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Stephen A. reacts to Lakers losing on LeBron’s historic night: I’m DISGUSTED! | NBA Countdown

Stephen A. reacts to Lakers losing on LeBron’s historic night: I’m DISGUSTED! | NBA Countdown

Just a little bit in Arena hey welcome inside our Los Angeles Studios alongside the one and only Stephen A Smith Bob Meers the architect of the four-time champion Golden State Warriors NBA champion Kendrick Perkins I’m Malika Andrew the Denver Nuggets say escape with the win 124 114 and Bob you

And I were talking about just how well Denver closes games it really proves why they’re the champs yeah they um six and0 since the break Malika and when you win a championship uh yes you’re become the hunted right that that happens you’re the defending champ everybody’s coming

After you but there’s a confidence that comes with winning the championship which they now have and in the closing moments of games when when everything’s on the line this unit and usually is even better with call will pop best in the NBA best fiveman unit in the NBA

This Denver starting five they know how to close games they have a confidence in themselves they don’t worry if they’re up two down two Lakers made a run here and the Nuggets responded and just put them away I mean it wasn’t even close at the end they made play after play after

Play they run everything through joic um he makes a great play for himself or someone else so they look to me to be the best team in the west at least right now and so it’s fun to watch them coales one concern with them I only have one

Concern this got stay healthy that’s it yeah they got to stay healthy they look like the best team in the West can I switch gears and go in a different direction because I’m quite disgusted um and I’d like to say that to the American people right now uh open at night the

Lakers open the season they lose to the nuggets the night that Kobe statues revealed they lose that night tonight LeBron James surpasses 40,000 points the only play in NBA history to ever do it they lose that game seemed like the big moments the Lakers don’t measure up to that’s number

One number two we look at delangelo Russell let me dissect this didn’t I applaud that brother in the first half 13 points Four Points the second half Four Points that’s number two number three let me get to the biggest point the biggest point that I want to make

Because see LeBron James had 26 and N LeBron James shot 60% from the field what did I say big perk what have I been saying I said you ain’t G to stop joic which didn’t happen but what you have to do if you’re Anthony Davis is nullify

What he gives you by making sure you give the same you can’t have Nicole yic dropping 35 and Anthony Davis answering with 17 you just can’t do it if you are the Los Angeles Lakers and you’ve got Championship aspirations the big boy who is an Allstar and a superstar talent in

This game has to show up and give me a little bit extra when that other Superstar who’s a reigning defending NBA champion okay when that brother shows up I didn’t see that tonight and I don’t like it particularly when you’re also getting Michael Porter Jr Stephen a

Shooting a perfect 10 of 10 from the field for 25 points to add on to all of that yeah but to pick it back off of Stephen A’s Point uh and it was a great Point Anthony Davis had more attitude with me and Stephen A today before the

Game than he actually did did in the game that to with me I thought I IGN my point is my point is my point is that that’s fine but it’s no way that joic and I was just talking to Bob about this he was playing this game with a

Certain level of passion and tenacity did you see it on his face a guy that never shows emotion well and you heard him before the game joking with LeBron James oh we’re not going to let you get past eight buddy but really they did but also came out and you know ruined the

Rest of the night and I said this before the game as well look credit to Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown credit to Devin Booker and Kevin Durant Anthony Davis and LeBron the best duo in basketball is Jamal Murray and joic and the way that they feed off each other that Twan game

Is Unstoppable but tonight they had 34 assists the Denver Nuggets as a whole joic and Murray accounted for 50% of those assists meaning that they’re trusting the others no cwell Pope guess guess what we trust you Aaron holiday we’re going to continue to make the extra pass Aaron Gordon that connection

Between him and joic is is probably the most Unstoppable thing in basketball they’re yic is the best player in the NBA right now is he your without without MB if mbid was playing I have to second that yeah he he just you know why when

We used to play against when I was with the Warriors you play against LeBron James when you play against somebody that good what you realize is they will get you a great possession every time now a great possession could be LeBron scoring or passing or C teammate joic is

The closest I’ve seen in the NBA I think Jason Tatum is a great player I think Giannis is a great player they can’t do that one thing they cannot guarantee you a great possession every time down as much as a yokich could and LeBron can still for the most part so they’re a

Scary team what they’re doing with Murray it’s not in my opinion because Murray is is at that level of some of the other number twos on other teams but their cohesiveness how they played it that dribble hand how they it’s pretty aming to watch I don’t use the word

Scary you know what scary to me is when you’re creeping up on people you’re lurking and oh my goodness you know what you have the opportunity to to throw some no these are the champions they’re the Champions and so they’re playing like Champions they just been hanging

Around all year long well everybody get excited Oklahoma City go ahead and get excited Minnesota go ahead and get excited Clippers go ahead and get excited we’re right there and we’re just creeping up on you this is what we do cuz we’ve been there we’ve done it we

Know what it takes okay you know something about that with the championships with the Golden State Warriors you’re the Los Angeles Lakers you’re supposed to have a clue LeBron James is a four-time champion Anthony Davis finally won a championship in the bubble year will you have a guy like yit

Showing up right that’s your position and you’re going like this I’mma bust your living you know what conversation with Rob link before the game and he was talking about the value that Jared Vanderbilt and gave Vincent bring to the table the listen listen the point of attack right like guarding the ball I’m

Not talking about stopping joic but you if you going to if the Lakers are going to ever beat the Denver Nuggets for getting the playoff series get a win in a regular season they’re going to have to defend and that’s part of the reason why Lebron James was giving those

Signals during the trade deadline and I know how valuable Austin Reeves is I know D’Angelo Russell elevated his game but a guy like Deonte Murray right providing that defense kind of somewhat slowing down to Jamal Murray gives them a better shot but if like Darin Han told me before the game if you’re

Anticipating that vanderbild is going to be back within the next couple of weeks that’s justification for not making a move and keeping the nucleus of the team intact if that if your concern is defense it still doesn’t vade away from my point joic is a monster he’s the

Defending Champion the road to the finals is going to have to go through him who is more better equipped to go up against him and to negate what he brings to the table than an Anthony Davis if you bring your A game you you heard the

Other night well they don’t give me R go let me tell you something you heard I respect him but he ain’t Anthony wait wait we saw the other night Draymond Green You could argue is still one of the best defenders in the NBA absolutely yic went into their court and Draymond

Green set for the game I couldn’t do anything with this guy but not decize I understand I understand but Anthony is a different kind of Defender than Draymond Green you’re talking about two of the best defenders and look what joic did to them isn’t that why you need to contain

Everybody else why Michael but he that’s why he I’m saying if if yic can drop 35 Anthony Davis can drop 35 was you paying attention to the big man segment free game we all were paying attention to the point but the point I was making was

This you’re not going to stop Y no one is okay but the way that Anthony Davis could kind of neutal Y is going give him that work on the other end and you just see him like just fade away with that I don’t care type attitude oh well just

Another game no it’s not just another game CU you know why they’re sitting in a tth spot I’ll tell you I’ll tell you what else when you lose to a team in your conference eight times in a row and you’re trying to win a championship you

Played I want to take off my bill right no no listen when you when you lose a team eight eight times in a row you’re in that locker room right now as a Laker as as anybody on the lak organization you’re going I don’t know right I don’t

Know and they didn’t have kav’s call yeah and you say well we’ll get them next game and then you go we haven’t beat him in eight games yeah at what point does that become sort of the elephant in the room yeah and it’s and it can we beat that’s the question well

Listen it’s it’s eight games but four of them came courtesy of broomsticks being brought out in the Western Conference Finals when they swept them for nothing they played them better in those games though they played them closer well and we also saw LeBron James particularly in game four take that defensive assignment

Of Nicola yic and say you know what it’s my turn now let me take him a little bit but the fact of the matter is this is another loss for the Los Angeles Lakers who are in the playin currently and if you put up their next 10 games we talked

About this being an opportunity for them they do not leave the state of California Stephen A which is important for LeBron James in year 21 less travel until the 26th of March right but look how tell the audience why you asking me that question Malik you asking me that

Question because I talked about this on countdown I only see two pretty much guaranteed wins the Hawks and 76ers and that’s pushing it they can lose all them damn games the Thunder the Kings the Bucks the Timberwolves the Kings again on the road the Warriors and then the

Pacers to to to end it on the 24th oh the Lakers could lose all of those games do I think they will of course not but they could none of those none you can legitimately say each of those teams could be a favorite against the Lakers

On that resp matter is no matter what their record is going to be whether they go 500 or whatever the case may be in my opinion they’re still going to be in the playin tournament but being in a two- win scenario in the playin and versus a

One- win scenario in the playin is a much different it don’t matter because when they get to the postseason I still don’t have confidence that they could beat the Denver Nuggets and we know why they cannot beat the Minnesota timberwoods I don’t care what nobody say and they they cannot beat the Clippers

In the seven gam but I want I I would love to see them against a young team like the temple wolves to see what the temple wolves are made of in Terms of their experience because obviously that’s unfamiliar territory I think the only team they might not be able to beat

Is the team they just play yeah I I I I I mean when you when when you say something like that you’re just saying we’re not beating that team they’re not going to say that but I might say that’s the team other team coming up tomorrow at 12:30 Eastern he

Stephen A. Smith, Bob Myers, Malika Andrews and Kendrick Perkins react to the Los Angeles Lakers’ 124-114 loss to the Denver Nuggets on the same night that LeBron James surpassed 40,000 career points.

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  1. Same thing like last year loose on a historic moment and then go on a run 🤷🏾‍♂️this time finish the momentum 😎

  2. The issue here is the reason why the Lakers lost is because Darvin Ham let Rui Hachimura (who had a hot hand in the 3rd quarter) sit out over 6 minutes of the 4th quarter! That man is really a carbon copy of Lebron & Kawhi & a smidge of Jordan with his style of play being shown in the past few games including tonight if you keep training him correctly & Ham just sitting him out??

  3. What Denver did shouldn't surprise anyone. This is why I despise the national media's obsession with the Lakers and Warriors. If you're not a front-running fan you should know the road to the title still goes through Denver. Denver does not panic so they don't beat themselves. Whoever they face will have to BEAT them 4 out of 7 games to advance in the playoffs.

  4. Lebum can score a million points,. but LEbum will never be the GOAT because MJ is the GOAT, and the greatest LAKER is Kobe Bean Bryant.

  5. I kept saying A D was letting the Nuggets off the hook by shooting 15 footers instead of going to the rack. He never banged with jocic. He just didn't want that and it showed. The other thing is the new guys floor attitude and so so defense. Certain players give up and go through the motions.

  6. The Nuggets are much better than the Lakers. Are the Lakers supposed to change reality just because it's a special game for LeBron? That's not how life works.

  7. Rui had a 66% field goal percentage & Lebron had a 60% field goal percentage! & they needed to be on the court together! & you mean to tell me that Ham sat him out majority of the 4th quarter?! That’s why they lost the game! That’s the real issue they keep dancing around.

  8. I like how Perkins is all love to the nuggets when it's ESPN prime time but once it's not as important he talks so much trash about them……….sounds like somebody gave him a talk about his job lol

  9. This is proof that LeBron no longer interested in winning championships anymore. He feels he's accomplished enough and this is mainly why he's in LA now. So he can focus on his brand and living comfortably with his family. You can even tell by his body language sometimes that he's not chasing anymore rings. He's just playing basketball with no worries and adding on more stats for side accomplishments.

  10. As a LeBron fan, give the Nuggets credit, they are the Freddy Krueger to the Lakers and Jamal Murray is the leader. He crushes the lakers hope when its time to 😂

  11. Nuggets just a better team at the moment.. Anthony Davis isn’t consistent.I still think he holds back.If he gave it 110% he’d be good but he don’t.But besides all that the Nuggets are a better overall team it’s just how it is

  12. Yet larry bird can't play in this soft league lol. Bird would kill this soft league. Jokic slow but he can play ball. Jokic is bird number 2

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