@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks at Sixers: Dallas comes home to play Philly in a day game

Mavericks at Sixers: Dallas comes home to play Philly in a day game

N [Applause] Hello everyone welcome to pod Maverick after dark but in the midafternoon I’m Kirk Henderson and Josh Bo we’re joining you on Sunday afternoon at about 3:25 sorry we’re running a little late today on the live show Josh uh on the other line had to record or had to write up

The Mavs Moneyball preview or uh recap and uh our content management system crashed so ah what’s going on Josh uh not much uh this is not gonna be a fun game to talk about I I mean fun yeah depends on your definition of fun some people aren’t gonna have fun

Though maybe some people will I really love these nationally televised games where the Dallas Mavericks and us and nationally televised when there’s no other games on at like literally everyone was watching this game you’re a basketball fan so um the Dallas Mavericks went up 110 uh and then proceeded to get out scored

120 to 105 over the next 45 minutes of basketball um at certain points they were down by as many as 20 I think they got down by 18 with like s30 left in the fourth quarter real real real bad um you know the the Philadelphia 76ers are without Joel

Embiid Tyrese Maxi was kind of their most name brand guy outside of maybe buddy hee and Tobias Harris and um you they just they just got carved up I I know where I want to start because I know how the first quarter shitty things happened with

Tyrese Maxi scoring 17 points and I want you to talk a little bit about why that happened um but after that first quarter I don’t think I can explain correctly how the Mavericks proceeded to just stay in the mud yeah he actually scored 19 in the

First half so it was a little worse um no first quarter he scored in the first quarter oh I said first half no no so he only scored 24 points the game so we only scored seven the rest of the game yeah he didn’t make a shot in the second

Half he didn’t make a field goal um yeah I mean they open the game inexplicably and drop coverage which drop coverage in the pick and roll is when uh the ball handler is uh kind of going over the screen and your big man is kind of Walling off the paint and dropping back

Into the paint to prevent giving some cushion to prevent yeah to prevent the the the ball handler from from from turning the pick and getting a quick layup and the thought process is you’re giving up that inefficient mid-range spot because you’re like you’re trying to actually coax them into that that

Shot because you play the math long enough um and what guys shoot on mid-range pull-up jumpers and and you you think that that’s a good way to win now of course drop coverage is kind of becoming ancient history over the last like what three or four years because

You players adapt teams adapt yeah uh guards are not only better at hitting pull-up jumpers on all spots of the floor but they’re also good at leveraging that space so like what really good guards that have speed do is they’re like oh you’re gonna give me all

That space well I’m just going to hit the gas and I’m GNA use that as a Runway and it doesn’t matter if you’re at The Rim if I’ve got a full head of steam I’m either scoring over through you or you’re gonna have to foul me because

You’re not stopping me at Max Speed um so what Maxi did was kind of a little combination of both uh he hit floaters he hit teardrops UPS like absolutely electric he manipulated that space to his Advantage almost every single time and I think coming into this game he

Isn’t shooting that well from those spots on the floor I had someone on Twitter tell me he’s like a 39% mid-range shooter or or for for the most part like he’s not shooting he’s shooting below League average I think on most of those shots his damage has mostly been done from the three-point

Line and and in the paint at the basket um but he has the talent to to do that and what makes it even weirder is the Mavericks played basically a very close version of the 76ers team now they didn’t have Kyle Lowry they didn’t have buddy heeld and

They didn’t have Nicholas patum um but they didn’t have embiid in that February fifth game before the All-Star break and the Mavericks basically were like we don’t trust anyone besides Maxi to do anything with the ball so we are going to double we’re going to trap we’re

Going to Blitz pick and rolls and the Sixers scored 102 points and Maxi had 15 points on six of 16 shooting I don’t know if they were spooked by the by hee and Lowry being in that is the that is the the answer like I am nearly 100% that they figured they

Could live with whatever shot diet Maxi had because they didn’t want Lowry or buddy hee to beat them and but what’s funny is those guy hee had 11 points on 11 shots Lowry made one shot and had eight points like those you know I mean he’s pretty good but Lowry has not been

Low is warmed over ass and has been for quite some time like what are we doing here he boofed a layup during the fourth quarter yeah he was awful because he’s not you know it’s not his fault he’s our he’s my age he’s poor so so so they go

To do so what they did was they they after he he does that they started doubling him a little bit more in trapping and lo and behold he stopped scoring and the Sixers I mean the Sixers didn’t have a Terri I mean they didn’t have a great offensive game I know some

Guys beat them in the fourth quarter when they were kind of in scramble mode but you know the Sixers shot under 30% from three they shot 45% from the field for this Maverick’s offense and this team that’s enough to win a game like this game was lost on the defensive

Strategies to open the game and then the offense for the rest of the so so that that’s the other part of the first quarter story is you had Luca who hits a really great step back three to put them aage up 11 to nothing and then he

Proceeded to miss his next five shots three of which if I remember correctly were right at The Rim um you know sometimes they just don’t go and and it’s really confusing for us when we see Luca miss these kind of shots kyy did not attempt a shot until the two-minute

Mark which was really odd um kind of that was just game Flow because the Mavericks are like looking to push the pace and and attack and they just I mean frankly like chat themselves I mean there were so many turnovers I bet yes that’s the that’s that’s really

The story of the game I so the Sixers end with eight turnovers the Mavericks end with 17 and all but one all but one came from the starters Luca and Kyrie combined for 11 Luca was seven himself like Luca was as sloppy as he’s been with the ball he had like a multi-game

Stretch early in the year when he had like six or seven turnovers a piece and then he like really really cleaned it up um and it was it like the turnovers were coming in really stupid situations like luuka dribbled off his knee yep timeout after a timeout yeah it’s it’s yeah the

Turn something that I mean yeah that that’s the killer I mean you can’t I mean Kyrie and Luca having 11 turnovers combined that’s about what ky’s turnovers were as like just because I I hold Kyrie’s ball handling in such high regard Kyrie’s ball handling today it’s like Benny Hill Music

Because he at one point he looked at his hands were like what like why how did that happen kind of thing and and you know you’re gonna have games like this they had a lot of bad things happen together at once mixed in with a poor defensive game plan so they’re just they

Were off their rocker I what the hell happened in the in the in the second and third quarters though uh third quarter I don’t know like second quarter they won the second quarter um the third quarter was bad it was so they finally started doubling and getting the ball out of

Max’s hands and Maxi got hurt um I didn’t even know if he was GNA return to the game he hit his head on the back yeah I thought he might have a concussion I thought yeah after hitting the back of his head on uh Jones’s leg there falling to the floor when he

Slipped and then it was the Tobias Harris Kelly ubber show and it’s like those were just straight up you know Harris was winning one-on-one in the post and and UB was just taking dudes off the dribble like this wasn’t elaborate action this wasn’t messed up pick and roll coverage this is was he

Was just Uber was just taking guys off the dribble and scoring in the paint um he was getting fouled he was he was using good ball fakes to get the Mavericks bigs up in position to get get to the free throw on a couple times and then Harris was just like who didn’t

Matter who was guarding him like if it was Jo Jones had him on a couple of post-ups and Harris and Joon like Jones is a a good Defender but Harris has a good I don’t know what the weight Advantage is there but Harris is 226 I think Jones

Is please let me look it up real fast Jones is 210 so almost you know good 152 pound you know difference there and it showed in the post like he was scoring through and over Jones like it didn’t matter he also like he ended up on KY

Like Kyrie ended up on him like five times where Hubie Brown is like basically outright questioning what is happening yeah they didn’t have their switches right they didn’t have their help coverage right um I mean this looked like a team that didn’t really know they didn’t know it didn’t look

Like they knew what they wanted to do tactically in well and and you come out of halftime this is the thing and this is where we’re going to circle back to to kind of the overarching issue Um go go ahead I interrupted you I’m sorry no no no that’s you can go go ahead no I don’t even know what I want to say I I want to cut to our break real quick but you were mid thought no I was

Just going to say like I mean I have a Bigg I have a larger point about the offense that I would make with the turnovers and like this style but yeah I mean to sum it up before we go into the break and this can lead into probably

Our bigger discussion is again I don’t know what they were trying to do tactically in this game uh because they were not executing standard principles and they looked lost and confused especially on the defensive side of the ball okay so halfway through this show we’re

Not going to do a long one today I’m also not going to do a post show I want to go hang out with my kid it’s the weekend he’s awake um you guys will appreciate that who really wants to talk about this game anymore anyways other

Than to repeat the same stuff and I just don’t really feel like being super pissed off by it because this team isn’t really worthy of of the kind of heat that we’re feeling um but if you do like our show go ahead and go down and hit like uh for each for

The live video if you could do me a favor and also consider hitting subscribe we’re kind of marching up the subscription ranks as the year goes along be a lot easier and a lot more helpful if the Mavericks were winning but when you lose four out of five all them Eastern Conference teams

You’re your our numbers are are going to be kind of crappy uh but if you’re listening on a podcast stream and you haven’t subscribed yet please go ahead and uh do so you know normally I I will try to do our um second fan show where

You guys can come vent and you know celebrate if the Mavericks win following the game on Tuesday pretty sure they play Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Saturday I think this week um and we’ll see we’ll see what’s what this has been uh you know a little bit of a taxing uh stretch

Of the season but that’s going to happen uh if you guys will also bear with me here for just a second and let us uh insert some ads for the podcast stream we’ll be right back okay so when you lose a game like this there’s like all sorts of like elements

Of blame and we started off talking specifically about the defensive game plan and how they executed it or really how they didn’t execute it and what that comes back to and I’ve been thinking about this because I’ve you know the Mavericks will go on another run again I

Think they’ll be fine they’re probably going to be a playing team at this rate it’s a question of what seed and where they’re playing and then but the big question not to interrupt you is is being is this team being a playing Team fine no no it’s not right no and and

They’re they’re they have the talent for it they went out and made two you know I was one of the few people to basically say and the Mavs media at least to National media was very skeptical of the trade but I was very much like I don’t

Like this many future assets going out the door then the Maverick won seven in a row so I was promptly you know Dunked On which is fine now they’ve lost four out of five and the concerns look a little bit preent because they’re not using Gafford enough largely because

Gafford doesn’t seem to know what to do in these drop coverage situations he’s not being asked to use his athleticism um they’re not playing Derek Lively 18 minutes again tonight they’re going back to the same well over and over again Maxi kba and Tim Hardaway Jr

And even when you know we didn’t even talk about the fact that they got a gajillion threes from Derrick Jones Jr which was the only thing keeping this game from being like a 40-point blowout yeah that’s why D Jones Jr last hit more than one three in a game in Jan since

January 17th it’s been six weeks since he hit more than one three to game he had 23 points in his previous eight games combined H 21 today and so it kind of comes back to the the the overarching question of you just said it like what is this team trying to

Do and that comes back quite quite simply to the head coach people aren’t going to like this discussion or you’re going to love it there’s really only two ways because number one there’s like a group of fans that just really love Jason kid and to which I have to ask you one simple

Question are you okay yeah where has he earned your your loyalty throughout his coaching career he helped us win a championship I’m eternally grateful to that but he is mid personified if you go look at his record sorry and so the the the Buck has to

Stop somewhere a and number two based on the moves that they’ve made he’s the only thing that can change that’s the dark part so let’s let’s just say you wholeheartedly disagree with me Kirk you’re a clown fraud you don’t know what you’re talking about Jason kid is not the problem the

Problem is the roster building and the execution which I think is an A A just as a side plot there’s something to that this is the business they’ve chosen they are in the Kyrie Irving Luca donic two bad Defenders business and yes Kyrie is a train wreck on defense lately if you’re

Paying any attention and you just can’t hide this many you know negative Defenders with def uh with guys behind them that aren’t incredible Lively’s not there yet Derrick Jones isn’t is is fine you know Maxi is not it but they don’t have their Draymond Green to make up for

You know a Steph Curry you know like they still don’t have an all Defense level guy on the that’s right we we have two back-to-back comments love this stop hating Kirk followed by Kirk is cooking um the the the dichotomy of man anyway um it it becomes this sort of of

Situation of what do you do differently and I had a friend at the game tonight high school friend who uh doesn’t really watch a lot of Mavs and I just I said you know give me your scouting report after the game he just shot me a text

Right before the show started and he said they need to find Jason kid a new job because he looks really bored and that I just like the the I’ve been told over and over again that kids in-game adjustments are what I’m not seeing properly today was a great

Example of those in-game adjustments not sticking there are examples of him doing a hell of a job I just get very confused where it feels as if their game plan boils down to well we need Luca and Kyrie to get hot and like Luca and Kyrie’s box scores both of them

Put together nearly so 64 points 14 assists 16 rebounds 11 turnovers which we discussed they their box scores are a lie for both of them quite candidly because Kyrie hit two threes well after the game was basically decided Luca had the the horrid turnovers and not I’m not

Saying they played awfully I’m saying it they played bad enough to where the Sixers really had a had had something going so I’m just like gosh this is the the only thing left to to change if there is if there ever is a change is the

Coach yeah and when you look at Luca and Kyrie um it’s starting to feel by Design we talked about this after the Pacers loss uh teams seem to be okay now with letting those two guys work in one-on-one situations and hold ball and score a bunch of points so long as like

You know the other guys don’t really beat them and Derrick Jones Jr almost did it but they need more um and they need more than just him to do something like you look at everyone else Washington had 13 on 10 shots Lively had four points in 18 minutes Josh Green had

Seven points in 20 minutes Maxi kba two points in 26 minutes tomarrow way Jr two points in 15 minutes Daniel Gafford zero points in 13 minutes like there’s just Gafford got destroyed yeah and and I don’t want to you know I know we’re talking about the coach so I want to tie

It back into what we’re talking about with the coach and the strategy offensively like teams have conceded Luca and and Kyrie shooting a lot and scoring a lot because I think they’ve made when you’re playing against two offensive talents is good you kind of have to gamble and give something up and

Then trust trust something on the back end and early in Luca’s career and for most of Luca’s career it’s been the blitzing and it happened a lot before the allstar break it’s like okay we don’t want Luca to beat us so we are going to see if these role players with

The ball in their hands can do something we trust our rotations and Closeouts or we trust that they’re not going to hit all their open shots because we actually don’t think they’re that good of Shooters and we’ve actually seen Luca carve you know that’s happened before

But I think for the most part the Mavericks kind of carve that coverage up except for you know a few notable High leverage examples and some clutch games but for the most part like Luca handles the blitz very well and the Mavericks score pretty well out of it uh and now

Teams are like okay instead of giving these limited players open opportunities and open space to work with what if we stopped giving him that space like what if instead of Luca scoring 32 and then maybe some other role players hitting four or five threes we just one-on-one guard Luca one-on-one

Guard Kyrie and instead of having these wild Closeouts or wide open up shots we just guard straight up for everyone else like maxic CBA had two shot attempts in 26 minutes and I know he doesn’t have a quick trigger but that’s a guy that has

To have wide open space to shoot and to get off his shot if the Mavericks aren’t doubling especially if Maxi’s pick and popping like where is Maxi gonna shoot the ball like I think teams have realized I think we have a better chance guarding PJ Washington Josh Green Maxi

Tim hard junor all these other guys in one-on-one situations then we do trying to stop Kyrie and Luca from going off because like Kyrie Lucas still got his numbers when teams blitzed him so it’s almost like I mean remember back when Steve Nash was MVP and one of the

Strategies was okay let’s let him not instead of him getting 15 assists let’s let him score 39 points and that kind of worked some nights and I think teams are like I would rather guard everyone else on this team oneon-one because I don’t think these guys can beat us one one and

Just hope that we can balance out what Kyrie and luuka are doing scoring wise and I that’s kind of what’s been happening in these last five games and the thing that ties us back into coaching is like it feels like when this team is not coming uh on an out out of

Timeout situation when they’re not getting when luuka is not getting blitzed there’s just nothing there’s no movement there’s no motion there’s no real action there’s no strategy there’s no conviction it’s just stand around and watch Luca or go to work and obviously those two guys can get their points but man they

Just if your role players are being styi because teams are fine guarding oneon-one you cannot let those guys just stand in the corner and watch like there just has to be some more dynamicism to to the way the offense is going uh in the half court and that’s on maybe Luca

Maybe it’s on Luca that’s on no that is on Luka but it it it everyone else shares a role in it to where if it’s not happening everyone needs to get together and figure out something that can work where’s the adjustment it’s been about five games now of the adjustments are oh

Okay well we’re gonna let Josh Green bring up the ball and see what catastrophe will happen as a result of that or oh well we’re and then we’re going to get Luca post up from 17 feet like that it’s it’s like they only have

You know I I coached a a a little league flag football game earlier this year and I had a Playbook like I ran out of ideas after about six plays because I’m like I don’t know what to do here because I don’t know what I’m doing and that’s the

Way the Mavericks offense feels to me sometimes where it’s like we’re all out of ideas and we’ve tried nothing and and that really is a team thing like I I I think Luca Bears more responsibility than a lot of folks are willing to say out loud because like LCA wants to run

Isolation High screen en roll stuff but they draw such good stuff this is one area where kid and the coaching staff are great out of timeouts where it’s like why can’t you have more base plays yeah where are those out of timeout plays just in the normal flow of a half

Court offense like why is it only out of timeouts it’s just and there’s you know these games have emphasized some of the challenges like the Celtics game I’m not the only I have like two two real issues with the Celtics game number one why is Josh green on um Jason tanum as opposed

To PJ Washington and then everyone else please hit an open shot like those are like the only two things I really think that might have helped say because the Celtics are I mean they’re are have you checked the score of what they’re doing to the Warriors right now it is 82 to

38 they’re pretty good quarter it is halftime okay it makes you feel a little bit better um and so you know you get these other options so we have one gentleman in the chat who’s just really arguing being very Pro Jason kid which again is just a stance that that you’re

Taking and you know I I pointed out for example that the Mavericks shut down to uh um Tyrus Maxi following his first quarter flurry which they did and he responded in the chat correctly that Tobias Harris then went off with 28 points but let’s be clear here Tobias

Harris like the Mavericks went to a two3 zone for a significant portion of this game zone is the is a coward’s defense at the NBA level because it means you’re all out of ideas before that Kyrie ended up on Tobias like three plays in a row

Where huie Brown is pointing out what is happening here the Mavericks have been going and we we did this after the Boston game even though I still don’t think it would have mattered mattered the Mavericks have been going small despite trading for bigger players they keep going back to the Maxi Cleber well

And it’s not 2022 anymore Maxi is not helping PJ frankly this is a really rough PJ game for me probably one of his worst with some of his his like like just errant shot decisions paired with um Kyrie gets the game tied at I want to

Say it was man it was PJ gives uh no LC takes a really long step back and PJ gets the offensive board and lays it in and I want to say the Mavericks are down I don’t but then the very the the the ensuing possession he get he just let he

Just lets Tobias Harris meaning PJ Washington lets Tobias Harris go right by him into a a like you know a 10-footer like Tobias is kind of a mess of a player if you look at their whole season but they made him look like a superstar that’s like the one thing he

Does good too are those little little short post mid-range shots like in the in the short not in the restricted area but like in the paint outside like free throw line area like that’s the one thing that like he does well and they just kind of let him operate there

Because again they had to double Maxi uh and they let patum weird thing was they were doubling Maxi uh I don’t know if there was a way to get around this but they kept you you know the Sixers were smart and used Nicholas Batum as a screener to invite that double onto Maxi

With batum’s man and Batum was catching the ball at the free throw line as a four on three guy and like that’s such a good role for me like he’s so comfortable doing that stuff and he had uh what he played he played he had three assists and no turnovers and 11 rebounds

Like he was you know he missed a lot of shots but he was orchestrating out of that double team really well y there’s a part of me that was like can they figure out a way so it’s not patum it’s the guy that’s catching out of the Maxi doubles

But I would still I would still rather get the ball out of Maxi’s hands I mean he was on Pace to score 60 8 points no they had to change for sure they had to do something different it was like like the the difference would have you know

It’s not to be this dramatic but the difference would have been like what Atlanta did against LC where they’re like okay well we’re just gonna see how many points he scores and granted Atlanta still nearly won um um can I can I give you a stat here of course uh so

In the last since the All-Star Break um so the Mavericks on the season averag about 25 assists per game which is in the lower third of the league um since the All-Star break here their team’s totals uh in what have they played I don’t know how many games but Phoenix 24

Indiana 15 Cleveland 23 Toronto 32 which was a big win uh Boston 20 Philadelphia 20 in the previous six games going into the All-Star break they were above 25 or more assists uh every single time so I just you know again it just comes back

To this we’re not going to a double Luca to give these guys open space you got you have to figure out a way for these other guys to beat you and like there’s just there’s nothing like there’s their their offensive game plan right now when teams aren’t blitzing Luca is all right

Luca Kyrie go go do it and and on that Mark I’ve not seen any Luca Kyrie pick and roll um it it was really good going in the All-Star break and it’s been fizzling out since I mean I haven’t seen it used yeah like have you seen it I’m just like

I saw it in a couple games going into the All-Star break but since the All-Star break it’s dried up for sure yeah yeah and of course like we might have to talk about that win streak you know who they played but I don’t want to doesn’t feel asake as last year like

They’re like they’re not a serious team but they are not if we’re going to fall out of the play like they’re going to be fine they’re not going to do anything about Jason kid that’s the real thing like they’re just not like why would they um that would admit like this team

Does not admit mistakes and so that would be an inseason mistake and it would take something catastrophic for that to happen and considering the players just sort of seem to get to do whatever they want to a certain extent why would they want Jason kid fired also

There’s what like 20 games left like you’re just you don’t make you know right you don’t make coaching changes this slate into the season you know the outcome is like this as far as I can see it they’re probably going to be like seven or eight and then they

Have two outcomes from that which if they lose catastroph bad things if they were to fall out of the plan and I can’t even remember how the plan rules work I’m very stupid with this it’s uh if you’re if you’re in this if you’re in

The 78 game it’s one win and you’re in if you’re in the 910 game you have to win two games okay okay but if you lose the seven8 game you get one more chance against the winner of 910 and that’s the eth seed you don’t want to be put in

That position bottom line and I would obviously take Luca in a Do or Die position but like I wouldn’t take him like like could you imagine playing the Lakers and the Warriors youch you guys think we about the ref stuff now like Anthony Davis having 17 free throws is

Is a thing that would happen in a game like that but that’s neither here nor there for have the Mavericks played well against the Warriors Lakers or Kings in the last two two years those are the teams in the playin that that if they’ be with so that’s that’s like a Defcon

That’s like a Defcon one situation losing in the playin and then the other option is you you win in the playin and then you go play one of the top two teams now I could see the Mavericks doing something I just can this team has too much offensive Firepower and has enough

Talent to play better than they’ve played but as opposed to feeling like oh you know what we’re going to ride into a five six seed and be very happy which is what everybody including us we sort of talking about going into this stretch run we’re looking at something different

And it just doesn’t feel very good is what it comes down to yeah they’re still Within I mean they are the Warriors they would they would be tied with the Warriors if the Warriors could win but the Warriors are getting shellacked as we mentioned yeah they would they’re

Still a game and a half uh out of six lot of things can still happen so maybe this will all be for not but if you seen the schedule for the Mavericks yeah so here’s their next let’s say their next five or six games they still they play two more

Indiana and Miami which are two teams with two winning records um so take that what you will they get a bit of a reprieve Detroit Chicago then Golden State Oklahoma City Denver three in a row so they need to find a way if they can get you know if you pencil in

The Detroit and Chicago games as wins which I know everyone’s gonna yell at me and say you can’t pencil in this team to win any games but you know they’re going to be favored in the Detroit and Chicago games at the very least um if they can

Find a way to pick up a maybe two wins out of the Indiana Miami Golden State Oklahoma City Denver fome they might be able to hold water because then the schedule does get a little easier they play Utah twice they play Houston twice they play Charlotte Detroit Hon’s lurking Houston is trying

To make the playoffs so I’m not really sure oh I know I know with the way the team’s playing now there’s not really you can’t really guarantee anything but to be fair their losses in these last few games have been all against teams like they haven’t lost a game to a team

With a losing record uh in a little in a hot it uh although Philly I don’t know I know Philly Philly’s notched two wins against Dallas during their damn without embiid stretch so they’re last two weeks they’re 26 in net rating and that’s including some Mavericks wins so they are they are not

A good team right now so this loss it feel it’s a bad it’s a bad loss like I don’t think we can emphasize that enough this was a bad no good loss very bad well in cool news um before we get out of here the Mavericks are converting

Two-way guard AJ law into a standard NBA contract good for him good for him really liked him back to the first time we saw him in summer league um just a just like him I does he have a podcast because if he has a podcast that will

Push him down in mind my in my rankings no seriously good for him um Jay in the chat wants to know kind of our thoughts on omx omx has really been tearing it up in the in the g-league um looking very confident I just have a hard time

Because I don’t know how g-league Stuff translates I just don’t some of the some of the box scores down there are bananas uh and and he looks confident but the stats on him are kind of like he doesn’t get steals he doesn’t get blocks yeah continuing his the same

Thing he did in college which is like blanket out the sun one guy yeah I would just say this relying on a rookie who has not played most of the season to be like this is what’s going to pull us out of the slump is is risky but I I mean

We’re at the point now where fan like you know it’s like uh Tim Hardway has been so bad that it’s like somebody else at three just for a minute yeah we haven’t even talked about Tim I don’t know I don’t know what to do with with

Tim I as someone that has tried to defend him I there’s no defending left he’s been bad I guess to the credit he only played 15 minutes which is the least minutes he’s played got up lot of lot of shots he did he got eight shots

In those 15 minutes um sounds like a guy that knows he has a short leash right now um would you be surprised that is the least amount of minutes he’s played in a game this season no not with how bad he I mean his shots tonight were like turnovers turnovers bad it’s it’s

This is one of those where you know you and I do this we take time out of our Lives to do this we don’t make the money to justify the effort that goes into it I think I think it’s it’s largely a labor of love this was one of those games felt

Very 2016 is where it’s like why the hell are we covering these Mavericks this is awful this is yeah hey yeah good point Long Long Live organic says how long until kid plays Dwight po again it’s a good point we didn’t have to see Dwight pal like

That all right so we’ll be back on Tuesday uh I got to figure out some other stuff uh you know our website content is kind of dripped to nothing just because we don’t really have a lot of takes right now because this is it’s just bad basketball um and I don’t

Really know what the Mavericks can do differently because it seems like the answer is always high high Spain pick and roll that’s the answer to all of our problems can Luca score 73 points again I think that’s right that’s probably it you got anything else before we get out

Of Dodge no I think that’s it uh I am interested to see these these Indian haven’t seen Miami yet this season so that’ll be fun to see a team for the first time but uh you need to split us the Miami is going to specifically upset me because versus Kid

Hae is it is it haime how how do you what’s his last name uh hwz Hae hwz is just he’s he’s he’s magnificent fun he’s the perfect player for them he’s a disgustingly good like perfect Heat player and it’s very it’s very annoying well your camera just turned off so that means we

Go Henderson and Josh Bo we’ll be back on Tuesday night sorry I just don’t feel like hanging out I just you know my kid wants to watch a movie or something and uh he’s only young once and the Mavericks will never die all right your Josh bro everybody be good thanks so

Much and go Mavs

Kirk and Josh connect to discuss the #DallasMavericks facing off against the #Philadelphia76ers after a four-game road trip where they lost three of four. #LukaDoncic and company need to get the Mavericks back on track to stand any chance at avoiding the play-in tournament. #BlueWireVideo

Start time is an estimate! Anywhere from 2:45 to 3:30 pm

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  1. Nobody loves Jason Kidd 😂😂😂 kidd failed in Brooklyn // Failed in Milwaukee ( they win a ring after he leaves ) — and is now failing in Dallas ; history repeats itself

  2. Kidd refuses to make in game adjustments and even more inexplicably, refuses to make adjustments across games. He has an idea of how he wants to play defense and refuses to change. This is a bad coach

  3. It’s getting tough guys. I wasn’t able to watch, but figured they’d pull it out despite a bad week and the Sixers sucking. This just isn’t a winning team and no evidence points to having confidence in them going forward. It’s tough.

  4. Always go Mavs. Today it was extremely disappointing. You can't go in and think you will turn it on in the second half and win. Every quarter matters. Very very disappointing but I still believe in this team

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