@Minnesota Timberwolves

NBA Legends Explain Why Anthony Edwards Is CRAZY Good.

NBA Legends Explain Why Anthony Edwards Is CRAZY Good.

Whatever I do I do but yeah I’m nowhere near Michael Jordan no more comparisons yeah uh but if that error was today do you feel like MJ kardu hell no no everyone knows Anthony Edwards can ball especially ant himself 2023 was Edward’s year the Year we’re going to

Look back on a decade from now and say that’s when he became a superstar right now though he’s the hottest young player in the league in the argument for the best two-way wing and taking the Minnesota Timberwolves a poverty franchise for decades to new heights he’s been taking down the toughest teams

In the league all year their best win though just happened on February 12th they demolished the Clippers by 21 points the best team in the league by the way for the last two months Edwards had 23 points but he was in complete control of the offense the entire game

While Rudy Di dominated the paint although Paul George did make Edwards touch floor on one embarrassing play for the young Superstar but we’re ignore that for now now you’ve got to wait to hear what Shaq said about Anthony Edwards last year it was so disrespectful but first Reggie Miller

Who subtly called out the casuals those young cats ball out and they play well at both ends their offense is great as surrounded around Anthony Edwards who a lot of people don’t know about I’m talking about he is the next coming Reggie was the best shooter in NBA

History when he retired in ‘ 05 and since then he’s been spending every single season watching dude’s hoop as a broadcaster and analyst most importantly he played against Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant and Dwayne Wade at the highest level in the NBA Playoffs that’s the three greatest shooting guards ever that

Reggie had to guard so he knows a thing or two now Reggie’s been known to overhype sometimes but the second coming strong words most people were stuck on what he said right before that a lot of people don’t know about Anthony Edwards this is a former number one

Overall pick the most fun kid in the league and a guy who earned MVP votes in a straw poll a few weeks ago but a lot of people don’t know about him was that a disc from Reggie no if anything it was a diss on the Casual fans who refus to

Watch anything outside of the major markets I mean even last year people were actually upset that yic and the nuggets made the finals like he hadn’t been the best player in the league for 3 years it takes casual fans a couple years to catch up so a couple years from

Now everyone is going to know that ant is a top player in the league but how high can he be a top five player top 10 player let us know in the comments but you know who’s already really high on the young t- wolf just may be the best

Coach in the league right now is there a particular player on this Team USA team that reminds you of e way yeah we know who that is uh it’s hard not to look at Anthony Edwards and not see Dwayne Wade in them and I’m not a guy for

Comparisons I’m not um but the way he moves the way he competes the way he electrifies a crowd uh yes that reminds me of of number three and I have told uh Anthony that and uh I feel like I’m going back in time you know and it’s

Just it’s making me younger again I I I’m really enjoying it Eric spola said that in a chat with CNN Philippines while he was coaching Team USA as an assistant remember this guy coached Wade to three NBA Finals he saw him have one of the most staggering seasons of all

Time in 2009 he was the only player to ever put up 30 points seven assists two seals and one block per game in a season SPO coached ant for one summer and saw that same player in him Wade’s teammate for a couple of years there Antoine

Walker he chimed in I could see some of the similarities I think anthy was a better jump shooter than D way from range um you know because obviously D way was not really a great three-point shooter that’s not some D way did he was

More of a slasher a guy that went to the basket um one thing I do like about him and one thing about dwade is dwade is super competitive and I think that’s one thing that stands out to me about Anthony he’s super competitive so dwade with three-point range got it remember

When people said he wasn’t as good as lamelo ball it’s still not as embarrassing as what Shaq said a while back but we’ll get there because right now we’re going to talk about the previous Timberwolves Goat Who gushes over ant-man’s talent I’m watching Anthony Edwards he looks different you

Know how the summertime don’t see nobody for like 2 months and then all a sudden you see somebody and then he good you that working with you know what I’m saying that’s how Anthony looks to me yeah he just looks he looks super motivated bro here’s a mind-blowing stat

For you the Timberwolves have made the playoffs 11 times if you take away the seasons when either Anthony Edwards or kg was on the team they made the playoffs just once just the 2018 season when Jimmy Butler came to town for a minute before dipping instantly because

He was sick of guys who didn’t play hard that is definitely not the case with either kg or ant Kevin Garnett is remembered as a competitive psycho a guy that his teammates actively had to cool down before games ant has that same gene with a little less of the crazy and

Garnett sees that he was first high on Edwards early this year when the Timberwolves gave both the nuggets and the Celtics their first losses of the Season positioning themselves early as a legit title threat now get first loss of the Season Timberwolf Celtic’s first loss of the season seon Timberwolves we

Talked about Ant-Man the last time I was here taking over going Super Saiyan and becoming taking that next step but we’re seeing guys you know this team’s really clicking and we said that we didn’t know if they had a team build that was correct we said we might want to move

One of the big men because it’s not going to all flow it’s flowing it’s flowing early you got to be impressed so far it’s flowing cuz ant-man’s pushing the buttons and he’s driving it I think everybody’s kind of following his lead following his energy you know the uh

When they played Boston it felt like he was trying to make a mark he was just overly aggressive he was he was the alpha he came off like the alpha this is why we love basketball right one guy can really drive a team forward in a way different from every other sport

Obviously no man is an island but if you have a top tier guy you have a chance is Anthony Edwards one of those guys guys like Kobe sha Robert Ory now Big Shot Bob definitely wasn’t a superstar but he won seven titles and hit a couple of the

Biggest shots in NBA playoff history did you know that ay is fourth in playoff games 16th in blocks 13th in steals 27th in boards and 15th in threes so we can kind of call him a legend right anyway you will not believe who he compared ant

And Cat to here we go futuris there we go because this team could be a great team in the future but they need some pieces to go with them if you look at this Duo it’s like a miniature notice keyword and but when you play with guards that

Are good and are big that can cause double team it make you make each other better so Edwards learns how to play this game and become a better ball hand a outside shooter and C can understand he’s bigger than most guys take him time to the post and when that’s not working

Step on the outside and shoot the threes this team could be one of those futur Rich teams that we always talk about that we want this day and age a stretch four a stretch five a stretch everything yeah that’s why I like cap cuz he can go

On the Block he can do a ton of things But ultimately certain times you see the you see what’s going on cat cannot be your best player you want to win a championship Anthony Davis can’t be your best player and that is not a knock on these high quality players I just think

That if Anthony Edwards can get to the point where he’s the best player on the team and just because of his talent and his ability now you’re really on to something that’s High Praise from a guy who literally played with Shaq and Kobe now this was over two years ago and Orie

Absolutely called it cat just can’t be the best player on a really really good team and Richard Jefferson agreed that’s not a knock it’s not like Richard or ory ever were but with Anthony Edwards letting cat be a complimentary star the sky is absolutely the limit so what did

Cha himself say about ant one of Shaq’s most embarrassing takes I think you have to be great for a consistent period of time many times have we seen people that were great in a week great in a month great one year and then they disappeared he will be great you like suain

Sustained for second for second third year player he’s a fabulous player I really love his game love respect his game I respect his mentality I think he said last week you know forget sitting out and you know doing that again we get paid to play Let’s Play I like his game

But it’s not my place to say he’s great now or you know he’s not great now but I think he’s a fabulous player but where I come from and you know watching people like cace and Jamal you have to be great for a long period of time cuz we all remember Jeremy

Lynn what happened to him just saying oh he’s a great player like St chill Sports illust I’m just simply saying but I mean it was cherem L was an incredible run I was working in Kentucky I didn’t put him anywhere but in order to be great you have to be great for a

Consistent period of time not one week not one month not one year you that’ll continue to be great and to Shaq’s point being great is something longevity consistency is one of the keys longevity right being greatest you can be hot he’s hot at the moment to be fair this was 11

Months ago but did sha just compare ant to Jeremy Lynn no offense to our New York City viewers out there but Lyn sanity is Iconic for a reason it didn’t last that long Lynn was on an absolute heater for a couple of weeks but that

Was it ant has been doing this for years now and this season he is proving everyone right he has lived up to his potential and it’s time to win a title do you think it’s fair that cha compared Anthony Edwards to Lynn definitely not Shaq was way off on that one sorry big

Fella even so he has been incredibly high in Anthony Edwards just like everybody else Stephen A compared him to Jordan Bill Simmons said he’s destined to be a top five guy everyone who watches his game is obsessed he’s competitive he’s skilled he tries hard he loves ball everything you want in a young

Superstar but what do you think is he a top 10 guy right now is there a better shooting guard in the league let us know in the comments then check out the last time Shaq was embarrassingly wrong this time about wemi listen to the wrong opinion useless NBA trivia and garbage

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NBA Legends explain why Anthony Edwards is crazy good. Anthony Edwards Minnesota Timberwolves young superstar is getting the attention from NBA Legends. Anthony Edwards is a rising superstar who has grown into his own and is really good. This is what NBA Legends such as Shaq and Kevin Garnett had to say about Anthony Edwards. Be sure to like and SUBSCRIBE!

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NBA Legends Explain Why Steph Curry Is CRAZY Good.

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  1. I don’t wanna hear anymore stupid ass comments about Ant needing to be in a bigger market. Denver and Milwaukee are small market teams and they won the chip.

  2. I remember there was an interview the year he was drafted where he admitted that basketball was more of a job/occupation than his true love/passion… And then continued to elaborate on how he was just really talented at ball (and expressed how much he loved football, just wasnt as talented) and saw it as an avenue to open up more opportunities in his future. Fair point. I align it to Joker's stance on basketball versus his love/passion for horse racing and Ant's love/passion for football.

    Edit: Not saying that hasnt changed though. And to be fair he also said during that interview, that he did enjoy getting better and putting in the work though. Just said he wasn't that into watching bball games outside from playing… (didnt clarify if he was into looking at tape in order to get better… tho 2 different things and besides the point)

  3. Shaq didn’t compare him to Jeremy Lin, he was basically saying he want Ant him to sustain greatness for years. Look at Jeremy Lin, who was great for a short time. Y’all be reaching on here

  4. Ant’s belief in himself is what will take him to greatness. He doesn’t just talk either he puts in a lot of work, he’s looked better every season.

  5. Shaq's take wasn't bad at all he gave you the context…. he wasn't comparing him to Jeremy Lin he compared the situation… your take was bad on Shaq.. thumbs down for you

  6. 1:03 tired of you blind mfs thinking Ant got dropped, watch the damn clip before posting this nonsense. He got tripped.

  7. He didnt compate him to lin. He used lin as an example of someone getting hot then fizzing out. He said ant was the man and to be considered great continued consistance is required. Not sire whatvyou were hearing.

  8. Sorry, but you're simple. And taking shots at Shaq, because you could not understand the context of what he was implying is insane to me.

  9. Shaq wasn't wrong about ANYTHING he said AND he didn't compare Lin to Edwards. If you listen, Shaq is saying you need to have multiple seasons of consistent play under your belt in oder to be considered GREAT. Edwards hasn't had that, but he has gotten better each year though.

  10. He is already a top 5 player, he plays on both sides of the court!! How many players play like him now?

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