didn’t

Play that bad but you know you know what you have on the bench with it comes in the game you know what you’re getting ex I don’t understand it I need to know I need to know why he’s not playing and why he doesn’t have the minutes that

Honestly he probably should be getting at this point especially today like when you know you’re gonna need a lot of offense to keep up with the Pacers because they’re gonna running gun they’re not playing much defense anyways so why not try and give him some burn anything I mean seriously like last

Night I even like I kind of got frustrated with it last night because he did play well but he didn’t touch the court until the second half and even late in the second half at that point right and so even that even at that you’re kind of like all right well

Where’s his minutes last night you know like and I get uh I I get this uh I get this comment that he can’t play defense and you just followed it up immediately exactly that’s why he’s out here this man can shoot the ball it’s the only

Reason we want him out there that’s the only thing that he needs to do is shoot the ball well like that’s all we need him to do and realistically like you know kind of like miles just said like this team is not a team that you want to

Get into like this defensive battle or whatever because they’re just going to run and Gun like that’s all they’re gonna do all they’re gonna do is just go and push the ball and that’s it exactly dude this blew my mind how is yonas playing seven minutes of

Basketball in the year of Our Lord 2024 Jonas valent Tunis in a favorable matchup is not not getting run what do we I mean what are we doing I I don’t understand that I don’t understand that no it’s ugly because when you’re you’re looking at the Pacers on paper they’re

Not a very physical team so you want to come in you got Zion you got JV you got all this length why not lengthen size use it against them and punch them in the mouth in the early first quarter slow the game down and make sure like you play to your advantages because

We’re not gonna be able to outrun them if they’re scoring and we’re not scoring we’re trying to play we’re trying to like get stops it’s not going to work bro honestly today your best defense would have been scoring the ball offense if we’re being honest because you scor

The ball down you score the ball slow the game down a little bit get back on defense like I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to like just pound it inide pause but like you want to pound it inside and get some easy buckets against them not Chuck up a bunch of

Threes yeah and like here here’s the thing yeah I we’re asking the same thing what what are his rotations we heard about his rotation shortening everything like that kind of what is he doing what what what are his rotations right now right but I kind of want they this this

Person Dante says that they wanted more from Naji listen he he led the team in rebounding like if you’re not gonna play Naji at all or if you’re not gonna play JV at all the rebounds got to get somewhere and don’t get me wrong like he he didn’t have any Shots tonight he’s

You know 28 minutes zero points but he didn’t have like a Tony Snell uh type game or anything like he was out there eight boards uh like I said four assists and and things like that so he didn’t score but he he definitely played played basketball like he he definitely was out

There and contributed because there are a lot of times where there’s a lot of times in any type of basketball where hustle players cover up mistakes and hustle players cover up bad offense um and bad offense and more um frequently bad defense right and against a team

That runs and guns as much as they do Naji still had a pretty good defensive game yeah and so though he didn’t score though he didn’t need um you know shoot a world beater type thing like he’s still I mean listen when problem from from Naji was really his offense more

Than anything he had a few travels like just unforced travels that he had I think he had a carry he’s thrown the ball away I just need him to be better because he’s a smarter player than he’s advertised well today at least but I don’t know he got a lock in because I

Don’t know if he needs Jose to come back to make sure he’s like really locked in because I know that’s his twinflame like we understand that but I don’t know man I but today I really want to put today’s loss I don’t want to like put the blame

On anyone but CJ’s got to be better bro I’m sorry first first game back I get it though you know first came back I get it but seriously like a question that I have is like okay how does Brandon Ingram get to the line 13 times and Zion doesn’t right

Like he is Brandon Aon got more to the line tonight than Zion did in the past like four or five games like it’s crazy the man has to get to the free throw line has to has to has to has to I don’t know what it’s gonna take from him for

Him to like get to the line more because the ref see him getting file they just don’t want to call it and it’s I guess you gotta sell it more I don’t know what it is because I mean it gets it gets ugly every time and I’m right there like

I’m saying like that’s a file like I’m I’m he in my living room saying that’s a file that’s a file I’m like bro if we were in pick up you got to call your own file Point like come on bro listen we talked about this last night the

Pelicans need a point guard I’ve said it for years the Pelicans have to have a point guard and listen I’ll tell you this I’ll tell you this Dante I don’t care about Stephen A that man so in his feelings he made like a 15minute video talking to the social media intern that

Man does not deserve our time truly does not deserve our time does he cannot compete with New Orleans Petty it doesn’t matter that man that man doesn’t mean I mean come on what are we talking about St Smith come on come on come on come on say we really needed a point

Guard bro like it really was it was uh evident it was obvious because it’s crazy it’s crazy to think that Kyro Lewis and Tyrese Alberton we’re in the same draft sad even don’t even do that right now makes you sad don’t do that to me right now RP this that Tyrese like

Tyrese on our team oh my God it would get it would get nasty real quick because real quick he had maybe like 13 assists he wasn’t like that much of offensive threat until the fourth quarter with like scoring wise but the whole game you see him Diamond he didn’t

Really play that much like I thought he would I don’t know how there like minutes be going over there but bro that dude he’s nice bro he’s gonna make sure everyone gets involved every time this is kind of an interesting take Willie still thinks that he’s an assistant um I

Don’t know that I think that he thinks he’s an assistant I do think at times he definitely acts like he’s not the head coach coach of a franchise like and there’s a couple other things that kind of go on there behind the scenes I’m sure we’re not privy to and don’t get

Out in the media and everything like that but by all accounts Willie is an amazing guy he’s an amazing U person who you know lifts up players and everything like that but I think we’ve said it here and a bunch of other people have recognize it the reason that James

Breger was brought in is because he struggles with the ex’s and those like he just does I love Willie I think he’s a great person you know give him credit he’s a good guy right like give him credit give him all the credit in the

World but I I do think that he at times leaves a lot to be desired but I still think he can do the job at a high level now where that gets interesting is when you go up against high level players and high intent situations against you know

Even high Lev coaching in the playoffs which hopefully we see but man it’s a bummer to be the fifth seed one day and then you kind of everyone else is you’re waiting to see what where where you land in next day and I was really hoping we

Kind of get on a run here U but I knew that we’d probably win one lose one and maybe swap back and forth uh with the Pacers and and again I’m I’m not one that’s just going to harp on the idea that um there’s schedule losses and

Everything like that but I mean if there ever was one getting in getting to sleep at 6: am in Indianapolis is that’s terrible bro tough terrible tough absolutely tough it’s uh it it doesn’t make it any easier but it makes it maybe a little bit more palatable I don’t know

What was the what was the biggest takeaway that you had from today um I really like bi not settling as much today he really got to the rim like I said yesterday when he drops his hips and gets to the rim like he’s almost Unstoppable he’s you know what I’m

Saying catching shooting threes dunking the ball over people like he I think he had a pretty good game today he played a really complete game so Kos to him yeah this this is is truly an issue like how much the Pelicans have been playing basketball recently like coming out of the All-Star

Break having a player go down early having a player not show up for the first couple games when you are in the most important stretch of your NBA it’s right here and it’s tough like I I I tweeted out today I didn’t think I didn’t even think bi was going to play

Tonight because getting in late not not be able to ice and everything like that after he rolled his ankle I wasn’t I wasn’t I was not expecting him to play tonight but I’m happy that he did yeah but still you listen you live and die by three players on the Pelicans right now

You live and die by Zion CJ and Brandon Ingram and those three guys got 20 plus shots and you lost the game you know I hate that but at the same time that’s what you want yeah yeah like the yeah like this rotation got got shorter right he only played nine players tonight

Obviously which was seen Matt Ryan just a little bit that would have been great but still you didn’t see him and that’s okay too but it’s tough man it it really really is tough because I think we’ve all seen what this team could be but I don’t know

Again it just kind of goes back and it’s annoying but it is like it’s just consistency it makes no sense because you see what we can beat every night every here and there but like our bad habits are so much worse bro it’s really it’s really like frustrating and I get

Mad watching the TV because you see Trey Murphy with these shot selections like tonight I’m sorry bro I could not I was getting upset at his shot selection tonight because he had maybe like two or three possessions in a row where he’s taking these like bad long shots not

Trying to get a rhythm like these are like deep threes contested no rhythm not like stepping into it at all and I’m just like bro you’re not going to see a difference in the game in your results if you keep doing the same thing over

And over right and and I think that one of the things that has been exposed this season for Trey Murphy is his lack of ability to create his own three-point shot yes like his ability and Jordan Hawkins ability uh in comparing specifically those two things are miles

Apart I mean miles apart and you know that’s something that um will come up in the playoffs when things slow down and we saw Trey play really really well last night and tonight from three was two for eight right I mean that kind of happens when you’re a shooter but we’ve seen a

Lot more two for eights than we have six for 11s recently especially this season um this is a good thing that we talked a little bit about a couple days ago off off stream and everything there is a real there’s a real theme if you get physical with the

Pelicans you can outwork them you can get them in a funk badly especially when refs aren’t giving Zion the credit he honestly deserves and the respect he should get from the foul line and from the whistle of the referees it’s tough and I think Brandon Ingram might have it worse because he

Kind of just checks out or he takes really bad shots um and I don’t know man H how do you respond how do you tell a team to show up to play more physically how do you tell a team to do that in the middle of

A season when that might not be their identity and they kind of need it um I mean honestly it all starts in the beginning of the game it starts with your starters if we being completely honest because they set the tone for the rest of the team you got your bench players coming

In you know I’m saying they come in off the energy of what the starters give in the beginning of the game we started off like really slow and obviously like you want to have like your bench players come in and you know pick up off that

And make sure like they try to change the game around but it’s these are supposed to be your main Five Guys that set the tone for the rest of the team set the energy to make sure like if when the bench players do come in the game

It’s not that big of a deficit they got to face you know what I’m saying and I don’t know like those are supposed to be your Allegiance on on the court at the same time yeah and they’re just they’re they’re not they I mean Zan said it this season

Zan said it this season in a post game that when he when his shot doesn’t fall he checks out yes he checks out can’t say that you can’t like you can think that you can’t say that you can’t say that because that means that all right

If I see that on a Scouting Report we’re gonna double you and run a you know even like a stent off another player to come just to get you out Rhythm early yeah and it stuff like that is kind of a wild wild thing you know absolutely JJ road

To 1K never forget road to 1K absolutely P press to the Moon don’t forget it uh but this is a good point I think Trey we talked about this last night too I don’t know that um there are a lot of true ball handlers on the Pelicans right now

You know Willie Green said something last night about herb Jones and like him playing point guard in high school and College some it’s like herb Jones is Not an NBA level ball handler like you don’t go like oh man did you see herb Jones handles last night you do not talk about

That right we need a guy who is not scared of the ball who is Not Afraid who can break people down and still have the ability to look up and find people when they need to right and I think I don’t think we have that I truly don’t and we

Don’t have that right now but hopefully we can get something on the offseason and it really hurts because because Jose and Dyson are supposed to be those handlers that we have for now and those guys are both out so it gets it gets ugly real fast yeah listen bman I’ll be

Honest with you uh they’ve tried to do this a lot they’ve tried to go back and forth between Brandon Ingram and Zion and you that’s why Zion Subs early and then he comes in for Brandon and they like go back and forth like that until

The end of the game is because they like to highlight each player with certain lineups and I think that’s doing a disservice to the team because I think we’re in this position where it’s like all right into the game who’s doing what now that both

Of you guys are on the court right I think that we have seen that play out in a negative way in in a lot of different ways uh here recently but at the same time you you kind of have to experiment right now you you this is the time to

Experiment see what really works get a rhythm and get hot and we’ll just kind of see and let the chips fall more or less um kind of where they may and this is the question JJ are they going to be a top five team are are the the question

Is not sure hope so bro the question is not are the Pelicans a top five team because I truly do think that they are I think that that is in their realm of ability in my opinion the question is will will they be not are they but

Will they be a top five will they show it exactly yeah they gota it themselves thankfully we’re at a position now where we are the healthiest we’ve been but now we’re seeing a couple injuries and that kind of worries me you know bi the other night

CJ obviously you know those are two guys that you need healthy and so we’ll see how it happens hopefully they’re all good and you has been on the injury report a lot he hasn’t really taken a lot of games which has been really good to see but he’s been on the injury

Report a lot you know he’s been questionable SL probable for the past like pretty much since he came back from the All-Star break I will I will say this um usually we don’t have this where we have our main guys who are in the game fighting through injuries so it’s

It’s good to see that now in towards the end of the season because going to the playoffs like you got to play through injuries even like if they’re minor hopefully nothing major happens obviously but you just want to also see Zion and bi play together a little bit

More because their minut is going to have to keep going up towards as the season ends and we just got to figure out how we can make sure we exploit everything with those two guys on the same court at the same time everything like you have to you absolutely have to

Find the Rhythm like and we talked about this yesterday too I feel like it’s kind of like the same stream like you have to find this Rhythm yeah you want to be successful if you want to be a good solid team that people should be scared of regardless of what Draymond Green

Regardless of what stepen a regardless of what Kendra Perkin says like if you want to be a team you have to show up you absolutely have to show up so what do you think is the one thing that they that they should change going into the game on

Friday I really do think that they should come out more physical um on Friday if we come out and establish dominance in the paint JV I know they’re going to try and play him off the court but play JV a little bit more get Zion

Some sets to where he’s have back to the basket because when he had back to the basket he was punishing mil turn he had him under the rim then they going out of bounds like bro come on like the placers aren’t very physical at all they’re kind

Of soft and they’re gonna try and run you out the gym but if you slow the pace down and because we got we got we could run in gun too like we know that but we know what they want to do that’s their bread and butter so game down punch in

Them out early get dudes in foul trouble attack TJ MCC I don’t know why we not attacking T.J McCollum we letting him run all around us but we’re not attacking him when he got a ball def on defense and exploiting Tyrese because Tyrese can’t really guard people either

If I’m being honest two questions and then we’ll kind of head out of here first thing we’ll go to this one uh do you think that bi is worth a contract Dante says no right now I would I would agree with Dante because we know he had like a very tough

Stretch before the allstar Break um so he would have to show me going into these last how many I don’t know how many games like maybe 25 games 20 games you have left he gotta show me that he’s worth it because as of right now I don’t think it’s

There I’m I’m still yet to be determined but at the moment I don’t think he’s a $55 million guy yeah I just don’t think don’t think you can say that yeah I don’t know I don’t know if we need to alter our expectations for the championship um aspirations that we may

Or may not have but it is really good to see a team healthy because at least you know where you’re at exactly um La last question here if they don’t make the playoffs straight up and just make the play in what what do you think that means for Willie I think Willie will stay I think he’s still gonna stay after because this would be our first season where we have our main guys healthy the whole way and as of right now I know like the goal is to like do better in the postseason but

As of right now regular season has been better than it’s ever been pretty much so I think he will stay yeah I’m I’m torn um I really am torn with this question because I do think that if you make the I think you have to make the playoffs yeah like you have to

Be one of the eight teams regardless if it’s playin or straight up you have to make the playoffs right if you don’t make the playoffs that’s a very different conversation um especially with your healthiest season it’s a very different conversation right I mean the guy from the Bucks just got fired for

Going 30 and 13 there’s obviously more stuff going on the locker room but like you know it’s tough it’s tough not to see that I think that if you make the playin um if you go if you make the playoffs through the play in I don’t

Know that that matters I think you have to like you have to make a real push to get to the the second round yeah and that’s that’s a low bar I think in some ways for some people with the talent that we have from top to bottom kind of

On this roster um final thoughts on the game on tonight or what you expect from the team on Friday I mean I hope we come out I hope the blend is Rockin G be a Friday night you know what I’m saying New Orleans don’t get show up show out of course um

I think on Friday we get the dub we’ll have a little more rest we’ll be um hopefully no like setbacks with the flights and things like that but gez me get the dub on Friday yeah I think I think the blender better show up better show

Out I think we need the win I genuinely think that that we need to win let it help us go on a run here go crazy it’ll be a whole heck of a lot of fun to see the team go crazy and see the the crowd

Really get into it now that we’re in the playoff type thing if the blender kind of turns into this playoff type atmosphere early that’s just going to help help the team a lot and and really try to get out here and get the win here

We are pel’s press I am Jacob this is Miles and as always peace

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