@Cleveland Cavaliers

J.B. Bickerstaff | Cavs at Pistons Post Game | 3.1.2024

J.B. Bickerstaff | Cavs at Pistons Post Game | 3.1.2024

Coach up by as many as 26 you know they cut it to to seven with what a meant 15 or so just what what did you see during that time uh I mean you know give them a ton of credit um I think it’s extremely difficult um what they’re doing what

They’re going through but the way that they play um deserves respect they they play hard no matter what the score is they never let down uh they’re physical um you know they share the game you watch them play well together uh so give them a ton of credit they just didn’t

Stop and they’re Relentless give Monty a ton of credit for getting guys to believe in one another no matter what the ups and downs are uh but I thought they did a phenomenal job of just competing coincidentally we talk about Darius pregame and his three-point shooting that he finishes with what

Eight and then had six in that second quarter how did that open up the offense I mean again it just makes people have to chase him and make tough decisions you know now you got uh you have to decide if you want to trap him if you

Want to switch and then all that does is create advantages for us in um other places and he’s such a willing passer like if you trap him he’ll get off of it now we’re playing four on three Advantage Basketball so uh you know we

Love it we love it love to see him be aggressive um get as many threes up as he can the last time you played Detroit was actually his first game back from the J um how have you seen him be a different player I guess today than he

Was right we I mean he just getting comfortable you know I think that’s one of the things like in in the middle of a season to just completely have to pause and remember he couldn’t do anything you know he couldn’t lift a weight he couldn’t touch a basketball uh and then

He had to work his way back and you got to kind of ramp yourself back up it’s almost like trying to find a training camp all over again um but again we don’t have time to stop and he’s just been going game after game so he just

Was going to get comfortable um and I think that’s what you see now is like his confidence is growing um his teammates you know continue to feed in his success and then he continues to help them so uh he’s darus and he’s who we expected him to be Sam doesn’t play a

Couple of games then comes out within a minute knocks down a three and then has four we talk a lot about like guys having to be in a rhythm but with him like it seems like no matter what he’s ready how hard is that and how great to

Rely on uh his rhythm is touching the ball um you know we’ve seen him time and time again like literally his first possession on the floor catch and shoo and bang a three um he’s got a unique skill a talent that you know you don’t

See a lot of places um but you know the talent is one thing but his professionalism and his work ethic are unmatched and you know again with the way our team is built and the depth that we have that guys just got to be ready and they got to be professional um and

He is you know whenever his numbers called and he’s prepared for the moment J what signs do you look for as a coach that that let you know Darius is rounding back into form um you know the confidence in belief to take the shots that he was taking um you know they

Weren’t all easy shots especially you know that in that second quarter when he really got going um but he just found the belief to take those shots and we know how good he is so when he has the belief and he’s taking things and shots with confidence and playing with the

Swag like you can see it and we all know him being around him you know for you know the past five years now like you can see when Darius is is peing and when his in his rhythm uh his Cadence is different his step is different and I

Think we’re seeing that now what happened to Isaac he wasn’t on the bench yeah his back got tight um so we’ll see

Cleveland Cavaliers Head Coach J.B. Bickerstaff spoke with the media following a 110-100 win over the Detroit Pistons at Little Caesars Arena on March 1, 2024.

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