@Charlotte Hornets

Aleksej Pokusevski’s BEST Career Highlights! | Welcome to Charlotte

Aleksej Pokusevski’s BEST Career Highlights! | Welcome to Charlotte

Watch SGA and Horford operate the screen action out of the perimeter as poosy with the left hand miss the scoop follows the Miss ohvi takes flight and throws it down he now tries to drive on Brooks keeps his pivot foot down oh and uses his length beautifully a little Up and

Under by poker shvi who’s now got 12 step right around he’s got the that lift that you brought up so nice little badone valadon’s very smooth off the dribble hushi knocks down the three you know when the ball is going to be missed and how about poosi with a total

Rejection there of kozma on the drive Keri had a big block the other night and using that long lengthy frame and does it again here on kozman timed it perfectly he’s had a couple numers just playing smart basketball right now great block by Roi sets it up on this end as

Poosi Strokes it from downtown a great steal by kenich Williams just picked the pocket burglar and Harris povi gliding his way up to the rim this this is old school poke away here folks that’s playground there man show you that ball poke it away and poku hello with a one-handed [Applause]

Rebound behind the back Bradley for the dunk this kid it’s he’s fun to watch yes he is I mean 7 ft being able to handle the ball like Che out this pass by povi that was great I mean you can see the ball hand handleability right here look at that

Just yeah he is Crafty that’s letting you know that both teams offenses have come out the gates swinging oh step back POI drills it what a shot no no he didn’t he’s had three from that exact same spot two on the timer poke the drive off the glass and

Got it to go something he’s done throughout his career with the Thunder able to get a foothold on that Five Spot povi off the deck lets it go what a shot with Iguodala in the vicinity and he has a great knack for scoring once he gets in there SJ putting

A lot of work in on The Possession finds the open man peski catch fire three and that is good steps to the side puts up the three off metu leaking out and metu got blocked at The Rim by poku who recovered defensively in the third and metu chasing down chase down by

Poku you know what I’m going to say I used to say this about the offense I’m giving the defense some credit now and we try to bleed it out stru looking for the help coming over instead it’s a poesi catch fire three that bottoms so once again it’s

Kenri moves a couple of steps closer to the sideline with the ball was tapped got it to poku poku caught it on the Baseline just inside the block and that is going to count Trey man guarded by Kar under four remaining in the third shot clock down to six povy un corks a

Triple and it’s in an NBA team Rhythm and confidence then the ability to knock them down TI tulips too cuz that need usually Need You Under Pressure you don’t want it to be a two cuz then obviously it’s low percentage that’s a three from [Applause] poesi and he makes up for it by

Committing a turnover what does he do here he goes in really scoring is a premium sometimes players take on that personality I’ve got to score every time I’m out there not necessarily A lot of times you have to move the basketball one pass poku gets wide open see all the

Space and look how deep the Timberwolves in the painted area cuz they know the Thunder like the the drive at 212 points well to be exact 21.6 points see aam is 21.5 oh py a little Up and Under move on B got the Cavs coming to town 7:30 tomorrow night first meeting between

Those two this year it’s the last team that the uh Sixers have yet to see this season 3832 and a back door cut and there’s a break down SP a offense on display again for both teams how about the back door Ali open as McDaniel spots

Up Corner three no good man trying to help out the skyscrapers and up ahead to Roby there is poi R to the floor and Roby put it on a platter for him to throw it down themselves early little Above the Rim action Roby setting it up couple of big

Time players from Wednesday’s win but that’s what they do madone CI back to pushi and he able to hit as the shot clock KCK as povi racing ahead got by Williams Oh What A Move povi going end to end and then the sweet finish with the left hand

So defense and turnovers as we mentioned in the open are going to be key and yic who had eight turnovers in the Wednesday game and look at poesi Pachi with a rebound crossing over right to left into the lane to the glass finger roll it in and he is fou and you

Can see that this young man barely 20 years of age in his second year he has some skills he’s gliding down the floor so just an amazing shooting oh good job by madone he didn’t pressure up on Paul knowing that Paul was going to try to distribute

And it leads to the break and the Slam by Cree but it’s ruled Phoenix basketball how about the no look pass come on man come on come on I see you man I see you you know what and he’s

In Aleksej Pokusevski’s four-year career with the Oklahoma City Thunder, he produced a lot of memorable highlights. Now, he’s signed by the Charlotte Hornets!

#hornets #letsfly35 #nba


  1. After 4 years still at the end of OKC bench? Why do we need him taking minutes from others he is just gonna be a slight improvement on JT Thor. Even that maybe not lol

  2. we will take all your leftovers OKC lol. seriously, this guy just needed a change, charlotte is building something with young talent and upcoming draft picks. Nice pick up.

  3. I was hoping Denver would pick up Poku since he fell onto the trash heap in OKC. He might have meshed well with Jokic — and the Nuggets have a weak bench this year.
    Poku is kind of a poor man's Chet Holmgren but needs to be used at the 4. OKC was forcing him to play center before Chet came back.
    If he stays healthy he could still have a very good career in the NBA. Good luck Aleksej!

  4. charlotte! let this guy play make please! itā€™s his best attribute and okc was forcing him to be a pick and roll/pick and pop guy.

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