@Toronto Raptors

[Lewenberg] That they celebrated with a pizza party, courtesy of head coach Darko Rajakovic, didn’t sit well with everybody in the organization, but the players had fun with it, and in a season that has been defined by franchise-altering change, fun has been in short supply.

[Lewenberg] That they celebrated with a pizza party, courtesy of head coach Darko Rajakovic, didn’t sit well with everybody in the organization, but the players had fun with it, and in a season that has been defined by franchise-altering change, fun has been in short supply.

by EarthWarping


  1. RealCanadianDragon

    Everybody in the organization = Higher up’s who got the bill

    You’re only supposed to give out pizza parties to show everyone you’re a family and reward them for not paying them

  2. TinnieTa21

    Why? Is it really a cost issue? How much could it have cost? $1000 at most? So what?

  3. JoshSran04

    I bet those same people like pineapple on their pizza

  4. Scobesanity

    Wait, this was a real thing? I thought this was just a Reddit joke….

  5. GeriatricSFX

    They got a ton of press and good will for what amounts to a drop in the team’s budget bucket. I dont think anyone in the org had a problem with the whole Pizza Party at all and if they do go for that high priced dinner Darko originally meant when he originally taked about the 3 game winning dinner before the Pizza memes took over the org will probably just pay it themselves instead of making Darko cough up the cash. It would just be a bigger drop in the team budget bucket that brought some good will with it that the org wouldn’t give a shit about being spent.

  6. tonydanzatapdances

    Man why be pissy about this? The team clearly sucks this year. I know it, you know it, they know it and every team knows it.

    The team clearly thought the meme was funny since pizza was never mentioned by Darko. They got pizza anyway since it became the running joke. Let them have some fun, we need some good vibes in the team

  7. CanadianSpector

    It’s incredibly hard to root for Toronto sports, man.

  8. lillithfair98

    I’m guessing it’s more the idea that three wins is anything to really celebrate. If you have higher standards of success you shouldn’t reward people for doing what they’re expected to do.

  9. scrubpatrol

    Which desk jockey had a problem with this? JFC take a goddamn chill pill.

  10. jjkiller26

    Anybody in the organization that thinks that pizza stuff was a bad idea is actually an idiot. Brought good press to your team, got the fans excited, and built up the team’s morale a little.

  11. I assume their issue was that it looks bush league. Which a lot of people on here were also saying. But it seems like the players embraced it, especially since it came with the new squad after the trades of Siakam and OG.

    Before the trade I also thought it was a weird incentive to give to millionaire athletes. Like something that should happen in pee wee hockey.

  12. AlexRescueDotCom

    Are they pissed that the pizza party happened or that because if pizza party the practice was canceled?

  13. thenewoldschool55

    Wonder if the higher ups are Masai and Bobby

  14. earlyearlgray

    Pizza Pizza sponsors not happy they didn’t order their cardboard discs for the pizza party

  15. grenzowip445

    Eh if it gets Darko fired then let’s go. We can correct our mistake and get Jordi in here

  16. KayPizzle

    Honestly Josh, find something else to write about.

  17. keeeeener

    Love that they waited to “leak” this til after they lost a couple lol

  18. Barnicus57

    I wonder if those members or the organization are the same morons that spent the first few months of the season in this sub, telling everyone that Darko is too weird to be taken seriously. Or maybe Will Lou is spreading rumours since Darko isn’t actually the yes man that he claimed 😂


    I doubt it has anything to do with the cost of the pizza. I’m guessing some higher ups don’t like that we are celebrating 3 wins. It’s a very low aspiration for a team that talks about wanting to be competitive and making playoffs.

    I don’t really think this was a big deal, but I hope we have higher aspiration than this next year.

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