@New York Knicks

Knicks in Chaos: Playoffs in Peril! 🚨

Knicks in Chaos: Playoffs in Peril! 🚨

You look at this Knicks team last night getting pasted by The Warriors without those guys there there the depth pieces aren’t good enough the guys they acquired at the deadline not good enough the expectation and hope was maybe that this team can compete for a championship

I do not believe that is going to be case the the damage already for this Nicks team in my mind has been done it’s almost like you read my mind because yeah no they’ll be fine I’m not that here here’s the thing are there concerns

About this team of course did I get hung up on losing to golden state no I did not and I understand where they are right now and you mentioned the depth pieces right now they’re not the depth pieces they’re full front and center and yes they’re not good enough for that we

Saw that an anobi trade and instantly right he came there the day of they beat Minnesota and go on this incredible run and it solidified every piece of the team and changed who they were this trade of Burks and bogdanovich has not done that there were two elements of

That trade the help and reserves to help with the injuries currently to help keep this team above water that has failed you watch Burks is struggled bonovich trying to get stinks I people tell me about oh Burke’s coming back he’s horrible I didn’t want to be perod yeah

He is I mean he’s not I still look for like that trade was made to get a a second leader of that offense someone who can get his own shot and I’m still feeling like that’s a a need for this team they have not accomplished it bogdanovich is playing lesser minutes I

Think they’re trying to get him used to the idea he’s going to be a role player when the injuries come back and that’s the point because as I just said there were two elements to those trade help keep the Knicks above water and then solidifying the team when the injuries

Come back one I agree with you hasn’t really helped and I’m concerned about this team heading uh and keeping above float but the fact of the matter is is these bench pieces when the reserves when the injuries come back I still have faith they can fit into place I still

Have faith in Ido to get this team coached up and to have those pieces fit in you’re dealing with Haren Stein’s injury he doesn’t look the same right now but that’s a problem too it’s part of why I say the damage has been done everybody thinking like the it was thef

World pre injuries then Rand goes down with a significant injury hardenstein goes down he was a big piece of this obviously anobi was a huge piece and those guys will come back at some point hardstein obviously already back with limited minutes maybe they get Mitch

Back as well but it’s not going to be the same the the D once you once like something goes wrong in a relationship the damage is done but you’re looking for the perfect world there was never going to be a perfect world with this team with these injuries and ultimately

When they get to full strength I still think they can revert back to that team that was the best team in the NBA for the month of January I still think they can get there so in the meantime yeah am I am I is there a concern that they

Continue to move down the rankings in the in the standings for me on some level not so much because even if they do fall out into the playing tournament if at full strength this team can’t win one or two games to get themselves in the playoffs then they weren’t as good

As we thought they were anyway but think about what we were talking about we were at it Apex after anobi they’re winning whatever it was 13 to 15 whatever the streak exactly was and they’re starting to climb up the standings in the Eastern Conference I remember saying there is no

Ceiling for this team they can win it all if things break right and guess what it didn’t break right immediately and now they’re starting to sink back down a little bit obviously because of the Sixers with embiid have their own issues they’ve been sinking as well yeah but

The other teams have caught up Orlando Philadelphia Indiana Miami they’re all within a game and a half right there so they could go from four to they’re not going any higher than they are right now and they’re probably going to go lower which then leads a bad match up in the

First round I think they’re closer to first round and out than they are to the Eastern Conference Finals well listen yeah but you were going to have to beat those teams anyway I I don’t get because we talk about in the NBA sometimes I think we get narrow-minded in can this

Move help them win a championship does this make them a championship Contender I think there is some value in just being better and going through but ultimately if we do view it under the guys of some level is it good enough to win a championship if you can’t beat him

In the first round and I mean oh so we’ get a couple more Nick games we plating the Nick fan it’s about when they become who they can be which is still in sight Anon noi’s cleared to shoot hopefully he’s coming back soon you know we haven’t heard anything really on Randall

But it’s a non-shooting shoulder injury he’s going to have to play through pain I don’t think there’s any St they can do it Steph bondy the post had a good article with quotes from Channing fry who had the same injury talking about how difficult it could be to come back

From that and randle’s got to deal with the pain and he will Rand wants to come back he’s a tough guy get that abut and it is his non- shooting shoulder however he plays a more physical game than Channing fry did that’s going to take it

Toll on him one of the things I love about Randall one of the things that’s missing and you touched on this guys right now that can get to the bucket that can create their own shot that can score they don’t have it St chenzo is

Not it I I fight with BT about this all the time oh div chenzo D chenzo is not it you see that he’s a volume guy and on nights words it’s going in okay great two inconsistent Burke stinks bogdanovich a spot up shooter and even he inconsistent a little bit here we’ll

See how obviously gets acclimated to New York when everybody gets back but they cannot win without Randall being his best and even if and when Randall comes back I don’t believe he’s going to be at his best see but I think you have to believe he will and what you’re what

You’re painting is the exact reason we can talk about who Superstars and whether the Knicks have them or don’t no matter what the case may be when they get into the playoffs they’re not going to have the best group of superstars we know that how they’re going to win is

With their depth and their dep pie is piece is you’re right they can’t create their own shots they’re not good enough to be in the starting five and relied on as much as they are right now to go win basketball games but what can they be

They can be those depth pieces you need along with your Superstars and your best players they still have a depth with these players that is better than almost any team in the east as far as depth goes that’s how are they were going to win this anyway those pieces are still

There yeah they’re not good enough to step up and Devon chenzo can’t be one of the main offensive scores for you over the course of I mean see they’re using Brunson for 45 minutes a night or whatever it may be and you can’t do that

And if he’s got a stiff neck sit a day sit two days I’d rather have them this is the this is a game of longevity man this is a marathon not a Sprint this has become a baseball season I don’t care so much about the games right in front of

My face as I do of making sure that divon chenzo who they’re going to need to be rested and not run into the ground because yeah hopefully his volume goes down when they need it to go down but he needs to be effective and efficient I need that guy not you know doing

Everything he can fighting 40 minutes a game just to keep them above float against games against Orlando or whomever like yeah but don’t you think you’re living and not you specifically but maybe in this case you specifically but don’t you think Nick fans are living in la la land when they’re okay well

We’ll get everybody back theity is what it is right now Randall had a significant injury anunobi had an injury okay he’s cleared to shoot he’s still not cleared for Conta Mitch Robinson still out he may come back fine hardenstein limited because of that Achilles that is the reality the hope

That Nick fans have is different from what it was before that stuff because it wasn’t just hope it was reality reality was the Knicks were playing like the best team in the NBA I understand it but let me ask you a question here let me

Let me change the tables a little bit on you if the Knicks were winning these games what would the reality I still don’t think it would be good enough because they they just beat the Pistons and they shouldn’t have won that game and I know amazing that that was really

The story of that game for get the foul call they pulled out a squeaker against the Pistons would have been a disaster it’s not the record for me right so that’s what I’m saying so when I watch this game and this is the reaction if they were winning these games the

Reaction would be tempered because they are they’re winning they’re pluged away they’re keeping the heads above water they would need all the if Sands or buts you’re talking about to come through if they were if they were going to win anyway so I’m watching this we knew it

Those guys went down even if Burks and bogdanovich were playing better even if divon chenzo still had his legs about him and was shooting better than what he’s been in the last two games even if hartenstein wasn’t dealing with this injury and played a better brand of basketball was got more than six

Rebounds when he was averaging 12 and 18 when he was playing back during the January stretch even if all those things were happening we’d still be talking about well what really are they if Randall doesn’t come back what can they do without anobi so those questions have

To be answered in the affirmative but they’re no different today than when the injuries first happened but if the injuries didn’t happen it would be a different story and that is my point everybody is ignoring the reality the injuries did happen and it is going to

Take a toll it already has to a certain extent on the team the results May not matter because you want to get in the postseason they’re going to start to sink and then that’s going to lead to a less favorable matchup in the first round which ruins the season now I want

To be clear I still believe in the Knicks long term I think that they’re going to be next year a championship team this is not all the Knicks stink and they’ve always stunk for 20 years and Le this is not that it’s not that oh they don’t have the guys the horses that

Could get it done it’s just that sometimes in the the course of a season things don’t go your way for the Knicks to be a legit championship team this year or maybe even less an Eastern Conference Team an Eastern Conference Finals team this year they needed everything to go right the damage has

Already been done it hasn’t gone right agree there’s been damage done but it’s not too late and they built themselves a cushion in that month of January that’s why if they were the seventh seed when this happened yeah you could be you know out of luck but what they did was when

They F when they first made that an anubi trade and built up that 16 out of 19 and put themselves in uh the three seed at one point right and in the four seed they’ve built up a cushion to allow themselves to have this kind of stretch

You knew a stretch like this was coming you don’t win 16 out of 19 lose two of your three best players and then expect it just to continue you knew they were going to go through this low the matter the fact of the matter is they need certain guys who’ve come here

Particularly the trade of Burks and bogdanovich they need to play a better brand of basketball they need to figure out a way to stem the tide because I still believe the damage has not been done and then when you get these guys back you are going to see a team just

Like you did throughout the course of January who’s as dangerous and deep as any team in the Eastern Conference and if I have to beat the Celtics at the beginning of the playoffs or if I have to beat Milwaukee at the beginning of the playoffs instead of having a nice

Comfortable series and walking through the first round then that’s when I have to to beat them but that doesn’t change who they are and how much I feel they actually have a chance in those series BT and Sal on the fan CMAC Chris mcmonagle from the overnights filling in

For BT today is BT is off our friends of Town Fair Tire remind you that a Town Fair Tire you always get the guaranteed lowest price on name brand tires from Connecticut to main nobody beats Town Fair Tire nobody my is in Belmore what’s up myy what’s up this is a great combo

Today is your night today is your day bro today is your day bro listen uh s the sky is not falling what we’re doing is is we’re building these guys their legs because they’re going to be on the bench when all these guys come back healthy you need to believe we we’ve been

Overachieving calm down how are they overachieving they’ve lost they were four in February overachieving in January I come on no they were good before the injuries they were good myy they were the best team in the NBA for for the for the whole month well okay so it’s not overachieving they were very

Good they were legitimately good guys got hurt you can’t ignore it you got to believe come on I don’t got to believe I got to reality you got to believe the reality is they are coming back s like no one thinks that they’re not coming

Back we don’t know that yeah we do told they back we don’t know hardin’s back too he’s been in minutes that’s true he’s dealing with an injury did we give up when the Germans bomb Pearl Har did we I don’t remember it’s a line from animal yeah I

Know I I remember that too all right pal yeah thank you my we appreciate than you I mean I remember the an animal house but I don’t remember the you know it’s okay I didn’t pay attention in in History Class should I know that one what what happened with um when they

When the Germans burn bomb Pearl Har yeah the Germans didn’t do that that’s the first problem okay oh that’s the that’s what makes it funny funny yeah I never P it I just know the quote and they used to do that they used to play I think it’s

Shay Bui line right and show him going nut I just know it because the the great Bob usler used to quote that movie on a nightly basis after he would you know Pummel me for 20 minutes about being a Yankee fan then he throw a little animal

House at me he made me watch that too back in the day it was like part of my uh initiation here as an intern him and a made me watch all those movies here’s the reality though you can think that Randall is coming back anobi is coming

Back and I understand why you want to Hope and think that they there is no guarantee that they are the guarantee right now is that they’re out they are out I hope more than anybody that they all come back and are healthy and everything’s fine it’s just not real

It’s not realistic guess but then the damage is the damage was done the minute they went out that’s what I’m saying it’s yeah but listen they’re going to have 15 minutes to figure it out have to well we danced around it I suppose yeah but no I but we still expect these guys

Back Anan noi’s just been cleared hopefully we’re getting some positive news on his return Randall it’s a non I Randall’s coming back when he’s coming back I don’t know they’re going to have to stem the tide till then I get it watching the team I never thought they

Would be a good basketball team without them if Randall is not what he was pre-injury do you think this Nick’s team could do no okay they need him that’s true listen so the damage has been done with an injury you need him to come back

And be every bit as he was to win a championship no doubt but the see until I see that I can’t give up on what was the most fun best group uh time of basketball played in the garden going back to my beginnings of my fandom in

The mid 90s so like I’m not going to give up on that because those guys aren’t here right now and until I know they’re either not coming back or they do come back and show to be less effective than they were I still think that team can get back to what been

Richie’s and queens what’s up Richie hey boys how are you how are you I’m doing bud well how are you good C it’s good talking to you never talked to you since you got the overnight well why not where you been well because I’m you know I’m

76 you and I don’t really get up at 3: in the morning not even to go to the bathroom occasionally come on yeah then my wife says me I’m on the phone enough I can’t be on the phone at 3 in the morning all right yeah you’ve done you’ve done good

Obvious S I gotta tell you s s you and BT man initially I was banging my head against the War I love listening to you guys now I really do thank you I just think the up and downs have been great yeah with the Knicks I’m kind of sing

With CAC I do see your points s it’s been kind of a disaster I I took my mom to 98 years old CAC to uh Wow first her 998th on her birthday had a big thing at the game I mentioned that to s a while ago but since that game the Miami game

This is when it all started obviously the the injury to to Randall Adam Nai but new point is well taken CCH and that is if they do fall to the play in game and it’s only two games lengths it could happen because these and if they don’t

Get Randall back and out back then you know the game’s over at this point they gota be full squad for them to move on but in your case what you said about it they have to play a playing game and they have to go that route and they are

Back together at the end of the year well and they don’t get in there then maybe they weren’t as good as we thought so I am very devastated about what’s going on I you know 60s f I thought this was really one of the best we’ve seen in

In in many many years it it was it was I don’t think there’s any doub was yeah it’s mind blogging what’s happening with these injuries but you know I think tibs is keeping them like brunson’s a great leader they’re saying all the right things I don’t know what’s going to

Happen in two or three weeks if they come back but yes they do have to come back and if they are healthy they can make a run even in the playoff game pleasure gu well thank thank you for the call I mean they absolutely need to come

Back and to Sal’s point like this is where we disagree I don’t think you can see the damage being done I mean I just don’t think you can be there just yet you have to see if they can come back because if they do they are good enough

And yeah I’m again the standings would it be great to get to a point where you’re at the top of the standings and have a series you feel you can get through and get that you know p and and get that under a more favorable match up

A more favorable match yeah in the first round I get that but ultimately if we think they’re good enough they’re going to have to do that and you mentioned something about Brunson being a leader I think that’s the other question here we all like to call call him a superstar we

Say he’s a superstar me included he’s going to he’s a superstar he’s everything the Knicks wanted him to be he’s better than anyone could have imagined he’s a leader he’s this he’s changed the garden he’s changed the Knicks he’s got to be in there on a

Nightly basis and he’s got to figure out a way to keep this team above water he is he can’t let this team Fade Into Oblivion if he’s going to be the Superstar we all think he’s going to be yeah I well he to me he’s not Fading

Into Oblivion there’s just only so much he could do now is there other super I mean are there other superstars who would allow their team to fade I going say if that means that he’s not that level Superstar I don’t know but you watch this team and even going back to

The Lakers game few weeks back or however long that was you see Brunson doing everything last night you know doing all that he possibly could it’s just not enough they have nothing else around him right now and it’s also the structure of the team like you need

Somebody who could who could score the basketball in a different way other than just being a spot up shooter and they don’t have it divon chenzo is not it but I’m not knocking Brunson on that we’ll have more on Brunson coming up on the

The side CAC in for BT today BT and sou on the F we’ll continue with your calls coming up we’ll get into some baseball a little bit later on as well some Mets some Yankees ahead of another weekend of spring training here as we get closer

And closer to opening day as it is the 1st of March how about that we’ve gotten to March February the worst month of the year certainly sportswise we’re in March we got opening day coming up this month for both the Mets and Yankees we’ll do

Plenty on baseball as well it’s BT and S with CAC in for BT on the fan

Chris McMonigle and Sal Licata break down the New York Knicks’ recent challenges and the impact of key injuries. They discuss disappointments in recent trades, question the performance of acquired players, and analyze the challenges faced by depth players. With differing perspectives on the severity of the situation, they debate the importance of Julius Randle’s return and Jalen Brunson’s leadership. Tune in for insights, opinions, and analysis on the Knicks’ journey through adversity. 🏀🗽 #NewYorkKnicks #NBA #BasketballTalk #Injuries #SportsAnalysis #knicksnation

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  1. This guy is in denial. We're not even going to cross the finish line!!! Whatever mojo we gained in January is about to go bye bye big time. Any everything is not guaranteed to just click in place when these question marks come back.

  2. Miss RJ and Quickly yet? Two young guys, young legs – replaced with two old dudes who are playing old Bogs and Burke
    OG never played more then 70 games then once in his 6 seasons with Toronto
    REALITY: most dislocated shoulders suffer a torn labrum which require surgery, i bet Julius has a tear but it is being kept secret
    I am writing off this season – Leon will go for a superstar in the off season, a scorer and our hopes for a ring are for next season
    As for this season – toast, nada, finito, balls, done

  3. Hello good morning l knicks fan le me told you something this team the knicks have right now is contender championship team because us don't have 3:55 big super stars And team like LeBron James like Giannis antetokounmpo Kevin Duran likes curry l big super stars l knicks this really trust l the hos make And off season big scape salary contract to trade julis Randle Michelle Robinson to sign two big super stars like LeBron James or giannis antetokounmpo together the caming to favorite team for winner NBA final championship title next season for first time from 1973 l knicks fan thanks you very much good this team the knicks have right now only go to playoffs And done maybe And first round And second And third round And playoffs. The knicks need more this the knicks hos think to bring two big super stars for winner NBA final championship title next like LeBron James Giannis antetokounmpo. Make dreams team l knicks fan thanks you very much good afternoon.

  4. If they comeback in full strength they're covered with backup players to rest their starters and remember Willis Reed played injured and won a championship with the Knicks

  5. Anything Sal says you can automatically forget. Complete abject moron. C-Mac is too good to be stuck with this today.

  6. This show is all about negativity against thw knicks. Bunch of haters. Never say anything good about them no matter what they do well

  7. Season is toast this team is sinking faster then the titanic and lookin at the play in now, seems like this franchise is cursed, the minute they started clicking and everyone was saying they could be in the east finals the roof caved in! Randle will be a shell of what he was pre injury and nobody knows where Onunoby will be. Right now they are running out one of the worse lineups in the league, should have lost to Detroit too.

  8. Now the depth pieces are not good enough? Two weeks ago they were the best pieces grabbed…pick one story this guy doesn’t even know what to say

  9. No star players never wan to play for Tom Thibs , James Dolan as step in this off season, the coach as to go.

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