@Houston Rockets

KOC’s Top 50 Included Sengun (bottom, very right) heh

KOC’s Top 50 Included Sengun (bottom, very right) heh

by ST012Mi


  1. Big fan of OKC’s Big Three (SGA, Jalen Williams, and Chet). Damn they’re young.

  2. VGlonghairdontcare

    The order is a little off but as a top-50 this list seems quite reasonable.

  3. IronicHours

    Our best player is literally ranked 50th but people still think we are a better team than our record and are complaining non stop lol

  4. shameless_chicken

    The entire Celtics starting five is in there lol.. I’m a huge jdub fan but he’s too high and Wemby is not a top 15 player yet.. clicks I guess 

  5. MajorDickLong

    god dang our we need some star players. having 19 year olds is cool for a season or two but shit. i’m ready for one of them to blossom and fulfill their potential or us sign a big free agent. i was spoiled in the Morey era with his relentless pursuit of star players every off season

  6. glorifiedm0nkey

    Wemby 3 tiers above KAT and sabonis ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  7. eric_everett

    Kinda hard to celebrate as bad as he’s been lately

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