@Detroit Pistons

Shake Milton Bought out of his contract because of lack of playing time?

Shake Milton Bought out of his contract because of lack of playing time?

Hey guys what’s going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great weekend so far little PSA before we do jump into the shake Milton contract buyout video there will be no podcast tomorrow um I just have a lot of things going on

But next Sunday we’ll we will be back we’ll put on a really good show for you guys so so wanted to give you guys a little update while you’re here Shake Melton now this was actually kind of funny to me um watching Pistons C obviously the Pistons lose right and I

Get a like a w notification on my phone excuse me um and I see Detroit Pistons I like oh what what what’s going on and and I’m reading this and it says Detroit Pistons guard Shake Milton has agreed on a contract bio allowing him to meet the March 1 deadline for playoff eligibility

Milton landed with the Pistons from the Timberwolves at the trade deadline the reason why I’m laughing it’s like Shake Melton was on the bench while this tweet was going off there’s like 35 seconds left in the game and W just fires it off and I’m like wow that’s actually kind of

Hilarious but for you guys that don’t know we can kind of revisit the trade that the Pistons did make uh we traded Monte moris to the Timberwolves obviously and we got Shake melon and Troy Brown Jr now the Pistons are electing to Grant Jake Milton a contract byout

Which if you if you follow the Detroit pistons and during the whole Troy Weaver regime era Troy has done this for a lot of players he has given them contract buyouts so they can sign with playoff teams he always says you know do right by the player whatever um if he thinks

This is doing right by Shake miltton to offer him a contract buyout who am I to say right uh but speaking of that contract buyout because I know there’s going to be someone saying Okay how much money was left on Shake Milton’s contract because he’s not a UFA this

Year you guys he’ll be a UFA in 2025 so go over the spot track and you look at his dead contract because now it’s a dead contract because we waved and we we’re going to stretch out his contract over the next couple of years it’s a $5

Million cap hit Okay so we’re GNA be paying Shake Milton um a few million dollars until that $5 million cap hit is eventually gone we did this with Blake Griffin we did this um with Dwayne deadmond who Pistons traded four years ago they finally just they finally are done paying him so

We’re going to be paying Shake Milton for the next couple of years until his contract is fully bought out now my only thing with this is if he wanted a contract buyout usually when players get traded we’ve seen this in recent years with the Pistons um they asked for a buyout

Immediately and they they they never even set foot in Detroit like one of recent memory was when the Pistons traded seiku de booya for DeAndre Jordan DeAndre Jordan never played for the Detroit Pistons be we offered him a contract buyout and he went to Denver Jake Milton played four games with the

Pistons and I think Shake miltton was okay with playing with the Pistons because he was getting playing time he played four games right he was in a backup roll backing up Kate Cunningham and Jade naivy at that guard position and we started seeing these dnps again for Malachi Flynn not I’m not throwing

Shade at Malachi Flynn at all but that’s that’s what happened Shake Melton’s minutes went to Malachi Flynn and obviously Marcus saster is out of the rotation as well because he’s injured as of right now as we’re recording this video but again another player that got traded here and started getting dmps and he’s

Like you know what like you’re not going to play me like get rid of me give me a bio and I think that’s what happened here um I honestly think Shake Melton was completely fine playing with the Pistons even though they did have nine

Wins um you know he’s a 27 year old he’s bet at the end of the day and he’s under contract until 2025 and you know man’s rotations kind of caus another player to say hey get rid of me and I I think that’s what happened and I I do want to

Put a a tweet on the screen because this is from our friend over at Pistons thoughts so shout out to him and I 100% agree with this this tweet by him he said so Troy Brown Jr is out of the rotation and shakee Milton has bought been bought out another pointless trade

By Troy in the end could have kept a younger stabilizing backup vet point guard Monte But Here we are now there’s a lot about this tweet that we can dissect so Troy Brown Jr I’ll start out with he’s not going to be a UFA until 2025 he’s under contract and he’s lost

His spot in the rotation obviously when you look at the forward on this team Simone fanto and assar Thompson get a bulk of the minutes and Troy Brown Jr is out of the rotation now as W stated the March 1 deadline to be bought out for playoff

Teams um was on March 1 so Trey Brown Jr is here but he’s out of the rotation now right um which I I like to see isar get a lot of the minutes for him to develop I think Simone fanio has been amazing but I do agree with him in a sense where

Like Monte Morris even though he he was going to be a UFA at the end of the year um he had $10 million left on his contract he was goingon to be a free agent this summer for what it’s worth at least Monte Morris was a veteran point guard

That Kade Cunningham and Jade iy could learn from and when you look at this trade at its surface it’s like why why did we give up Monte Morris for guy that is going to be sitting on the bench in Troy Brown Jr now and a guy

That we bought out that would to be paying around almost 1.8 1.9 million until his contract is fully bought out because it’s going to be dead cap space now like why did we do that why would we do that and I agree with them I think it

Was a pointless trade um not to say that like the market for Monte Morris was going to get you a whole lot but you’re probably better off just keeping Monte Morris on this team after the deadline um obviously you know some people may disagree with me on that

But doesn’t make sense it it really doesn’t like I If Monte Morris asked for a trade to go to Minnesota then maybe I look stupid and I look like a jackass but just from watching Pistons games this year and watching him at press conferences and doing podcasts with you

Know other people in the media he seemed very happy to be back home in Detroit he seemed like a guy that was a really good vet very positive very uplifting even when he wasn’t playing he was cheering for his team and which you know some vets do some don’t he just

Seemed genuinely happy to wear that Detroit Pistons uniform and that’s where I agree with pistons thoughts on that it’s like why make that trade in the first place if you’re just going to give sh Milton the contract buyout because Monty Williams won’t play him anymore because he wants to play malach Flynn

And see what malach Flynn has to offer um why trade uh for Troy Brown Jr if he’s just gonna sit on the bench and you’re not gonna play him like the logic with this front office doesn’t make sense sometimes and I went off a couple days ago with the Mike muscala stuff

Because of the James wisan and him not getting him getting dmps and Mike muscala was like a vet that provided spacing and provided veteran leadership again and I don’t know like back-to-back trades where we we look at it and we’ve lost a whole lot um with all the trades

That we did make we lost vets that were contributing and could be a voice in the locker room but let me know what you guys think of shake Milton getting bought out um and this this whole process with the trade deadline and the Pistons electing just to buy out these

Vets because they’re getting dmps from Monty Williams I’ll talk to you guys down below in the comment section like always hope you guys are staying safe I’ll talk to you guys in the next video [Applause] [Applause] Peace he

Yesterday Shake Milton was bought out of his contract from the Detroit Pistons making him a free agent to sign with a new team.

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  1. Now that I think about it. It doesn't make sense you basically could of just let Morris walk but now you have a cap hit. It's no reason why Milton or Brown aren't playing because Monty Williams is sabotaging the team.

  2. I wished we kept Monte, but I think a lot of these moves are money moves. I wouldn't be surprised if Morris comes back, but at this rate we need a great off-season. Tobias, a backup PG, Dre, and an impact player(s) is the minimum. If not Tobi or Dre than a high/starter quality shooter and a high caliber 5.

  3. I mean the amount of guards we have and how little we use the better ones is questionable 🤔 but Monty wants someone specific from the draft and is worried that Washington or San Antonio may steal our draft odds

  4. I was happy about the change to Weaver from the disaster of Stan Van Gundy when it happened and at first he seemed to do some good things but now it is just the same as before if not worse! None of this makes any sense to me whatsover!

  5. Truth is, we got too many wings and guards in those trades and there’s no way we could’ve played them all.

  6. I think that this trade with Morris for two guys was only to show, that Troy Weaver is doing some moves. That he is making "a change", I dont see another reason.

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