@Sacramento Kings

Is Sacramento Kings HC Mike Brown on the Hot Seat? Is Anyone?

Is Sacramento Kings HC Mike Brown on the Hot Seat? Is Anyone?

Do the kings go to the play do you think Mike Brown’s on the hot seat like how long do you think Browns leash is cuz I mean this is definitely a disappointing season I I don’t think it’s a fireable offense yet or at all if they’re like

Top eight they if they drop to like 13 like okay this is an issue I think you have to at least give him three years regardless but I feel like that third year is going to be a lot more like if they can make the play in this year I

Think the third year for brown will be more like okay like this is a team that was went from the third seed to a playing Team like you better get him back to the third seed this year I feel like might put some pressure on Brown

Cuz I mean we talk a lot about fox and sabonis and the players and we we talk a lot about Brown too but I mean they dropped a lot in February and in January and like we in the eth seed I I don’t know I I feel like brown seats getting a

Little hotter and hotter of the day not not to the fire and offense this season but I think like looking the next season I think it’s definitely going to all right well Brown only has one more year to figure it out what do you think on the coaching situation well that last

Sentiment might be true regardless if he has a successful season or not whatever a successful season is this year I think he has a lot of flexibility because a he broke the uh the playoff drought and I think that’s a huge deal and I think that means something to VC ronad okay

The three-year thing is pretty good but I think he might even have a four-year leash because you you get the playoff year this year I think he has a ton of flexibility because they’re really trying to it seems like the organization top to bottom is us under the

Understanding that they really wanted to boost that defense and you know we’ve seen some kind of ups and downs from that and growing pains hopefully it’s growing pains for their sake but you know I think that this is a kind of a transitionary season when you think

About it despite the fact that there’s so much continuity so that’s kind of interesting and I think that lends him a lot of leash and a little bit of a little bit of slack there but we always say about McNair and it’s the same with brown I probably to some degree is that

You know clock starts ticking it’s like you got to kick it into gear next year like next year is where you know you’ve made the playoffs you’ve hopefully you know barring some miraculous fall or just a playin elimination you’re going to have another playoff experience hopefully you win a playoff series this

Year and you’re going to have all the better experience at that point and then you can kind of make that next jump maybe up the roster in the way that we’ve been talking about all season that’s necessary and and then there’s no excuses for Brown at that point but if

You’re going to give Brown the roster that he has where it’s like your defensive pieces are kind of Developmental projects like hesler Edwards Keon Ellis guys like that which are you know who are one two years away from making a rotational impact if they are going to indeed develop into that

You know it’s like it’s hard to kind of give him too much Flack for this season I think he’s done a pretty decent job coaching I think the things I would complain about are the letting Fox play on what seems to be a festering injury or one that’s at least just nagging him

And he he’s had a couple of moments now where it’s just like you can kind of sense some desperation from him which I think is a bad sign from a leader I think his blow up in Milwaukee to me still felt like desperation and I can’t

Remember what game it was but there was another recent loss where he he just kind of kept talking about the refs he was very reserved he wasn’t angry or anything like that but he kept talking about it and it just kind of felt like an excuse and it felt like he was kind

Of either coping out to the idea that he didn’t want to chew out his team too much maybe he’s treading around that lightly or some other reason it just didn’t seem like a good leadership move but but it’s a foul and I just I don’t you

Know the foul that they called on Keegan Booker was still going to get open it was marginal people hold at the end of the games and they call that foul because they say it’s a foul and they got to make the right call but the

Foul by Devon Booker I I’m I’m just I just I’m I’m just so you know I’m just emotional right now from the no call but other than those two things really and maybe I’m escaping other thing because he definitely hasn’t been perfect this year I think in the

Grand scheme of things he’s done a pretty good job and stay the course for at least considering what the process is imagined to be you know yeah for me I think I’m just like having trouble deciding if the switch to defense is still a good move or a bad move because

It seems like they’re playing away from the kings’ strengths which was last year being a fast-paced team and just being very offensive minded not a very good defensive team why they agree that Kings need to play better defense to actually make a real run at a championship in the

Future the Personnel wasn’t there to do that this season they didn’t make any moves to like want Des con Anderson was that really going to change anything no moves at the deadline to really improve their defense so I get it he’s he’s laying the foundation to be a defensive

Team going forward but like they don’t have any personel to do that Keegan Murray’s probably you know benefited the most from it but their offense just like at least last year they could shoot their way out of situations but now the extra energy on defense their offense hasn’t looked as good they’re shooting

From three has looked really bad on certain nights and you know when they’re shooting B from three they usually lose the game I don’t I don’t know I’m still kind of just like was this the right move this season to do that who just because of who was on your team just

Because it’s still you’re still laying that Foundation I guess it’s because like I said I still think that this is kind of a transitionary year I mean I think they had to have expected something like this now I don’t know if they expected it to be like this where

It’s like oh man that’s really affecting our fast break points because they’re still near the bottom of the league in Fast Break points per game right and so that was a huge element of their game their pace and their Pace isn’t necessarily down this year too much I

Don’t believe that’s just off the top of my head but still you can see that there’s not the same snappiness to their offense all the time and yeah I think they do just have to get Personnel that’s better because teams have succeeded playing that that way before

Teams that brown was an assistant coach on obviously have done that it’s it’s possible but you know it might be a little difficult when you’re asking a guy like Kevin herder to go do as much as he can to push it to thean limit on defense and maybe that’s just good

Enough but now maybe that affects his offense and maybe that’s not an accurate way to put that because to herder’s credit he’s Cho really well over the last month plus but in essence that’s kind of the nature of the team and I think that’s another thing that lends a

Lot of leash to Brown is well that’s not Brown’s fault if the Personnel is not there and I still that’s under the the context that he does have to start laying that groundwork because if you’re looking at this as a two three foure process in terms of being a championship

Contender overall you know like you got to start as early as possible and might as well be now yeah but I feel like at that point it kind of pivots to the GM it does it does pivot to the GM but at the same time it the coach and Mike

Brown is in the spotlight it’s like well shouldn’t he be playing to the team strengths like he he doesn’t have that Personnel so it does go to m it goes it’s on both of them because McNair didn’t bring in the Personnel to get that good defense and defense is needed

To win championships but Brown knows that he doesn’t have that so why is he still trying to do it well Brown came into the Kings organization in June of whatever year that was two summers ago and remember he talked about like his three like big things and one of them was

Like making the team like a defensive team and winning with defense and noting the fact that like the three previous Champions were all top three or top five defens defensively or something like that and so like to me that indicates especially with the fact that he has

Made it quite clear that it’s the effort is to improve the defense that’s the main goal essentially is to really pivot to being a defensive team atam that can really as he as he saids put rest your hat on it or lean on it with that and

What he said when he first came in it just seems like that’s an organizational agreement and understanding that from top to bottom that’s the idea and if that’s the case then I mean honestly then I don’t think either guy should be on the hot seat or even be close to that

Because you need to just give them another year at this point because I see what they’re doing it’s a process but again if you are going to go ahead and get mad at anybody you get mad at the guy who maybe is biting his time in terms of getting the defensive assets

Maybe that’s an argument to make I just don’t see how anything kind of goes to Brown I just don’t see how he’s anywhere close to being on the hot Seat

Is it possible that #Kings head coach Mike Brown is or could soon be on the hot seat? Tony and John discuss.

*From Episode 88 of Cap City Crown’s Kings Talk Podcast.*

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  1. Huh? Why is this even a topic? He took them to the playoffs. You guys are really uninformed!!! Did Mike Malone take the Nuggets to second round of playoffs his second year!!!

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