@Orlando Magic

The Orlando Magic have come out of the All-Star break HOT: — 4-1 record — 9th in defense — 10th in offense — 10th in net rating Only 1 game back from the 4th seed.

The Orlando Magic have come out of the All-Star break HOT: — 4-1 record — 9th in defense — 10th in offense — 10th in net rating Only 1 game back from the 4th seed.

by Fit-Structure-9395


  1. Hardwork407

    I’m surprised the doomers haven’t flooded the comments down playing the teams performance.

    “thIS TeaM IS tRaSH.”
    “wE shOUld’VE tRAdED haLF tHE tEAm aT tHE DeADlINe.”

  2. Residual-Heat

    Small sample size, but they’re also 4th in 3pt% (41.5%)

  3. Glad we got out of the gate strong. Devil’s advocate our schedule has been much easier coming out of all star break. Hopefully we capitalize but I would like us to consistently beat some of the more high ranked teams.

  4. comsmocasey84

    Doomer here. We haven’t played anyone above 500 either.

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