@Miami Heat

NBA GameTime reactions to Jimmy Butler 37 Pts & 7 Ast to high-performance to Heat def. Jazz 126-120

NBA GameTime reactions to Jimmy Butler 37 Pts & 7 Ast to high-performance to Heat def. Jazz 126-120

Has not been good on their home court this season and they did not have Tyler hero or Kevin Love Saturday night the Jazz short-handed as well and Jimmy Butler looking to take advantage but a relatively slow start for Butler 12 points just three of five in the first

Half here’s Keon George be what he has really come on since going getting into the starting lineup this young man sees a lot of opportunity out there right now he is taking advantage of it this time great pass to Market in three ball Corner Pocket The Finisher marking in 25

Points no clarkton no Kesler bab bio was playing at an All-Star level spoon I I’m telling you when you punch it into him and he gets his sweet spot there’s no stopping it how about the young bull in traffic getting the friendly roll on the road he had 18 John

Collins starting at Center bwood stretch five Hey listen John Collins new new role for him starting starting to enjoy it the Jazz pulling a stunner up by four at the break they were nearly a double digit Underdog and they came out here in the third quarter with George hitting

The three mentioned Jimmy Butler spoon he didn’t get off to a great start but here he goes picking it up grabbing the bull by the hoard getting started when he when he’s getting down heill and getting the ball into his teammates and giving them easy buckets this is what

They need to do but here he is having fun getting out on the break having fun just pump faking him and then having fun walking off like yeah you see me you see me this is what I do B 18 points in the third quarter but here comes Utah George

Splits the defense he had 31 points look at this move right here quick spin ain’t nothing over there for you John cin easy work spin Psy but bam had 23 points Caleb Martin Corner three what is it three wall Corner Pocket there you go little pool

Ter for you Billards if you will uh Caleb Martin now Jimmy B got a Muscle Up Wait get in there season high 30 37 points for Jimmy Butler 25 of those coming after halftime play off Jimmy activate it well well is it let’s talk about it

Is kind of sort I mean listen this is a game the heat could have done their thing and said hey we don’t need it whatever the heo right in the mix in the Eastern Conference with this win they move up from Seven takes them out of the

Playe for the time being into the six spot which is where you want to be it are we seeing them starting to focus in a little bit I mean is could this be a turning point for them well the thing is they got a lot they got the offense that

They needed tonight the defense suffered a little bit especially in the first half and um we talked about their struggles guarding the paint gave but then I like the fact that you know what we were sleep in the first half they acknowledged it came out better in the

Second half gave up 10 offensive rebounds in the first half only three in the second half and then Jimmy Butler turned it on they were really able to start getting it going and he’s the key he’s the Catalyst it doesn’t matter but it doesn’t matter what when Tyler hero

Comes back what he does Rosier bam it starts with Jimmy setting the table your stars got to set the table for who we going to be and in the first half Jimmy was feeling things out in the second half he set the tone for what Heat basketball and what heat culture is and

We need a lot more of that Jimmy’s going to need to play a lot more aggressive down the stretch of this season it takes four quarters takes four you know they start in the second half but to get to that playoff momentum that you need is taking all four quarters and hopefully

They did not enter in this game thinking that I don’t need it because it it’s moved up and that’s what you want to do is continue to move up to left well let’s dive into this this game with Jimmy where we saw two different guys I

Mean the first half is the guy who we see all the time passive I don’t need to take over I don’t want to be a scorer but when you don’t have Tyler hero and to a certain extent love or Richardson you need him to be you have to unleash

All of you right bring out everything about you and allow it to just be who they follow and when he started in the second half and really doing these things here of getting downhill and stopping and then finding cutters here goes Yak to the basket he’s f finding

Those Cutters making things easy for everybody this is what you want to see you see him making it easy for him but then when he starts to put it put his game into it from deep in three-point land then putting the ball on the floor and then making you have the muscle up

This is what you want to see him knocking down threes when he’s knocking down threes you’re in trouble you’re in trouble when he’s putting that ball on the floor as well and knocking down buckets bwood why why don’t you think he why why do you think he’s so reluctant

To give us this guy more often I have no clue I have I’ve been asking myself that question for a lot of years because somebody once asked me is Jimmy Butler underrated and I said uh not really because he hasn’t really had an elite season the great players they’ll have the elite season

And the great playoff don’t don’t save it turn it up start hey start the year off in November have an elite season and then go out there and finish it off and have a great playoff season as well I love playoff Jimmy but I need playoff

Jimmy in the regular season as well so that you’re not not fighting a uphill battle hey I mean that that’s the whole thing like people what the heat did last year was remarkable you don’t want to keep doing that correct to think that you could win two playin games you could

Face the number one seed and beat them like it the things are not going to fall that way every year why position yourself behind the eightball I don’t have any answer how about the consistency though of bam atab bio who’s really brought it this year

And from a a fellow big man I think you can appreciate what he’s doing listen bam has been fantastic and his offense the confidence the subtle nuances now that I see in his game how strong he is in the in the mid poost area it’s just

Great to see we see right here this is a traditional old school NBA play Simple cross screen bam seals on the Block gets fought off a little bit but now watch right here he’s going to give just a little wiggle to the Baseline j a little wiggle bam there’s the wiggle bam Then

That Elbow That Elbow creates the space so that the shot blocker can’t get to the shot real quick jump hook now this time Bam’s going to set the screen he’s going to go all the way inside okay you don’t cut off the lane you know I can

Finish at The Rim that’s easy work right there too easy now we’re going to see bam again run the same play Same cross screen takeing they they running these old school early 2000 plays I like these real simple no wased motion seal big inside and dump get right back to it yes that’s

Right it’s the same play again this time don’t if it’s working keep doing it a little bit of chicken wing right in marketing’s grill that way marketing can’t get to the shot block throws a jump hook in there I like where B is right now from a confidence standpoint

Offensively he’s moving with a purpose and in that mid-range he don’t miss whether it’s mid-range jumpers turn around JS floaters he is money and he’s one of the rare bigs that he’s also an incredible free throw shooter not just a 7075 he’s in the 80s he’s a great free

Throw ship but be what you like about what Miami did here was down the stretch when when bam had it going they kept punching it into to him said if you can’t guard it we’re going to keep punching it in and you like to see that

And he was on so they kept bringing it in wi so Miami comes from nine back they move up to the six spot just a game at a fourth but they can’t keep playing with fire because they’re also a only a game ahead of being in the eighth spot where

You don’t want to be right you don’t want to have to be in that eighth spot like you were last year to play potentially two playin games earlier tonight Atlanta who’s lost four out of six taking on the Nets remember Trey Young’s got that hand injury he’s out

Mel Bridges look at Mel Bridges in the first half bwood that’s easy work Mel getting right to the midrange knocking it down and the pride of UVA Hunter with the Big Time Jumper got to say about that just an ACC reference uh sadik bay there he had 23

Points Atlanta was up by eight cam Johnson Corner three ball that’s an easy shot there that’s keep set that’s a bucket and we got Deonte Murray going down the lane easy nice finger roll off the glass that’s right and here we go with Bridges who had 20 points in the

First half let’s go to the second half right now third quarter action the Nets they couldn’t miss Bridges Coast to Coast but the story in the third quarter for the Nets was their three-point shooting wish I could show you a few more of them the Nets were eight for eight from downtown

Did not miss only the ninth team in NBA history since 2002 to take eight and make eight and a quarter Nick Clon taking him awaya at The Rim that’s what you do right there meating at the rim that’s right shut it down shut that paint down here was a fourth quarter or

Third quarter three there those threes you were talking about what we call that foreshadowing right something like that see about I see you here come the Hawks nope they turn it over how many turnovers do the Hawks have in this game 12 of them but it resulted in 18 Brooklyn

Points that’s what you like when when they turn it over you want want to go and convert throw F let your big dunk it hey on your head 38 points for male Bridges it’s the first time in a month the Nets have won back-to-back games Net’s certainly in the hunt here

Battling with Atlanta for that final play in spot the Nets after this win just two games in the Lost column behind Atlanta who again is going to play for a long period of time he would without Trey young Atlanta’s very vulnerable right now Trey young obviously is a big

Part of what they do um he’s their identity on the offensive end and without him um they’re not the same ball Club it’s going to be tough n got a Dice Fore Foree speee for speee fore foree spee foree speee for foree fore Fore speee foree speee speee speee foreign for for
NBA GameTime reactions to Jimmy Butler (37 PTS & 7 AST) high-performance to Miami Heat def. Utah Jazz 126-120



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