@Milwaukee Bucks

The Bulls and the Bucks hate each other; Multiple flagrant fouls, ejections and techs! #BullsCulture

The Bulls and the Bucks hate each other; Multiple flagrant fouls, ejections and techs! #BullsCulture

Chilling tomorrow morning every time any physical play with Caruso takes place you’re just kind of like oh boy bever hassling the roosen there ohu just shoved Beverly to the [Applause] ground I think that was dosumu almost like in frustration he just shoved Pat Bev Doc Rivers is screaming for a review

On that and Patrick Beverly I mean just again doing what he does being an irritant and vvi had to come get D rozan yeah IO took him out and then extended the arms funny interaction up the floor D rozan working on Beverly proves it out for a fa ptis gets that

Rebound now D Roan’s going to get for foul and pis being an irritant as well well he he stood over him and gave him a look when he got the rebound and dear was frustrated by it Beverly loves it more than anybody bulls have gotten frustrated by this Milwaukee Bunch again

Tonight oh watch after he gets the rebound now watch they kind of stood it stood over him sort [Applause] of dear took exception to whatever was said yep hly right here earlier this is way earlier in the game the initial foul by D rozan is under review to see if it meets the

Criteria for a flagrant hit him in the head and that he tellar did not like that Ching on the team has a chance to win a championship and he’s a contributor absolutely I mean he’s a VI there’s an unnecessary wind up in a delivered Blow by D roen to poris it’s

Being penalized with a flagrant foul penalty one also on the aftermath the Rosen got a technical foul so that’ll be shot first followed by two free throws for poris for the flagrant and then it’ll be Milwaukee ball on the side at free throw line extended with 24 on the shot clock

Three free throws for the two fouls and then Milwaukee will also have the basketball well and and listen the officials got to get control of the game cuz this can get out of their hand oh white just slipped got it to Caruso into BVI against mortis that’s a foul it’s a

Foul oh I tell he got away with a couple tuso gamble Yiannis throws it to Green there’s a foul by that was a frustration foul now Bobby poris trying to stick up for his teammate Beverly screaming at vvi too now things are continuing to boil over between these two Rivals now watch this

Is what you were talking about hand check bam foul foul reach he almost got him in the face boom Boom so they’re going to look at this for a flagrant as you expect it’s probably going to be a flagrant yeah and D yeah it’ll be a flagrant vich came over I think he just said he filed me three times and I think that’s the play Port you were just showing our crew

Showed you with the poris play I’m for the physical play but let it be both ways I mean this the NBA let him play upon review we have unnecessary and excessive contact delivered by vich it’s a flagrant foul penalty too he’s being ejected from the game shoot two free

Throws it’ll be Milwaukee ball on the side with 24 on the shot clock the word excessive was the man I mean listen I’m a 90s guy okay yeah so I understand you’re saying this with a little bit of ’90s bias that’s a hard foul he didn’t hit him in the neck

He didn’t go for his head it was a hard foul okay if you want to give him a flagrant give him a flagrant one that’s not a flagrant two


  1. Pat Bev is riling up the other team instigators like Portis 🤣 bro really a ring leader for toxicity lol now Portis on one too. Good pickup for Milwaukee

  2. “Let ‘‘em play I say, it’s the NBA.” This idiot is the worst announcer I’ve heard. Can’t control his bias!
    Thumbs up just because the bulls were mad😂

  3. Literally the refs blatantly ignored the fouls by the bucks and called every foul on the bulls fkn joke and you wonder why they reacted like that

  4. #NBA officiating is a 💩 show. It is obvious that officials are being told by the front office how to call games. This is why people don’t watch the nba until the finals. No need to waste time or money until the puppet masters have their teams in the finals.

  5. Does anyone in the league have better "crazy eyes" than Portis Jr? Every time I see this dude he's looking like a pitbull on a leash 1 foot from prime rib hahaha

  6. Portis don’t want it with DeRozan though…Portis acts tuff but if I never seen a swing ever you faking it 💯

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