@Brooklyn Nets

Jalen Wilson’s reactions to signing multi-year contract with Nets

Jalen Wilson’s reactions to signing multi-year contract with Nets

Congrats on the multi-year deal how did you find out and just what was your emotions like uh emotions was kind of all over the place uh this is something like I’ve been working really hard for and uh they just called me to the office

Got to talk to my agent and it kind of went by fast but like I said it was just a lot of emotions a lot of excitement it was good to tell my parents and stuff like that what does it mean to to know that you’re you of a future here with

The Brooklyn Nets and what has this organization meant to you means a lot means a lot I mean this is a birth place my now professional career so it’s just just pretty cool to see you know how valuable people feel like I am and it’s

Just a blessing to be here I feel like you know a lot of lot of love around here a lot of good people so like it’s the best place to be it wasn’t maybe the easiest Journey kind of starting the year and just going through the G leag

But just kind of like as you’re getting more minutes and everything is starting to come together just kind of how does it feel on top of that to not just have the Contra but also getting that time to show what you can do more uh it feels

Great you know I’ve always just wanted an opportunity no matter where it was uh you know where whether it was here Long Island just getting a play and be able to get better I feel like was my main objective and uh just just being ready

For whenever my time was to come to be able to play we saw we saw the video with with your parents like what what did that mean for you cuz I the video was awesome but just what did that mean to share that moment with your parents

It was special it was special um you know they’ve been you know kind of waiting on to just like me as far as just just just having this opportunity you know you never really know what can be happened tomorrow and just to see their faces and the excitement just to

Be able to tell them that you know I do have like a place that I’m going to be at uh was everything to me you know I feel like every kid dreams of telling the parents you know that they’re they’re really making it and I think it’s just a special moment that I’ll

Never forget now that it’s settled in I know your mom wanted a redo of that video what what just how how have the Motions kind of like settled in and how has it just processed for you and your family I think everybody’s finally chilling out a little bit now uh like I

Told her it was only one cut like it was going to be live reaction we didn’t want no fakeness and uh I think she’s finally you know grasing what’s going on and and she’s just super excited Super you know just for fortunate to be in this

Position and uh you know got her made humble just keep working I know you’ve leaned on a lot of people in your life just as mentors and guidance throughout your basketball career who’s reached out to you and what has your phone been like since the announcement came out

Everybody my family uh friends coaches uh old coaches from from when I was younger and uh I appreciate all the texts you know I feel like during the journey everybody has a pieace in in getting you here so just be able to reach out and say thank you to all of

Them uh really me a lot you live by the marathon continues what is just this dude adding on to the marathon that you are running and racing just adds more to it you know I feel like once you make a step towards the right direction you

Know how can I figure out in work ways to to make another step in the right direction you know just want to keep going up you know don’t ever want to get complacent with where you are uh no matter how successful you are I feel like it’s always another opportunity

Another step that you can get to what’s that next step for you as you guys now still have 20 plus games left to play what more do you want to showcase out there on the court just how good we are I feel like we have a chance to to

Really prove that in these next couple games uh starting today of course and just just finishing out the best that we can you know I feel like we don’t want to leave anything on the table and and you know try to win every single game and just go out and give 100% effort

Jalen Wilson is feeling the Brooklyn love after officially signing a multi-year contract. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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