@Boston Celtics

My honest reaction when someone says Luka is better than Tatum

My honest reaction when someone says Luka is better than Tatum

by Squishy-Bandit12


  1. BomTradyGOAT

    94 Playoff Games to 28 Playoff Games is all you need to know, one plays winning basketball for nearly 100 games every year, the other is a stat padder who can’t take his team deep in tot he playoffs reliably, or the playoffs at all.

    Saying Tatum is better than Doncic doesn’t mean Doncic is bad, I think he’s right behind Tatum.

    I’d rather watch a Conference Final almost every year, than be a regular season warrior team, we don’t hang banners for triple doubles.

  2. Mediocre_Mission_383

    I’m still so traumatized by Adebayo’s block on Tatum this just gives me flashbacks I can’t lie

  3. I wonder what would happen if we had luka instead of tatum. Probably the same win amount, however i dont think the vibes would be good. And therefor less fhance to win a title. So tatum>luka

  4. Okay guys.. this is heavily biased let’s be honest. If we ask 1000 people outside of Boston and Dallas, 950 will say Luka is clearly better and they’re right. And I’m 100% sure that a Luka with this Celtic core of the past years would at least won one chip.

  5. AlternativeTea9268

    God I hope Tatum says fuck it and drops a 50 piece today. Tired of people thinking Luka is head and shoulders above him

  6. Bluedeepdive57

    Luka is clearly the way better offensive player, but tatum is more well-rounded. Who’s better depends if you value defense more than offense

  7. Taranpreet123

    I hope Tatums the main defender on Luka today and clamps him. The takes about him and Luka are getting to the point where people are starting to saying defense doesn’t matter as much anymore

  8. Luka a mixture of Jordan and Lebron

    Tatum a mixture of Tobias Harris and Rudy Gay

    When comparing the two and the outlandish takes,
    According to r/nba

  9. Novel_Appeal_5147

    Luka is a better scorer and that’s about it.

  10. Hopefulmisery

    I like those Celtics uniforms. They remind me of Starbucks

  11. Dangerous-Fan4594

    I hope that one day, we can talk about a player without taking away from another.

    That being said, Tatum is better in every way. In response to counter arguments, in the most elegant way possible… NA NA NA I’m not listening *plugs ears with fingers* NA NA NA.

  12. Lol only delusional Celtics fans think Tatum is better than Luka. Luka is way better offensively, and way more consistent. Tatums defense is better but not to the point anyone with common basketball sense would pick him over Luka.

  13. DrummerGuyKev

    All I’ve got to say is Luka doesn’t make the players around him better. Tatum has learned not to be a ball hog. Luka has no idea of the concept.

  14. JaDamian_Steinblatt

    Luka is better than Tatum, and that’s no disrespect to Tatum since they’re both incredible players. But Luka can get a bucket from literally everywhere on the court… he’s different man

    Look at the playoffs, every big game he’s ever played in he dropped like 40 8 and 8

  15. CynicalMindTrip

    You can win with Tatum. Doncic impact in the game is LeBron-like (needs shooters) but with zero defense.

  16. PepeSylvia11

    This sub is so blinded by fandom it’s irritating, but not surprising (it’s ever fandom). I’ll never understand why you wouldn’t have a balanced take on topics involving things you like.

    Luka is better than Tatum and it’s kinda insane to say otherwise. We’re comparing player to player, not player+team to player.

  17. Ancient-Judgment1689

    Haha!! I’ll pick Tatum over Luka any day. Although Luka is really good though

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