@Sacramento Kings

The Sacramento Kings Love to Stress Their Fans Out! | Locked On Kings

The Sacramento Kings Love to Stress Their Fans Out! | Locked On Kings

I swear the Sacramento Kings are trying to kill us with these crazy overtime wins missed free throws fouling out this game had it all but in the end the beam is lit another monster win for the Sacramento Kings without dearen Fox they are the only team this season that can

Say that they have beaten the first place in the west Minnesota Timberwolves twice on their home floor you are listening to locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen

It is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome to lock on Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all season long today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now firsttime customers can you get

$150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks if your bet wins visit locked on to get started my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for abc1 news and

Exhale the Kings made it man they they pulled out just another gritty ridiculous to some extent confusing win right games that this Kings team is won that we can point to and go man look at what this team has accomplished and then you think back to the games that they’ve

Lost and go how is it possible you’re losing these games when you’re winning games like this in Minnesota I don’t know how to make it make sense all I know is how to enjoy it and the Kings took us on a ride right took us on a roller coaster ride of emotions tonight

Just like they have done many times over the past couple of seasons and I have a feeling this ride is not stopping it’s going to keep on going hopefully into the post season but this win tonight I talked about the Clippers win at the beginning of this four game stretch of

Doom this survive portion of the playoff race talked about that win is the win that we might look back on and go okay okay this is the win that started that kings run in the second half of the Season or or down the stretch to secure

A playoff spot and I still feel like they can lean on that win in that way but this victory in Minnesota tonight shows the heart of the Sacramento Kings shows that they have what it takes to dig deep to go the extra mile and to do what needs

To be done without being overring on their Superstar and dear Fox to just carry them there this king’s team uh this king’s win tonight shows me that this Sacramento Kings team is capable of answering the call the question is though does the call always have to come

After a bad loss LI or I shouldn’t say a bad loss the way the Kings fell apart to the Denver Nuggets right does the call always have to be when the Kings and their backs are against the wall and I I truly believe that the Kings looked at

This four game stretch the same way that I did the same way that so many of us did because again if you go back to last week when I broke down the Kings race to the playoffs I broke it up into three sections the first section was the

Survive section this four game stretch with a game against the Clippers in La second night of a back-to-back at home against Miami then a fourth and final game against the Denver Nuggets and then this game against against the Minnesota Timberwolves find a way to get two of

Them right just split this if you split this you feel pretty darn good now the argument could be made that the Kings maybe should have gone three and one over this stretch I’m not going to say four and0 but if the Kings had defended their lead better and not falling apart

In Denver maybe they could have been 3-1 who cares the goal was 2-2 during this stretch at least the goal for me for this Kings team was to go two and two during this stretch you accomplished that and arguably you won the two hardest games on the front and back end

Of this stretch beating the the Clippers in La a Clippers team that has presented you with a ton of matchup nightmares this season and then beating the Minnesota Timberwolves on their home floor for a second time the Timberwolves have only lost seven games at home this season seven games at home that they’ve

Lost two of them are to the Sacramento Kings I don’t know if the Timberwolves are starting to look at the Kings as a matchup problem remember the Timberwolves last season were one of the few teams that gave the Kings a ton of fits right the Timberwolves last season

Were one of only a couple teams that could say that they beat the Kings more than twice during the regular season so I don’t know what it is about the t- Wolves this season and why the kings are playing so well against them at least in

Minnesota but if we get a Kings and Timberwolves playoff series which at this point more than likely would be first seed versus eth seed either way I I I love that series just from a drama standpoint now hopefully not every single game of that series if it happens

Is like this game tonight because I don’t know if I can make it all the way through the kings are trying to kill their fan base sometimes man it’s a good thing that they have a sponsorship with Kaiser Permanente because sometimes it just feels like they’re trying to put

All of us in a hospital just with the the the heart attacks that they put us through the just mental fatigue the physical fatigue watching this game man I’m at work in a newsroom in a professional setting where we have this storm and blizzard happening in California right now yeah the kings are

In Minnesota where they normally have to worry about this kind of weather but over back here in California we’re dealing with all sorts of weather issues right now so they’re all trying to be professional and cover what’s happening weather-wise and I’m in my sports room screaming my head off losing my mind

Hyperventilating into a paper bag because of the adventure that the Sacramento Kings put us on I there’s a couple things that I want to talk about the first is something we’ve talked about too much this freaking season and something that I swear to you when the kings make it into

The postseason whether it’s play in or playoffs free throws are going to have us all hiding our eyes not wanting to look right free throws this season have been a travesty for Sacramento and tonight it nearly killed them again 13 of 24 from the line 54% that includes Malik monk who we’ll

Talk about in a second had a monstrous night Malik monk hitting a pair or missing a pair of clutch free throws in overtime if the Kings shoot 75 plus perc from the free throw line which is around their average maybe slightly above their average which isn’t good by the way 75%

Is not good but if they shoot 75% from the line this game doesn’t go into overtime like the Kings win this game they secure it but no the Kings have to send us on this emotional roller coaster I don’t know what it is about free throw

Shooting with this team don’t ask me to figure it out I don’t think they know I don’t think Mike Brown knows they might as well use our sponsor better help to go and get a psychiatrist or a bunch of therapists to go in and sit down with

Them and try and figure out what it is about this team stepping to the free throw line and not being able to hit what’s supposed to be one of the easiest jump shots in the game of basketball this king’s team not even a jump shot they don’t even jump it’s it’s supposed

To be free points free throw free points and this king’s team just cannot seem to take advantage of that I also want to talk about one negative thing with Malik monk before I praise him for the amazing work that he did tonight and it has less

To do honestly with Malik and more to do with the NBA game today and it’s been like this for a while I hate isolation herob ball I can’t stand it I know there are some players some superstars in this league that make their money off of it

Right Luca donic comes to mind James Harden to some extent ISO ball these guys are at their absolute best when it’s just them mono imano game on the line big shot all everybody else stand on the Baseline get the hell out of my way I’m going to go win this game or

Lose this game for for us on one shot in one possession I understand there are players in the league that excel in that situation there are only in my opinion a handful of them that should be getting the green light for that Malik monk is not one of them now I understand Malik

Was cooking right Malik had a sensational second half the kings were going to win or lose this game on the back of Malik monk tonight with dearon fox out and deont sabon is fouling out in overtime I respect it I appreciate it but in regulation 15 seconds remaining you get you’re

Coming out of a timeout inbounding the ball at the half court line you have to get a better shot than that step back airball chucked heave of a three that Malik monk threw up there at the end I don’t understand the point of isolation basketball especially for a team like

The Sacramento Kings who excels offensively by moving the ball around again I get that Malik was your guy tonight and I get that you wanted him taking that shot over over anybody else on the floor fine run him off off a couple ball screens set some better picks get him going downhill something

More than four fifths of your team standing on the Baseline Harrison Barnes walks up to set a screen to force the switch which ended up getting Nas Reed on him which Nas Reed is a really really good player and for a big man he’s good at defending guards on the perimeter so

It’s not like that’s the absolute switch that you wanted there we’re regardless I don’t understand taking four fifths of your offense and just saying Go away step aside get out of the way so we can try for some one-on-one hero ball I just don’t think it makes

Sense for a team like the Sacramento Kings LCA donic fine James Harden fine other these guys sure well if they want to do it okay for a team like the Sacramento Kings especially with dearon fox out move the basketball use your entire Team all right the enough of the negative about

Malik because let’s talk about the positive Malik monk tonight unbelievable right 39 points six of 29 from the field five of eight from three-point range four rebounds and four assists y Malik had four points at halftime only four points at halftime and he finishes with 39 so quick math that means 35 points

From the second half through overtime period Malik stepped up and took over in the second half but I do want to backtrack to the first half really quick because I think this context is extremely important Malik monk was struggling wasn’t finding his shot in that first half the Kings I thought

Played excellent in the first half they only led by like one point at halftime I believe off of a a buzzer beater Corner three from Harrison bars they built a 14-point lead at one point the the the Timberwolves came back ended up taking a

Lead of their own Midway or or or at one point in the second quarter once again the Kings blew a double digit lead which is an issue that they’ve had this season but at least this time it didn’t snowball into a blown lead turns into a

Big deficit like what happened in in in Denver the Kings did a good job at least to correct that mistake from uh the the other night to tonight but Davon Mitchell made up for the fact that Malik monk was struggling offensively to start this game right Davon Mitchell tonight

Finished with 16 points seven of eight from the field he started this game seven of seven I believe most of those shots if not all of those shots came in the first half like Davon Mitchell the reason why Malik could get away with struggling as much as he did in the

First half to explode in this second half and give the Sacramento Kings a chance to win is because Davon Mitchell was as efficient scoring the basketball as he needed to be in that first half I have been critical of Davon Mitchell this season a lot of us have I don’t

Know what Davon Mitchell’s future is here in Sacramento and later on in the show I’m going to talk about Keon Ellis because I don’t think it’s a coincidence that in another game where Fox is out and Keon Ellis starts at point guard the Kings find a way to win I don’t think

That’s a coincidence Keon Ellis played really really really well tonight and I think he deserves to have that consistent rotational spot for the remainder of this season and into the playoffs I don’t know what Davon Mitchell’s future is here in Sacramento but tonight offensively he stepped up in a major way

The Kings do not win this game without Davon Mitchell the Kings do not build that 14-point lead without Davon Mitchell the Kings do not put themselves in a position to where superhero Malik monk can allow them to win the game without Davon Mitchell that being said Malik second half unbelievable you know

You’re not going to make up for the 27 points per game that dearon fox scores but you’re also not going to make up for the presence that dearon fox has on the floor right dearon Fox is such a unique gifted quick athletic player that he just changes the game for a defense and

Changes the game for the Sacramento Kings offensively because of how quick he is how he can attack the basket how he can get downhill paint touches which lead to spray threes pick and roll opportunities like not to mention in the fourth quarter and in crunch time his

Ability to to get any shot that he wants on the floor whether it’s that patented pull-up mid-range jumper knocking down the threes like he’s done this season or getting to the rim there is just nobody in the league like dearon Fox if there’s anybody that can make a

Case or come as close to replicating Dear Fox style and production and impact on the Sacramento Kings and on a game it’s Malik monk how cool is it to have someone who is the best friend of your Superstar able to take that Superstar responsibility onto themselves tonight

And do it by playing relatively the same game now I don’t know if dear shot selection would have been the same as Malik’s in the fourth quarter and in overtime no idea right and I don’t know if defenses would have handled if Minnesota defensively would have handled guarding Fox differently than how they

Guarded monk tonight but Malik attacked the exact same way that dearin attacks in close games he’s getting downhill knocking down big threes for sure running off of screens facilitating the offense attacking drawing defenses in finding Lanes to either get to the rim or to pass out to danda sabonis or

Somebody else on the perimeter like I just thought like Malik again there is no replacing dearon but Malik came as close as you I think possibly could to having that dearen fox presence and impact and effect on a game while the man actually isn’t playing I got to talk

To you about some numbers that I absolutely love from this game want to talk about Keon Ellis and Keegan Murray and their impact defensively got to talk about damanda sabonis and what he did once again against Rudy goar I also want to rant about NBA officiating we have a

Whole lot more coming up in this show so stick around I mentioned earlier that the Sacramento Kings might need better help to help with their free throw issues their mental issues when they step to that free throw line I don’t know what it is and I don’t know if

Better help is qualified to help athletes with some fundamental issue on the basketball floor but I do know betterhelp has therapists and experts out there to help you through so many different aspects of life so many different things that you’re struggling with baggage that you’re carrying look mental health is so incredibly important

And I I I love the fact that locked on gives me a platform and more importantly people are discussing mental health and having the conversations about it today that we didn’t really have 10 years ago look therapy has always kind of had this stigma to it like we see on TV shows and

On movies of a guy sitting on a couch staring at the ceiling while a professional sits there with a clipboard and just nods while taking notes while you pour open your soul to them right that’s not what therapy is it’s having a conversation with the licensed professional someone who can help work

Through the issues that you have help you unpack some things provide a different professional educated ex uh uh perspective on some of the things you might be go going through without having any bias or tie into your life whatsoever it’s refreshing how they can help spot some things and pull some

Things out that you might not even think about or you might take for granted look all of our issues big or small are worth talking to somebody about and if you’re considering giving therapy a try if you just want to see what it can do for you

How it can help you maybe you’ve considered it but felt kind of weird about it I encourage you use better help right because better help will get you connected with licensed therapists completely digitally right it’ll help you uh find the therapist that you need on your time on your schedule and if you

Don’t necessarily like or or Vibe with the first therapist that you get connected with after filling out your questionnaire and everything then don’t worry about it you can switch you can find another therapist you can check out uh check out and test out all their Professionals in their database at

Anytime and they’re not going to charge you for switching V visit lockon NBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp lockon NBA today’s episode of the locked on Kings podcast is also brought to you by stitchfix now if you’re watching on YouTube don’t let the suit

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Saturday I can hear the rain coming down on the roof of our studio right now mention these numbers in your conversations when breaking down this game first off 68 points in the paint for the Sacramento Kings tonight why is that significant because the Minnesota Timberwolves are second in the NBA in

Points in the paint allowed the Timberwolves one of the reasons for why they are top of the league or top of the western conference right now is because of their interior defense def now a lot of that happens to help or fall on the shoulders of Rudy goar and how excellent

The two-time defensive player of the year is down low but the Kings they feasted down low on Rudy and on the Timberwolves tonight again the Timberwolves give in like the mid 40s mid to uper 40s of points in the paint per game and the Kings put 68 points up

On them you love to see that the Kings also run won the rebound battle tonight 45 to 44 now that doesn’t sound like that significant of a victory because it’s not but offensive rebounds were a major key for Sacramento tonight the Kings had 14 offensive boards leading to

20 second chance points tonight major difference in the game when the Kings got offensive rebounds and and multiple opportunities on offense they did not waste them also Kings basketball is getting out in transition whether dearen Fox is playing or not and defensively when you step up and play the defense

Like the Sacramento Kings were playing tonight they battled defensively all night night long that opened up offensive opportunities where they Thrive the Kings completely shut out the Timberwolves in transition tonight 19 to nothing fast break Advantage when the Kings got out in transition they shot 90% nine of the 10 fast break

Opportunities they converted into points that is Sacramento Kings basketball right now it requires some effort and some some uh success on the defensive end to get out and get those transition opportunities but that’s where just a little bit of defensive Improvement can go such a long way for Sacramento and

Their offense and then something that they’ve struggled with at different times this season something that they struggled with in Denver the other night the Kings did a good job taking care of the basketball they only turned the ball over eight times all right I’m going to

Give some love to Keon Ellis and Keegan Murray let’s start with Keon Ellis tonight again I do not think it’s a coincidence that all that the kings are they I don’t I don’t remember their record when Keon Ellis is a starter but I think they now have four

Wins this season when Keon is starting I think all four of the wins that they’ve had without dearon Fox playing Keon has been a starter in those wins I don’t think that’s a coincidence right Keon just comes in and he does a good job he makes the absolute most of his

Opportunity tonight he only scored like two points but he won the defensive player of the game crown seven assists and four steals tonight also a tremendous amount of deflections like he made his impact on the game he did his job right no he didn’t offensively make

Up for the lack of scoring with dearon Fox being out but he moved the basketball he got others involved and he did what he was supposed to do on the defensive end of the floor he helped set the tone for Sacramento out of the get-go like I said the Kings battled

Defensively this entire night played physical defense the entire night Keon was part of setting the tone for that and then of course there Was Keegan Murray tonight Keegan had 17 points seven of 15 from the field five rebounds a couple of steals I thought Keegan Murray made some all NBA defense caliber

Defensive plays tonight like he I he made defensive plays on Carl Anthony Towns at one point had a a matchup with Rudy goar we’ve seen him also step out to the perimeter and he he’ll guard guys like uh he guarded Nas Reed tonight but also spent time guarding like Steph

Curry earlier this season will guard Wings we’ll guard guards will’ll guard forwards like Keegan Murray is the most versatile defender on this Kings roster and he showed it tonight right I don’t think I don’t know if Keegan’s gonna win all defensive honors part of me doubts it playing for the Sacramento

Kings that being said like he’s developing into that type of player before our very eyes now we still have questions on the offensive end of Keegan Murray’s development this is probably going to be a conversation uh for for another time here on lockon Kings but NBA University put out the stat and

Keegan Murray the like the he leads the league in in terms of has the highest percentage of his scoring that comes off of assists so Keegan’s offense is still totally Reliant or significantly reliant on his teammates getting him the ball and finding him the ball in his

Spots right I just talked about how much I hate isolation ball and hero Ball but the Kings could benefit from having Keegan be able to create offense for himself a little bit more that doesn’t just mean becoming an ISO player but someone who can put the ball on the ground get to

His spots get to the rim if needed and take some of that pressure off of dearon fox who I think was like third or fourth in the NBA in unassisted um field goals so like the majority of Fox’s points and baskets that he’s scoring he’s just creating

Himself he’s not getting a feed from damont sabonis or anybody else to hit him in those spots right so the Kings need to still get Keegan to open up and unlock himself more as a an offensive player who could create his own shot that’s still part of his development to

Come we were hoping for more of that development from him this season but if that hasn’t met expectations his defensive Improvement has Beyond exceeded expectations right he’s made some tremendous defensive growth tonight he had some major defensive plays and then of course damanda sabonis tonight

Fouled out of this game I think the last three games that he’s played in Minnesota he’s fouled out in probably has to do with him going toe-to-toe with Rudy goar down low but sabonis 21 points tonight seven of 14 from the field 15 rebounds eight assists and three blocks

It’s the same amount of blocks by the way that Rudy goar had what I want to point out with this specifically is I was critical of damont sabonis after the Denver Nuggets game I thought with dearon fox out offensively the Kings needed more than the 13 points I believe

That that sabonis had right sabonis had eight points in the first six minutes of this game he was in attack mode offensively right out of the gate went right at Rudy goar no fear you’re the two-time defensive player of the year I don’t care I’m going right at you stop

Me try and that’s not the first time that sabonis has done that sabonis likes to play against Rudy goar and he plays well against Rudy more often than not what I saw from sabonis tonight was he recognized I needed to do more scoring wise I needed to do more offensively

With the Fox being out and when he found out and when we all found out that fox was not playing today it looked like sabonis took the floor and said okay got it I’m gonna step up more offensively I’m GNA make more of a scoring impact in this game and he did

That and I give him a ton of credit for it today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is also brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience it’s what brings home the winning trophy it’s also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay motors is everything you need to

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MVP and bring home that win keep your Rider ey live at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers this feels weird saying after a year or a game or a Series in 2002 where the Sacramento Kings were literally screwed out of an NBA

Championship by NBA officiating I have never seen officiating be as consistently bad as it’s been this season around the league not just for the Sacramento Kings right the Kings we already know we don’t necessarily like the whistle that the Kings get they don’t get the whistle that certain other stars or certain

Other teams get but to be honest with you the NBA officiating crew this season has just been bad period like around the league all teams have suffered from terrible officiating at some point in time and there was a moment in this game that typically I I try to avoid talking

About officiating more than I need to I just think it it doesn’t serve any purpose I do think that officials need to start answering for some of these calls that they’re making especially when they big calls at the end of games put them at a freaking Podium have

Reporters ask them questions and let them answer for why they made the decisions that they made the fact that officials are so protected to where coaches and players can’t comment on their disagreement or their dislike of a call without financially being impacted negatively for that being fined for for

For speaking their mind about officiating officials are protected this way yet they make bad decision after bad decision blown call after blown call and then you implement this coach’s challenge system in the emphasis to get calls right and you have a moment like tonight where Trey ly was outside of the

Restricted area but in the the lane planted set he had enough time to to take a nap and make breakfast standing in the paint waiting for I think it was Carl Anthony towns who came bowling down the lane right into him I don’t know how in the world that was initially called a

Blocking foul Mike Brown challenges it I think it’s the best challenge Mike Brown has this season because we know Mike typically does not challenge the right calls and he loses more the vast majority of his challenges Mike Brown loses but I thought you know what this is the easiest challenge for Mike Brown

Of the Season he’s absolutely 100% going to win this challenge I go you watch the replay in slow motion yep absolutely it’s a charge let’s get going let’s W this up Kings ball let’s move on nope the call is upheld why I don’t remember what the hell they said word for word

But it was something ridiculous along the the lines of Trey LA’s torso was still moving I mean his feet were planted he’s standing here in the lane waiting for Carl Anthony towns or whoever it was to come running into him he’s standing there but apparently his torso was still moving a smidge like

Frame by frame slight movement that you have to slow the the replay down by milliseconds as if the official can claim that they saw that in real time regardless it’s nonsense if that is not a charge get rid of the charge call if that play is not a charge then there is

No such thing as taking a charge later on in the game Keegan Murray took a charge I don’t think he did anything different in fact he got to the spot later than Trey L got to the spot when Trey was called for the blocking foul I

Don’t get it it doesn’t make any sense to me and it’s not just the Sacramento Kings issue right the the officiating I thought on the Timberwolf side of things was really bad tonight too I thought the Timberwolves got called for some fouls and there were some parts of this game

Where it was like the Timberwolves should be pissed off as well like the officiating in this game was really really bad and if you watch basketball on a semi-regular basis and not just Kings basketball watch other games right officiating is bad nightly nightly and I promise you we’re going to get into the

Playoffs whether it’s a King series hopefully not or anybody else there is going to be a point in time during these playoffs where a game or potentially a series is drastically impacted and maybe ruined because of God awful officiating because there been a trend all season

Long for this year in fact it kind of started last season but it’s really picked up steam this year NBA officiating this year has been absolutely Dreadful but hey like I talked about earlier the Sacramento Kings you got through this four game stretch of Doom you accomplished your

Goal or at least you accomplished my goal right you you survived you went two and two you went 500 over this you’re in seventh place in the Western Conference you’re a game back of the Pelicans in six now is the time to strike right you have a home game coming up against the

Chicago Bulls then you’re in LA taking on the Lakers you’ve had a lot of success against the Lakers so far this season then you start that six-game home stand where you have the Spurs the Rockets the Bucks the Lakers the Knicks and the Grizzlies then you go on the

Road for three against the Raptors the Wizards and the magic I’m not predicting you’re going to win all these games right I just said you’re playing the Bucks you’re playing the Knicks you’re playing the Lakers twice there are some tough games in here but there are also a

Lot of games that should be terrifying Kings fans because on paper Sacramento should absolutely be winning at home versus San Antonio or winning at home versus Houston or winning at home versus a decimated Grizzlies team but will they uh with this king’s team who freaking knows maybe we shouldn’t feel confident

About those games regardless of the context of how we feel Kings or KS this is the time to strike this is the time for you to move up in the standings and secure a spot in that fifth or sixth uh seed and hopefully give yourself a little bit of separation

From the other teams that are behind you right this to me this is the stretch where you are going to put yourself in the position to like you’re going to put yourself in the seed that you want to end up in and then the rest of the season those two games against the

Dallas Mavericks and Beyond those are the games that you win to secure that spot but you have to make up ground in this stretch we’ll see how the Kings do hey I want to say thank you too really quick before I wrapped up I just recently passed seven years

With lockon seven years of hosting the lockon Kings podcast Peak behind the curtain really quick when I first started lockon Kings I took it over for Jason Ross if you’re not familiar with Jason Ross you should be uh he’s the radio longtime radio broadcaster of the the Sacramento Kings

Uh Works hand inand with the legend Gman Gary Gerald uh works for sack toown Sports uh radio formerly 1140 khdk radio where I got my start as an intern and it was because of Jason that I got that intern but or internship but Jason was the original host of Lockton Kings kind

Of got it off the ground a little bit hosted 100 episodes or so and then he turned it over to me David lock and the locked on podcast Network trusted a a kid who had been waiting for a shot right I have no problem saying it at

Sactown Sports 1140 I was not getting the opportunity that I felt that I deserved and I was not getting the opportunity that I wanted and that I was ready for I was being pushed in different directions and none of it was was towards what I wanted to do locked

On became something that was for me locked on became something that they encouraged me to be myself right I tiptoe a fine line in this industry I work in news right working in journalism you’re not always supposed to have your bias I wear my King’s fandom on my my

Sleeve and I’m not ashamed of it I absolutely love the Sacramento Kings I grew up loving the Sacramento Kings even if I get frustrated with them I will forever love this organization forever love this team they have meant so much to me have helped me through so much of

My life growing up to where I’m at today like I blessed to be able to do what I do and for locked on to trust me with this platform to trust me with representing the Sacramento Kings on their platform that Network that has grown exponentially over the seven years

That I’ve been a part of it I’m just very thankful for that actually thankful doesn’t even begin to sum it up right these have been an amazing seven years I can’t wait for seven more I can’t wait to continue to take lown Kings to new heights and I can’t wait to celebrate

With a post NBA Championship Victory lockon Kings podcast that will happen at some point speak it into existence Matt manifest it it’s going to happen I appreciate you so much thank you for tuning in over the seven years or if this is your first episode I appreciate

Appreciate you more than you know can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lockon podcast Network

Matt George reacts to the Sacramento Kings’ hard-fought overtime victory in Minnesota, where Malik Monk went crazy in the 2nd half, and the Kings did their best to give their fans a heart attack.

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The Sacramento Kings Love to Stress Their Fans Out!


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  1. It's so crazy how this team is. Instead of a slowly forming, massive mountain of a team, we're too much of a snowball team. Yes, we are a good team, and can play well. But we're too reliant on snowball-like momentum. The moment the Kings hit a bump while snowballing, the whole thing shatters apart! Very stressful to say the least, and I think us fans all feel the same as you Matt.

  2. I'd probably be nervous at the free throw line too if I had to constantly hear about how they're the worst in the league at free throws. Too much pressure.

  3. great content as always Matt you do a hell of a job all us fans appreciate the hard work & dedication always know that keep up the good work buddy 👍

  4. Monk going iso was a big reason he was scoring and won us the game in 4th and OT? The 3pt step back wasn’t the best shot, but If he drove it to the basket and made it u would be mad? One of the reason we lost the Miami game is because we kept trying to do the offensive schemes in the end. U said Luka and a couple is the only that’s allowed to do it? Fox does it everytime when he goes clutch mode, u said it urself the only person that can make that up. Is MONK. Ur contradicting everything u said in the segment

  5. you are so wrong about Monk bro, he handles the ball almost as good if not better than Fox, if he had his own team he would be an All-Star

  6. Congratulation Matt on 7years on Locked On Kings! Let’s move forward 10+ years more with this incredible and sometimes unpredictable Kings team!

  7. Why can't Mike brown have some double off screens set for keegan to get open n catch n shoot. Having Keegan sit in the corner is a waste.

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