@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors lose Scottie Barnes to fractured hand | The IQ and RJ Show takes off vs. Hornets

Toronto Raptors lose Scottie Barnes to fractured hand | The IQ and RJ Show takes off vs. Hornets

On your Monday episode of Locked on Raptors Scotty Barnes goes down on Friday against the warriors with a fractured hand what does that mean for the rest of this season for your Toronto Raptors we’ll get into that coming up on today’s show with our pal Jacob you are locked on Raptors your

Daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Everyday hey what’s what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it is Monday March the 4th and I’m your host Sean Woodley have been cover the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various

Platforms you can find all my work over on the bad website from hell at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us the locked on rptor Discord server the link is in the description of

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On today’s show we are digging into some Grim news Scotty Barnes out indefinitely with a broken fractured third metacarpal in his left hand it’s a bummer we’ll talk about all the ramifications of it coming up on today’s show which is brought to you by our friends at FanDuel

Make every moment more right now new customers get 150 bucks in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit lockon to get started and we’ll get started by bringing in our pal big VC Jacob from Sportsnet from Raptors in

Seven from cricket Canada big V uh bummer of a weekend yes they got the win against the Hornets we’ll talk about the nice stuff from that but overshadowed by Scotty Barnes perhaps having his season end on a very fluky dumb note hand getting caught in the mesh of the rim

And uh that’s just how it goes you know weird freak stuff can really derail even the best of most fun times as the Raptors were kind of getting into a Groove there overall feelings on we’ll get into the the good stuff from the weekend but we should probably start

Here overall feelings on the loss of Scotty Barnes and the potential of this ending what has been a fantastic breakout season yeah it’s a real bummer there’s no way to really slice it I think uh when you look at the post Pascal seak Raptors this is the first thing that you

Were excited about seeing Scotty Barnes you know take the team the rest of the way seeing what that looks like with quickley with RJ Barrett and bringing on the other guys as well that chemistry with aqua purle the chemistry with the Kelly Alin um those are the things that you wanted to see

Down the stretch and now that’s just out the window hopefully uh you know there’s an opportunity to come back uh for him but not optimistic because these things can take a while you know the best estimate is four weeks and you’d think the Raptors would air on the side of

Caution with him uh and so yeah from that standpoint really a bummer pretty much averaging you know 28 and seven uh since the SE yakum trade so to see that go out uh is not fun but I think there’s still some positives uh to look forward

To the rest of the way yeah for sure we’ll get into that and I think you know Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett very much come into focus and they showed off why that can be pretty damn fun on Sunday night against the Hornets just back to the injury thing with Scotty

Jeff STS who does really good injury work uh at in street clothes he’s you know sort of evaluates sports injuries to the eyes of an athletic trainer uh he says the average lost time for a third metacarpal fracture that didn’t need surgery is 12 games so 31 days so puts

You right around the start of April average time lost for a third metacarpal fracture that needs surgery 18 games 41 days uh earlier this season Wendell Carter Jr missed 20 games with a third metac fracture as well so yeah you’re looking at at the very like earliest the

First week or so of April and look there might be some reason to bring him back there obviously the new 65 game rule exists for major Awards and I don’t know if Scotty Barnes is going to win most improved award most improved player of

The year but I I think he probably has a very good case and so if they feel like they want him to be eligible for that maybe they throw him a bone bring him back for five games or so at the end of the season we’ll see but obviously you

Know exercising caution number one and you know as much as his Improvement this season I I think is unquestionably statistically speaking more impressive than any other players around the NBA considering how he’s done it in every single part of the floor um you know I’m sure other guys like at Tyrese Maxi or

Something like that sort of sexier guys on bigger more important and contending teams will probably get that look as most improved anyway so maybe it’s a moot point but either way that’s the one thing I think to keep an eye on there with Scotty it pertains to you know the

Incentive to bring him back Beyond just having him back and playing games um what does this do for you for the rest of the season as far as like team philosophy Big B I know you know in the lock down Raptors Discord the tank memes

Just flew off the shelves as the uh the news came down that Scotty was out um I you know I don’t think for me this changes anything tangibly of how the Raptor should approach this Scotty Barnes injury or not the lottery pick situation the top six pick situation is

Still mostly out of their control they can’t tank to any worse than sixth in the lottery odds at this point and if you’re sixth you have a 46% chance of actually keeping your pick and so I don’t think this should inform the way they close this season out I don’t think

They they should go and start shutting down everybody else who picks up a bump or a scrape we’ll see what happens with yako Perle who who picked up a finger injury in that Sunday game against the Hornets but where are you at as far as how the Scotty Barnes injury should or

Should not inform the Raptor’s approach the last 20 games or so yeah it doesn’t change much for me either uh I think uh the principles behind why I preferred conveying the pick still stand and I think that uh when you look towards next year it being a better draft

Um the possibility of still you know being uh a team that potentially drafts in the top 10 I think still exists for you know I am optimistic about what the team can be next season but I do still think you know if you look at the top

Six in the East I don’t think the Raptors are catching any of those teams if you look at pretty much the top 10 in the west it’s going to be tough sting to try and catch any of them uh for the Raptors so that’s pretty much 16 teams

Right there um and then you look at the teams in the west that could still get better next season in terms of like a Memphis with John Mor coming back and uh potentially a lottery pick for themselves uh and potentially a top four pick for them um then you look at San

Antonio what they could potentially be you know actually trying to win games with wemi uh so I think there is still a path to a top 10 pick next year and I think that will be more valuable uh than picking you know whatever six yeah this year so

My I still lean towards conveying the pick um obviously just not having the talent to win and in terms of not having Scotty we’ll see how long Yak is out for uh and so if you don’t have the talent uh you know they beat a bad Hornet team

But how how many other teams can they really beat that that might just dictate things for you uh and you might not have a say in the matter uh but I think if possible I think the Raptors still should still look to convey the pick and yeah

If if you look at it even if you end up with the seventh best odds or whatever it is for the lottery um go look at the history of the team with the seventh best odds um I I wrote about this at myself stack Raptors in seven uh in

Terms of debating that you know whether to convey the pick or not uh the team with the seventh best odds has actually done much better than the team with the six best odds not saying that’s what happens this year uh uh but uh you know

If you sneak into the top four then it is what it is for sure like I I I still think they’re in a pretty decent spot you know obviously it would be cool if they were not in this spot whatsoever and sort of sweating out this pick but considering the circumstances I think

Being in a spot where you’re conveying seventh eighth or ninth is and with the potential to jump up into the top four to actually get a Primo pick is way better than just being like well we either going to pick sixth or we’re going to convey seventh I I think

Um they’re just dropping down to six there’s not a ton of incentive for for for me to see them do that right just also if you go look at like draft pick history uh to your point the sixth overall pick if you go like production there’s like graphs of production from

Various draft slots for some reason six seems to be like the worst spot to pick which is you know bizarre doesn’t mean anything it’s not predictive necessarily but if you’re doing some copium that is a a thing you can go and look at if you’re feeling sad about the Raptors not

Getting the sixth overall pick in the draft um yeah I I still think there’s plenty to learn right there’s plenty to figure out about the guys they have on this team there is plenty of reason to try whether or not trying translates to wins yeah that they might just lose

Games anyway because they don’t have that juice Scotty Barnes when he was on the floor for the Raptors this season uh drove way more positive play than when he set they were still negative with him on the floor but that’s what happens when you’re a bad team per since the Pascal SE yakum trade uh the Toronto Raptors 11.3 points per 100 possessions better with Scotty Barnes on the floor getting outscored by 3.2 per 100 with him on the floor getting waxed by 14 and a half per 100 when he sits so they’re going to be in

Tough there’s no doubt about it that doesn’t mean that there’s not stuff to learn and not stuff to get excited about including Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett who showed last night against the Hornets they still got some good stuff to go and watch and take in and

Enjoy on a Nights night basis and plenty of growth to be done there as well get to that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at FanDuel the number one sports book in all of North America and right now you can get buckets with

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Cricket Canada as well go read all of big V’s great cricket stuff leading up to the World Cup this summer um big V let’s continue on here uh the Raptors take down the hor of course we mentioned they they lost to the Warriors Friday okay that happened uh it seemed like it

Was a game that they might actually win until Scotty bars went down and they just did not have the juice in the second half to contend with a Warriors team that’s playing very good basketball or was playing very good basketball until they got absolutely demolished by the Boston Celtics over the weekend um

But let’s uh get into the stuff from the Hornets game big V that caught our eye 111 106 the Raptors beat Charlotte uh seem to be in pretty comfortable position and then gave up the lead with like just over a minute left in the game on a three by Davis Berton and then

Emanuel quickley I think hit six free throws in the last minute of the game to seal it up for the Raptors uh a 227 and 11 night from quickly on six of 14 shooting RJ Barrett 23 points eight boards five assists 10 of 15 three of six from downtown basically just the

Line he puts up every single night now which is unbelievable uh big V if there’s going to be an engine for joy down the stretch for this Raptors team it’s clearly going to be watching quickly and Barrett kind of take over here is it not 100% man I I think when you look

At the BQ part of the BBQ uh yeah I think Barrett has just been Sensational since coming over to the Raptors uh his efficiency uh with his twos and uh the consistency with which he he’s hit his Corner threes has been impressive he knocked down a couple of above the break

Threes in this one 42% as a RoR it’s crazy yeah so that part is super impressive if he can start to make free throws boy he maybe becomes the best player in the NBA yeah I think that’s how that works yeah it’s it’s crazy right like he’s shooting better from two than the

Free throw line um and I think if you I believe there was a stat that yak is shooting better from the free throw line than right now and so not a place you want to be so yeah if he can just get going from the free throw line uh it’ll be great um

The defense can stand to improve as well um I think he got a bit exposed once again in this Hornets matchup um and I think when you look at the offensive package it’s hey I’m gonna consistently be able to bully my way to the rim um

Going to be able to use uh you know coming off that right curl going left every time uh that’s going to be an effective play for me I’m going to be able to play make I’m going to be able to find the open man um I know he had

Five turnovers in this one but I I thought one was a bad call Davis bur towns kind of sliding over on an offensive foul um I thought that was just a bad call there were a couple uh turnovers where you know again sometimes he’s kind of uh barreling his way and

He’s going to get himself into trouble and you know get get into the air and force himself into some decisions that uh he doesn’t necessar want to make uh but yeah I think overall what we’ve seen from RJ since coming over to Toronto has been fantastic uh but you also see the

Areas where it’s like hey if this core is going to really really Pop um the defense um the ability to convert at the free throw line and and make him more of a threat there uh those are two things that’ll go a long way yeah the defense

Continues to be a little bit of a baffing thing with RJ um you know you would think the sort of physical bruising nature of his offense could translate to the other end doesn’t quite you know he’s got moments where he blows up plays where he has you know smart dig

Downs and things like that but it’s just not there consistently enough you know nearly as much as you need it but yeah I mean getting to it is kind of wild considering the amount of change that’s happened with the Raptors since RJ was acquired you know the there have been

Oscillations I think in Quickly’s performance his level of comfort things like that RJ from day one has just looked the same whatever the team around him is he’s looked the same totally comfortable totally within himself you know still you know not adding he he trimmed the fat down when he got to

Toronto he hasn’t added fat back to his game he’s just continuing to do the same stuff and again he keeps on turning out you could basically predict his line within a couple of shot attempts every single night it’s like okay he was was nine- 15 again and he hit two of his

Five threes and he had five assists like it’s just every single night you’re getting the exact same thing for the most part I can think of like three bad RJ Barrett games in his entire time as a raptor that consistency has been fantastic and if he can hold it up down

The stretch with Scotty Barnes out in a totally different team context around him once again I mean you have to feel pretty damn good about where things are headed with RJ Barrett as a piece of this team long term you know the defense obviously being that limiting factor

With quickly I think we’re seeing um you know the last like since the All-Star break I think he’s been amazing I think he’s had like a really great stretch the two-point shooting is kind of coming around he’s at 48% from two in the six games out of the All-Star break that’s

You know bringing him back up he was sub 40% from two-point range at one point with the Raptors he’s now up to about 42% from Two and then the three-point shooting just two of seven last night but the space the uh you know just like

The sort of fear that teams have of him shooting the number of times he’s drawing two to the ball out deep and it’s creating just so much momentum going towards the rim when he splits that double team either because he’s so fast and can turn the corner around it

Or because he’s getting a pass through to Kelly oin or yaka purle um that’s been awesome and I think that’s the thing I’m maybe most excited to watch down the stretch now without Scotty Barnes is how does quickly adapt to being the main focus of opposing

Defenses he’s been really good as a lead guard as a playmaker as a table setter as someone who has gotten more comfortable being aggressive as an offensive player of late how does he adapt to now seeing two at the point of attack how does he adapt to um having to

Set the table for others in a way that you know Scotty Barnes was very much helping in the process of during their time playing together I’m really thrilled with what I’ve seen from him so far in that lead guard spot and I do think this last stretch of season where

Quickly I think is maybe going to be a little overextended asked to do more than he’s been asked to do so far that’s something that could have long-term dividends right we’ve seen this happen happen with guards before I think of Zack LaVine with the Minnesota Timberwolves where they I think they

Lost who was their point guard back in those days God I can’t even remember um it’s totally blanking on me now uh maybe Jeff Teague goes down or something and then Zack LaVine kind of has to become the lead dude on offense for a while and

Look he’s not a point guard pure you know truly it’s not a great comparison player style wise with quickly but similar idea if you take a little stretch where you’re overextended a little bit but you learn stuff you add to your game and then Things become that

Much easier when the whole sort of structure of the team is back in place in this case when Scotty Barnes hopefully returns by the end of the year or next season um you know Quickly’s been a ton of fun any sort of thoughts on his play over the weekend didn’t have

A great game against the Warriors but thought he really redeemed it and had an awesome awesome performance against the Hornets on Sunday yeah I I think coming to your point about you know how is he going to look to lead the offense and you know

How can he kind of have his imprint on the team I I think what was encouraging was watching this game against the Hornets is was like a lot of looking to push the pace right like even if the Hornet score even if uh you know you’re taking the ball out of the

Basket he was looking to get the ball up the floor and I think I think that’s uh the best way for him to lead this team I think you know the more you can kind of leave a team in sort of that scramble mode you’re going to generate better

Opportunities and uh found Grady for a couple of Threes uh there was a bit of that chemistry with Yak uh that we’ve seen that let their baskets and uh I think there are other threes that he was able to open up uh and then there was a

Bunch of transition stuff right so I think the half court is going to be the biggest test but uh trying to mitigate that by really pushing the pace uh is something that encourages me so um kudos to him on the 11 assists and you know continuing to shoot as on on site and

Whenever he’s got the opportunity that’s what you want to see and yeah like you said tough tough game against the Warriors but important to see him bounce back and have a good one against the oret for sure and some good cutting from him off ball too working with Kelly Ock

In that second half like he doesn’t have to have the ball in his hands either right like he can really make stuff happen as a sort of a jitterbug away from the ball whether it’s relocating for threes whether it’s leaving his dude in the dust as he makes a cut um you

Know lots of exciting stuff from quickley and uh you know he is going to be the thing I’m tuning in for for the rest of the season assuming Scotty Barnes does not come back no doubt about that other thing too with those guys both quickly and Barrett is I’m really

Liking the pick and roll chemistry both are establishing with yaka purle and I I think that speaks to the value of yak like we’ve talked about him he sort of sets up the team to have a good developmental canvas upon which to work and you know as that sort of very steady

Rle man who has roll gravity who has finishing ability who sets mean screens I think think we’re seeing a really good connection forg there with quickly and Barrett and Assuming he’s healthy down the stretch we’ll see about the finger um you know assuming he can get back on

The floor I think that is basically something they can spam down the stretch to just get good stuff is yach and quickly pick and roll or yach and Barrett pick and roll with quickly flying around um you know I think there’s a lot there and again hopefully

He comes back because it’s not quite the same effect if it’s IQ jonte Porter pick and roll if if they filling in those minutes if yaka purle can’t come back we’ll probably talk about yaka Pearl coming up in the good the bad of the big

Vs we round this thing out we’ll get to that coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at prize picks the single best place to play daily fantasy sports it’s just you against the number with numbers with prize picks it’s the

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Easy rounding up the show here with with big VC Jacob from sportset and Raptors in s before we get into The Good the Bad and the H just a reminder locked on sports today 24/7 is our all day streaming Channel on YouTube for locked on shows covering the biggest stories in

All the sports go and subscribe you will get National shows covering the biggest stories and of course the of course the local experts breaking down the biggest stories in sports from that local perspective you can only get with lock on go check it out locked on sports

Today 247 all right big V it’s the good it’s the bad it’s the HM the way we round out every episode on the heels of a Toronto Raptors basketball game I thing we liked I thing we didn’t like and I think that’s got us a little intrigued from the latest game or in

This case two games from your Toronto Raptors what you got for your good my good is Grady dick man just uh love seeing him continue to do his thing and like just be a complete basketball player I love the way the shooting has come on um I love that you know he his

Reading of the game has really elevated and he’s making good smart basketball decisions pretty much all the time um I I think you know even the defense we’re starting to see signs that you know he’s he’s improving um at least as a Team Defender he’s starting to understand the concepts and where to

Be um and you know that knows for the ball that he has uh whether it’s you know attacking the offensive glass uh I I think some of that actually lends towards him just being a good rebounder period like you see him get in there um on the glass on the defensive end as

Well um you see him help at the right times um and so I think those things are really starting to come together and yeah again just uh love seeing that you know he is just a really solid overall basketball player the Raptors got themselves a guy and Grady dick I think

That is pretty I’m very confident in saying that honestly like the threes are going to fall at the rate they’ve Fallen that dude is going to be a high level at the very least high level role player for a very long time and that get him in the Three-Point Contest next year get

Him in the Three-Point Contest get him in the skills challenge get him in the dunk contest he seems like he can throw down a little bit too just like a that’s how you fix Allstar Weekend just make it Grady dick Knight that’s uh you’re welcome for the free ideas Adam Silver

Um yeah love Grady dick and frankly wouldn’t mind seeing him start down the stretch here and I know we’ll probably talk about oai abaji here a little bit but I do think um you know with aaji in there if he’s going to start which I don’t hate as a defensive piece next to

You know quickly in the back court I’d almost rather see grd dick in place of Gary Trent Jr just for the size because they are very small when they roll out uh aaji and Trent at the two and three and I I think grd dick is earned starting time honestly like he’s been

That good he’s been that reliable and consistent and the three-point shooting is so valuable as like a spacing agent and it compounds what you already get spacing Wise from quickly wouldn’t mind seeing those guys get some burn together in the starting lineup next to oai abaji

Locking dudes down to the two and uh you know bricking two two foot shots all over the place we’ll get to that in a sec uh my good from this game um is oh man this is this game was kind of not great uh look I’ll give it turn this into

Yeah no I’ll give it to oai abaji okay I know I made made jokes about him bricking everything he was six of 20 he should not be taking 20 shots he was one of seven from Deep that’s going to happen that’s fine take him from the corners don’t take it from above the

Break although when you’re taking it from the corners don’t hit the side of the backboard please oi um but a lot of the stuff we saw from oai in this game I think was encouraging he was tied for the team best at plus 14 in this game

And I think his defense I think the rebounding I think the finishing sort of you know on late clock drives just straight line drives to the basket he’s clearly got a good first step he’s got some slipperiness to him as he gets downhill I think there’s stuff there you

Know missing bunnies you know forcing threes that type of stuff you don’t want to see it you know mid-range jumpers are not a thing I need to see oai get into but uh I I did think despite the shooting line there was a lot to like

About oai I baji’s game here and I think I I have no problem if he’s going to keep starting honestly I think the defense is that valuable and I think his defense has looked like legitimately as Bill and I know he was not quite the defender that he was sort of deemed to

Be as a prospect with Utah I think we’re seeing it come around he’s just like very quick staying in front of guys had a couple blocks in this game he’s long he’s a good shot contester um so I will give it to oay abaji which is uh unlike

Me because you are usually driving the oay abaji propaganda on the podcast here I guess I’ve been converted um what you got for your bad big V so if if you don’t mind we can maybe flip a little here we can do the first

Because I had o as my wh so maybe we can just continue that conversation for a bit sure um and so obviously this is you know him getting an opportunity as a starter uh this is something that I have been in favor of just because of the theoretical fit right in terms of

Needing that perimeter Defender uh the Raptors put him on Brandon Miller uh to start and I think it it showed the respect that they had for him because Brandon Miller couldn’t get much going and they were trying to get Miller switched on to RJ uh and kind of you know create

Opportunities for him that way and and I thought oai was holding his own if there’s one criticism I have of oai defensively it’s probably um that he gives himself too much of a margin and just gives his uh gives the person he’s guarding a bit too

Much space to work with sure um and I think he is fast enough and strong enough uh to guard up a little bit more and you know we got a little bit of a Goldilocks thing going where you know I think with Scotty we ask him to back off I think

Oai can afford toh get up into guys a bit more um and so I think that’s probably one criticism I would have uh part of why uh you know I had that reaction when we were talking about his uh 20 shots earlier was because um

It seemed to be a thing on Twitter um um and uh one person in particular was calling me out saying that I’m pedaling that I’m paid to uh you know gas up everything the Raptors are doing and that’s why I’m praising oai um and so in terms of the 20 shots do we

Want to see that no but in terms of the process of it uh I thought it was pretty good and if you look at it only four were off like the dribble one of which was like a late clock scenario so realistically you’d like to think if if

Scotty is there um maybe even if Yak is there that’s down to like one maybe two right um he had he went over three on putbacks that’s something that you’re good with that because he’s getting the offensive rebound and you just want him to either you know kick it back out or

Take a better shot right um so that was fine to me the threes you could say like two maybe three were rushed and that maybe he didn’t need to take not not even rushed they were in terms of shots they were okay it’s just like hey

There’s 16 on the shot clock like maybe you can get a better look right um so I think overall if you look at it if you break down the the shot chart it was fine um it was just that he didn’t have the three falling at all um and he

Missed some bunnies as you mentioned earlier so uh yeah realistically I I thought he graded himself perfectly I thought yeah post game he said hey overall I’ll give myself a c if I if I make the shots it’s probably a B plus or an A minus and

That’s probably what I’d say it’s like hey you give him a c but process-wise I would say that was a B+ or an A minus yeah that’s fair um and hey man I can get on board with like a pet set of theirs being Kelly oin throws up lobs to

Him cutting Baseline and him throwing down extremely hard we’ve seen that a few times now and that Ro that game was right he was just like cutting off yak and like making reads and it was like oh okay this you know and that again goes

Back to the theory of what I was saying right like where it’s like hey you’ve got Scotty you’ve got quickley you’ve got Barrett um like just be a little things King right absolutely he can clearly fit into what the Raptors want to do on offense stylistically as well

So there’s that um my uh I guess yeah I’ll get to my H then if we’re switching it up man you just totally threw me off unbelievable uh my is Javon Freeman Liberty getting the multi-year NBA deal over the weekend uh didn’t play in either of the games of the weekend maybe

Got some burn late in the Warriors game I can’t remember because I turned it off late but I I think with uh with JFL you know without Scotty Barnes they are badly in need of dynamic ball handlers and I don’t quite see that as like a DJ

Carton thing he’s going to bring to the table and I think what Javon freem Liberty’s done with the 905 where he’s been the leading scorer in the G League league and has been just putting up ridiculous lines as both a scorer and a playmaker I I think there is plenty of

Reason to give him a lot of burn down the stretch is like the backup point guard essentially and see what he can do like you need dynamism you need some punch and he has shown at the g-league level that he can bring that doesn’t always translate obviously but I think

If you’re GNA have Javon Freeman Liberty play have him do a role that he was doing with the 905 where he is on the ball a ton he does get get to be a creative source for the team and you know with no Barnes with you know we’ll

See with yaka purle like they need creation they need guys who can make stuff happen and I would like to see some Javon Freeman Liberty run with the ball in his hands I would rather see him play than Jordan War than DJ carton you know I I think we should see that going

Forward here now he’s got this deal congrats to him welld deserved all that um my what’s your bad from this game we’ll close it on the bad well taking P out of your B yeah taking a page out of your book from uh the Warriors game my bad is just uh

Yak getting hurt it was not fun um I think you know there there were still like positives to glean and there still are positives to glean going forward but one of the big things and we talked about this coming out of the break of like things we wanted to see it’s like

Hey what does that kind of time share at the center spot between yaka Perle and Kelly look like right so what what can you take away from what that chemistry looks like with uh with quickley with Barrett um obviously no Scotty um for most of the rest of the way at least so

I think hopefully now you you just would like to think that he’ll be back in you know single digit games I’ll put it that way yeah I mean it sucks to lose purle is incredibly valuable and it he’s been playing really good basketball of late as well I’m trying to

Find the numbers here as we talk on the fly but um he he has been just like he’s rediscovered that really excellent backline Rim protection that made him such a force on a team that finished with the top six defense after the trade last year right uh since the allstar break

47.6% opposing uh shooting percentage allowed inside six feet for yaka P like 17.3 percentage points better than average he’s been amazing all right we’re going to leave it there thank you so much for tuning in to the show wait did I give my bad yeah my bad’s Yak

Getting hurt it sucks it’s bad uh hopefully he can come back soon because it it really hurts the team’s ability to play competent basketball if he’s not there we’ll leave it there thank you so much for tuning in big V any one thing you want to promote for the good people

Out there just the usual stuff and thank you for plugging it you know I’m doing the uh substack over at Raptors in seven it’s been to my Twitter profile ATM Jacob so you can go check it out the first post was on everything Scotty um

The second post was on whether or not to convey the pick and the third one coming soon will be on what we can look for without Scotty and I know we did a podcast on you know all the things we were looking for coming out of the Break um and obviously that fundamentally

Changes now with Scotty out of the picture uh but yeah I think uh the there’s still some good things to look forward to whack-a-mole season man like just no through line no consistency just random assortment assortments of players at various times it’s uh it’s been a

Weird one I I suppose it’s fitting that we end the season without uh Scotty Barnes in the mix uh Just Right In theme with this entirely fractured and nonsensical season hopefully the last for quite some time uh big V thanks so much as always for hanging out we will

Talk to you good people tomorrow on the podcast as we will take a deeper look at what the Raptors look like without Scotty Barnes I’m sure trying to nail down a guest for that but we will uh you know have something for you obviously we’ll have Recaps of the Pelicans game

On Wednesday and all the other games they got going on this week we will break it all down for you subscribe follow rate review as as you always are asked to do it’s much appreciated when you support the show however you do it and we’ll talk to you Tuesday thanks much for hanging

Bye-bye never happening

In Episode 1588, Sean Woodley is joined by Vivek Jacob (Sportsnet, Raptors in 7) to chat about the Toronto Raptors weekend split against the Golden State Warriors and Charlotte Hornets and the loss of Scottie Barnes to a fractured third metacarpal in his left hand that could spell the end of his breakout season. Off the top, Sean and Vivek chat about what a bummer the Barnes injury is, especially considering the identity the team seemed to be finding with Barnes as the clear leading man coming out of the All-Star break. Should the loss of Barnes affect the Raptors’ approach to the last stretch of the season as it related to keeping their draft pick? And is there anything left for Raptors fan to excited about night to night over the next month and a half? Next, Sean and Vivek chat about Immanuel Quickley and RJ Barrett now becoming the engines of the Raptors, the strides they’ve each made since coming to Toronto, and their efforts in a 111-106 win over the Charlotte Hornets. Lastly, they run through The Good (Ochai Agbaji doing the little things, Gradey Dick), The Bad (Jakob Poeltl’s dislocated pinky) and The Hmmm (Agbaji getting the start, Javon Freeman-Liberty getting an NBA deal) to round out the show.

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