@Philadelphia 76ers

LeBron James To The Sixers Is Becoming VERY Realistic…

LeBron James To The Sixers Is Becoming VERY Realistic…

Ladies and gentlemen I know what you’re thinking there’s absolutely no way that LeBron ends up in Philly however there is a way it makes sense and today we’ll talk about why it’s becoming much more realistic right here on Philly take with RB perfect Perfect what is up everybody orb here welcome into the show appreciate everybody who has constantly been supporting us on all platforms continue to do so and as always drop a like on this video And subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss any of the coverage Allstar break is here and with the

Recent reports coming out in Prior days I think it’s a really good time to make this video because I wasn’t buying it either however we’re starting to get little hints they’re dropping left and right and we’re going to talk about why this could actually happen I will break

It down for you but my question of the day to the people out there I can’t believe I’m asking it would you entertain 40-year-old LeBron James on the Philadelphia 76ers next year give me your thoughts Down Below in the comment section and before we jump into mine a

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A few days ago before uh you know all the madness started to come out and all the crazy rumors we got a little insight from Mark Stein aka the Stein line and you know he said that two mystery teams believe that LeBron would consider signing with them if they were to draft

Bronny James this summer we will talk about that more but he says quote I know of at least two teams on the map that believe LeBron would consider signing at far less than the 51.4 million player option if bronnie is on the roster there might be more okay interesting didn’t

Really take too much away from that but then yesterday as I’m just sitting around hanging I get a bunch of inbox messages from people saying yo the Sixers could get LeBron I’m like what are you talking about and then this comes out per W and Ramona bur two teams

Inquired about trading for Braun at the deadline keep in mind the Lakers you know have just stayed afloat they’re not doing anything crazy this year it’s been a weird year in the NBA but the Lakers have definitely been disappointing and it doesn’t really seem like they’re

Going to be able to get back up you know to be a solid viable playoff Contender maybe if you get there with Bron and AD you know you have a chance but they just don’t seem to be that solid of a core uh you know with the surrounding pieces

This year and apparently the Sixers are one of the teams that reached out about trading for Lebron golden state was the other one they wanted to pair Braun and Steph Curry uh that’s not happening and then the Sixers reached out and Rob pinka okay Daryl myay wed LeBron James

Rob pinka answered by saying this he said okay is Joel embiid available for trade and that ended the brief conversation so that’s exactly how I expected that to go no I don’t think the Lakers would trade LeBron I think they would give him uh you know really the

The right the option to choose what he wants to do and I’m sure he doesn’t want to leave this year but looking forward into the future comes in to play a very important factor but before we talk about that all right not only did myy want Brun he wanted Kevin Durant he

Wanted Devin Booker he wanted Bradley be when Daryl mury earlier this year said we were going to trade James Harden and get assets and flip him he wasn’t lying when he said star hunting we thought he was talking about Zack LaVine he was talking about Braun and KD I mean

Sometimes you got to swing for the fences I guess but that is borderline crazy but let’s talk about whether this should happen or not okay I’m going to tell you why I think it actually could long story short no no I I don’t want LeBron on the Sixers and you know sure

Would be a wild thing to see Brun suiting up in blue red and white and going out there at the Welsh Fargo and making it happen but number one uh LeBron James is 40 years old right he doesn’t play as many games anymore he’s injury-prone in some senses and although

He’s one of the greatest basketball players ever as we know with the Sixers you have to worry about guy staying healthy I don’t know if he could in the long term from a positional standpoint it almost makes perfect sense in terms of what the Sixers need right a guy to

Come in at the forward position be another ball handler be able to facilitate take pressure off Maxi Etc it makes sense from that standpoint but LeBron James is up there in age and I almost feel another way that he would just take all the shine right all we

Would hear about is Braun Braun Braun we wouldn’t hear about Joel embiid or Tyrese Maxi and if the Sixers were to ever get him and win a championship all the spotlight would be on LeBron James and I don’t know if I really want that for the core of the SE maybe it doesn’t

Work out long term with Joel maybe they never win a chip but I I don’t know if I want it to be a LeBron Championship okay that’s number two and number three getting LeBron James would mean that your tap space plan gets turned upside down and you probably would not be able

To upgrade the rest of the roster now maybe you could get a bunch of vet men saying oh well we want to pay play with Bron we want to play with him in Philly and and Joel Etc maybe you could get guys ass sign that way kind of like the

Phoenix Suns did this past off season but that’s still a long shot now let’s look at this from a team standpoint okay we pull up the Sixers roster and their salaries for this next year and all we’ve been talking about is this masterful cap space plan but like we

Said at the trade deadline and we covered it’s not alsoo masterful based on the free agent class all right you have Joel embiid here who’s going to be making 51.4 million next year you have bball pull at 7.7 million and that is only guaranteed if the Sixers make it

Past the first round of the playoffs if not they could wave them with no dead cap and then Tyrese Maxi is at a $1 13. million cap hold obviously he will get his extend but that will come later on so that they can go over the cap but right now that’s

All you got on your books okay so the Sixers are projected to have somewhere around let’s say give or takes 60 to 65 million in cap space they’re probably going to want to resign buddy heel given what they gave up for him and they can do that using his bird rights they’ll

Still have a good amount of cap space left over if they go and get LeBron this whole thing is thrown out of proportion then you’re going to have to be clawing at the ends of the the roster to try to pick up some pieces kind of like Phoenix

Did and we see when you build a team topheavy like that it’s not so perfect nowadays given the new CBA here are the free agents for this upcoming Summer Okay LeBron James who has a $ 51.4 million player option Paul George with a $ 48.8 million option and he is

Definitely a viable candidate for the Sixers however if the Clippers continue to play like this if they go and make a playoff run it’s more likely than not that he’s going to resign and stay in La long term so say you miss out on Paul George are you going and overpaying Klay

Thompson this summer do you want to bring back Tobias Harris do you want to bring back James Harden that’s not happening cakam likely to stay in Indiana an anobi likely to stay with the Knicks all right Drew holiday not happening so you look at the rest of

These guys it’s not a strong free agent class and here’s why I think it could happen cuz Braun might be the only one willing to move and I want to go back to what markk Stein said it all has to do with his son and I’ve been saying even

In private convos with my buddies for months like LeBron James has nothing left to prove he’s never going to reach you know 10 10 Rings he’s never going to get up there and you know we we know that he’s one of the greatest players of all time right he’s not going to beat

MJ’s record maybe he wants to get another one uh you know with the Lakers Etc but he’s not going to go past MJ so all he has left to do is one thing he wants to play with his son he wants to be the first guy to do that I mean that

Would be incredible for the sport we may not ever see it again and he is intent on playing with his son now do I see Braun suiting up in Charlotte or Detroit if one of these teams took Brony James no I don’t but based on the stock of

Brony James right now I’m hearing a bunch of different things he could go late first round he could go midc round he could be undrafted some people think he’s not that good and you never want to bet against the son of LeBron James but you know he hasn’t been that good he

Obviously had a condition at the beginning of the year and we have a long time to go before the draft anyway but I could honestly see a team taking a bank on a second round pick trying to get bronny if it means getting LeBron as well and Daryl mury always swings for

Defenses he loves the big names and when it comes to Brony James could the Sixers end up using say a second round pick now this one here via the Knicks I believe they don’t have I believe that was thrown into the Daniel house trade they have another second round pick here

Right they have other first rounders to play with you never know what Daryl mury is going to do and just given a fact he’s already whispering in the ears of trying to get Braun KD these guys I could actually see it happening it is becoming more

Realistic that we get to the off season the cap space plan that we oh so coveted for a while is now at a realization point where it’s like we don’t have anybody to get with the cap space and they go out and they sell the farm to

Get LeBron James I could see it happening Maxi Braun and embiid sure’ be interesting I just personally do not want wanted to happen uh so we’ll have to wait and see but could they use bronny James as a leverage play to get LeBron yeah I think it’s possible

Overall this would go against everything that you’re building for towards the future around guys like Tyrese Maxi you know with this excessive cap space Etc but I could see the Sixers pulling the trigger on it so we’ll see what happens give me your thoughts down below should

They even entertain the idea of Braun to Philly give me your thoughts appreciate everybody tuning in be sure to like comment and subscribe that being said I will catch you all on the next one Peace

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According to Marc Stein, the Sixers are one team who reached out at the trade deadline to inquire about LeBron James. Could Daryl Morey make a push to sign him this offseason to form a new Big 3 in Philadelphia? Today, we discuss it all! #Sixers #lebronjames #joelembiid #tyresemaxey #darylmorey #NBA #SixersNews #nbanews #76ers



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  1. If y’all don’t get out y’all feelings, we better get who we can get. This team hasn’t won since the 80’s . Got the nerve to turn y’all nose up at like we been some historical franchise in recent memory.

  2. The Sixers need a good back up center now, We need younger guys on the team, We still need help🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  3. Lebron comes to the Sixers. I will never watch another Sixers game as long as I live, I don't care how many titles. I remember when Lebron, ON PURPOSE sent Joel flying on his back. Lebron wanted a title that year, perceived Embiid pre-injury as a threat and acted accordingly. He gets away with it bc Identity Junkies soak it all in.

  4. Also I remember when Lebron on another filthy play nearly ended the career of Mikal Bridges. This makes him I suppose a "smart" basketball player..

  5. So when a guy goes to dunk a ball and u push him w force in his mid section, what does he do, I mean lebron is fucking stupid, is he? fucking appalling


    but only if Lebron is willing to take 40m (even lower would be grand but unrealistic)

    if Lebron accepts a lower salary cuz we draft Bronny, then it'll be great for rounding out the roster with the extra cap space

  7. Wouldn’t want LeBron teaching Bronny the ropes and demanding rotational-tandem minutes for the both of them on the Sixers…it can break the chemistry of the team and I don’t see that going far into the playoffs, I would only entertain that if they BOTH came off the bench (but I don’t see LeBron ever doing that, nor for his son)…❗️❗️❗️

  8. The number of assists he would average would be crazy and honestly he would be the best fit LeBron 2.0 (two five)didn't work out then get the original

  9. This is what I want sixers to do now
    – Sign Chimezie Metu to 10 day contract
    – if Drummond is not bought out then sign Metu
    – & sign Danny Green for loyalty or Council to develop

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