@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets are right on track 🏆

2023 Nuggets :

Record : 42-19
Defensive rating : 113.2
Offensive rating : 117.3
Net rating : 4.1
Post ASB record : 5-1

2024 Nuggets :

Record : 42-19
Defensive rating : 113
Offensive rating : 117.4
Net rating : 4.5
Post ASB record : 6-0

Source :

by -SINED-


  1. It’s actually pretty good given that Jamal I jury early on in the season and the teams struggle with that brutal schedule at the start of the season

  2. needforreid

    The difference is the competition to be 1 in the west this year! Honestly only the Celtics worry me in a seven game series though…

  3. fentyboof

    *DiD YoU SeE ThAt LeBrOn JaMeS hiT 40,000 PoiNtS?*

  4. kushlash16

    Based on net ratings, our starters have played a little better this year and our bench has played a little worse. Makes sense based on the eye test as well

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