@Toronto Raptors

He is a STEAL for the Toronto Raptors…

He is a STEAL for the Toronto Raptors…

Was he perfect tonight no but night after night as he gets more and more opportunities oai abaji is proving that he was a steal for the Toronto Raptors at this year’s trade deadline due to his intangibles due to what he can bring to the table the Sparks of what he could

Develop into has me amped as a Toronto Raptors fan much more amped than I would be for some random late first round pick in a draft that’s touted to be not that great again no one really knows it’s hard to predict NBA drafts but oai abari

Has me really excited in a game you know against the Charlotte Hornets you got to be a sicko in order to watch this game here tonight but there are a lot of positives to takeway even though clearly without Scotty Barnes the Toronto Raptors offense is a lot more ugly we

Have more injuries I don’t think the Toronto Raptors are going to keep up a lot of winning ways to close out this season but it’s fun to see the Sparks it’s fun to see the positives as we saw some in tonight’s game again against another team that is also pursuing a

Little tank for 2024 in the Charlotte Hornets but the Toronto Raptors right now looking uh you know looking like they have some flashes having some postives Bruce Brown was out in this one so the young guys got some a lot of rain in tonight’s game and the first guy I

Want to talk about again he’s in the thumbnail he’s in the title of this one oay abaji now you look at his stats you might say hey Ben why you hyping up oay abaji you know you’re close to 34,000 subscribers might be a hot take if you’re looking to get some subs make

Sure to subscribe to the channel because you know he was 6 to 20 from the field one to seven from the three-point line you see that efficiency and you might say that’s that’s not that great but still at 13 points playing out of position you know being the Raptors are

Depleted right now in terms of actual bigs I guess Chris bue could have played still just glued to the bench there now at this point but oai abaji playing the power forward spot at a plus 14 for the game 13 points nine rebounds and just loved his aggressiveness on the

Defensive end again there’s a few guys miles Bridges Grant Williams Brandon Miller some wings that are pretty effective out there for the Charlotte Hornets and oai abaji was not afraid of anyone you know out there on the court obviously the centers coming in and baling not too much run but beron you

Know a bit more size Off the Bench and some Thor but basically oai baji was not afraid of any of the bigger guys out there on the Charlotte Hornet they’re not super tall but they ran a little bit of a small ball unit but lots of mass

Out there for the charlot Hornets I thought defensively he just brought a ton of energy to this team and you can see it sort of uh in the Box Score had a couple blocks in tonight’s game wasn’t afraid of nothing you know hustled out there on the defensive end and fast

Breaks you know had a really Nast I guess wasn’t a fast break but a nice read in terms of a lob a nasty sort of catch on an alleyoop and throw down but his intangibles his athleticism what he brings that potential on the defensive end plus what we know he can provide you

Know in terms of outside shooting didn’t show a bunch of it tonight only at 1 three and seven attempts but the capability of spacing the floor and I thought he made a couple of really nice drives again sometimes he’s a little bit out of control you know misses at The

Rim misses at the basket but I just like what I’m seeing the eye test is showing me especially with a month and a half of development now to go the close out the season where he should be getting minutes he should be in these lineups Bruce Brown again a guy that you know

Scotty Barnes out now yaka purle potentially out will discuss him as the CIO goes along I’d much rather see those mitts go to Grady dick as well as oai abaji rather than these nine minuts minute nights we saw from him in the Raptor last game so oai really impressed

With the fact that we got him alongside Kelly oen for UT Porter Jr and just a super late first round pick has me uh very happy with sort of the direction at least that trade sort of swung the Raptor sort of rotation in again not a

Perfect game by him by any means but I think it’s an absolute steal for the Toronto Raptors but there are a lot of other positives to take away in this game again the offense was ugly the off it wasn’t in a perfect game the Raptors almost blew it down the stretch but

Emanuel quickley deserves a ton of Praise 22 points 11 assists seven rebounds six to 14 from the field again his jump shot it’s cooled off a little bit you know I still have extreme confidence when he fires up those three-point shots but just the numbers you can see the efficiency has dialed

Back a little bit from Emanuel quickly but holy smokes the way he’s been facilitating running the Toronto Raptors offense has me pumped to see this guy grow and develop into the point guard of the future for the Toronto Raptors IQ again he can shoot the three he plays

Solid defense he’s got those quick feet and also is just doing a really good job of failing whether it’s a pick and roll you know those dime passes or just getting it to the right people getting the ball in the hands of the hot players that’s what IQ can do just the right

Things at the point guard position for this Raptor group so that’s huge to see and again we were all excited not excited when Scotty Barnes went down but the one thing that we could shift our gaze to you know when Scotty Barnes went down is seeing a team where you know the

Top guy is RJ Barrett now I guess aaji took the most shots in this game but RJ Barrett again another remarkably efficient night 23 points five rebounds two steals right nine rebound nine rebounds oh my go can I read yeah RJ barar 23 points nine rebounds five assists two steals there had five

Turnovers which was tough again reverting to some of the ugliness of the offense but three ass sixs from the three-point line his free throw shooting has randomly fallen off a cliff he was a really really solid free throw shooter for the oh my God my camera’s gone I’m

Going to have to fix this one second I’ve recorded too many videos today so my camera died it’s what it is didn’t charge the camera up properly but basically we’ll end it up here with the webcam going but RJ Barrett again the offense was fully in his control was in

His hands and again did a phenomenal job scoring efficiently doing his thing but what happens when the defense is centrally focus on you you’re going to turn over the ball a little bit more usually the efficiency goes down at least for RJ Barrett the efficiency didn’t really change again looking at

His stats did a good job you know 10 of 16 from the field three of six from the three-point line got rebounds got some assists you know I I really like what RJ Barrett’s been providing for this team and it’s nice to see even if it’s against the Charlotte Hornets him have a

Big game him have a strong performance even without sort of Scotty Barnes being able to take the load off of him continues to just be an absolute I don’t even want to say surprise because we all knew the potential of him coming to the torona Raptors but you know living up to

The hype of you know the maple Mamba and all those types of things joining this group so huge stuff there from our back court in terms of Manuel quickly and RJ Barrett you know Gary Trent Jr’s also having a little Renaissance in his career now at this point 17 points five

Rebounds three steals a game saving steel as well and the Charlotte Hornets were down by three I believe and Y TR Jr got a very very clutch just sort of pickpocket and seal the deal you know finish off this game with a lay to close it off there his defense has been

Something that has amped up in the last couple of weeks he’s knocking down his threes he looks extremely confident firing up those shots I mean the second half had a few moments where he was just firing some of those jimmies and it looks good and knights when Gary Tren

Jr’s hitting the three and particularly playing the defense end of the floor this is what had everyone hyped about Gary Tren Jr when he was signed or when he was traded for from um Norman Powell when we brought brought him back you know with a specific contract and had

People making the comparisons to Bradley Beal and stuff and obviously he’s not going to live up to that but you know Gary Trent Jr’s going good and playing on the defensive end it’s a whole different player and a whole different look you know on this potential future

With the Toronto Raptors so that’s uh that’s something that’s big there I’m take the glasses here now as well yaka Perle again only 15 minutes dealt with a hand injury so not sure left pinky finger I believe or I’m not sure which hand out with a pinky injury not sure if

That’s something that’s going to keep him out long again if the Trona Raptors are pursuing that tank I mean maybe it makes sense to sort of keep yakap purle out a little bit longer term but I me we’re on a little one game win streak here now at this point no pizza parties

Just just yet for the Toronto Raptors but I mean we got to celebrate we might not have a lot of these one game win streaks to close off this season just yet especially if yaka Perle goes out you know Bruce Brown for as bad as he’s

Been is still a guy that would probably help us getting wins I mean the Raptors probably want to develop these younger guys so purle we’ll see how his hand injury sort of uh prevails even with purle out no buet in tonight’s lineup but curon 12 minutes didn’t do a whole

Lot in those type of run but had two points you know a bucket in the paint Grady dick continues to be solid Off the Bench of the Toronto Raptors knock down three threes extremely confident hit a gorgeous Corner three that was contested that had a hand in the his face that had

A gorgeous Arc I mean he’s been great Jordan War back into the lineup with Bruce Brown out again 11 points four rebounds not a guy that a lot of people predict to be a part of the Raptor’s future but still you 25 years old a younger is player in the NBA that could

Get you some buckets that could be a cheap sort of three threat for the Toronto Raptors in the future so happy to see him perform continuously perform well whenever he gets opportunities and then obviously Kelly linu four rebounds four assists two steals two blocks filling up the staty but struggled you

Know getting buckets there tonight only had four points in this one all free throws not making his three-point shot so far with the torona Raptors for a guy that I believe was shooting over 40% from the three-point line you expect that to sort of even itself out here now

Soon but we’ll see it’s an extremely small sample size am I overreacting to this Charlotte Hornets game no I’m happy with oaji I’m looking at these games based off the individual players who’s going to really assert themselves as players the Raptor should keep long term that’s what these games are going to be

Looked at whether we win whether we lose you know close out this season so happy with how the Trona Raptors played happy with all the individual performances we’ll see how uh things now play out as the schedule gets tougher and now with potentially Scotty and yaka purle out of

The lineup might be tough for this team folks you guys the best make this far subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already I’m signing out cheers

The Toronto Raptors pulled out a win against the Hornets tonight and even though his game wasn’t perfect, Ochai Abagji is looking more and more like a steal every game he plays for the Raptors. Ben Rogers breaks down the game and all of the latest storylines for this team.

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  1. idk why gary just doesn't lock in defensively consistently he could be so much better if he was consistent on defensive endd

  2. We steal nothing, and we ain’t getting a free agent. Perpetually broken because of the economics And uncommitted ownership

  3. ochai’s best skill coming out of college was his 3. Hopefully he can find his rhythm like gradey did once he gets consistent PT. He has the potential to be a very good 3 n D player in this league. Has the athleticism and shot creating ability to go even further too

  4. Agbaji shot 6-20 fg / 1-7 3 fg against a glorified G League team in the Hornets and this is a steal in the Utah deal? The reason why Utah got off of him is because he a great athlete that is not a good consistent shooter from the field or ft line. He took at least 5 more shots than IQ, RJ or GTJ. He's out there playing like he's the #1 option on offense for some reason.

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