@Chicago Bulls

What Annoys Me Most About This Bulls Season

What Annoys Me Most About This Bulls Season

I think most of us can agree that this era of Bulls basketball that we’re witnessing before us has not been very enjoyable that’s really an understatement but it’s an era I’m sure most of us would like to forget this season last season had been frustrating to say the least because the

Expectations were that this team would be good be competitive not a rebuilding SL tanking team and when expectations are high and your team disappoints it makes it all the more frustrating than it is when you’re expecting your team to lose and be bad but if there is anything

This season and last season has taught me and what has frustrated me more than anything is actually not the Bulls in the way they’ve shown up this season but it’s more so the few fans and even some media Outlets who have such select memory and revisionist history takes

When it comes to assessing And discussing the current state of this team and it’s honestly baffling to me like don’t get me wrong I’m just as frustrated as you all are in watching this team in the lack of Direction and moves being made to actually improve the roster I’ve been critical about this

Team all season long and the front office the coaching staff even on down to the players they deserve their fair share of blame blame and criticism for how they’ve shown up this season but when I start to hear things like bring gar packs back or that AK and Mark

Everle are worse than gar packs so that Jim boand is a better Coach than Billy Donovan nah I’m sorry I have to put my foot down and draw the line when you see that level of ignorance from some Bulls fans I know it’s not all and most of us

Are diard fans who will cheer on this team no matter what but to see just how quickly people forget the state in which this team was just a few years ago so I wanted to use this video to remind folks because it seems like a lot of us

Forgotten but to remind them just how dark some of those days were in the previous eras of Bulls basketball so what’s going on everyone you were listening to Bull Central here hope you’re all doing well real quick you guys do know the Bulls are taking on the

Kings tonight in Sacramento a late night game which I actually don’t mind because then I can actually watch the games in peace after my kids go to bed but I wanted to share my Underdog picks with you all for the game tonight we’ll see how this one goes but I’m taking the

Higher on Alex Caruso at 7 and 1/2 points I feel like that one should be pretty easy with Caruso getting that stroke back from three I’m taking the higher on on Kobe at 2.53 which is a little risky because he’s been struggling to shoot the ball

From deep in that shooting slump and I’m kind of just hoping he’ll finally shoot his way out of it and then dearen Fox I feel like he always goes off on the Bulls 24 and a half points should be expected from him it’s around his average as it is anyway but yeah if

You’re interested in signing up for Underdog fantasy it’s a great place to play fantasy sports and win a little money on the side they’ll also match your deposit up to $100 link and code are in the description feel free to check it out if you’d like now anyway

Back to the Bulls and this season I want to stress something very important that I think a lot of bulls fans have forgotten going into the 2020 21 season the Bulls had just drafted Patrick Williams Zack LaVine was coming into his own and would ultimately become an

All-Star that year it was the fourth season into a rebuild after the Bulls traded away Jimmy Butler and the expectation was with all the young Talent they had been adding through the draft and Larry Markin Wendell Carter Jr Kobe white to go alongside Zack LaVine the expectation was that okay it’s time

That this group started making strides in competing for a playoff spot and no longer tanking for high Lottery positioning something that was never guaranteed anyway as evident by the Bulls Landing three straight number seven picks despite all of those losing seasons and hoping to get a top three

Pick to get guys like Luca or Zion and right out of the gate from That season on the Bulls were not that they were still not a good team they still couldn’t string together wins consistently and they could barely make their way into the playing territory and

You had Bulls fans begging begging this new front office to do something myself included I’m not saying this to make a I Told You So moment I was one of those fans too we were annoyed with wend Carter Jr we got frustrated with Kobe white and his level of play and

Inconsistency Larry Markin went from looking like a franchise level player to being a role player like we all wanted change and we wanted to see this team to start winning four years of losing and being an irrelevant team is hard for fans and so what did the new front

Office do they said all right this group isn’t it we’re hitting the acceleration button let’s be relevant and competitive now they trade for vuvi who was an All-Star at that time and they would later on bring in DeMar rosen Lonzo ball kuso in the off season now we all know

What happened since then I don’t need to go into depth and everything that has transpired since pivoting to a win now Direction I mean you’re still seeing it before us now it’s more or less the same team since that off season in 2021 but here’s what I don’t get is when people

Say this current team is boring aggravating to watch and that they would rather watch the rebuilding Bulls team and wish they could have garps back like do you guys not remember how bad those teams were aside from some of those few moments what was fun about watching that

Team and know it’s easy in hindsight to say well if the Bulls only just kept that core intact and they had drafted fron Vagner with the pick that they had to send to Orlando in the vich trade lry marinan obviously blossomed into a star there are no guarantees that group would

Have panned out into anything because fit and having the right vets around young Talent is so critical and then Jim boand I mean are we really going to debate this you guys know I’m not a Billy Donovan fan I was never a fan of that hiring when it was first announced

And I don’t think Billy is the guy to get the most out of this group I absolutely think he should be let go but Billy is Leaps and Bounds better than not only Jim boand but also Fred hyberg and who hired those coaches garps the two guys that you would rather see in

The front office over Acme Jim boin you it wasn’t necessarily about his overall coaching when it came to his X’s and O’s of the game and having the right rotations with the right adjustments it was the fact that the players didn’t respect him he was a jerk to the media

Incredibly full of himself and had no idea how to motivate and Inspire his players and especially how to develop Star level Talent Lowry marinin and his potential was wasted in the Years Jim boin was the head coach the way he used Markin and turning him into a spot-up

Shooter was detrimental to his overall development and confidence and it’s why you see Lowry now thriving in a new environment under competent coaching like do we need to remind everyone of the practice boycott that the players had against Jim boand the 56o loss or whatever it was against the Celtics the

Multiple seasons in which the Bulls were in the bottom five a net rating in the league and couldn’t even sniff the playoffs I mean those were some dark days for Bulls fans days I do not wish to go back to because even though I get that taking a small step back for the

Better of the future is the right way to go and even though this current team is living in the land of mediocrity in basketball Purgatory going through another four five plus year rebuild does not sound appealing to me and I’ll be honest I don’t even know if I have faith

In this front office being able to actually build a roster from the ground up in a tear down it’s why I’ve never been a fan of tanking because nothing is guaranteed in a draft lottery system the draft in and of itself is a bit of a crapshoot when you have busted High

Lottery picks and then players who become Superstars that fall late into the lottery or even outside of the lottery nothing is a sure thing and every year when the Bulls were bad irrelevant and painful to watch every year I hoped they would land a franchise level player and it just ended up being

More of the same thing more losing more embarrassments and the Bulls being the laughing stock of the NBA here’s the other thing I don’t know about you guys but even as frustrating as this current Bulls team is I would much rather watch this group play than those dark years of

The rebuild like for all the things we complain about and all the weaknesses that exist on this roster watching Kobe and I come into their own this season seeing one of the best defenders in the league and his tenacious hustle defense and energy on a nightly basis in Alex

Kuso seeing master classes from demard De Rosen in closing out games when Zach is healthy a super fun player to watch and of course before pack got injured seeing him finally starting to become more aggressive and active and coming into his own again I still can’t wait

For this Bulls era basketball to be over changes need to be made to retool this roster not tear it down and rebuild but I would much prefer to watch this Bulls team as maddening as they can be sometimes I would much prefer to watch this level of basketball than what we

Were witnessing in those dark years after trading way Jimmy Butler at least there are elements of fun and excitement from watching this team and yes a level of competitiveness we rarely saw in those years I don’t want to be the Detroit Pistons or the Wizards or the

Hornets in a constant Perpetual state of losing and never getting out of it at some point you have to start winning to instill a winning mentality and culture within the organization so no the days of Jim boand and garps were not better than what we have right now stop that

Nonsense I know it’s not everyone I know it’s not even most Bulls fans who believe that but for those select few you know who you are knock it off anyway let me know what you guys think in the comments as always be sure to subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one

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Discussing the most annoying thing about this Bulls season…..and it might surprise you

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#ChicagoBulls #BullsNation #NBA #CobyWhite #DeMarDeRozan #NikolaVucevic #AndreDrummond #AlexCaruso #ZachLavine #PatrickWilliams #LonzoBall #AyoDosunmu #BullsNews #NBANews #NBARumors #BullsNews


  1. Jim Boylen was bad but signing Fred Hoiberg to coach a defensive team never made much sense to me.

  2. You don't have to be the Detroit Pistons or Washington Wizards……… could become the Oklahoma City Thunder😂. I get people don't have faith in this front office to lead and navigate a rebuild………i don't either😂. But at the same time, it's really the only logical path the Bulls have to become a contender. I want to see championships, i'm tired of seeing 9-11 seed teams every year. If they're bad for a couple years, but land a franchise-altering talent that they could potentially win a championship with… be it.

  3. Have Gar/Pax back. LOL……those people are smoking crack. Getting them into rehab please…… you finally acknowledging how Boylan destroyed Lauri. Thank you.

  4. Completely agree. This season we have to try stay into the playoffs as long as we can, this is very impirtant for Coby and Ayo

  5. A lot of the "GarPax was better" people always want to talk about their drafting ability. As if that's the only thing a GM has to do. GarPax were good at finding some talent some of the time, if you don't count the massive contracts given out to guys like Felicio or draft busts like Denzel Valentine. Beyond that though they were a disaster. They were horrible at managing talent, often alienating star players and pissing off coaches. They couldn't build any sort of relationship with other teams so no one ever want to trade with the team unless it was a massive move like getting Jimmy Buttler or Rose. Hell while it's a minor thing, it is telling that the team is only now reaching out to past stars to try and make some sort of fan ambassador outreach. It's a minor point but still.

    The fact is that AKME's biggest flaw is that they can't decide on a timetable for this team. They're dealing with young prospects who might turn into something and aging stars who are starting to decline. They need to pick a lane but that's not easy. Dumping the vets for the young guys seems like a no-brainer, but it could easily backfire and then they're stuck in the mud again with even fewer options and no stars to at least steady the ship. Trying to get on the timeline of the vets is likely long past just due to the age of guys like Vooch and DeMar so they can't do much there either.

  6. No. I’m notta bulls fan that has even thought abt going back to the Jim Boylin era, however when we were in the Jim Boylin era I didn’t even have to waste my time watching us bc I had no expectations and we got top picks although they didn’t pan out, for us at least, but now come to think of it this era is FAR WORSE simply we’re smack dab in the middle. And by that I mean we’re not bad enough to getting super high pick and we’re definitely not good enough to compete for a chip let alone a FKN PLAY-IN SPOT😮‍💨 we’re just good enough not to be good enough we’re a joke💯 and although our record might not portray it we’re worst than the mfkn pistons HOW TF are we the ONLY team in the league that they have a winning record against ???????? and then we rly have ppl in this fanbase that have hope and belief like WAKE TF UP we not who we wanna be no matter how much you try to squint your eyes we’re not gonna magically become a fkn contender 🤦🏽‍♂️ I’m so done with this era it’s unfathomable 💯💯💯💯💯 I’m so tuned out I don’t even get mad anymore and being disappointed left after we couldn’t seem to breathe without Lonzo🤡 Idk how even the most delusional bulls fan can even fix their lips to say “it’s alright…” NO IT’S FKN NOT‼️ and to add insult to injury, the second a team gets in our face and starts talking shii and trying to bully us all of a sudden we become the biggest b*tches in the universe 😡

  7. If Healthy

    PG- Coby White
    SG- Zach Lavine
    SF- Demar Derozan
    PF- Nikola Vucevic
    C- Andre Drummond

    PG- Ayo Dosunmy
    SG- Alex Caruso
    SF- Patrick Williams
    PF- Torrey Craig
    C- Adama Sanogo

    11- Onuralp Bitim
    12- Julian Phillips

  8. I have to really push back on you thinking this team is more enjoyable to watch than a rebuilding team. I strongly disagree with that take.

    While most rebuilding teams fail to become contenders, they at least give the fanbase some hope. This current Bulls teams is one of the more hopeless teams in the entire league.

    People are just trolling when they talk about GarPax and Boylen, but it just shows how bad things are for the Bulls when fans can even make that joke.

    The Bulls should have blown this team up at the 2023 trade deadline and who knows how long they're going to suffer for it. I say that with zero hindsight.

    I'd MUCH rather watch the early 00s Bulls than this team lol

  9. Last 41 games 23-18….I'll drink to that. 🍺🍺 Best thing could of happened when LaVine and PW got hurt. This brought the coming out of Ayo and playing time for Drummond. Last 10 games almost 25 minutes. 12 pts 12 RB…Ayo last 20 games 34M–15 pts–4 asst–3 RB

  10. This era has been so disappointing so much untapped potential. We shouldn’t be the 9th seed right now we should be at least 4,5 or 6

  11. Definitely don’t want to go back to Jim Boylen. And it was John Paxson himself that said the Bulls needed to go in a different direction and basically removed himself from the FO.
    I would just like the Bulls to address what’s been missing and what many have been asking for since Lonzo went down and out… a true PG and a bonafide PF/Rim protection.
    That’s not a rebuild, that’s just filling obvious needs.
    Don’t know if this FO realizes there’s improvements that can be made in those areas.

  12. When we look at how badly the Bulls started the season, I think they have been more exciting to watch than previous years. I love seeing Ayo's and Coby's growth, and I loved how this team stepped up when Lavine got injured. They could've thrown in the towel, but instead, they played like a team and turned their season around. And now here they are with a chance to make the playoffs.

  13. Let's face it, this front office built one of the worst teams of the current NBA, and the only reason why we've been able to stay in the play-in is because we play in the east.

  14. I think I may have suggested that GarPax was a superior front office, but I’d never say the Bulls should bring them back. I was mostly joking, but they did draft relatively well though, and had the franchise on the brink of a championship. I would never advocate for Boylen, though. The problem is, AKME has left little flexibility to retool. I don’t desire a full tear down and rebuild, but that’s usually what happens when you have a low ceiling and no flexibility

  15. I really wanna see patrick williams flourish he moves just like kawhi leonard but he is skinny Hopefully he gets his weight up and he will be a BEAST also PS trade zach lavine lol he is a jock im sorry😭💯

  16. Completely agree, GarPax after firing Thibs just went downhill. They made mistake after mistake. Only thing I can really be made at AKME for is the Zach Max and not firing Billy yet

  17. Watching the video when I get home but I wanna say this real quick. The bulls are mid. We need to admit that. Lonzo is not coming back. Lavine and Coby would both be the second or third option on a championship caliber team. Vuc and Drummond are aging. We have no draft capital. How long do we swim in circles like this?

  18. Great video! I agree. Complete rebuild is silly and often doesn’t work perfectly. Do I wish we retooled? Yes! However we got good players that I don’t want us to loose simply to do nothing but “rebuild”.

  19. The Bulls are paying the lack of development players had at the time and the creation of a culture where is ok to lose. I rather they keep fighting for the playoffs than just being ok with losing for the lottery. The Bucks won a Championship without a single superstar that was picked in the lotery.

    What annoys me this season is the injuries. The one on LaVine probably prevented him from being traded and the one from Patrick is hurting is development.

  20. We've had it rough the last couple of seasons, but the Boylen era was rock bottom. Not even close! It literally broke the franchise, and I think we're still recovering.

  21. Gar pax sucked also! The only difference is they weren't trading away draft picks for mediocrity! We haven't had a good coach since Thibbs!

  22. Yeeeeaah, I remember those days Very well, and please, Oh Please let's not go back to that foolishness. This state of the team is definitely frustrating, but it's not hopeless, like it used to feel.

  23. Okay……. You say it’s time to start winning but what have they won??? This team is still one of the laughing stocks of the NBA. I’m sick of watching mediocrity and saying it’s better than before.

  24. Your leader is supposed to be demar. They are taking behind demar. Slow to start the game and close out with style. Billy wants to spread the ball around and use all his players. Demars iso game is killing our team dude.

  25. Right. No doubt I am very disappointed in the way the Bulls have played the last couple years and the lack of moves made by the front office. But I'll take this current regime over the GarPax/Jim Boylen regime anyday!

  26. Do you not see the potential of the youngins? Stop with the veteran narratives. Orlando didn’t have a veteran and are doing better than us.

  27. I absolutely love this video and the truth you spoke just now, the bulls have been through some of the darkest days of the franchise and the organization is just trying to give us some basketball the true fans can stomach, we went through those Jim boilyn days and I honestly missed 4 – 5 years of bulls basketball as a huge part of my life was missing. I’m just glad I can finally watch them at the very least be “competitive”.

  28. So being mediocre with washed stars and no real future. Is better than tanking and building around young talent? These team is going no where fast

  29. I thought you was about to trip but I’m in with you
    Dam dog I’m cool with you mine set I can’t stand dam rebuilding
    And you’re dead on bro

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