@New Orleans Pelicans

Is it finally time to change the starters?

Is it finally time to change the starters?

by Pels_Press


  1. Dude seriously said bench CJ and JV for Nance and Trey. Trey has been in a massive slump and brings little to know ball handling.

  2. Pelicanfan07

    Nobody cares about your Youtube videos. Like the team cares about what you think.

  3. nacholibre711

    I just don’t understand this bench CJ conversation anymore.

    CJ is shooting the basketball at an all NBA level. That’s why he starts. The other shooters on this team have been inferior in every single way possible.

  4. The starting’s not the problem, it’s this finishing

  5. I think putting Willie in the starting lineup will solve a lot of our problems since he won’t have to coach the team

  6. Butt_Snorkler_Elite

    I’m not saying the team needs to move one of the big three to the bench (I don’t think they should), but IF they were gonna do that, it should be BI. CJ has been arguably the best of the big three this year when he gets to play his role, which is an off ball shooter and secondary scorer. He just doesn’t have playmaker genes in him. But that’s fine since point Zion has largely been a success. Meanwhile BI off the bench could feast on opposing second units, who just don’t have the length on the perimeter to do anything against him. Again im not saying the starting lineup actually needs a shakeup, but if they were gonna do something with it, it’s been BI and JV that have been the sore spots stylistically, not CJ

  7. UptMonsta

    Patience. The league is so close in talent that if your chemistry isn’t 1000% tight it’ll show at the time when everybody’s focus is at its highest: CRUNCH TIME. Can’t rush chemistry or force it.

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