@Denver Nuggets

I compared all MVPs of this century in 4 key advanced stats, thought it might be interesting

The stats are WS/48, VORP, BPM and PER.

The colors of gold, silver and bronze represent the top 3 ranking position for that particular season. The cells that aren’t colored means they were outside top 3 in that stat, exact position is in rightmost column.

Interesting to note is that most MVPs are top 2-3 in all of those stats, or at least some of them. Those that aren’t, usually had a very favorable narrative that season or were on a 1 seed.

I also included at the top the current favorites for this year’s MVP and how they compare. So far these indicate that Jokic is the favorite, although it’s very close between him and SGA.

by ApplesAndToothpicks


  1. landlion35

    I don’t know what any of these stats mean, but they support my boy so I like them.

  2. LotharBot

    I mentioned this recently in a discussion on r/nba about this year’s MVP. I can’t say if these stats are right or wrong. But voters tend to vote pretty closely in line with these stats. Like the MVP winner is usually #1 in a couple of these stats, and almost always top 3, unless there’s a very strong narrative component (that usually is connected both with “best player on the #1 seed” and “voter fatigue or negative narrative about a more-deserving player”.)

    This year, the narrative component semi-favors Jokic, in the sense that his postseason performance cemented him as very deserving last season, so there’s a bit of a desire for a makeup vote. Which means if he finishes #1 in most/all of those stats, then the only way he doesn’t win MVP is if SGA finishes #2 and has a *much* better record to where voters feel comfortable using it as a tiebreaker.

  3. Big_Stay6072

    If the main parameters are analytics, Jok will probably win it this year. If the MVP is determined by “eye test” then it may as well be some one else (most probably SGA since Tatum is not even on the provided list).

  4. WS/48 – Win Shares Per 48 Minutes

    VORP – Value Over Replacement Player

    BPM – Box Plus/Minus (+/-)

    PER – Player Efficiency Rating

  5. connorado_the_Mighty

    Appreciate the context. Was looking at the thumbnail and just couldn’t make sense of the table. Then you said it’s Olympics themed and it clicked.

    Human brains are funny.

  6. SuperDoubleDecker

    I didn’t realize SGA was so high in these categories. The hype makes more sense. I guess I’m just a hater because I don’t really like him, just like Embiid. Think it’s the whole foul merchant thing. Or maybe because OKC is now a legitimate threat.

    And of course Joker should be going for 4 this year.

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