@Chicago Bulls

The Chicago Bulls Should Be Embarrassed!

The Chicago Bulls Should Be Embarrassed!

Two for 29 the Bulls shot two for 29 from the three-point line against the worst defensive team in the NBA the worst team in the NBA by record and they were held to under 100 points against said team in the Detroit Pistons now I don’t want to dismiss the Pistons and

The effort they displayed tonight give them credit for the way they showed up after having two heartbreaking losses one being last night against the Knicks in a game they should have won after a very bad call in the final play of the game but even though the Pistons have

Been playing a lot better recently this is still a team that has only won eight games all season going into T night a team that is very young inexperienced in a team that lost 28 straight games earlier in the year you can’t lose to a team like that not at home and

Especially when you have arguably the toughest stretch of games ahead of you taking on the Cavs tomorrow then the bucks then going out west against the Kings Jazz Warriors and Clippers like no I don’t care how you slice it I don’t care if this was just a bad shooting

Night and outlier of a game this was an embarrassing loss and an embarrassing effort from the Bulls and what is probably the worst loss of the season the first being the last time they played the Pistons and lost to them which is just comical that the nine

Games the Pistons have won two of them are against the Bulls just absurd now look I get that the Bulls are not going to shoot like that every night in fact they’ve never shot the ball that poorly this season 7% from three I feel like no team has probably shot the three ball

That bad this year and yes if the Bulls even shot 30% from 3 to9 which is still below average that completely changes the outcome of the game and the Bulls probably win and if we’re being honest some of those shots were actually good looks they were generating these shots

With great ball movement and moving around screens making the extra pass but what bothered me is the Bulls continue to Chuck up threes even though they were ice cold they weren’t going with what works or at least what was working in this game in the first half they weren’t

Attacking the basket they weren’t feeding it into vvi they weren’t effectively cutting to the basket on the inside they weren’t doing what was working well to to an extent but was just in the first half despite the three ball not going down and the poor shooting aside because again sometimes

Bad shooting nights happen but where was the effort where was the urgency you’re playing against the worst team in the league in a game you need to win a team that just played last night in New York and this is how you showed up taking your opponent lightly let’s just keep

Jacking up threes and then not hustling back on defense and just fouling them in frustration because you got beat on the other end like what is that look I get that you’re fatigued I get that it’s a long season and you’re short-handed but you’re a professional basketball team

Come ready to play and it’s funny too because this is coming off of a night where the Bulls have one of the better wins of their season in a gutsy effort against the New Orleans Pelicans in New Orleans just such an inconsistent team with inconsistent effort from the Bulls

It’s why continuity is not everything now while I know we like to overreact to a single game as we do on this channel we think the Bulls are turning things around when they beat a team like the Pelicans and then we quickly do an about face when they lose to the Pelicans and

It’s doomsday all over again and overreacting to a single game aside there have been some things that have been concerning to me that have more or less started to become a trend recently one of them is Kobe white Kobe has been in quite a bit of a slump since the

All-Star break and actually really before the All-Star break the really the last five or six games of course he’s playing like this after I did a video on how he was a lock on the most improved player of the year hasn’t really been selling that ever since and while I get

Fatigue has to be a factor he’s never been playing these kind of minutes before his entire career the way he’s been playing as of late is caused for concern where you go back to some of his previous Seasons Seasons where we talked about how he was the most inconsistent

Player in the league and we joked about how this season he’s finally started to show up consistently well and impacting the game in so many ways even outside of just scoring but over the last five or so games it’s almost like we’ve seen the old Kobe white now I will say one big

Difference is Kobe has been able to impact the game in other ways when his shots aren’t falling but because Kobe is a subpar Defender he tries but he’s not a good Defender and it’s not like he has Elite level Court Vision or on ball creation so when that shot isn’t falling

It impacts the Bulls greatly especially when he’s now become the Bull’s second scoring option over his last five games Kobe is shooting 14 for 47 from three sorry over his last six games that’s just shy of 30% he hasn’t really been shooting the ball well from the field as

A whole either hasn’t been as effective in finishing at The Rim teams are starting to pay close attention in how he attacks the basket he’s either getting rejected at The Rim or he’s heavily contested and making it a very difficult shot and what had me a little

More concerned in the game tonight was the fact that Kobe looked like he was trying to force things too much like it reminded me of Zach and dear at times when their shots weren’t falling and they would just keep forcing the issue until they got their scoring numbers up

To not negatively impact their stats Kobe tonight two for 14 0 for five from three 10 points a minus 15 on the floor a non-factor tonight for the Bulls when the Bulls so desperately needed his offense the other thing that had me concerned dear is getting tired I mean

Those minutes are catching up to him he was great in the first half I believe he was what seven for seven didn’t miss a single shot at halftime second half went two for n still finished with 25 points on 9 for6 overall but you can tell in

The second half of games in the last few contests the Bulls have had he’s coming out much more slowly and walking the ball up way too frequently for a team that already has the slowest Pace in the league and desperately needs to keep pushing the ball to be effective and

Successful I mean really the only two players who showed up well in this game were vuvi and Andre Drummond I would G vu’s stat line was a bit inflated because he was really bad on the defensive end in the paint and finished the game A minus 21 which was a team low

When he was on the court but it is telling that you had both of the Bulls bigs who were on the court at various times together both of them had monster games on offense vich puts up 25 and 10 12 for 23 from the floor Drummond 20 and

11 9 for 14 and yet the Bulls kept chucking up threes when they wouldn’t go down kuso had a good game as well like even though his shots weren’t falling and he went over five from Deep he was a monster on defense as he always is pestering K Cunningham five steals in

Only 25 minutes as he had to leave the game for some time after tweaking that ankle on the fall although they were saying it was a hamstring injury on the broadcast but yeah aside from those guys nobody had an exceptional game when your three guards your three best shooting

Guards go over 15 from three you know it’s going to be a long night and a tough game to try and win it’s honestly shocking the Bulls were actually able to keep it this close when they hit two threes all night shooting seven % from downtown what’s funny is that their only

Two threes that were made came from Nicola vuvi and dalan Terry two of their worst three-point Shooters can’t make the stuff up also my God Javon Carter him coming in for Alex Caruso smoking layups and more or less airballing threes for one anddone possessions yikes things are just looking worse and worse

For that guy and what was thought to be a big free agency signing for the Bulls man also the Bulls had 40 points in the second half against the Pistons gross like I said it’s not going to get get any easier for the Bulls these next few

Games I can’t say with confidence that they’re going to win any of them I hope they beat the Warriors since I’ll be at that game but the Bulls don’t have a good track record when they come out west so we’ll see what happens to make matters worse the Hawks are actually

Playing better without Trey Young and the Bulls are only one game ahead of Atlanta right now for 10th in the Eastern Conference continuity baby anyway let me know what your guys’ thoughts were on this game let me know in the comments as always be sure to

Subscribe and I will see you in the next one

Recapping and reacting to the Bulls win over the New Orleans Pelicans

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  1. When are we going to hold the coach accountable for not having his players continuing to do what got them the 13 point lead.

  2. It's clear Coby and DeMar are both gassed. The potential silver lining of this upcoming stretch against much better teams is that they might get blown out a lot, which may give Coby and DeMar some extra rest.

  3. Javon Carter is straight ass. I'm so mad right now. JC should be cut he's absolutely useless. Coby went back to his old ways. Every year I hit the point where I need a break. This was it. I hate being a bulls fan sometimes

  4. Gross. For sure. It looks like those minutes for Coby and Demar are starting to catch up to them. No excuses just an observation.

  5. This loss was predictable after the loss the night before for the pistons. But to play that bad is an all time low. Fire Billy! Oh wait front office and ownership don’t care.

  6. and finally the 3 point woes shows in dramatic fashion. this has been a problem for awhile. they shoot themselves out of games like this too often. one of the reasons why they've played in as many clutch games as they have so far. if this team focuses more on getting to the basket they wouldn't have as many empty possessions. thus allowing them to extend the lead or claw their way back in faster. move the ball and get higher percentage shots. 3s only if wide open from like a drive and kick. it's simple. bulls would have more wins if they got higher percentage shots instead of trying to be a 3 point shooting team.

    another reason im not a fan of this '3 point heavy era'. this happens in every game i watch, empty possessions on both sides due to missed 3s. not to the extent of this game, but still happens more often than before. makes the games more boring than they should be.

    back to the bulls, it's been annoying that this team doesnt come out and play hard every night. they need to learn to put teams like this away early, so that their starters and key rotation players can get more rest. i miss the bulls teams that would come out and play hard every night.

    what a terrible loss. annoying how many games bulls lose at home

  7. I have been a Bulls fan for more than 30 years and it’s sad to see a team who is not playing at the NBA level. There is a code of every professional player that all of the pro players have to abide by and that is to be a made man. Come to work to do your job. As far as this team goes, they underperformed against a team who is by far the worst team in the NBA in terms of their record. I wouldn’t be surprised if the owners decide to fire AK or some of the players in the current Bulls team will not be wearing that jersey next year. This is by far the worst game ever in Bulls history because they have no heart or care in the world to perform as professional athletes. Something must be done in the offseason for the Bulls to be better. I’m sorry but this performance is not going to cut it.

  8. Like I said… Bulls are INCONSISTENT. They win one then proceed to lose their next 2. Can’t go on streaks doing this.. Bulls not leaving the 9 spot and may get passed by the Hawks.

  9. I said it before and I’ll say it again, we ain’t getting to .500 lol I just don’t see us stringing together the amount of wins in a row that we need, but to lose against these dudes twice is wild, I’m glad I didn’t watch this one

  10. I’m sorry but Coby white has had a 3 point shooting slump, he’s been scoring just fine tho the last 5 games, I’m sorry Jamal but this Coby slander is un called for? Trying ok defense is what counts also.

  11. This season is about as frustrating as that '17 season w/Butler, Wade, Rondo that had a toxic locker room and barely squeaked into the Playoffs to get tossed by Boston

  12. I would say this is definitely the worst loss of the season… so far.. and this is reactionary cuz I’m still pissed about it so don’t mind my opinion lol but Coby needs to figure it out. I understand he’s playing more minutes than he ever has but the inconsistency with him is ridiculous and it’s been this way with him almost his entire career so far. He’s not ready to be a starter in this league imo not until he works on that. I thought he had turned it around but apparently not yet

  13. The Bulls have won only one game this season in 'Convincing' fashion. Everything else, every game pretty much, has been a struggle for this team. This is absolutely pathetic for a team that has this much talent on the roster. Un'freaking'
    believable ….

  14. The bulls shouldn’t be embarrassed. The fans should be. Continuing to support a bad poorly constructed team, selling the stadium out for a shit product, buying merchandise, watching their televised games, reporting on a team and organization that clearly doesn’t give a F about the fans or winning. No sir. The fans should be embarrassed for giving money to a team that sucks, and enabling lack of effort and poor decision making.

  15. 2 of the pistons 9 wins. Competitive basketball is worthless. Vuc trash. Lonzo injury made zach and demar obsolete. Lets be actually bad. It was fun following this page for the 3 months the bulls were good. Get rid of everyone. Lets be bad on purpose

  16. At this point all we can hope for is Coby and Ayo to continue to improve. Coby desperately needs to get out of this slump. I'm scared hes gonna turn into something like lin-sanity :/

  17. The Bulls know they are stuck at 9, they will only cruise from here but the problem with that is that other teams are still fighting. Meaning, I wouldn't be surprised if the Bulls don't even make the play in. If the do make it, their laziness will cause them to lose in the play in. I was out of this season the moment the front office didn't do anything different.

  18. Well the Detroit Pistons are proving you can rebuild, make roster moves and still be competitive. May not win much but still competitive and beat teams like the AK Bulls.

  19. Bruh the bulls obviously have NOBODY in that locker room that’s their “hype” man, becuz ain’t no way in hell are we losing to a goddamn 8-48 team.. Just as Stacy said the bulls can’t take any team for granted and it’s completely fucked yall lost not once but twice to this team.. They were suppose to dog walk this damn team..

  20. Billy Donovan the coach fault. The reason Chicago bulls lost against Detroit Pistons. A bad worst team. They took the Detroit Piston lightly and lost. Blame Billy Donovan

  21. For how long this idiotic '" #1 in attendance" shit is going to continue?
    I didn't see anything like that in any NBA city.
    Some 5 years old kids on the side court seats ( do you know, how much side court seats cost? ).
    Some IDIOTS showing two thumbs up , when own team down 22 – 25 points.
    That's certainly " knowledgeable fans".
    What is going on here?

  22. Bulls shorthanded? They put themselves in that position to begin with by not beefing up the squad during offseason and trade deadlines. What are they expecting? The season's not going anywhere. Might as well bleed some of the new guys like Drell, Bitim and Sanogo.

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