@Washington Wizards

LA Clippers vs Washington Wizards 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Mar 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Washington Wizards 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Mar 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Up his game with 19 yeah but out of the timeout once again an isolation play to get Kawai in a sweet spot on just right off the block left hand side able to go one1 beautiful touch on the Baseline cool the runner plumy the [Applause] rebound be interesting to see Tha get

His tires room as kawh Leonard punches it in 100 points here in the third quarter with three and A2 minutes to play I Feel Like Kawai has the last eight points for the Clippers deflection out of bounds last touched by the Clippers with seven to shoot Holmes Stripped by Highland

Recovers blocked by plumbley it’s Leonard with the loose ball and now a com you saw it right takes to win a game and a lot of frustration builds up man well this is just his seven game with the Wizards he came from the Pistons so it wasn’t like he went from a winning

Situation to a better situation so he has only felt losses buil up frustration just think he was with Sacramento playing a great role to not look at Z you know I thought he was really good too there were some Advanced numbers that really had him as

Of an engine for them inside counted at a foul that’s my fault he so he went from a winning situation to the Wizards there’s some frustration there what I’m just I’m saying It’s long season man how to the rim and in just a second basket for Norman pow pow will just four points Off the Bench get the Clippers have had a lead as large as 28 it just goes to show when the big boys have it going it is a joy to watch

Start a busy hectic and challenging but opportunistic month of March for the Clippers Butler drives inside misses gets his own rebound sends it top side to kissper for three it’s [Applause] good inside of two minutes to play in this third [Applause] quarter Leonard swings it to coffee

Steps into a mid-range and knocks it down air coffee Off the Bench with five and the Clippers lead 10781 marur inside able to lay it in 128 to play here in this third quarter bones Highland back the other way for the Clippers haven’t seen bones in a month of Sunday drives into the lane turns it right over and a whistle in era where the three-point shot is

King So for that for that my point is that move is interesting for him no it is cu you you teach the game so differently now I think he thought coffee was running shotgun Butler goes back the other way yeah he was thrown it off the backboard

For coffee to come for a alyo off the backboard but as I was just saying coffee grew up in the three-point era was right the cor where he go right to the corner right to the corner it was spot on that time too Leonard for three it’s gone Ka Leonard with a massive

Third quarter puts the Clippers out in front 110 to 85 and he says take that Brian yeah for saying that my game was subar so so far oh not there Plumley with the rebound Leonard back the other way 30 seconds to play Clippers have the ball to start the

Fourth quarter as well Highland for three you’re going to have to shake off the rust yeah yeah it’s no matter how much you do count of to in workouts and again you’re not practicing a lot at this time of the year so the reps are not going to

Be the same in regards to actual game speed so you expect a little rust from bone Tha well I’m hoping he’ll have a whole fourth quarter to try to shake it off but that Russell Westbrook is not available going forward for a minute buzzer not there they’re going to need

Bonees highand to give him some valuable minutes

LA Clippers vs Washington Wizards 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Mar 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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