@San Antonio Spurs

Rob Parker – Spurs Can’t Be This Bad With a Generational Talent in Victor Wembanyama

Rob Parker – Spurs Can’t Be This Bad With a Generational Talent in Victor Wembanyama

Olden penes who is awesome and I got to tell you I’m not ratting on the guy Rob I just want to put a little uh bug in your ear you know who Olden was a little skeptical of in his rookie season was one Victor wanyama he was not buying the hype he

Said I don’t think it’s going to happen immediately for the guy so I’m curious what he’s got to say cuz we’s crushing it in his rookie season here he is the big last night the uh upset one of OKC uh people took notice of that right

Because the one thing that I’m going to say and they won uh 132 to 118 wmy 28 points 13 rebounds seven assists five blocks two Steals and uh he made five of seven uh three-pointers and that was uh outd dueling Chad hren so that that’s looks like that race is over but here’s

The thing and I I don’t know I ch and I go back you know he’s all about wimi and I get all that and the talent but what I can’t get over is how poorly the team is even with a generational Talent like it it’s I didn’t expect him to make the playoffs

Brian I didn’t expect them to be 500 I but when they lost 18 in a row with this kid they were they’re worse than they were a year ago they were on Pace to win like 17 games 16 or 17 games like how could you have a guy of this ilk and you

Can’t win more than that like that’s the part that shocks me I’m with you on that and I can’t help but go straight to Greg papovich yeah I I’m with you before you go there I do want you to know that you know I have a song now for wimy you know

Oh yeah are you ready I’m ready here we go I think we got it everyone knows it’s wi this is when it comes to the MVP I mean the rookie year everyone wmy no I mean how are you wasting your time on The Odd Couple here

Rob my goodness you should be on a stage singing to Millions everyone knows it’s how has Adele not booked you as an opening actor forget opening she should be opening for you even Steve just Steve no everyone knows it’s women okay everyone knows it’s

Wh all right all right here we go so you I you want to go uh to pop and I and I love to hear this because they should be better than they are dude they are 12 and 48 with Victor wenyama living up look at remember the

Hype Rob when he was about to be drafted and before he played one NBA game the hype was insane and he’s lived up to it and you’re 12 and 48 and Greg papovich is a highly decorated coach there have been some that have talked about him as one of if

Not the best ever and they are 12 and 48 with Victor wanyama who has hit the ground running I can’t help but think of Bill bellich Rob bill bellich must hear the things that are said about Greg papovich and think why don’t they say that about me like when he didn’t have

The talent with the Patriots in these last couple of years all he did was get crushed meanwhile pop he’s got wemi who’s killing it and it doesn’t matter they’re still 12 and 48 what is pop doing I’m not expecting them to be like the four seed in the west or something

But can you get us 20 wins with a guy who’s playing at that level he’s supposed to be a generational talent I totally agree I just don’t even get it like like pop should resign at the end of the year step down give his money

Back is okay is that too much I mean that’s probably too much why Nick Sabin quit he had he had years on his contract he just decid I’m done he called a retirement but he quit he didn’t want to take part anymore in college football the way it’s set up

Would you agree with that it was his time to move on you know all right so it’s time for Pop I don’t care what the contract is step down it look man he’s just not even close to getting it done there’s no way they should be worse than they were a

Year ago when they without him I just I do I just don’t understand it and Chris poo pooed it I don’t know I say all the time if he’s supposed to be this generational Talent somebody we’ve never seen and all this stuff please give me the the the the sequence when Michael

Jordan lost 18 in a row or Lebron James or Kareem Abdul Jabar or anybody nobody what lose 18 in a row being on the on the court Brian do you get what I’m saying I I don’t think it’s a Wy thing though but 18 in a row he can’t

Win some games on his own I mean look no I think it’s partially a pop thing and it’s definitely a Supporting Cast thing I don’t think this is a Wy thing cuz the guy’s doing work when you when you’re putting up these stat lines you mentioned it what he did against OKC

Last night it was insane what he did he’s had numerous games where he’s just filled the stat sheet and they’re still losing so I don’t think this is a wemy thing if I’m a Spurs fan I’m elated this guy has lived up to the hype already

Which was insane to begin with so I think it’s a pop thing I think it’s a Supporting Cast thing I don’t think it’s is a wmy thing at all but could you imagine this Rob I know it’s a different this what I’m going to push back on you

Okay let’s okay cuz you can’t if they were winning then you would give wimy credit you can’t say that it’s not a wimy thing at all I’m sorry it it’s not when he’s giving you that much production it’s not a w but yeah but but numbers without winning at some at some

Point wi numbers have to turn into actual wins and so you can’t say oh you love his numbers and and the losing is not his fault because if they were winning and and wimy was putting up those numbers you would give him credit and say look at what this guy has done

To turn it around so he can’t be exonerated that he’s not a part of it he’s a part of it I’m still saying that I’m still saying look at what WBY is doing he’s doing work I I don’t know what else the guy can do with the minutes that he’s getting he’s crushing

It he’s going to win the Rookie of the Year putting up numbers like they could be empty like that’s what I’m trying to say like you’re right he’s putting up numbers I’m not saying he can’t play he’s not a special talent but just putting up empty calories empty numbers

They don’t mean a lot that’s what Matthew Stafford did in Detroit for 12 13 years I’m glad you brought that up right because sometimes the star player gets blamed for the bums around him when the bums around him you mean like Calvin Johnson who went to the Hall of Fame not

How about their andic Su that is that the bum and about their defense collectively every team has a couple of dudes that are are really good players but collectively their defense was awful special teams awful right Matthew Stafford was awful he was awful too no

He wasn’t he was too I watched I watched all of his game from game one are you kidding Matthew Stafford is not awful that’s just I don’t know what that is I don’t know all of his numbers all of his numbers came when they were down 21

Nothing and the defense was soft I I saw it like look at Matthew Stafford going from Detroit mostly surrounded by a bum Supporting Cast collectively and going to the Rams in year one and winning a Super Bowl that doesn’t tell you touchdown that was dropped that you

Would to totally change the way you look at Matthew Safford what is his name what was his name uh uh oh yeah jasi over there yeah who’s out of the league now after dropping a a Shore interception that probably that’s right yeah all right but anyway let’s get let’s get

Back to wemy okay right right but wemy what I’m saying is sometimes the star player gets blamed unnecessarily for the other guys around him not getting it done right how is it wem’s fault when he’s putting up those numbers it’s the other guy’s fault it’s not his fault

That they’re losing games left and right all I’m going to say is here we go okay all I’m going to say to you Brian know when it comes to the NBA Rookie of the Year everyone knows it’s wh there you go now you’re making some sense he’s going

To be the Rookie of the Year CU just look at numbers I get all that but there’s more to it and that’s my issue okay how about this he just got the better of Chad holgren the other night okay you put wemi with OKC and SGA and Jaylen Williams and all the

Other guys they have you give them the dorard chamber over there you think the record is better the difference the difference is before that game they were one and eight and Chad is not a generational Talent nobody has him on par with wimy okay so you’re talking

About wmy is something that we’ve never seen that’s what I was told but I’ve never seen losing like this either okay not a generational talent in Chad homr look at their record one of the best records in the west because of The Supporting Cast if you put wemi there

They’d be doing as much and probably more so the point is it’s not on wmy it’s on the rest of the guys around him on the Spurs do wmy he’s getting the numbers but do they have to turn into wins at some point to validate them or validate what we’re watching or it

Doesn’t matter just put up numbers uh 87799 on Fox I’m sure Brian know people want to jump in they do let’s go to CJ in California CJ you’re on The Odd Couple what’s going on what’s up B what’s up Rob how are you so look Rob I’m I’m good man how you doing

Great so look Rob I’ve heard you all week all month railing on wimy right everyone knows it’s wimby okay heard you railing on him so answer me this question right you say you know the numbers have to turn into winds they’re empty calories he’s playing what 26 28 minutes a

Night what would what would San Antonio’s record be if he wasn’t on the team and he wasn’t putting in those actually they were better last year without him that this record would be better they were better last year no but I’m trying to tell you without him last

Year they weren’t on Pace to win 16 games we’re not talking about last year talking about this year it’s a different season every season is a new season I get it but they can’t be worse with a generational Talent you had Eddie House on earlier

You said that same thing and he told you that was last year this is a different year you can’t quote last year and say Well they’re they’d be better you’re right you’re right so so so let’s not talk about the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl last year cuz that was last year

Right didn’t matter okay I got you all right thanks for the call 877 99 on Fox if we don’t talk about last year come on that doesn’t even make sense Brian right don’t talk about the Chiefs last year it doesn’t matter that they won the Super Bowl last year really

Okay I mean look he’s just talking about this season rob you don’t want to hear him you know he’s like what would their record be I know it’s awful with wemi but if they just imagine they didn’t have him what I know they had a better record last year that’s what I’m saying

I think be a single digit win team right maybe for the entire season they’d win single digits I can’t get over that how do you have what is pop doing that’s my main thing how does he have this guy doing that putting up those numbers and

You still have 12 wins right yeah you could put a a can of soda pop there and probably win as many games we got Mike in Augusta Georgia he’s on The Odd Couple what’s going on Mike hey what’s going on Robin and and so what’s up I think blame the blame

Goes to both of them pop style of coaching with the ball movement it’s great but he hadn’t really done much since he had generational talents and Tim Duncan and those guys y um he didn’t really do all that great with the Olympic team they want to go metal but

They struggle to do it with all that talent and I think um wimby doesn’t play Win Basketball and pop allows it nothing there’s nothing impressive about a 7 foot4 guy shooting a l go three he can average his his ceiling is Wilt his floor should be Ralph Samson he he he

Should be down low and average 40 points a game it it just doesn’t make sense when I watch them play thank you thank you very much not today’s NBA Rob I’m just but but it doesn’t who’s going to stop him there who’s going to stop him he can’t be

Stopped but when Yama is not built like Patrick Yan what what big what big centers are there to be in his way just tell me cuz I don’t know of any yic Y is a big cter that’s going to be in his way like just because Carl Anthony towns shoots threes doesn’t mean

He doesn’t play winning basketball the game is evolved you know it’s not like they on Pace to win 16 games but it’s not the old school you gotta go on the Block if you’re not willing to do that like Ying or the dream go back to the 90s but you gotta

Do stuff you gotta win and and this is why we play this is this it’s about winning not putting up stats that’s all I’m saying he can have all these stats all you want and if his teams don’t win none of it will matter Brian but that’s

More on the other guys than him they’ve got Jeremy soan who was a the point guard for most of the season it’s a complete experiment you know what I mean he’s not a point guard at all do you need a point guard though wmy had could dribble the ball down court

And do everything with it well why does he need a point guard right you need a point guard in today’s NBA look look at the Magnificent point guards you have around the league and you’ve got soan that’s playing point that was a forward at Baylor you know what I mean like what

Do we doing 87799 on Fox Steve is in Chicago he’s on the couple what’s on your mind Steve hey guys how you you know you’re right generational makes the team better I’m I’m 70 years old remember when wil came to the league 5960 yep he he took the 76ers to Conference finals against

Boston and that dude could onun the floor like a maniac and he led the league in assist when nobody said he could do it in 7172 by playing the point Center like likes evolving in the game right now but we wish your phone is keeps clicking in and out we wish we had

A better line it’s just hard to listen to but his point is and and and and nobody said that I’m I’m not being unrealistic Brian I didn’t say they need to make the playoffs they need to be 500 but they shouldn’t be going for 16 wins

Out of out of 82 games I think that’s ridiculous with his talent that that’s all I’m saying and if you want to put it all on pop then pop needs to resign or be fired but that’s how I look at it that’s how if WBY was you know shooting

25% from three you know and like 38% from the field and he’s a turnover machine and his defense isn’t all it’s cracked up to beay and he’s just getting dominated on the Block okay fine but he’s doing work he’s putting up numbers and the record still sucks that’s on pop

And The Supporting Cast way more than it is on wemi right I’m not pointing the finger at him I’m pointing the finger at everybody else

THE ODD COUPLE – Rob Parker and Brian Noe discuss what to make of the San Antonio Spurs being so bad yet having a generational talent in Victor Wembanyama.

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  1. You can't win MVP or Defensive Player of the Year with a losing record but you can win Rookie of the Year with one? Amazinggggggg

  2. Not buying the Wenbanyama hype. He’s 7’4 trying to be a guard. It’s absolutely ridiculous because he should be dominating inside first. He’s about a foot taller than his opponent but wants to play outside. If he learns to dominate the post first, then the perimeter will come easier. The Spurs are so bad because of his style of play. American players are criticized for not being fundamental but international players like Victor gets no criticism for not being fundamentally sound. Look at San Antonio record. It’s all Wemby fault.

  3. the nba is super balanced most teams are good..this isn't the late 90s or mid 00s where like 5 teams are good In the whole NBA..this leagues has 10-15 really good teams ..a bad team is gonna be ran through in today's league..its possible to lose 10 games in a row if you are bad

  4. What more do you want wemby to do Rob?? Those stats he’s putting up is to help his team win! If he wasn’t chasing those stats his team wouldn’t have any chance of winning. He needs to put up even more to even carry his team to a win!

  5. Big men don’t post up anymore because teams do not game plan like that and it’s stupid. Rob is correct. Wemby would be unstoppable if he put on some weight and backed into the paint. No one is stopping you.

  6. last time I check, Basket is a team sport.. ok, great players are supposed to make a (big) difference but you can win a match alone… and you don't seems to take in consideration the minutes he played until a few games… No matter good he is, if he's not playing 50% of the time… with 20/25 minutes per game, how can he have a real impact on the result… Not saying that everything is perfect with Victor, he just turned 20 and he obviously have to improve (which is normal) but come on, you need more than ONE player (even if he's a generational talent) to win games in the best ligue

  7. Pop is the problem. There's hardly any real basketball talent on that team and they won't run that offense through Wemby. Won't even call plays for him. That's on the coach.

  8. Pop lets Wemby figure it out. Did pop get thrown out this season yet? That's telling you something. They're accepting the losses. They know they're not winning the championship yet. Slow development is good in this case. I think it is by design. If they were actually trying, pop wouldve been tossed several times already.

  9. Yea it's official I have 0 respect for Robs basketball knowledge. And I hate that empty stats take. So when your losing in a game you should just stop competing.

  10. i know that every radio host doesn`t watch the games or look at the details but i mean atleast try to get more information.
    he played about 28 minutes a game before this month and their defensive ratings with him on the court is like top 5 and without him 27th or something. pop didn`t play the guards as much earlier aswell. i honestly think that the spurs intentionally tanked this season ( which is the smart move tbh). they probably should tank next season aswell seeing how good the 2025 draft is.

  11. Rob, as usual, has no clue what he's talking about = MICHAEL JORDAN's the GREATEST BASKETBALL PLAYER EVER to play in the NBA = his team SUCKED his first 4-seasons in the league = Rob needs to stop being such a hypocrite, who knows better

  12. They’re badly in need of vets. They should make a play for Russell Westbrook and Klay Thompson in the offseason. Should also look at bringing in people like Andre Drummond and other seasoned vets who can help them.

  13. The Spurs players are the reason they are not winning. They are either jealous of Wemby and they play hero ball and dont pass to Wemby when he is wide open. Its a bad teammate thing

  14. Parker is right people put pressure on wiby but we fail to realize great players make an elevate players around them example Jordan Magic Lebron ( remember he did it straight from high-school ) spurs have shooters that can shoot no excuses ) even Kobe had to learn that . Numbers don't mean jack if Wiby can't elevate average players around him until he does that We can't put him up there with the past great big men Jabber Chamberlin the dream Ewing had to it wiby is good but not great.

  15. See these old heads have to be stopped there is no more winning games by yourself the league is too talented

  16. I can't believe I agree with Rob. Everytime spurs win, wenby is given credit. However, they have more L's than W's. He doesn't deserve the rookie of the year with such a record.

  17. As a Spurs fan I would love for somebody to explain to me how this team minus Victor won 20 games last year but is unlikely to win 20 games this season with him and much of last year‘s roster still intact

  18. What exactly does Rob think Wemby should do differently? Guy is a rookie on a scrub team. He should explain that. Basketball is a team sport. This season the West is tougher than last year. Teams like the Clippers, OKC and Minnesota are much improved.

  19. It’s both Pop and team. I have watched every game. My points 1- the first at least two months he was placed as a Power forward and not center. Players got in his way and spacing was horrible. 2- the offense doesn’t run through Wemby. It’s who ever is open shoot or they don’t give it to Wemby. There has been at least 5-7 in game situations where they miss him open or play hero ball. 3- defense without Wemby in the floor is horrible and minutes restriction. Spurs either are tied or up maybe 5 pts with him in the floor and he rests and the other team goes on a 10 pt runs don then it’s playing catch up. Then there are times he is heating up and Pop benches him.

  20. They’d win more games if 1. He was allowed to play more minutes and 2.If he team looked for him more on offense. They literally go 4 or 5 possessions sometimes without him touching the ball which is insane, and that’s when they go on those droughts.

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