@Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Mavericks at Indiana Pacers Playback Watch Along #MFFL #BoomBaby

Dallas Mavericks at Indiana Pacers Playback Watch Along #MFFL #BoomBaby

Is good rebound so true I can’t believe he made that that almost look like bad off do classic step back fre that’s what I thought dud and I’d hate when he does it the Lucas special man all right uh let’s see who needs something um guc you said you needed a pass right

Yeah all right who else in chat Liam oh here it comes got you that’s what she said damn what’s happening fellas What’s happen man I feel bad for Joe go that’s hard to defend if you’re a Defender I’m just how would you defend that unless you’re super super

Tall and I keep forgetting Miles Turner is actually from Dallas area isn’t he yeah oh [ __ ] come on PJ yeah that was bad good everybody what’s good I don’t I don’t I don’t want to add any fi get King if possible yeah that was PJ got ripped yeah that was a sloppy

Dribble yeah please yeah all right if he makes that oh my God that’s ridiculous bro that shit’s hard I don’t know how he makes that should have been a f very much so I’m about say is Kyrie out there we don’t even got we didn’t even put Kyrie in any action huh he’s

Just sitting in the corner I don’t understand oh good steal good where’s Kyrie give it to Kyrie [ __ ] it take it shoot it Buck it [ __ ] it good job oh nice great Ste great Ste good read Josh Green good read that’s two steals already let’s go for the team defense in the league

Go trades yeah good he’s not a good three-point shooter that’s one thing about seak me I’ve never trust 43% right now that’s a crazy thing I know but I’ve never trusted his I’ve never trusted his three-point shooting in Toronto he was hey uh TGK question what’s up what’s up how long

You gonna be in here watching the game you going to be in and out or you going to be in here but pause or are you going to be here the whole time I’m be in here but I might be quiet stretches can I give you moderator

Privileges where you can let people on the screen because I may have to step away for a second all right I’ll kick div out immediately all right after what I did hey hey I don’t blame him man I was mean what I did but you know what

Somebody else typed it yeah I had someone saying Mike Hawk and I’m like hey that works I want to try it that’s where I got the idea so how do I add invite people to Stage it’s a it’s a bell that you should see now when when

Somebody wants to uh be on stage it’ll be a icon oh so on the on the Bell like a one will pop up yep it’ll be uh a notification or whatever yep got it got it okay I see you now got it okay Kyrie you should also be able to

Click on like people’s names in the uh in the chat and give them like VIP passes if they ask for it ah oh man that’s where they’re going to kill us a good strategy there on their part I think uh I think baseball socks are going to be my new basketball Socks and he’s staying on Luka he’s not they’re not switching I’m surprised they didn’t oh green almost had another one nice oh brutal pass don’t let him pull it a man this guy’s killing us on three oh he missed God Kyrie get involved let’s go go go score Josh oh

Yeah sh R touch man he start good green starting to come into his own yeah yeah this a perfect role for him man like just play defense and hit your shots push it push it push it Kyrie take him on Kyrie this the guy was this the guy that was oh Kyrie good

Ste he uh is is that that dble zero is that the guy that was uh talking is in that uh rookie All-Star game yeah was that him yeah got lost on D you’re right though there’s no defense being played eh King was right SC PJ oh oh was that a

Pass it look like he got deflected what I thought let’s call it a pass good shot oh my god oh Pascal’s gonna try abuse oh to be careful with these Corner free I know and he’s a good shooter usually he is man the thing is they’re all good

Pretty good Shooters because Pacers have a really good offense it’s like number one or something L let go Man there’s a healthy fear King oh okay I’m sorry healthy fears sorry damn he’s got 10 points in five minutes bro they have the paces have no defense oh that was a nice ass screen that Kyrie set man oh yeah they can’t stop us like they have to score everything and hope that

We don’t stop them at all so yeah they have to hope that we missing King have you watched them quite a bit what are these m I’ve watched enough of them and I’ve watched their stats to see what they do to see that they’re not a good defensive team they

Try they try to out score you usually the other team gets no no no no no they’re they’re like bottom five in defense yeah the usually the other team scores a bunch of points as well you get your career high usually when you play against the Pacers they play no defense

So if we def as well and can we’re gonna score a bunch of and slow them down man they’re just the early season version of like the Eastern Conference Mavs I think they set a record with the hooks it was like 152 to 157 or something like

That another thing too running team so good thing we running now like to get and if the Mavs get to a point if they want to slow it down and make it half courau the Pacers are going to struggle that’s what I’m saying we got a team where he’s just so versatile

Man it’s it’s wild thing we’re so versatile why do they have all the uh uh Mascots from all the teams oh [ __ ] yeah I just noticed that I’m like why are they all here they got a big me up mate they like is it because of the allar

Game they couldn’t go home yet well that’s what I’m saying is that what it Wasing that’s weird H as long as they don’t bring out Mavs man man msman is like a finger nightmares man they should banish him back to the shadow R he’s a man who’s a basketball doesn’t even make

Sense what’s hey guys what’s your thoughts on just giving the last roster spot to AJ Lawson I think he’s earned it man if it’s open I mean there’s not much out there on the there’s there’s nothing out there in the buou that’s doing anything for them

So yeah in my opinion I think that’s what they should do I think that’s what they should do whether they do that though is different I think he’s done enough to earn his spot now I think oh AB absolutely and you just like

But like the way I am I I want as much Wing depth as possible you know what I’m saying cuz to me I think that’s that’s a big part of something that’s not even being talked about is we’re in a part where we don’t have to run our wings into the

Ground like we did in 2022 y facts good finish man Lucas saw how many fans he had at the Indiana airport and he’s like you know what I’m just going to come and cook this guys give Mich show easy nice that is so nice bro there

Y say Grant Williams could do that Grant Williams would have been go PJ versus Pascal you know what I Willi in sometimes he’ do these little plays where he’ run to the basket and it looks so awkward and weird but then he’d score somehow and You’ be like Okay first one went good we got good first one went in he about to drop 30 he about to drop 30 tonight you right it is we’re good yes Sir what you doing we we we can’t let him get going oh how did that go in that form was disgusting hell yeah as long as they go in it doesn’t matter ask C Burton oh my gosh that was that was a ugly pass oh man that that

That did not look like that was meant to be a l i don’t know yeah I thought he was I didn’t think he was gonna be able to finish hey man when the landlord comes to collect see the landlord watch Timmy with Miles Turner uh oh we’ll take him we’ll take

Pasc out shooting him we’ll take him we’ll take him ah G finish again go back up they G him a foul ah oh you got to finish that man come on yeah you gota finish it I thought they said he was gonna trouble he ran the floor though you know

Yeah I’m not mad though he us he he’ll usually make those it’s not like I’m as well man he just made he just made a dunk I couldn’t believe he made yeah true yeah yeah he already he already got the dunk you feel me so it’s like I’m

Fine with that and we got the ball back so I’m good yeah I got man he’s got the highest percentage of shooting in the league yep oh let’s see what TGK was him you was talking about right what’s up 25 Jaylen Smith oh yeah yeah yeah he’s nice bro let’s see what he

Does try get Timmy involved they trying to get B I like that they took luk out early Kyrie loves Tim Hardway Jr man good hands Gaff good hands oh oh told you that’s that’s the he was decent when he Phoenix though yeah oh he’s he’s

Bro when I went to the game he just he was a force bro on cook him one in his mouth Kyrie a little alley a little bounce pass would have been perfect right there that been highlight if I wining good defense I saw it

Okay did he get a piece of that I think he did DJ it looked weird when it went up pull up oh out dribble dude how is he nice plus Timmy being being self selfless one time you want him to shoot selfless damn of the shot clock turn around

Jumper from 35 bro you made your first shot you know take this one the one you don’t want him to take the oh man not dribbling please dude how nice is it to have a guy that can get on offense that’s a second offensive rebound already oh good

Move I’m hoping for a big game from Gaff good double good double I’ll take it let Hees 40% we’ll take it y we’ll take that with the rebound let’s go k Mr power wants his 10 rebounds man oh he cooking Hime was going that was nasty that was

Nasty straight disgusting dude was going on why would you put that man on Kyrie Irving yo the amount of Separation that he got from that was disgusting oh Hardway cannot defend pasc you gotta stop on J man they literally just Target him every team targets him wouldn’t you

It’s like I think sense man it’s like 70% of the other team’s buckets are scored against T he even looking at it man ionna his control bro i’ lost that ball so many times PA D he doesn’t even Defender it doesn’t matter what hand he uses he doesn’t even look at the ball

Ever he’s he’s bothh handed he’s anestrous I know but it’s just amazing to never be crazy and he’s going like fast and it’s just he doesn’t even look at the ball he’s looking right at you and doing all those moves which which means he which means he can read everything you know

What I mean keep your head upis unbelievable perf analysis they say they say he plays defense on offense he lets you choose what he’s going to do yeah pretty much say you’re covering me here we’re going this way my favorite clip was him in the allstar or in the Olympic

Uh they were playing all the get great players on on the USA team and he went he got the ball under the rim and he went through everybody fancy the whole freaking team got a chance at him and he cooked all of them man even a spin around moved through his

Legs went through two guys like it’s like he’s a soccer or a football uh player he reminds me he reminds me of like he’s like a mess he’s like the mess of of basketball man yeah he’s like he’s like with his hands like it’s like

Unbel I know like probably a lot of you guys don’t like watch much like football but like You’ seen like sort for example like Messi when he was in his prime and like when he’s playing for like Barca and like some of some of his like plays like the ball literally wouldn’t leave

His foot like it was just I don’t know how he did it it’s like literally like it’s on a string and Kyrie kind of does that with a basketball’s M Messi looked like that in MLS too still hell yeah he’s he’s like the best damn player in the MLS dude I gotta tell

You margin zos is not that great so it’s like he came over here to end his career and he looks like like a god s like Stefon mber he’s like one of those he’s like you know like um one of those NBA players that goes over to like the sort

Of Taiwanese League or something you know yeah like I gotta get the Jersey I’m G get the black black and pink jersey yeah man inter Miami have got quite a cool kit man I have to say yeah I’m going get the I’m G get the black one I’m buy it fivepoint game Phoenix

Lakers I can’t believe yeah I can’t believe he got close I can’t believe Kevin Durant I can’t believe Kevin Durant keep missing CL free throws I I told you remember they’re the worst fourth quarter shooting in the league they always lose lead in the fourth they’re the worst fourth quarter team in

They will keep telling me that Kevin Durant that got him and I was like man he don’t got the simple things down what you mean he’s only proving himself with players right with great players he’s never he’s not a good playmaker that’s why he can’t be a number one I’m telling

You I’ve said that for so many years his playmaking is trash it was so many times he watched the game and guys were in the corner wide open I’m like Katie you tall just throw it over there he didn’t even see them yeah because he’s thinking score that’s his mentality he’s a

Scorer now he’s missing like clut free throws and all that like yeah I was I was seeing so much cope after the Suns game on Twitter when they were like oh man like if B play we would have won it’s like you wouldn’t have won man I’m

Telling you I think Booker’s better than KD in my opinion now I’m telling you whenever whenever they say that okay okay what was Bill going to do that Eric Gordon wasn’t doing in that game we we’re being a we’re keeping a whole stack I think we would have C

More would have played we’d beat him by more yeah that’s what I’m saying we’ beat the hell out of him that’s what happened to be able play yeah that’s another that’s another thing Eric Gordon plays better defense bro it’s like people just don’t want to admit it because Gordon is a let them

Shoot threes old d man I told you D the only dude you gota worry about is is tyres y’ saying they can’t come on man oh he almost had that too we live that we leave with it yeah I wasn’t sure that Luka would be able to like who else on

That damn team well I thought they had better presence in the center position but who who always says is that Richard I think it’s Richard shout out to Richard he says we’ve been wanting Miles Turner for the longest time why Indiana can’t have a great defense if he so good on

Defense because it’s because he that that perimeter guys aren’t good enough he’s all right the P but they need more I mean but like I’m saying Rudy made a difference like I feel bar was better the bar was better than pal it was in Hell okay so that’s let’s start there

At least he can block shots oh yeah yeah I would took but I still I we got a we got a better outcome right now with maxi C been able to shoot yeah we got we got all the deps now I don’t know if mil Turner really a DB oh he Kyrie

Oh oh good this what they do yeah this is what they they love to run but as I tell you as I’m telling you D we haven’t had the moment yet where luuk and Kyrie did cooking together yet that’s this is just where you this is where we Cruise

Right here this is the okay usually recently we just started Bing and we lock in and absolutely destroy the team that we’re playing I a worried worried we’re going to lock in thir yeah if we’re equal with them that’s not good for them we’re like they got to be ahe of us like

I’m worried for them oh no F two the you didn’t want the foul foul Luka went to the bench G Kyrie free throw yeah I know right the time I’m like damn I wish Kyrie didn’t get free throws you know I actually I gotta tell you if if K if kid

Did that with Luca I think it’s smart because Kyrie was way too passive way too passive in the beginning of the game so I kind of like that yeah I find it interesting now like that Luka went to the bench a lot earlier than normal like good for that’s good that’s good yeah

It’s because Luka missed the fourth quarter now yeah I know Kyrie is fourth quarter all as well but luk gets to save his energy and be Superman in the fourth quarter now y I like it Twan game in the fourth quarter now and let both of them be Superman and

Batman or whatever let’s go put up man I love when somebody put that out said Kyrie isn’t isn’t uh Lucas Robin he’s just Batman L just happens to be Superman d g that was a mean shot as Gafford got up there that was a nice flter make it

Man nice like offensive attack game man they really do I gota say so fastpaced but it must be exhausting that’s probably why they don’t play defense no n uh Lively not a Batman yet he uh I don’t know what to call him he he I

Mean being a robin not a bad guy if you become a Nightwing right yeah he’s got the Nightwing potential I mean that’s what I’m saying you be you can become Nightwing and all that that’s what I’m saying he ain’t he ain’t one of those guys yet though he

Ain’t the true leader yet of of the team that’s Batman and and and Superman no I mean d live is Batman’s Apprentice because he’s got the Mas him but that’s what I’m saying he’s uh he he’s he’s Robin literally yeah robing hard like why why aren’t I robing Batman that’s the problem if

Anything then D D’s robbing and and and gafford’s na because you got a little bit more experience man we got Christy toiv on the bench being a Wonder Woman like Kyrie really more like the flash is he is he still on the staff like I keep seeing her tweeting about about MTH

Stuffs a lot be right yeah I think she’s doing I think she’s on his St rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy yeah Hardy will be like Robin gim that’s a good one I’m hoping to get some minutes today but I know that the only way he getting

Minutes is if we’re blur them out so even more hoping he get some minutes yeah Kai is Batman because of his position but it’s game if we had to choose a character he’d be the one to be flashed probably yeah but I get the the Batman thing because his his game is literally

Counters that’s how Batman works it is you’re right you’re right just his TOS on his belt Kyrie yeah that is true and he’s like he’s like the everyday man too like Batman he’s he’s six fo three or whatever so you like how the hell does he do this you get me

Fam luas like Superman he’s 68 hey no I saw Cam Newton 6 foot5 260 pounds them dudes is crazy had that dud Cam Newton standing them dudes up like come on what you think you gonna do with Cam Newton oh Hardy’s out there okay Hardy’s

In the game okay I saw cam new go chest to chest with uh what’s that dude name ah damn the receiver uh damn I forgot the big receiver name Kelvin something Lely and CLE okay we got some size yeah Luke about to try to go for how

Much is he have 10 did they s him with 10 yeah was that was that little guy talking [ __ ] to I don’t know if he going for 50 might he might go for 40 though going for 50 since 50 has a lounge in that Arena he could I think at

Some point we gonna start blowing them out and they gonna set him down see Luca’s averaging like 43 since like Christmas or something I luk even got 40 last game the first half he was cruising carry took over then they swapped nuclear in the third y know luk gonna

Get like every play of the week from now on give him hope so y’all wanna watch what I tell you that’s gonna be that late that late series when we talking about the MVP you all like damn he just been every play of the week yeah man

He’s been at I think I saw it said since Christmas he’s averaging like 4312 and like 9.8 like the only way ridiculous field goal the only way they can give play of the week to other players is by record like L has an undefeated record you can’t even give anybody else a play

Of the week yeah I agree get them in the Bon get it’s the efficiency that blows me away yeah the thing is that’s that’s the part I keep trying to tell everybody about Luca like they don’t understand Luka’s efficiency is like a LeBron for the ball ain’t that a transition take

Foul it could be yeah they might call oh no they didn’t call it they didn’t review it but uh Lucas game is so efficient he’s not like the normal like scorer that’s a a volume scorer that just takes a bunch of shots yeah he’s an amazing scorer like a LeBron James and a

Michael Jordan averaging 40 was like 57 what I realize early early he’ll test what kind of game he’s having even if it looks bad even it out L he D he’s a magician I told you I think he’s I’ve seen enough basketball this guy offensive weapon I’ve ever seen Joker’s

Nowhere near Joker can’t score like Luca can it’s just because he’s got it’s because he’s got the MVPs on the chip everyone is scoring is nothing like Lucas nothing he can’t control the game it’s the difference between oh my God transition take good defense no transition it’s a transition take

Maybe [ __ ] he reached for the ball though so you can have a transition take even if how is that how is that a transition when he reached the ball though he did the guy crossed that’s a regular foul but you it’s the Mavericks yall come on what y’all

Expect I went for the ball good oh don’t lie man come on oh good be Luka oh you must be ahead of Him yeah he did break that free throw look like Tim Hardway jior in the fourth quarter Luca with the defense look at him at he gave up a play that’s super stardom and one that’s super yeah it’s a foul damn like that’s what we what we

Cried about for years on we talk Mavs Luca there’s no need to talk to the referee if they stop you go back and stop them you’re a superstar have that attitude yep not gonna let the refs beat me yeah the refs screw the refs if he made that that’s what I like

About kawhai man he a machine like that so luk has a squad around him so we can stop that excuse of teams being around him he’s now playing like an MVP now there’s no excuses for anyone he’s gotten better on his free throws I’ll give him that absolutely he

Go he go fight for 80% this year that’s crazy I would have never believed it mat win he’s efficient as hell D no but I mean like you know a stationary he he makes the hard type [ __ ] do you know what I mean and free throws just seem

Easy you know he’s shooting 42% from catch and shoot threes this year that’s crazy yeah I remember they he could catch and shoot I knew miss the layup should have this guy driving kind of a I knew man like you literally should scor those [ __ ] we that there’s that Gafford

One now that one and there was another one we would have had like another six points for that easily yeah that’s too easy oh another foul offensive foul Josh G Frick refs don’t like us tonight but when do they definitely a fast-paced game that’s for sure you know the that foul actually

Help or hurts the Indiana Paces because putting them in half court actually hurt hurts OB the hell he’s not that good usually at shooting threes man Obie I like Obie I think New York gave up on him too fast they need to just get rid of Julius Randall that’s

Good time out I don’t remember him having no three like that though where you get that three ball like he he was shooting it like that before he got traded you know you know I I feel like it’s a defensive reason because some doesn’t tibs lack defensive guys that’s

Probably why I got rid of him yeah Obie started getting a bunch of like 20 point games before they traded him well looks like the Lakers are or Phoenix is gonna win tonight bro six minutes it’s seven minutes it’s seven minutes watching them y both both them teams are trash Y no

Deal like you can get I I take take either one of them in the series and if we winning five i m I’ll be honest with you guys watching that game if Davis showed up tonight they would have won easily yeah that’s what I said I said if ad gets going in the

Second half they is Anthony Davis is Anthony Davis even if you think he is better is he way better than Kyrie Irving well I wouldn’t get him because it’s kind of it’s kind of hard to measure and you gota what I’m saying is if we played the

Lakers would we arguably have the best two players yes would you say would you say would you say both of them are better than him I’m saying that I think right now what I’m saying from Kyrie Irving a healthy Kyrie Irving look better than LeBron and Anthony Davis true yeah

Ain’t Gon to argue like LeBron’s just not playing defense because yeah just based on consistency man like but like a lot of the time ad is kind of he’s he’s got some he’s he’s got some KP to him like real talk like one of the dudes that will average 20 and 10

Because one night he’s going to give you 30 and 20 and the next is going to give you 15 and five here here’s my hot take here’s my hot take because I see pie of Steve saying Braun is Braun I don’t think LeBron James should have made the All-Star team this

Year Anthony Davis should have had LeBron james’ spot and LeBron James shouldn’t have made the allar team this year if Kyrie Irving was is more important if Kyrie Irving was was healthy and was playing the 65 games or whatever minimum Pace he would have made it he should have been an Allstar he

Would have made it yet so yeah I think I think he would have because the fans wanted him in there that’s what I’m saying to you uh DV I’m that’s all I’m saying so the question becomes now is Anthony Davis like definitely better than Kyrie Irving I I still don’t think they would

Have got rid of Bron though they would have TI out one of the other yeah Brun got it because he Braun feel me like he got it because he bra I’m just saying as far if we going off the best players in the West oh I’m saying Braun probably

Should not have made it so bonus probably should have made it overun in the Bon crazy look at that defense yeah they have none at all he I mean like that’s that’s one of the got it I see why because they’re the they want to give them to so I see I see

Where but fox fox looks like he’s cooling down he started off the year like like 30 playing real bad recently is De Fox better than krie Irving would you switch them out I’m saying no no okay people are looking at the stats and see and I

Think and I think and I think Darren FX should have made it over LeBron James how about that yeah he has a higher record at that moment yeah he was he was on that 27 I think that time hey manim nice look at him read that play

Yeah but but I think so if if one them to make it should have been so bonus Luka being too fancy Luka you that’s the that’s the thing about having a good thing too you can be too fancy at times yeah he had a wide open layup he’s being unselfish and getting

His teammates involved hey hey Ben you should put as your flare number one Jason I am the number one Jason it’s not a bad thing either man we listen man I don’t I wouldn’t hate him if he wasn’t so ridiculously overrated he’s just he’s good man my thing is I

Don’t I I I think you do think he’s good I think you just think he’s over right now if he wasn’t on the Celtics and getting all this overrated talk constantly and Boston Celtics fans wenter the most annoying fans like him I’d 100% like him I’d think he’s a good

I still wait he’s a good player of course he’s a good player great player but I I think I think he’s a I think is a good player bro but at the same time you can’t tell me that somebody is we brought it back you you can’t convince me that somebody

Is the MVP when there’s so many kns that you don’t look like the best player on the team sorry yeah michah he’s not the MVP so that’s what I don’t me and me and Ben I be I don’t agree he’s MVP I’m just saying I think he’s arguably a top 10

Player in the NBA like that’s amazing you feel me so it’s like question he’s he’s I’m not I think he’s awesome like I Ben be like no this dude such and such better than him and I’m like man I don’t know B he’s a top

10 player in the NBA but he’s close to 10 and he is you know what there you go I’ll agree with that so somebody brought up a comparison the other day and just like basically kind of comparing it to the status the league at that time and I think it fits

Perfectly I think he’s pretty much like this aers Paul Pierce yeah like he’s a dude where you can’t I don’t knock him because Boston has made a great team around him the issue is he should have more pressure on his shoulders for Boston having a good team around

Him because they have such a great team he should win a championship like this year it should be a major test and I think it will be I think if Jason Tatum doesn’t win this year Boston gotta start thinking about other things just in general I they have to start thinking about uh

How with the new CBA if they if they don’t win I don’t like I’ve been saying this no their their window is like their window is this year or next year yeah they go they have to they have to at least get to the finals this year have to get to

The finals no they have to win man with that team they have to win they should win but you can run it how they still they’ll still say they were the best Eastern team so just tweak it a little bit and you can run but but King

Like genuinely how can they get better as Mike said well I don’t know thir a what it they can’t they can’t but they may just be against a better team in the west but you’re still the best team in the East you feel what I’m saying like

Maybe the other team that’s in the west loses to a team in the west like stuff may happen so you gotta at least but they can’t they cannot they they can’t make it to the Eastern Conference Finals not the second round definitely not the first round they have to get to the

Finals fifth option right their fifth option is a player who’s scoring 50 4090 with an elite two-way defense point of attack Defender they have to get to the finals man that’s their fifth option they got get there’s no way that they they can have any excuse to not win it

Everything this year they they’re going to be the favorite but they gotta get to the finals OKC was the favorite against Miami BR like they’re hitting some lucky shots man these Doug dmats and like fry cooks are hitting some shots man I got give to

Frank I don’t I think they would try to trade Brown first but you know what wild I think I think um I think tum may ask for a trade first though I think this season is starting to get to Tatum a little bit and I don’t think people paying attention to it I

Think he I think he wants to Showcase himself even more and he’s mad that he’s it’s being seen as a team I think that’s bothering him man Gina Kim’s coming out with some Elite takes tonight the thing is SuperStar is a word they throw around way too much man I think Superstars are

Only top five players in the league and that’s it no I think Superstars are guys that can lead a team to a championship that’s top top top five it’s really about three that’s how I feel I I want Luca to show he’s a superar party party other two are are Giannis and

Joker that’s how I feel oh Kawai you feel me if he’s still in his prime if he’s still in his prime technically and I guess he still is but we’ll see damn easy making it look easy like nobody’s looking like somebody that’s been playing with kyri is like Kawai is

Like the most difficult person in the league to uh to like rank he’s so difficult to rank because of his health it’s just like it’s pretty much like if he could like to me if he’s healthy he’s a top three player but it’s that’s always a big if if he’s healthy

I’ll take him over any of the ogs that’s incl that’s including Steph Cur and LeBron James right now at this point in their career that’s Kevin Durant Steph LeBron any of if he’s healthy but I don’t know what healthy is man if Kyrie can train Hardy to being

Like Kyrie discount Kyrie man I mean that’s just ridiculous that’s what we hope right Ben that he can eventually be that would be the best possible if we could get if we could get like you know discount Kyrie in Hardy that’ be be amazing man if we can get 75% of Kyrie

Get it PJ ah if we can get 75% of uh him though we’ll be fine oh wow they run man yeah they man points man oh what is Josh Green doing come on guys what was that man what was he thinking I don’t know I don’t know what he I told you he

Dribbles with his head down at times and he loes confidence in his dribble this is what they do dude won when they were showing the replay of Luka making you make it you tripping wild like dude is tripping throw it oh goodness go g good

Job no about to say give us the foul thank you there we go yeah I was wondering how did he miss that bad obviously he got fouled there was one where mat literally pushed him with two hands while shooting and there was no call I like what the hell

Like that that’s a yeah that was a fou that was a fou fou I was wondering how you miss the thing is one thing I’ll say about indim mate they defend very like they’re going to give away a lot of fouls which they already have because

They just defend like really they try to defend like they attack which is super high Pace but it’s in a way where it’s just floppy and it’s like you know they’re the type of team that would beat you if the referees aren’t going to call those but like come on

Man Frank I don’t think I don’t know if he’s going to be a good shooter this year I think he’s just not a good shooter this year but the thing is can he keep it up on the defensive side is what I want to see looka out again this must be something going

On I think they’re just running and giveing guys a break right now Gord PJ DJJ Tim Cur come make it oh come on man ah oh foul yeah he Halle Burton threw that nice pass what who was the F it was on somebody hit Miles Turner think might might have been

Gaff must been PJ because they’re showing them oh that’s s ball good job PJ Washington yo that right there Frank that’s why I want him to keep doing that man who do you put PJ on seak got on seak man seak what is seak doing God I get worried when these guys

Trouble what is seak doing in this game though guys OD screen he’s a little boy come on guys I love oh kri our ball thank you the bounce is not on it side today it’s going to mad about what’s going on maybe he thought it should have been a foul maybe oh maybe

They put it for I don’t know whoa Timmy Timmy he totally misjudged that jump come on Timmy oh Timmy please Timmy thank you he was wide open man like please Timmy he’s got he’s got incorporate some more midies in this game but this free Dam they G all the contct I feel like

They man just don’t feel like they miss though what up Jay yeah but they will be missing later they they I feel like they they’re like 80% from the floor everything they do is just seems to go in like they hit some tough shots this

Half as well that’s a did he hit him man he even touch him like holy oh know they getting their cars right now they they are big time like it’s sick we in Indiana man the Pacers are going to get a real surprise we in Indiana yo we in Indiana we

Good and their stuff stops dropping as much yeah oh Kyrie God man Kyrie Irving Irving Irving Irving Kyrie Irving [ __ ] I love that [ __ ] the way he just he’s taking their soul from the men oh killing us he love playing Dallas man I’m going to need them to start getting cold from

These shots man especially those fre you gotta follow out go after him Ohes Ty I want him to keep cooking them like don’t pass it just cook them unless they double yeah what a pass what a pass what [Applause] what a pass this play making is everybody was thinking everybody was thinking he was gonna give a bounce pass

To the middle that’s why Point guy Oh I thought he traveled see oh I honestly thought Kyrie traveled on that moved his pivot foot I swear to God I thought he Frank said it was wide open it was wide open but he got the whole he got everybody to go towards

Him Frank said it was wild y be hating other superstars well other stars I’m sorry not Superstars I ain’t calling Hy a superstar yet he’s awesome n he’s not a superstar Jim I ain’t even seen him in the playoffs yet so I can’t call him no D Superstar that’s why technically to me

Shay not a superstar yet that’s what I was telling you too that’s I think they’re great players regular season but you got to see what they do in the yeah the playoffs would decide if if he’s a superstar you know he’s a superstar he if he goes in the playoffs and he like

And like just stinks up the place then he might have the reputation of being a trash player or he can’t handle the pressure right exactly that’s the key for a superstar Nick he kicked it oh my man they’re just picking on him [ __ ] good job Luka with the pit KY with the

Push Kyrie with the pass PJ with the he crossed it into his heel what the hell I don’t know man he was he was uh too much fast yeah he’s having a tough time tonight with dribbling bro oh nope oh okay oh Tyree oh no Ryan nobody sent what he wasn’t a

Superstar to 2011 didn’t LeBron show off in his first playoff match up man why does he miss these buddies every time didn’t LeBron show off in his first playoff match upe oh my yeah it’s annoying I don’t know why thj is playing if he’s off just get him off like [ __ ]

Man it just frustrates me bro I’m telling you it’s a funny if we see it if we see it again the second he goes to the bench and we go on a run come on man listen his shooting perc are 33% man they’re shooting3 from the

Floor at the moment no but I’m saying Tim Hardway is 33% everywhere today right now it’s like so what does he do if he’s not efficiently it’s like he’s killing you because he can’t playus 11 I know but I just don’t understand why we stick to him like that’s what but what

I’m saying in N9 minutes he’s a minus 11 so tell that as you will yo Jason kid is trash man why did he take the big man out like he had three of them Yo he’s trash your boy want to get Tim Hardway Jor involved

Man I just hope that don’t come back to Us in the butt man like I hate that like we know what the weak link of the team is and they always attack him it’s like so obvious man it’s like every game we watch they’re picking on them every game

Yeah man their team scores like 61 62% against Tim Hardway Jr every game like like it’s just kills us can’t afford it man you cannot afford it to happen these games are important we need to win them you know I don’t understand why we’re just to protect the man’s ego we

Have to keep him in the game like I don’t know man it’s cuz he’s a player coach right he’s all up I don’t no but the team comes first man not some some guy like going PJ oh man why can’t our guys make these open shots gotta hit one of those man

Oh man it’s Tim on him again [ __ ] [ __ ] he wasn’t even just he was nowhere he wasn’t in the zip code of the [ __ ] please don’t get offensive fou thank you Timmy we’re worried about look at ISO play D ISO against was that said he ain’t no ISO player

Man man you said you weren’t going to bring that up why do you always bring it up no last time you said it was the last time it was ISO did you say it was last time it was an ISO against yakam D that’s all I’m call you can’t help it that’s

It can’t help it oh my God look at that see he can’t ice though I told you Messiah oh Luca always he’s taking the big man that was did he get blocked I don’t no I don’t think so I miss Just that’s a travel bro good defense good defense oh they gave him a foul come on man he the bull did the guy that the guy that went behind the backboard there didn’t he travel I swear to God one two three like what the [ __ ] did but then should been right there

Jesus man these refs why do we always get the [ __ ] in on the stick every game it’s annoying as hell man it was so obvious too like damn how do you miss that travel bro it’s because this lineup doesn’t work with Tim Hardway Jr there Josh

Green was the piece in this lineup Tim Hardway Jr messes it up just frustrating man like Tim has to Tim has to be perfect with this line and he’s not like on one I just hope we have the guts to fire kid if we have to even if we do average

In the playoffs do you know what I mean oh that’s the one I wish PJ would have took yeah typical thj why the [ __ ] do we have him on the court he’s wide open on every shot and he’s justo 20% now and it went right by him oh oh

Offensive foul thank you thank you that had to be an offensive foul man this [ __ ] sucks man come on so hardy was I’m at a point where I want Hardy on the court before thj now man like I’ll be honest why why is green in the

Cor what’s going on hard’s like a kid man like [ __ ] nice pass good pass a missing everything man I hope we get I hope you come out the halftime Blues see let’s see he’s smart see pick him pick up on you see how smart he good defense good defense you see how

Halberton as soon as he got PJ on him he’s like yeah I’m passing it who’s got who’s got thj boom give him the ball almost a fall good defense LCA he usually gets called oh my God Maxi why would you do that and why would

Tim do that but they they didn’t get the foul though keep it moving Maxi not ready not at all like what are these guys doing running to the defense set back up okay you gotta get oh Luca oh Luka God oh Luca you lost the ball and still did that and hurt his

Hand how and jammed that finger oh tyre’s hella Burton he is he’s slick with that freaking layup from far out yeah just give the ball to Luka man these other guys to say that’s pretty sad like heliocentric yeah let’s just do heliocentric because every about that time you need it oh

[ __ ] oh you should have threw it luk you should have threw it he’s got come on make it come on everybody off T don’t you dare oh good is that time no good block Luca good job good job LCA so far we just need someone to join the party right yeah I’m

Still not worried yet he didn’t even know where he was Indiana don’t Indiana has no defense y like we we struggling right now off we got 60 points that’s how good the team is we’re struggling we’re still keep we got 60 points man like I’m not worried

Luk is really eight unless we gonna have a trash game the whole game if we pick it up at all like we’re good hey y’all I’m I’ll be back in a second I’m gonna go mess with Rollo there yes sir Michael I’ll tell you guys right now there’s no way Kyrie staying

At 30% on field goals for the second half hey Frank we none of us know the problem with bench 10 for the rest of the season but I think Jason kid thinks it’s going to be moments in the playoffs so we need him and maybe we do I don’t

Know man I ain’t gonna question it I’m gonna let it just ride out and then let it happen and then the consequences of whatever happened hey y’all catch me up what I miss on the first half uh we struggling um offensively and uh we got 60 points and they got 67 I

Think and unfortunately luk has maybe I’m crazy but I was hoping if we could keep B under 120 and we could score 130 that puts us where we need to be but I don’t know if we can keep them under 120 we might be able to I think we going

On a run like I said we the game has been pretty ugly other than Luca and we only down by seven and we got 60 points so we’ll see Rich maybe yeah I’m not too worri and the thing is too there guys that are making the threes

In the second half when it’s time to like you better not miss that’s when those guys start missing and Kyrie won’t miss that’s a lot of their guys are making everything yeah a lot that guys are making I I think I don’t know if it was

His wrist or if it was his like one of his fingers i b one of his fingers that got like jamed on his offense well this was one of them them judgment games I mean guys We’re not gonna play a better offense than Indiana all year we’re we’re not and if we can

Hold them to a decent score then our defense is pretty damn good yep that that’s what I was that was I I really don’t even care if we win or lose this game I just want to I want to see that that’s where I think it is that makes sense to everybody

No ver room I see you in uh YouTube I’m late as hell YouTube be checking it out as much uh but it wasn’t Calin Johnson it’s um the one that played for the the uh the Panthers and he he saw him again after he got traded and he got face to face

With him what the hell was his name he wasn’t he got drafted early as a receiver big dude got do some research you guys uh don’t look now but it looks like the Golden State Warriors have a better winning percentage than the Lakers it was Calvin Benjamin that wasn’t D

Name yep Calvin Benjamin line know he got uh H to hit with him yep Calvin Benjamin Luca doesn’t take Kyrie’s shots Tim does yeah pretty much yall get a chance though guys on the stage like if you on the stage check out the YouTube uh of this like the comments and all because

They usually talking to us as well I know I can’t you can’t see them at the same time so wait so what we see here is not YouTube comments as well no this is just playback playback stuff oh so you have to go to YouTube If you go to

YouTube I’m s casting it at the same time of YouTube so if you go to we talk Mavs you see just mute it yeah and look at it you’ll see the comments people are commenting in there as well so actually a bunch of comments and where is it

From that’s in YouTube no I mean is it just YouTube or is it yeah YouTube live because you guys sometimes answer from like Facebook I heard yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean you can see on Facebook as well what’s that sign who’s on Facebook right now this is uh

Precision saying what’s up fellas blessings he’s only person on Facebook comenting right now actually did I share this I don’t even think I shared it let me do my due diligence sorry guys is this true what the guy posted what I can’t see right now what you looking at is that

BS what scale posted man John hbert and bet I don’t mess I don’t even mess with man he bet not have sh messed up Lucas hands I doubt it I think something else happened afterwards when he was fighting for the ball and off that’s a good way to injure the

Opposition pretend you’re like their friend squeeze that hand and break the finger why is the Pacers hashtag boom baby what does that have to do with them because that mask was called Boomer I don’t know oh king that’s a I was going to ask you man do I feel for donon and those

Guys bro yeah man yeah that’s nasty but you know what they could go on a run because their defense might Shore up I feel bad for Deon because he does this and like he’s a fan and does it the same way I’m going through them L that losing or like

Underachieving man it sucks it’s draining y they’re still in the plan though they’re gonna make the plan I me they will we’ll see I think they might be playing for a number one pick now well I think they’ll be in the plan because the East is trash but I they’re

Out the plan because when I look at it Brooklyn is three games back of the Hawks man the East is literally so trash man beyond like the top few teams is so trash yep but I’m just saying like to me there’s no way they’re not gonna make it

And I think they could pass the Bulls if I actually think Trey young is a negative on defense so if the coach is half decent they can Shore up their defense defense they’re decent offensively right so they just have to play good defense and I don’t know if we’ll see

Are they gonna be as good offensively without Tre young yeah but if you’re giving up as many as you’re scoring it I know but I’m just saying like are they gonna get much better defensively I think they might because now they can just one one man on

Man type [ __ ] they don’t have to cheat every time right which makes it hard to defend disrespect too much I think they be trash man really you think I think they’re gonna be trash I think they’re playing for the number one draft pick now oh well if they purposely lose yeah

That’s they’re gonna be trash because the number one draft pick might get you somebody else too you feel me like instead of drafting the person you might be able to get a dis runal person or something in offseason they need to rebuild they need to trade try unfortunately yeah so it

Depends maybe keep deante to be honest they got decisions to make man I would you’re not going to get much for anyway so you might as well trade Trey you’ll get a big ransom for us so are we official why not though that’s the problem right what if they what if

You don’t because of all the I think you will man the the San Antonio Spurs will we’ll trade a big you know a bunch from him because like imagine him and wemi man that’s going to be nasty are we officially done trying to call the Atlanta trade a

Win-win of course don’t tell that never was a win-win man we won the trade okay don’t tell that to them though they don’t believe that no they agree I would have I would have gave Atlanta five first round picks as many first round picks we could have with

Trey young for Luca donic man they literally the Atlanta uh fans like they were delusional for years but like they’re not anymore like they realize they’re like okay we lost the trade it is what it is every first round pick we had available like say we were OKC right

Now and we had however many first round picks I would have gave at Atlanta Trey young and all of those first round picks for Luca donic if you know what you know now though not back then if I would have done that back then I’d have still been

A winner that’s what I’m saying to you oh yeah yeah yeah okay I see what you’re saying but yeah nobody knew that’s what I’m saying to you we would have still been a winner if whoever whatever GM we had would have said damn we gave up 10

First round picks and Trey young for Luca dones what are you doing we’ have still been a winner well that’s just like saying would you take Jordan over five for TR pick that’s what I’m saying that’s the level I think exactly I see what you’re saying

They screwed up yeah I even I think the Houston Rockets screwed up for Michael Jordan you feel me like I know they won championships and that’s awesome they still picked the wrong person though yeah I’ll say this though with uh Trey young and Hawks right the problem is

They had the GM that was from Golden State and he really thought he can get another Steph Curry it’s like dude that’s a generational player the [ __ ] you hit those once in 10 years right you actually thought you were going to get another one again like that was dumb

That was dumb he thought he had him and he thought the other guy was Klay Thompson the one tra H Herer yeah and it’s like what are you doing like you don’t draft like that you know what I mean hoping you’re gonna get the next CER yeah you shouldn’t draft you should

Never draft looking for someone else yeah you should draft looking for what you especially be looking for Superstars I mean like a guy to lead a team should look for another guy like the new guy and he’s got to be a passer I agree with

You on that he’s got to have a sense of the game not the draft him high he doesn’t have to be a passer but if you to get to say you got your number one he’s probably gonna have to be a passer yeah that’s what I’m saying right unless

He’s just a dominant player yeah like an mbid you mean yeah mbid a Yannis CH you feel me you gotta be like a dominant player yeah well even Giannis a lot of people missed on him yep even Shaq was underrated as a pass and Shaq got you

Three assists yeah and that’s back in the time you feel me with centers getting three assists was like incredible dude I was watching that Laker game KD had a breakaway and he totally muffed it like TJ style I laughed it didn’t matter though he played good though he played decent like

Scoring wise he started when it was time to make buckets he started making them he drove to the hoop and but they didn’t double him at all like frecking stupid Kevin Durant needs to officially give the keys to Devin Booker wow he TR Booker it’s just no

What I’m saying no I’m not not the way he said it and all that I mean officially give the keys to Devin Booker and say bro I’ll do whatever you need me to do to help you out like Booker tonight he had 38 minutes and he had 21 points he had nine

Assists so eight for 18 one for four from three did they lose uh no they won okay he was 44 and 25% from three 44 from field goal he was a plus n but yeah he seems to have more consistent games that are better dude O’Neal was plus 22 on the

Team he was up by far on all of them I just want point out a comment on YouTube I think is a very interesting comment so JD says let’s trade Tim Hardway Jr for some new jerseys or some basketballs or something I like the mystery box element of or something I

Mean that could be like a new vending machine that could be like I mean all sorts of stuff you know I say I mean I think that’s a good trade for us what do you think yes I I do as well I see rley down bottom saying the GM and the rock

Is did not draft a Keem that dude would be fired on the spot you right you right yeah at that point you’re right he did he had the draft for C that is true two things can be true at the same time but if he drafted Jordan he

Probably would have got fired but the Houston Rockets would have had a different organization yeah true and Jordan would have been playing up front oh my God Jordan would have been playing his first year with Ralph Samson still being not injured do you remember that story that

Jordan went to the team and they were doing drugs and [ __ ] and they weren’t even staking basketball serious I think Jordan would have won that Championship I think Jordan and Ralph Samson probably would beat the Celtics in the in Championship Hakeem and uh and Ralph Samson

Lost I would love to see uh Trey young make it to the eighth spot and played Boston and then they kill him that’d be hella funny I just wanted uh Trey young to make the six seed the Atlanta Hawks I wanted to see must TV with we talk Hawks

TV I don’t think that’ll happen buddy n not anymore I told you they gonna try to get the number one pick now oh far are they from six well to be honest they’re only oh freck man he sucks yeah they’re like eight back of Orlando and they’re playing them

Next damn I’m getting that Paulo Jersey though man for real Pao my dude man hey man Paulo will be better at Jason T if few years you say we’ll be better at Jason T this year nah not this year in a few years he may be I think I

Think people underrating what Pao doing right now in his career already he will be he will be he’s such a good team player you can see he’s a team guy he’s winning he’s versatile as hell he’s the taller versatile dude like he’s about if he gets any any kind of like

Consistent defense going on like he’s going to be a beast like for real one of the two things either a great defense going on or or playmaking to the next level [ __ ] man we’re going to fall out the way these guys are going against he’s killing us eh yeah mil

Turner mil Turner love playing the Mavericks why man he from Dallas Miss man I missed who scored the basket for us uh Josh Green he missed the bunny and then he got the rebound scored again Sweet damn Lely got three fouls yeah not good gaff’s got at least two I

Think Kyrie cook these guys oh my gosh Kyrie I think Kyrie about to pass that [ __ ] yeah we need Kyrie to get going yeah we do badly good shooting them shots he shooting in the game over the weekend yep oh Luca with the pullup jump what that’s weird what that looked OD that

Did look OD didn’t it what guys come on damn man why you why you sagging off him he scored so many frees already this dude LCA just did the Stop and pop oh good defense good shot though there better shot well we need to stop seconding off Miles Turner on the free

Man I don’t know why we no one’s defending him we only got five assists as a team PJ wow PJ all right pasc don’t don’t let don’t let him get going feel like he was holding him in check what the luk what is going on I didn’t see what happened did you guys

See it not please please God grab the ball come on running away from the ball man oh my gosh doing I call a timeout right now what’s going on come on please there it is there it is there we go seven point game there it is let’s get a stop

I like it I like it I like it h Luca you should have put a hand up give it back to car I like it Luca he never gets call Bro every other player I watch gets that like the defense I like it I like it come on Lely

Come off balance man what the hell man like come on that’s Lively fourth foul that’s brutal man we can’t lose him Frick you know what he’s gonna do he’s gonna bring freaking thj for him back I’m just kidding is that four files man yeah I think it is that’s brutal

Oh he said three fouls on only three okay okay good he’s cooking us bro we’re losing a freaking Turner like what the hell mil Turner destroying us he said what centers yeah no [ __ ] L want shoot that I know knew it I knew it I hate when we do this I knew he

Wanted to shoot that I see yeah man I hate when we start doing that [ __ ] I can see it in his face he wanted to shoot that team game oh what a pass oh what a pass what a air ball though good job he touched the rim a little bit give him

Credit he getting a he getting a little too excited yeah little too much like they keep reverting to that Rick laughing did you see that did you see his smile on his face Rick just want to beat LCA oh uh oh oh L what you gonna do

Gonna make him dance oh they’re gonna double oh Luca still got a man one it should have been thank you every time we get a rebound it’s like they call it yeah let’s foul just keep going at him if only Luca was an ISO player can you imagine if Luka actually

Had the athleticism how scary that would be if he had the athleticism you it’ be by far the greatest player you ever seen that’d be nuts right God can’t let you have all that man you gotta have some type of deficiencies man just imagine how many

Dunks he’d get the way he gets around guys like with those did you imagine if LeBron had Michael Jordan in the mentality oh yeah yeah that’s a good point or Jordan having a Jord is the closest thing to it yeah yeah you’re right actually that three 10

Seconds want to get a quality look from this come on that’s oh let’s go I think we’re gonna make it come on come on Drive don’t freaking pass Drive oh my God drive the [ __ ] ball good pass damn Kyrie that was a difficult shot yep he couldn’t even really put it in

The pocket oh my God what’s up everybody what’s up not much figure figure it’s time to bring the good better Vibes in here you know what I’m saying we about to turn it around go I gotta tell you man Liv’s getting taught some lessons today about position he’s getting cooked

Yeah wored the brain though with the brain you know I mean yeah when he forgets he gets thr up finish L thank you let’s go thank you makes a single I like how King said it thank you gotta finish that we needed that miles is very smart at moving e like he

Gets open when he’s when you don’t pay attention to him hey how come Luka ain’t wearing his headbands anymore somebody told him that this was Goofy d come on Lely make your free throws if somebody if they if they have fought for that rebound somebody have got it

Yeah I missed the daisy Wars headbands Luca with the damn I don’t know what type of Defense LCA play that was just straight o yes that is big J yes it is TGK here good PJ oh oh fraudulent money my bad he’s driving get him PJ he wants that

Spin move that’s all he does him up nice he don’t want that he don’t want those I told you let’s go yeah he wants to do his little spin to his shot that’s what he doesy what heck that would have been crazy [ __ ] he’s going nice up let’s go give a dunk give

It to your teammate d That’s what you doing I guess but I want him to get the points I want to get the points J green invol it’s gonna be easy for Kyrie to get points good job mat was getting close though I was like oh [ __ ] yeah you might

Be right maybe that’s why he gave it to him because he’s standing still Kyrie just needs to make two threes and he’s normal for scoring yeah I really hope he doesn’t put in thj right now man oh don’t say that please don’t bring back thg Turner’s got 26 points and 22 minutes boys

Said what’s that what are you laughing about said imagine if Jordan wasn’t balding at the age of 21 oh man oh we got a uh oh Ben you see YouTube we got a a Boston fan in there oh man RJ he in there just for you Ben

Oh dear man JT will probably be like on two or 13 right now and still be winning so shut your mouth got a mar oh yeah he’s cutting down Lucas’s defense that’s hilarious I’m hungry that’s another element of JT’s game that’s heavily overrated man his defense watch

This brus you think he’ll still be here when we win this game I don’t know man you think he I don’t think it’s still be here oh we got a Boston fan in here not in this chat in the YouTube live YouTube wi yeah let me pull that up so I can

Imag field goal percentage in an NBA final man he crazy I don’t think people realize if you have good defensive players all around you you can play better defense yourself oh of course I it must be nice having Drew holiday and Derek white and Al Horford and stuff like that Jaylen Brown

Yeah W the issue is he’s not a uh he’s not he doesn’t have to be the ISS we don’t want him to be a minus or negative I should say on defense and he’s not a negative no more when he’s engaged but putting him on I don’t know man I don’t

Know RJ man I mean obviously luk wasn’t drafted to a 51 win team so I’m hungry n Elite Defenders are guys like kawh Leonard and all kawh Leonard used to be able to do it on both ends of the floor at all times the whole game that

Was an elite Defender a guy that can shut down a d is an elite Defender Shay is an awesome a decent Defender a guy that’s not a negative at all but he’s not like an elite guy man if the city of Boston didn’t exist what would be a bad place probably

Good defense good defense come on Josh nice defense J my that’s TJ that one man I ain’t gonna lie I need Luka to get a triple double so I can win 500 Dam all you need is that got him oh my goodness Daniel gaffy you gotta finish that but Josh Green

Will oh my God I’m sorry Jos green for all the negative stuff I ever said about you because the people forced me to do it on forced you they were like talk about Josh green and it it was kind of Johnny bold as well because he was like to talk about

Josh Green get Tim harde Jr showing off I’m sorry uh oh oh no l gotta stop shooting him his hand hurt I know he’s gotta just go what a what what a defensive effort though Luca still there you go there’s some defensive effort where’s RJ I just wish drive more

Man bro Gaff Gafford been missing him recently lot yeah missing a lot man I mean he made the unbelievable one to start the game though as a team we’re not shooting very good oh did he trael what they doing man I think you’re right he did oh come on guy that’s over the

Back they say we don’t get over the bets what is that pass he put tsj in there again man Luca on crazy man does he two FS I don’t got 30 points this is ridiculous man I was what the why do we have him out there like this guy’s a you know

When he comes in the game it’s gonna be a run it’s just dumb man like how it’s a run when he in the game I hate I hate that he’s in the game man like it’s it’s really irritating that so irritating the Mavericks make you dislike players

Because they put them in situations they shouldn’t be in they always playing in the BOS school game the all they always now’s got three FS man or four I don’t know how many he has he’s got three or four now which is game over like [ __ ] so stupid man freaking thj so

Annoying and it take Josh Green out and not and he’s still leaves him in there [ __ ] me man this I hope we fire his ass right before the end of the playoff start or something [ __ ] it I don’t care man just fire his I don’t give a [ __ ]

Fire his ass but me and uh King as the coaches for the MS all he’s got to do is just put the red guys in there look if is not going why are you playing Max wide open man ah you passed that you got taking forever to pass it

No trashy guess please put hard on someone just take him at the game Man worth that’s offensive foul man come on he was pushing y so annoying bro let’s stabilize the ship that drive that oh oh no foul damn wow no foul n He Slipped He Slipped this is horrible man they threw

That ball in fast as hell surpris they a call the foul there file I was expecting man oh go step back time here we go what a pass Timmy you gotta finish thank you Timmy please thank you thank you Timmy we’re about to cry over here I

Didn’t you Timmy man to make up for some Timmy Timmy it was such a highlight he was mess it up Timmy yo come great the ball great the ball Tim great the ball pass the ball Jack Tim pass the ball Tim gonna Jack oh my God that was

Risky no give to Luka oh Timmy God man bro J if Jason kid don’t just let him go man yeah man I’m tired of this look right here I’m tired of this look I need him gone it’s over Tim it’s over man it’s over you hadit a high just a minute ago

And then now low it’s over it’s just it’s just foolish turnovers they unforced and like the idiotic oh just stupid can he be bought out why is Timmy still taking the ball up man cuz he’s our third dribble we’re about to see l watch him he’ll pull up

For some wild shots bang that told you come on bro what am I watching we good yo we still down by 11 thank you and one and one and one that and one I thought he got fed and didn’t make it no and one huh good defense Daniel

Just he just own one right now now y’all letting him get Cooking now we’re getting killed by him and T oh my been a foul oh freck I was hoping he’ make that look at Gina’s comment yeah Luka needs to stop dribbling man you pass more Hardway senior yeah give it I think Hardway s just knows the writing’s on the wall man yeah he’s

Trying to make it look like it’s not his son yeah yeah because he needs another contract after this year good point is he’s not going to play all any of the fourth quarter because we know that’s what kid does but he shouldn’t be playing this quarter we’re not winning

Like oh he shouldn’t be playing at all just blows my mind Man play Hardy please honestly Hardy would be so much better for this game cuz he can go to the back bucket and run like this is a running game like that’s where Hardy excels he can just drive to the hoop

Yeah you need you need Jos you need Hardy out there you need pj yeah guys like that I just oh man it’s so frustrating man let me check something I’m curious let me see hard is minus 14 though all right in 15 minutes so every minute he’s on we’re getting scored

On every minute every minute thing is we had four turnovers this qu three of them because of 10 oh man need to pass ball hey hey but he but he opens up the floor for everybody right but Luc is selfish okay okay he opens up the floor I mean who

Else is going to dribble I mean if he’s not going to play Hardy and Kyrie’s not out there then who else is going to dribble who else is going to handle the ball cuz Tim man apparently just keeps giving it back to them and then and then when they attack

They’re just like oh quickly Tim come over here defend me yeah yeah yeah all right [ __ ] it you know what’s crazy crazy Tim he lost that six man in the clutch like everything else Tim Tim was never gonna be sixth man man he lost that in the clutch like everything else

Man it’s over fourth quarter Timmy now six Sixth Man of the here oh man 14th man say some weird [ __ ] man is everybody’s screen off yeah I think I think it’s a valley okay okay Timmy’s still in Kyrie is out I don’t know man oh Jason kid playing around with these lineups still

Man but Jason kid just doesn’t know when he’s got a good thing does he it’s just like BR you won seven in a row and that’s in spite of I don’t I don’t think he’s worried yet I need to see that laugh from Kyrie looking at thj you know the one he gave

Grant Williams where he was like yeah this is the day you’re gone how many points does Luka have I have no idea man 2 28 yeah okay d n he just gets an easy 30 you just look up and it’s like 30 points 50% too to 30 points 50% shooting I’m becoming Ka

40 seven seven of 10 from three wait is he no fre for seven come on Indiana got a back to back too let’s send them let’s send him back home with a loss man come on man we’re still we’re still we’re good man we’re still within what nine

Points I told you that’s not a they not way like I don’t we’re ugly right now they should be blowing us out and the thing is and and this is with mil Turner playing like a career game yep he’s trying to he’s going to try cook he’s got 30 points man

What oh D the landlord man what does what does seak have seak has uh let me look 12 yo oh bro I’m about to start screaming bro about to lose my mind oh don’t tell me oh don’t tell me Tim do something Timmy tell me he pass the ball and somebody

Else make a great play oh my God no he breaks it not even close man Timmy does a Timmy what is Timmy shooting this I mean that was a semi he’s shooting too much B but what is he actually shooting his percentage he took he took like 10 in the

[ __ ] we’re getting cooked man he’s been in the game for so long like know know plays him one through three all the time and then after that he he doesn’t play much in the fourth quarter but I don’t know why you waste these one through threes with Tim but just fit

He’s just force feeding in minutes he don’t this is why when y’all all laughed at me when I couldn’t jump on the uh bandwagon this is why I don’t trust Jason kid no F like he knows he knows he’s about to be out the game you see what he’s doing

He knows he’s about to be out the game he’s trying to make buckets Jason kid is trying to give him I’m I’m serious like it’s he shouldn’t be doing it but he’s trying to be a players coach right now he’s trying to let let Tim Hardway Jr

Get his numbers yeah three for five ain’t bad I ain’t I ain’t going to lie but that four for 11 though what a what oh my goodness Maxi you got to grab that one sh that that was awful whoa panicking off of that train real quick uh TGK that just changed everything like

What no what that mean what that mean he stepped out of bounds too whoa no um none oh defense oh DJ let’s get back into the locker room with like less than 10 points let’s go man no two for one I think it’s gonna be a three-pointer no two for one LCA just

For three this dude this dude the best play in the NBA is that 33 now damn oh my God he’s the best player in the NBA midnight you’re okay I honestly don’t know how he gets his [ __ ] off when he’s not jumping if if a couple of those

Carry buckets roll in be right it’s about to be easy hey DV don’t worry Kyrie you know KY about to come through man everybody’s cooking us what the look at them they getting everything tonight everybody good they good they good y Timmy uh oh with the pass he

Came let me just get one more turn he know I want to get that I want to get that double double with the turnovers he’s defeated right now man he’s so bad he is defeated he’s the worst I think Jason G about to take him out though oh mate GNA

Run in the fourth man with Teno Tim in the game Watch us just watch us cook him like honestly you guys here’s the points for Indiana points for cakam 14 for Maan 30 for Turner 12 for H Burton and the rest are like and that’s that’s my issue

DV what did he deserve what did Hardy do to deserve this exactly Hardy only played four minutes and Tim play deserve like you should have gotten rid of they tried to and nobody wanted to take Timmy this is why you get rid of Timmy so

Hardy can fit in his his place now you can I hope exm takes up most of thj minutes I can’t I can’t keep watching this CL watching this uh Hardy shot 100% made his bucket there’s no reason he should playing over Hardy man that’s a r bro

He’s done let it be but the thing is is that they want to I guess get some type of value and try to trade him in the offseason no k no but you know what don’t have that wait wait you know yeah he does I agree with uh what he said

Kid’s not thinking about that next you say what you you giving kid too much credit he don’t think like that I mean he probably isn’t you right veteran like just I don’t basketball they let the veterans play there’s be to the knows what he’s doing

I’m sorry I’m sure there’s a me to the m he might not I think I think he is a developmental Coach and he’s good at that but that doesn’t make him a head coach and until I see something different I can’t changed my mind on that he’s done drilled it into me Hardy

Was on one and he doesn’t play him like like d live say in the comments and all like Hardy was on one yeah and he’s been playing better defense that’s what I like yeah every time he comes in he has some sort of highlight play Hardy is just better than

Tim Hardway Jun it is what it is when’s his contract the final if we I can’t go back to the seven seed come on man is his contract up this year next year so he has one more year before it’s up yes [ __ ] so it’s an expiring so team

Dud don’t miss man it’s just off from three years me down it uh oh he’s still in the G what’s going on oh my God he’s still there gotta take him out man God this guy annoys me man oh come on man come on Kyrie get that

Ball like really we’re posting up kba what the [ __ ] are we doing hey man it’s the play you want oh kyri oh if he shot that bro Maxi don’t even want it no more it’s a grenade bang bang oh my gosh let’s go we need D you know you knew Kyrie was

Coming to play okay yeah here we go need some we need that guy the game right there Number let’s go goe we know what’s coming we know what’s home he’s reminding it wasn’t a fluke he made that bank shot we are so blessed to have Kyrie Irving on our team y don’t understand come on it’s home time it’s home time one more stop come on it’s home time

It’s home time oh he’s stuck oh he was stuck y defense y they don’t know what to do oh come on it’s home that’s us either way let’s go yes come on we need time to turn it on guys this is what we can do remember fourth quarter we’re suffocating man we

Be time to turn it on guys Luca is on the bench this can pull this off let’s go Kyrie Kyrie yo oh PJ Please that was right where’s Grant Williams when you need him I know right that’s a defensive play right there oh bro no I think Josh Green got pushed and they didn’t call anything maie oh Mai how are they man some of these who is this

Guy I don’t even know who this guy is literally he’s actually I’ll be honest he’s actually pretty clutch yeah McConnell’s pretty good in the clutch I’m not gonna spoil it but Kyrie’s KY Kye is that’s his spot right there X Curry come on guys get the lead oh my

Gody that was the worst he made up for D want OB don’t want those let’s go cye let’s go pull up pull up cyrie oh they doubling no no they not no they not cook him cook him cook him cook him C C cook cook oh my godi Rick crazy run just Kye Rick TGK they play around throughout the first

Three quarters y’all because they can it’s not playing around man it’s freaking th bro I’m telling you telling y’all listen to me you know when you wonder go ahead tjk I’m sorry yeah you know how I said in the pregame show like they they kind of come out slow and then in the

Fourth quarter they just they play suffocating ball on both sides of the Court bro like it’s this is the trend they this is what they’ve been doing you know how they know you know so in the fourth qut I told you I worry about Jason kid for the playoffs playoffs is

When is really going to matter about him coaching heavily he he tries little weird stuff and he does it throughout three quarters now with the new Squad and in the fourth quarter he says we have Kyrie Irving and Luca donic can you stop them and you know what that does that

Applies pressure on the other team and then they start getting a little ansy you know like oh how can we answer that like it’s just it becomes an onslaught and then the defense really gets activated in the fourth and it just it becomes suffocating bro like I’ve been

Saying like oh we just start taking over in the fourth and it’s C we going to the fourth quarter we we think we look at the whole game y y’all don’t think they can do this the same place they doing now in the first three quarters they can

Like the same way like I just saw or I said to D that he gave Josh Green that bucket they’re trying to get guys involved yeah they’re trying to get because look after that play he came back and hit the free yeah like they’re trying to get guys

Involved Dallas M 777 says we can’t get it we can’t get away with against a good team I agree yeah I agree I agree Dallas M I agree see see look Kyrie was five for 15 one more short he’s 50% just like where we can do it against the the

Average the bad teams that’s what I’m saying like we’re a good enough team going to matter against the top teams and the playoffs and all that stuff canot yeah I I think I think they Jason kid knows the the closing lineup which is Kyrie Luca green Washington and

Lively but I think between that he’s just trying to figure out what else PJ I even think cber is a part of the closing lineup hey T uh Bubba’s trick PJ’s been trash on offense again but he’s still doing his job on defense look 60 got like 12 or 13 points

Seak got 12 points like I mean that’s an all NBA score yo I mean yeah PJ I I’ve already told y’all the issue is Tim Hardway Jr he can’t play in that lineup with them because he’s not consistent enough offensively or defensively right now it’s not PJ Washington’s fault it’s

Timmy’s I just man I I just have this feel like people are saying that they think oh kid going to play Tim or whatever regardless like just right face his gr right in his grill okay guys here’s the play go after thj it’s like every time freck man what is kid

Doing B kid D this where we need mement let’s goool it is girl he trying to bank that I think he was trying to bank it he was got a wedgie bro he was trying to bank that that’s crazy got okay we’re within seven you got to take over yeah

He not jumping if he would have bank that I think Tim needs a rest he’s had a lot of minutes I’ll take the jump ball though why Gafford not jumping not sure dude was he the closest to the ball TJ has more minutes than Lively ah like why Dam I’m impressed PJ

J with Obie that’s pretty damn good thank you GFF good job Gaff moving your feet there they go again it’s time for Luca to get back in the game I’m doing the work yall said we lost back in the game yet man come on hold on not yet nice pass Meg it do

Something with it got Advantage right here thank you PJ ahob let’s go take it we’ll take it he trying to wait his normal six minutes you know what Jason kid do you being a fool a little bit thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youmy slow it down Timmy slow it

Down man Lucas coming back in let’s go for he knows he knows his time’s up know time up yeah man man waiting so long take him out man bro I can’t ask him we need you back brother you know what it w matter kid going to play this guy kids gonna play

Him they looking away from him Tim Hard Away now they like nah man I don’t like you Tim I mean man I mean would y’ rather have Hardy in right now I mean I ain’t even worried about ex him he’s hurt I mean i’ rather have hard I’d rather have

LW rather have anyone anyone else on the roster L anyone I rather omx in i’ rather have I don’t know why I don’t know why he started the fourth quarter with Timmy he had the right recipe it was over you could have went to the fourth with the lineup we went on

Our run right and then you just let Timmy just stay in the shoot us at the game and then give up points on transition get four turnovers man over he’s got four four turnovers God he ain’t even handling the ball oh my God bro yeah he’s not even handling

The ball he’s got four turnovers man that’s a good point he’s not the one supposed to be the ball he’s y this is just proof of why we don’t need or want Tim Hardway Jr if he’s so weak mind and he’s collapsing under the pressure of just the thought of being traded that

Should tell you you do not want him on your team I’m sorry and I’ll shut up now you good I think he’s been in the game since like what 10 minutes in the third did he come out at all dude he’s played more minutes he’s he’s played 21 22 minutes

See Jason kid should have took him out he tried to reward him 23 minutes my bad reward him take him out Tri to reward him for the block yeah that R like take him out soon as SC take him out he should have been done all right it’s done

23 uh minutes and uh wait how long’s left in the game seven minutes what we down by N More 11 I mean we got the best clutch record in the league this I guess I guess we’re going to need as long as he gets rid of tamy and put

Luke and Kyrie in the game we we got a chance just come on not come on do not Tim I do not want to see him take out green for Timmy please go with uh PJ as my small ball lineup PJ might not be scoring but his defense is so much

Better than Maxi if Maxi ain’t scoring I’m going with PJ who are you saying put DJJ beside him um now that I don’t have an answer I ain’t watched enough of the game but I know if Maxie I mean Maxi’s got to have both going to be effective he’s got to

Be able to score a little bit he’s got to be able to do a little bit of everything and if he’s not then he’s like uh Tim Hardway he’s not effective if he’s not effective I’m gonna go with the better defense now that’s just me

Yeah yeah I me if neither one of them is going to give you offense I’m going to go with the Timmy that’s good let’s go oh what he lost the ball he was in his hands that was a I don’t know why L threw that that was a force but he

Grabbed it though he had yeah but he he forced it to him though it was like the guy was under him yeah PJ wasn’t really ready for it I don’t think oh fourth foul on Luca like he tried to force get him involved yeah it’s been a rough game for PJ

Unfortunately yeah actually our centers have had a rough game too to be honest oh yeah they’ve had a really rough game man really rough like they’ve been getting cooked by Miles well Miles Turner has just been playing like well he’s hitting open shots like they just leaving them like that’s what I mean

That that’s coaching that’s coaching they having after 15 after 15 points why are you leaving him wide open he’s feeling himself oh just keep letting him shoot wide open just cover that that down low play freaking stupid man you need it yeah a it’s over I hate to say it but I think

It’s over we got H back in the game horrible coach and King back to when you see ra tell him that hit everything as well just literally not going our way they hav’t miss they can’t they just don’t miss man can’t miss and we’re missing everything yeah the thing is guys their

Defense sucks I know I mean we should be able to beat them yeah but if kid does what he does we wasted too much time you if you have enough Talent you got to read your talent how are they playing tonight is this guy on tonight like he doesn’t do

That he just he’s not smart stupid he’s dou hell if you added the the four five games this G your four five games yeah man we cook bro it’s too late you already got all these guys hot because they get to switch with freaking thj every play and feel good about themselves

Literally yeah look at this 18o game that might be the dagger that might be the dagger yep I knew he was going to hit that as well we got a Tim Hardway Master Class no foul we should not have why did he put all he had to do was just take

Him out for the fourth quarter those five minutes all he had to do six points we were within seven points and within four points fall I’m I’m going give you a Jason kid quote that’s back to now he’s just playing now they just wasting time well they can why you would

Wouldn’t you win a championship with players oh my God how many fouls is Tona gonna get that’s why he’s playing Timmy and all the older literally freaking punking us man this game this game is on this game is on Tim and kid man oh it’s

On kid first Jason Jason kid we got to blame kid guys not this is one of those moments that you worried about this is it’s not hey TJ’s job is what go out there and shoot right so if he’s not making him who’s responsible this’s kid it’s a kid kid’s

The one that’s got to make those decisions and if he doesn’t want to make those decisions when a guy’s off you’re a [ __ ] coach I don’t blame Timmy Timmy’s shot what’s his game guys everybody knows shoot the three that’s all he does right so can we blame him for

That he’s not going to stop shooting it right and he’s not going to learn how to play defense if if we’re playing like this in Cleveland we’re going to lose again there goes man DJ has had a horrific game as horrific game yeah they’ve all like this

Is the worst game I’ve seen from PJ and Gafford actually n man they’re all playing like trash they’ve blowing us out now this is crazy but I’m gonna give you a Jason kid quote that will put everything in perspective Jason kid does not believe you can win a championship with players

Under the age of 30 he has been on record multiple times saying that that’s why he plays Maxi he believes you got to be an old player to win and that ain’t me F and junk that’s legit [ __ ] we’re just trash man just chucking shot our off is the game man

Just wave the White Flag put the put kid killed us man this is why man like we could have had we could be he so he said so okay wait a minute so kid said he don’t believe you can win a chip with players under 30 yes sir

That’s what I’m saying michah you he don’t know NBA history bro he don’t know NBA history yeah I mean he don’t know coaching M that’s my issue I don’t think he to the like bro like okay so I start I can start I can start thinking of

Something okay I’m quite sure okay so so Shaquille so Shaquille O’Neal right he was drafted in 92 so that means he was 28 and Kobe was 22 when they went on threee right Jordan was sh graduated the same year yeah so bro if you’re looking at

Any like duo or core that’s won a champion their first championship ain’t none of them dudes 30 none of them not one but think about it though Mike if you put that little nugget into the equation these lineups start making more sense to you man like last year with being real

Quick counting if you added now I’m not going to count this one as a fullblown Jason kid cuz we might have lost this game anyway if he had have played right but still if you add the four games that we also Wen making our shots man every a lot of people were missing

Except for like Luca and Kai I mean even Kai was off up until he made that run man man he should be banished to shadow on the bench should be was really exactly cuz they’re the same play exactly the same player except EV for can actually get 40% from

Free why is Jen hard playing garbage time minutes because freaking is the loser why instead of Tim Hardway junr man I’m I gotta say one thing guys guys I don’t want to hear this [ __ ] that the reason they’re playing th they don’t want to ruin his trade value you know

What his trade value is next year he’s 17 million cap space release so you can get no but I’m saying now next year they will want him for that 17 million no I know they will but what I’m saying is he’s that’s what that’s what his only

Value is to but that’s what I’m saying why are we playing him then there’s no reason to be I’m saying it’s Lally pointless why aren you why aren’t you developing your young players really well Des they’ve had this they’ve had this dude on the Block for three years

Bro you got this dude like we don’t even want the organization doesn’t even want him but they keep playing him 30 minutes a night you know in times where he’s clearly the problem but have it been if you if we’re GNA throw away games and lose the game anyway would you rather

Lose with Hardy and omx getting getting playing time yeah yeah I I can take that I can’t take losing when we shouldn’t have lost because we playing Tim stupid minutes I mean you’re not gonna increase Tim’s trade value he has none and here’s the thing right you’re not gonna

Magically make him be valuable here’s the thing that bugs me too we watch this game who do they pick on every time every it’s always Tim he don’t he don’t he don’t rotate and not it doesn’t matter whenever you whenever you giv up white look but to me it’s like

Thisall we we do it because we have one of the best three-point probably the best three-point shot Creator in the game so we get a lot of corner threes right the thing that me if they don’t have that when you’re giving up Corner threes that’s sign of a bad defense that

Means you’re not rotate I I still think we F was that I still think we F though we weren’t gonna win every game say we can’t win everyone just I told y Jason is the and I think I think we all know got to get fired he’s the ultimate X Factor of how

Far this Dallas Maverick team will go this year fire his he got a championship team and kids playing with him he has no idea what he’s doing with them he’s even going to lead him to the promised land or you need to fire his ass and bring

The next person that’s going to Le I hope he’s learning this game shows hope like I don’t trust I think I think all the time I’m like you know what he he saw it once before he gonna be like I ain’t gonna do that again and he’ll turn

Right back around and be like yeah I am head coach right I told I’m not even a coach I gave him the formula though I told y I said hey just take Timmy out the fourth you got it down there you go play the fourth four out him he played

Him five minutes in the fourth and it was five minutes too many no you know what I I’m different than you to me I look at it like this I look at it like this with Timmy I’m going to play him like his regular minutes in the beginning if he’s not shooting good

You’re sitting you got nothing to offer me nothing if you can’t make your shots you got nothing to offer me I’m not waiting you for you to get hot because you’re not gonna get hot latte I am I I his pj’s offensive struggles are an

Issue I I got all that what I’m telling you is the it wouldn’t look as bad if we didn’t have him out there with Tim doing nothing God You’ be like that man just points okay I’m okay with that but Timmy can’t when Timmy’s in that lineup with maxi PJ

And him it’s like Timmy supposed to be scoring keep volleyballs I mean you can’t be mad at Tim you know what I’m saying this kid definitely a kid the wrong place I thought we were gonna blow out the Pacers we got blown out that’s crazy crazy

Lit bro PJ PJ’s main job he’s gota see these patterns man PJ’s main job on our team you guys like I know we thinking of all that stuff he’s a point of attack Defender right now that’s what he’s showing us right now he’s the point of attack Defender put him on somebody you

Should get him out the game I’m fine with that what is Tim Hardway Jr’s role what does he do for us well and King we didn’t if he’s not if he’s not scoring nothing that’s and that’s the problem bro like he can’t he can’t affect the game

In any kind of way he can’t playmake he can’t create for others he can’t create can’t defend he can’t create for the only today you got five turnovers yeah that’s wild he shouldn’t be doing that why you know what it comes down to this like how does he have the ball enough to

Have five turnovers guys put yourself wait hold on guys let me ask you this let me ask you this if you’re thj and you know your style is what shooting the ball right shooting threes that’s you jack them up that’s your that’s your that’s what

You’re here to do right so if you’re not doing that you can’t expect him because you’re giving him more minutes and he shoots bad to start passing that’s not who he is that’s not his game that’s not what he’s about the so that means all this [ __ ] has come

Down they want they want him to be Jason Terry when he should actually be Paia we know really is we know who Tim Hardway Jr is Jason kid keeps trying to act like he doesn’t know who he is then you need to fire also also Tim Hardway is like

Featured player on the offense when it just shouldn’t feel like that you know PJ also got four turnovers tonight that’s unfortunate y’all y’ y’all y’all keep going man I keep telling y’all PJ just help seak to 12 points imagine I’m not no no no I’m not disagreeing with you I’m just saying he

ALS like turns yes that’s that’s trash and he he got four turnovers everybody got turnovers wasn’t out there do what did Timmy add to the team is all I’m asking no nothing nothing he ain’t had nothing Timmy a everybody was was doing trash stuff and we still we still were in the game

At four with four points was in four points and then Timmy was in the game in that run and it was like game over I’m not disagreeing no I’m not I’m not going back and forth with you I’m just saying yeah describ no points and I’m okay with that because he’s giving

You so much on defense IJ got you two steals though I hope re’s on the show tonight I can’t wait to see re tonight man I’m looking forward to what he’s gonna say you gotta be the issue my thing with Tim now I don’t want

Tim to be playing no more like and it’s not a knock on Tim I don’t he doesn’t need a bunch of minutes at all no man he should be limited to like 10 minutes yes you got maybe 15 if he’s on fire go by he should have a set time in

Like 10 minutes and based on his scoring and what he does it goes up yes he literally needs to work for his minut spot up shooter he should never be him thinking he can dribble the damn ball needs to come to an end you are a spot

Up shooter nothing more right but it’s kid you can’t expect him to change his game that’s kid that’s kid you can’t expect him to change his game at how old is Tim 31 31 you expect him to change his style no so the only way thj should be there we need some

Three-point shooting let’s see if he’s on if he’s not sit your ass down but Larry my thing with you but Larry you keep saying he’s your only other outside scorer that’s bull man that’s bull Hardy is better than Tim hard away just let him have the time and the opportunity

He’ll be better than him sooner than later as far as everybody will be saying that no man Tim’s not a better he’s not the only outside shooter you keep letting him shoot those outside shot I’m not sure that AJ Lawson is giving shots that’s why he’s not a great three-point

Shooter I could say that th is a better shooter than uh Hardy and Lawson and all these guys but you know what he the problem is if somebody’s covering his three-point shot he ain’t going to make it and if it’s clutch time he’s not

Going to make it and on top of that if he they take his shot away he’ll still Jack that [ __ ] up and miss and it’s like the other guys if they feel they’re not making him guess what they’re going to do they’re going to put the ball on the

Ground and make a play that’s something they can offer you this guy he’s over if he can’t make threes he’s done he’s nothing that one that one three he shot from like five feet behind the three-point line and there was like 15 seconds left in the shot clock I was

Like oh my what if I told you even with Hardy struggle to start the season right guys what if I was to tell y that hard’s a better three-point shooter this [ __ ] than Tim Hardway Jun I I believe you to it’s because it’s true is it I wouldn’t

Have no problem believe Tim Hardway is shooting 36 even that’s before tonight so it’s probably go down past 30 probably 35 and some change 359 and Hardy’s at 369 I think or something like that I saw man where’s his where’s 369 yes he’s almost at 37 what was the issue

Tonight for her for thg where’s his dad what’s he gonna say about tonight’s performance I wonder what Johnny B is gonna say man get like Grant that man grant that man his bro send his send his bum ass over to Miami tell him to give us whatever scraps they got

Bro I don’t want dun I don’t want him either let me say this I just want to say this to deal and I’ll leave you have to understand will get minut on this he’s just going to he’s the only other person great gravity off your B y’all can say

Hardy K I get that y’all want to say Hardy K but for get that TJ top 50% tonight from the three line it feels like he plays bad because he had four turnover that is bad I understand I’m not disagreeing but because Tim can shoot from the three-point [Applause]

Line though yeah he three of six and four for 12 overall but you need him for three that’s what I’m saying you don’t think you don’t think Hardy can go three for six in 30 minutes I want to say I don’t think I want to say this I’m not

Saying Hardy is a bad player I’m saying Hardy needs you think you give Hardy 10y can do Hardy can do things that Tim can that’s what I’m talking about and he’s just as good of a shooter no I get what hut hut is saying the reason we’re playing him is because he to

Give that was the whole purpose the beginning of the year was to give olders if they don’t trust let’s let’s just get let’s just get ex back y’all and turn turn Tim in the P if they don’t Hardy though what I’m saying is if they don’t trust Hardy shooting a

Three I’m fine with that because that means Hardy gonna get wide open threes yeah and I’d rather Hardy shoot wide open threes and Tim shoot any three that’s how I feel right now want to say something to something give me one sec I want to say you I know what you’re

Saying about you know he’s creating space just by being out there but at the end of the day he didn’t play much in the first first quarter right got his points do we really gonna get his point that’s I know but what I’m saying is I personally I I don’t think

He offers enough of spacing to me where he’s good enough to it to matter because we can’t be just a shoot three-point shooting team right I want us to be able to drive the ball and also play defense I’d rather we have better defense than offense that’s my I’d rather have the

Better defense than the better offense and th does not offer you any defense hey he’s been on he’s been on the Block for three years for a reason very low who got on the police y I don’t think they hear you but my thing my thing with Hardy is bro Hardy the

Last two years has shot up better three-point percentage than Tim Hardway J Les is it’s on less frequency when he has the green light though he’s a better Defender than Tim harde Jr is right now and the moves that he was putting on tonight to get his

Buckets at the beginning and all Tim Hardway can’t do that if you got him on the floor with Luka and Kye and guys to double team either one of them you got J able to do those moves to go make a bucket Timmy can’t think to do that

Timmy is just you praying he gonna make something happen or like please get the ball out your hand or something like that like Hardy should be in there playing because Hardy can do something and and you know what they’re if they leave him open they’re gonna have to

Rush to him when he’s shooting and if they do that you know what he could do he could fake his shot go drive and he’ll make it bucket like that’s like we should play hold up that’s like we should play JJ B that’s like we should

Play JJ bar over Luca he’s a better three-point shooter no that’s not what I’m saying okay first the idea of a three-point shooter isn’t because he PS it’s because out of the out of the paint by him pulling people out of paint you create those driving Lan so people can drive and

Shoot that’s the reason why on the court that is why it’s not that space out there that you have because him being out there for and respond what just said but that’s but didn’t say that literally said that he rather have CL up the P cling up the

Paint hurts both Luka and Kyrie no hold on hold on need tot hold on hold on I’m saying if yeah he can but what I’m saying though what I was saying before earlier I said if thj is not making his shots I want him not to play because I

Don’t give a [ __ ] if tsj is open taking shots if he’s missing them because he’s a terrible defensive player everybody’s picking on him so to me it’s like I’d rather have Hardy I’d rather have PJ Lawson guys that can put the ball on the ground and make a play and we got big

Guys in the middle who can go to the bucket and Hardy can pass it to him or or l or anybody but th th does not make good passes he doesn’t read the play he’s a complete on kid yeah I’m not blame thg I’m I’m going to blame kid he’s playing his game

Yeah KY is an NBA player he’s good at certain things he’s better than any of us talking at all of it but that doesn’t mean the kid’s not it’s not his responsibility to put him in the correct Place talk he will score 20 a game in Charlotte okay kid put Timmy when we

Were giving up the ball giving up turnovers when we’re 10 points down no they were a good match up Larry because we needed to see where our defense was I the reason why they’re bad lost this game but what I want to see is if we can

Hold him under 120 we held him to 133 so as much as I want to say our defense is all that uh it needs to get better now we’re not going to run into a better off a lot of those points were on transition though that’s not half court offense our

Problem is getting back first half of the game and kid shouldn’t be R rotating Tim Hardway Jun in while we’re down 10 when we know he can’t pass can’t run an offense and he’s throwing backcourt turnovers to Luca I mean it’s it was just poor on Jason kid all around we

Know Timmy is somebody made a good a good com saying just a second ago that uh it wasn’t it was a bunch of Fast Break points it wasn’t the half court when we went on our run when Kyrie was going off our defense looked good because they couldn’t get fast break

Points they had to take the ball out you can’t have Timmy out there he’s doing nothing yeah I just said L like your go that should be hard should be able to take that last step that he need to where he can take over T SP or you need exra comeback this

Year you look at Timmy’s the first guard off the bench because you don’t have X that’s how work good in the rotation I mean he played a couple minutes he was passing the ball doing his thing made a shot and then he was pulled out never saw him

Again but the same reference we just used for Hardy I can use for 10 the last two games this clown y’all that’s what I’m saying they are a 50 Tim and Hardy is basically the same kind of player except for Hardy’s younger so he still has room to develop and get better

Nah man like I think I don’t know Larry like I really think you’re praising Timmy too much Hardy better than Tim Hardy I think if Hardy and Tim Hardway Jr played one1 I think Hardy beaten at least six times I think you could lock him down on

Defense I honestly think you would lock him down on defense still want Bob back and doo back you know Cuban Cuban brain watch a lot of Mavs fans and they think bad players are actually good it’s going to take a season or two for that to wear off be

Patient who’s a better who’s a better mid-range shooter Hardy or Tim Hardway Hardy the better three-point shooter no it’s technically Tim you can say Hardy as much you want Tim has career to show but hold on hold on hold on two things two things what you said Larry

Because he he didn’t ask three he said mid-range I said Hardy on that and then also also I got you with Tim career Tim career may not be better than his Tim career three-point shooting only like what 36% the same thing he’s at right now it’s above

Le above hold on let let me see what he is right now I can tell you right now his career his career he sh he shoot 36.1 for his career kyri he shoot 36.1 for his career it’s above League average that’s what I’m say it’s better okay do you know what jayen

Hardy shoot for his career in the two years with him probably make taking at least 100 thre I would to say he’s probably around like 40% shooting 38.5 yeah well he’s way better no way better the volume we’re talking about different so why don’t you get the guy is making 38.5 on less

Volume right or and that’s 38.5 including this this bad year because his first year you did 40 and he can do all the other stuff better why wouldn’t you give him more volume to see if he can at least get to 36 he can still do the

Other stuff better because you saw Grant William when he got more volum but no he’s not Grant Williams we’re not going to do that he’s not Grant Williams he better he’s I think he I think Jon Hardy can cook Grant Williams as well but hold on guys Willam I think Jon Hardy will

Grant Williams oneone you’re talking about oneone we talking about three-point shooting Hutch it’s not just you go back to one about three-point shooting what I’m saying is right now with the volume of three-point shooting he shoots 36 point something per if you give him more he’s already

Ready he’s already better than the other guys of the other stuff right it’s not just that he could pass better he could dribble better you don’t have if if he’s off better finisher better midrange shooter he’s and you know what when you pass it out to him on a fast break he’s

Gonna likely make up he’s a better passer than Tim Richard oh he is no no no no no no no it’s not even Jaden Hardy this year from what I’ve seen he’s a better passer than Tim Hardway Jr if you wanna that’s the reason why Jaden Hardy’s not on the

Floor that was I know because because they wanted to play back up guard to help out on that position come in Tim goes as I got you but a point guard they were trying to play him as we’re talking about just as a two just as a two and Josh grade is

More of a point guard than Hardy is that don’t make Josh Green better no I’m not talk yes Jos green I think Josh Green’s a better passer than yeah no I think J is a better pass than J using that for example yeah I’m not using for Timmy though Tim Hardway Jr

Jadon Hardy’s a better pass than Tim Hardway Jr by far by far and he’s not even that not off of I’m get right now come I think we’re beond the point of to get rid of Tim I think we’re all on the the conversation of why do you think Tim’s good I think

That’s discussion less points is the trade I too and you know what the worst part is you know what the worst part is has played how many years with the he still sucks you keep hey Larry this is this is the part when I say we say

You move the gold post listen listen why I’m saying that you say yeah you said he failed no what he’s saying is he’s a better he’s a better playmaker he’s a better IQ he does you’re trying to compare it to him playing point guard if you if Tim

Hardway Jr play point guard on this team this team wouldn’t move the ball at all all right guys guys let me let me say something let me say something my let me say something just walk real quick all right one the reason Tim okay because Tim’s thing is he’s three-point shooting would everyone

Agree with that very quickly would everyone agree he’s three-point shooter right that’s his his skill much yeah okay so if the three-point shooting is his skill right then shouldn’t he be scoring more than just slightly above League average he should be shorting 40% because when I’m looking at it I’m

Thinking you know what I’m thinking hold on one second I’m thinking well technically what’s the difference between him and Evan forier and Davis bertans well ber can score 40% from free consistently and for make on theast and he’ll make them and to be honest like okay like and Evan for for can’t dribble

Davis btown can’t dribble you know okay well Tim can’t dribble okay fine and what about the mid-range stuff not none of them could do that all right but I argue to be honest Davis Berton is a better Defender not by much but he is and he’s not playing on any team he’s

Not getting any minutes so why is Tim getting minutes who’s infinitely his name his name y his name shot is pretty can’t hard Jun Nick that same player since he was in Michigan has not got better said said we got get more shots y more look better shots better looks yeah

He said we took a couple bad shots no he said what shot what was a horrible shot that Timmy took like what was the I’m sorry I didn’t say that I me rephrase that he took horrible shots wood shot was even defended where a guy was like

In his face though oh no he didn’t say we took a bunch of them he said we took a couple of bad shots like all the rest of them were good we gotta get better shots hey I got a question for you King when how did you know he was gonna jack

Up a three when he’s coming down the wing knowing he’s going to be subbed out how’d you know that cuz I know Tim’s personality enough I don’t even know dud no which is what his IQ team first or is it I want to get my

Points he wants to get it he wants to do his job which is to shoot he’s a flamethrower as he thinks Jason K to tell him he’s not a flamethrower that’s the conversation you have you’re not a flamethrower bro hey let let me ask y’all this the real three-point snipers

The league has had did they shoot three or four or five maybe three-pointers a game or do they shoot seven until Steph Curry had come around you know people didn’t shoot 23 three pointers a damn game yeah I would rather Timmy not shoot 15 three-pointers a game and and make

Seven of them or eight of them I’d rather shoot four or five of them and make four or five of them yep my that’s not the league anymore go Ahad goore now that I agree with you hold on one second rich I think it’s is that

Pasquali who is that yes sir yes come on I can barely hear you but go ahead get your point out sorry it’s pasquali I’m Brad you brought up IQ because in those situations where Tim is going to turn over the ball because he can’t pass it

And he’s trying to do too much you have Jaden Hardy over there who’s a little bit better passer but he’s not going to make the bad pass in that situation he’s going to drive to the bucket he’s going to get around people yeah he’s going to

Try to create at the glass instead of trying to pass the ball [Applause] out Grayson Allen Grayson Allen’s a three-point shooter you can you this hold on you have the point I say go I Grayson Allen is I know I’m G say you can have the whole floor but Grayson

Allen’s a three-point shooter he shoots the ball he can come down and shoot it knowing that if nobody somebody’s playing off of me I can come up to the line and shoot a shot and Rhythm or whatever like that if I’m wide open I shoot a shot and Rhythm Tim Hardway

Plays like he’s a Kyrie Irving not like he’s a Grayson Allen not like he’s a uh [ __ ] uh Klay Thompson even like he plays like he’s KY re and has the green light to play that way and he’s not good enough to play that way yeah so he he’s

Not efficient he’s inefficient as hell yeah to be doing those type of movements and he’s not even good at doing them his handle usually a stripped or he passes the ball away when you have him he has no point in his guard forward whatever

The hell you want to play at all in Tim Hardway Jr it should not be any points he should not be handling the ball just shooting in situations where he wide open I mean he combo guard yeah hold on Larry I mean Richard Flo is yours Larry

Let him go let him go I don’t want to seem like I’m taking over I already said it’s your room it’s yours for right now go man need your turn my bad okay um all I’m saying is pretty much because I get what everybody’s saying I get why everybody’s

Mad but things yall complain about Tim we go look at the past few games where Tim was making good passes where people weren making them and the game before that I think Tim had five Tim when he’s on the court he acts as your point Luka

Plays off ball most of the time now that Tim is on the court luk moves around now that is your offense now Tim comes down the ball ball get pass in Tim come down with the ball and he’s there to set up set up the need Hardy to develop one more

Year that is thing I’m not at that point right now what and what you’re saying Larry you’re 100% correct in your analysis of what happens in the game and what I’m saying that Jason kid shouldn’t be having that happen because those are the moments we’re cringing sitting here with Tim

Hardway Jun is initiating the game and we’re losing the moment that’s the moment where luk donic he’s not the only person that’s that’s why I disagree he’s not the only person Jaden Hardy can do what you’re asking him to do you’re just saying he can’t do it yes he can Jaden

Hardy can do that Tim Hardway just had the ball when he’s playing point and threw the ball in the back court when nobody was defending LCA Don because he got scared I’m not saying don’t make D bro he makes dumb mistakes all the time though and you know what the other thing

I’ve noticed about thj as well sorry Larry is that when he does have the ball when he should pass it he’s hesitant and then he’s late with his pass and he gets picked off or turn over Hardy doesn’t do that man Hardy’s a better shout out

Shout hold up shout to Landon real quick though Larry if you see in the comments he says another bald hands lady like your boy ex coming back and help limit creation plays by Tim Hardway Jr thj is best when he is a setup with an open perimeter shot he’s a streaky shooter

Who can increase leads not IDE deal when trying when he’s trying to create the offense which can which can lose leads yeah yes that’s all I’m saying it’s l what you’re waiting for to come back yeah I got you I understand that part I’m telling you that when he’s in there

Doing the roller he’s doing though it’s not good at all he’s it’s very it’s making people dislike him a lot Jaden Hardy is a they’re only keeping him in there because he’s Tim Hardway Jr Jaden Hardy is your better option right now to do that when you’re missing exom but

Because you can’t fit Tim in any way else you’re having him out there being Tim Hardway Jr and by the name on the back his jersey just league league is him being a point guard we’ve never seen Timmy be a point guard that’s what Timmy is doing you just Timmy

Failing Jaden Hardy in the summer league look better than Tim Hardway Jr do now yes he did you had old boy cussing him the [ __ ] out and that’s because they wanted to be a point guard he was Listen Hold on l l Larry Larry he was failing

At being a point guard what I’m telling you is Tim Hardway Jr is trash he can’t be he can’t even try to be a point guard he was failing at being what they want they want him to be Luca and Kyrie type point guard he can’t be that it looked

Bad at trying to be that jayton is still better at being a playmaker than Tim Hardway Jr is if you put if you put them both in the point guard position Jon’s better at a point guard than Tim Hardway Jr there’s no like Timmy at the point is is is the

Worst it’s the negative dude I even remember watching a game I can’t remember what game was that King we were watching and the announcer literally said when he’s off he’s horrible like the guy actually called him horrible which they don’t I promise you that it was it was

The opposition announcers it was oh it’s the hawk announcers it was the hawk announcers they said when he’s off he can shoot you out of a game yeah and he was like he’s horrible I got a question I got a question for you and I think

This will probably solve it all if Timmy and Hardy are on the floor together as your two guards who’s playing what position we see Timmy and onmy no come Larry come on Larry come on Larry I I just I just I asked a simple question though I got you Timmy might

Bring the ball up he’s a guard he’s he touch the ball okay who at what position would each one of them play though they played on the floor together clarify ke if the two guards if you had okay let’s say Lively PJ Washington and DJJ on the floor right and it’s two

Other guards you got Tim Hardway junor he putting Hardy in the game who plays what position honestly I’m tried loudly no screw the two guards who’s playing who’s playing point and who’s playing two guardar you may not want them to be but I’m just asking you who would be the one

That would be put there who would you want dribbling the ball up Hardy or thj barely hear him I think he’s saying he still what he’s still with Timmy oh my God that’s Larry I’m saying I can’t really I can’t you are like super low we can’t hear you I’m

Not no you good I’m just saying I’m not I’m not debating you I’m just saying I can’t I can’t really hear I’m thinking you’re saying that do I do I sound better yes yes yes yes yeah okay this is what I’m saying wec uh like not this

Game the last game when when Hardy and tsj was on the court together the person who initiates the office Who start the office off chj I’m saying that’s what Hardy didn’t play last game he did play at the end when they subbed in everybody when they subbed in everybody yeah they gave Tim

Hardway just the ball and just he wasn’t being a point guard he was trying to get Buckets at the end of the game when they when they subed in the whole yeah Hardy Grant Read that read Grant’s comment read Grant’s comment Grant yeah read Grant’s comment look at the chat

Jason I can’t see I’m not looking at it Grant says Jason kid says Kyrie needs the ball more in the fourth quarter again Kyrie in the fourth gets going the ball gots to be in his hands bring yeah you put Tim in in the fourth quarter in that point when you could

Have just let Kyrie go to B with LC when we said that yeah and if you need Luka because he he’s sick then why isn’t Hardy or I know we don’t have exm right now but you could have had DJJ anybody else out there I mean you don’t want DJJ doing

D no I’m just saying you could have had Kyrie running the ball up with Tim out of the game with DJJ running the ball up with Kyrie had all that I got a wild question for yall though who do you trust more attacking the close out Tim Hardway Jr or Derk

Jones Jr der Jones J and Tim harder wig blade can be your point guard and you don’t even trust him attacking a close out more than you ask who do I trust more who do I think has the better athleticism who do I think has the better hop it’s way more

It’s way more DJJ DJJ beat him by mouth I TR I trust I trust Hardy attacking a close up more than DJJ yeah I trust DJJ over harded bro you oh no it’s the reason it’s the reason why you put it’s the reason why DJ J play small by five

Center know not because of his offensive bag because of his defensive bag I don’t I don’t understand the lack of cuz he’s strong enough to be able to go down there and bang got it’s the reason why it’s the reason why you can play him wait Larry lar lar Larry I don’t

Understand sorry sorry to Dr man Larry I don’t understand man please explain why the lack of faith in Hardy this much man that’s is why I don’t get I don’t have Hardy it’s literally I literally just say I think Hardy will be there next year I think hard is knocking on C of

Being great next year but he still needs another year re says this all the time you got to give these boys time to to grow and develop you can’t just throw them in because you’re mad at other play my yeah that’s what we saying larrye with Larry saying we’re saying you’re not developing

Him at this point in season he could be already ready y feel that he’s not developing I’m G to bet you right now I’m glad you didn’t think the same way about Derek Lely derck Lely had to play I was the one that kept saying dererk ly have

Exactly and they played him and now they looking at him as one of the best centers in the league right over there’s no one exactly so if it would have been somebody over him he you still holding back somebody that’s one of the better centers in the league is what I’m saying

You have Hardy there let him be better than Tim hard better than King let me say this real quick and and I think we can’t agree you remember when uh the whole rumors about going to get old boy from Phoenix went Portland DeAndre a and I was like oh well you just tra

Reason why because you Deandre you st and I told you no you still you still let Derek Lively play if you’re you only stun him if you’re coaching incorrectly bro that’s what I’m saying like you that’s up to you you can see who’s better you’re the coach the amount of minutes the amount

Of minut DeAndre a requires to be as good as he is and no to be as good minutes so what minutes does Tim hard need to be any type of good I’m saying you can minute I’m saying I’m waiting for my players to come back I got you Timmy’s playing 30 minutes why

Wasn’t Hardy in the game you’re saying Hardy’s not ready I’m saying why is Timmy playing 30 minutes Grant’s going off there’s a grant comment in the chat I don’t think Timmy played 30 minutes today whatever the hell he played him in a bunch of minutes he played he play like 22

Minutes 23 23 minutes 23 that’s too many he was- 14 in 23 minutes the Mavs have been outscored by 14 point margin in the 16 minutes Tim Hardway youo has been on the floor BR it’s I can believe it I’m not deny none of Y think I’m I’m

Not third I’m bet I’m would bet actual money right now that when come back over we would able to get with him would drop from the 20 minutes we play t night to probably about 10e with Larry I bet you Larry you’re gonna play I don’t know I don’t I

Can’t give I can’t say if you it may be smart Larry and I’m not disagreeing with you but I can’t say Jason kid would do it because I don’t think Jason kids be playing Tim right now you know the reason why you know why Tim minut Dro is

Because uh Josh will also have to go to the B the ex just started Josh green and ex Josh green and ex minutes are probably Dro no J’s not gonna be a starter again guys he does not need to start is’s not gonna be I’m telling you not it’s gonna be

Green the star but but I want to get those you know what your best lineup was that’s fine lineup Luka Kyrie ex you are 100% right Larry what I’m saying better what Josh Green is doing no Josh Green is some of these lineups now with PJ Washington

Themers look very well the x is a better defend so exom is exom is sometimes that’s the thing I’m saying with J with Jaden Hardy again sometime exm is fine play I think exm is gonna be fine playing Off the Bench even if he does play Off the Bench

He just needs the the time you can play guys that are more seasoned off the bench because you know a guy is you’re you’re working to get Josh Green better than exom you’re working to get Jadon Hardy better than hard I mean Hardaway Jr hardaway’s falling off already Play

Jon Hardy and let Hardway junr fall back is I’m I’m saying this the lineup if you look at your lineup honestly even if you say X comes off the bench the first person Off the Bench be that’s will get cut no matter what no matter how you look at minutes I hope I

Hope I hope Josh Green minutes aren’t cut like it was last year Josh Green minutes might cut I’m sorry to say I’m just saying now why so why are we gonna cut his minutes to get 10 back minutes you not giving 10 back minutes I’m saying if you saying that

They’re cutting Tim’s minutes and giving exom 10 minutes right then what I’m saying is I can see J Jason kid then cutting Josh’s minutes to give Tim back his minutes yep exactly what he’s gonna do this is your off no this is your Off the Bench

No this is your Off the Bench line up once ex come back you have Josh coming off Ben you have uh Gord coming off Ben you have DJJ coming back you got Max coming out there’s no room CU now you have Shooters you have Defenders you have block there’s no room

Unless you trying to get him to score that’s minutes get cut all I can say is all I can say is this all I can say is this man Hutch all I can say is this thank God we have an extended kid and I hope we don’t thank

God we yes Lord I would have bet $100 right now you’re going to not if he fails not if he fails not if he fails in the playoffs if we leave like the first round no he won’t if they believed in him they would have signed him if they

Believed in him they would have signed him already do you guys think they look at it and say the playoffs he succeeded to do is L make the first round your team is good enough your team is good enough to make out the first round that’s make no that’s a failure te

Is more than good enough to make it out that’s a failure we make it second we have to make it we have to be competitive in the second round gotta get to the Western Conference Finals or kid I I I don’t think so I don’t know how the new owners would think Cuban

Would say competitive in the second round I would hope the new owners would say Western Conference Finals last May right now I don’t see I see walk around with a big smile on his face this to go get ni he’s literally like okay I’m bring

Back we but if hold up but if the new ownership gives Nico the power like they said they are I don’t know if Nico signs Jason kid back I gotta say this you guys you’re not GNA sign back your homeboy who got you the Jobing got you the job him yes King Nico

And his personality do you think he thinks it’s cool what Jason kid did calling up the Lakers telling him what a [ __ ] player C Wood is I mean I don’t know Wise don’t think would have done that but exactly exactly so to me n has more

Control now and Nico did not hire this guy n never got I think would have been perfectly I think Nico is going to have a conversation with uh Kyrie and Luca and he’s going to say listen I don’t believe in this guy’s be like I don’t think I don’t

Here in the playoffs they may say something L and Kye depend on how it works it depends on how like if if he’s like doing pushing the dumb buttons and it’s like yo what are you doing Jason kid and lcas having them faces way throwing his hands up you know like all

That then they may do something but I don’t like I I said competitive second round so we talking about six to seven games in the second round I think he may keep his job because that’s Mark cubin at least and I’m going off of the way

Mark cubin would go back to the ultimate question guys win and keep a kid or do you lose and get a new coach win I would love Dallas Mavs well if you win if I’m winning with kid then I’m not mad yeah but I don’t want why make it we

Need to fire him we all know he’s not that good but if I’m winning with him he’s enough to win a championship with that coach then I’m not mad feel like I mean no matter what he’s doing he can win a championship so I wouldn’t be mad

We just we just saw a freaking team that was second in the East right fire the coach why can’t the Mavs do the right thing they’re not gonna fire they’re notna fire you know what it fire that Co they shouldn’t have fired what it took to fire that

Co [ __ ] it took y [ __ ] you need your star play come you’re not getting L to come out and say that and either way I don’t think like I said like uh pasquali said he I wouldn’t do that anyway I don’t think fire and Adrian Griffin was the

Right move anyway we’re all the way back in the e seed doc River said it was super when they called him like yo I don’t think think you can’t fire Jason kid now he has to he’s gonna finish the season this is this is his team yeah you can div but

Like then I’m not then I’m not worried about this year then we gonna just whatever happens happens you know what it shows it shows to me it shows to me that we got we’re telling everybody in the league and everybody every person in that locker room you got to perform

That’s what we’re about now yeah I tell you but you should have did it earlier is what I’m saying you can’t do it too late late even even if you wanted to go earlier L told you has a perfect umbrella I have none of my play my best my number two best

Player is not even on the court my number three best player is not on the court my best center is not on the court has a built-in def because we’ve been hurt all year right you’re right true true you know what worries me too man we have a better

Record I would think we’re top 14 before the trade top before what worries me about a bad Coach man is he will make your players play worse and ruin their confidence I don’t want that I don’t want to end up having a complaint about PJ Washington Gafford and all these kind

Of guys playing worse and losing their confidence cuz this guy is an idiot as a coach and if you saw if everybody was if everybody was watching tonight you saw the frustration on Luca’s face when Tim made those uh the stretch of those bad plays you can

See the frustration on Luca’s face and I haven’t seen that frustration on his face in a minute but when we we’re playing thj for 30 minutes down 10 trying to crawl back in and Tim keeps turning over the ball or not passing it I saw the frustration in luk fac well of

Course yeah but at the end of the day to me you shouldn’t expect your star player to have to freaking tell you to GM you know what just fire this guy man he’s doing the same [ __ ] have the conversations one-onone lick I’m seeing this and you’re not doing a good job

Well I’m the coach not you okay then get your freaking Walkin papers [ __ ] if you’re not going to listen to Nico and he’s smarter than you as far as I’m concerned get your freaking ass out of here I’m the GM I can’t stand kid played better last year we did we were

Winning with seawood and the guy treated him like a piece of [ __ ] don’t give me this [ __ ] about how we got to treat this guy right he doesn’t treat others right F him give him his own medicine give him his walking out the freaking door I don’t give a [ __ ] about his feeling

Ifn if you’re about winning you don’t freaking care about people’s feelings this is a freaking game where you’re about winning if you’re not doing your job kid and you can’t bench a guy that’s shooting like [ __ ] because you’re worried you’re gonna lose his freaking feelings get the hell out of here you’re

Not a coach [ __ ] man this guy’s a bum go you remember I said I was going to stop talking about seawood I had originally said I leave seawood alone I wish him the best of luck and love and life but he brought him up so can I have a go

Ahead it’s all you I’m not I’m not going to get invol I’m let you you know why let me explain why let me exp hold on d d hold on you can defend him but let him at a floor first and say a statement go ahead Larry I say really what is he

Doing on another team you already ruin his confidence you treated him like [ __ ] he sitting there trashing his freaking confidence and ruining him to the whole NBA and you think he’s going to be able to play good come on man the guy ruined a career this guy’s a career Ruiner like

He’s not a team guy this guy’s a prick my Su like a PRI my suggest you get your response let me tell you I’m trying to be the Pam mediator right now uh the um when you respond say save your questions to the end because when you say a question DA’s

On the end of his seat right now he’s ready to respond to it yeah yeah my bad so you you’re not getting to finish your whole statement I do it really EAS right now we’re looking at see what happens one regular CW is the type of talent a

Bad team he looks [ __ ] amazing but when he gets on a good team he’s ass we see him [ __ ] you get on a good team when he gets putting his position where he’s supposed to play and told that hey you have to play like a big man you can’t

Trying to be out here trying to be a small forward can’t here trying to be a shooting guard he looks like ass because he wants to be a seven footer who can shoot and run with the ball that is not his skills that’s not his talent he supposed to have some defense ability

But he does not show them it’s the reason why the l is barely p the reason why he didn’t reason why Ste wood once again is going to go to China pretty [ __ ] because see wood is the ass Talent you can stay confidence all the [ __ ] you

Want you can feel good yeah confidence confidence confidence confidence don’t mean [ __ ] if you don’t have hold on hold on lar finish his statement let me respond to both after yes sir hold on go ahead lar fin you can get hyped you can get hyped by

Confidence all you want but as a player it is your ability to be confidence your own skill you another man do that we watch we watch we hear players talk all the time on all these podcast and interviews say how you have to have your own confidence how you have to work on

Your own skill if cwood has been in league for damn near 9 years you haven’t built up enough confidence to withand bad talking from coaches they’ve gotten over and over again being told multiple times over and over again that hey at defense hey I don’t want to play you

Can’t do what you’re supposed to do on the offive and that seawood [ __ ] F you deserve to be on the bench okay you done you are you done okay so here’s I like this job when I don’t got to argue back here’s the thing I have a problem

With if you’re a good coach I don’t give a [ __ ] how bad you are if I’m playing you I’m G to make you feel like you’re a superstar and what I mean by that is this I’m going to build your confidence the best I can I’m not going to sit

There and have you screw up an assignment and then sit your ass even though you scored 14 points in 10 minutes that’s stupid why doesn’t he do the same [ __ ] to thj explain that to me you want to reply real quick L before I get Mike in

There hey bro we got uh we got damn near 2,000 views on this live one y’all so y y’all Rowdy in here so please please like subscribe and all that good stuff and keep let’s go man keep talking y’ hey y’ I got one thing to say let let me

Get in real quick rich Richard hold on one second I’ll let you add a floor um Michael wanted to go next and then you can have her after after him okay like okay so my only thing is do do we do we understand why seawood was getting bent

And not getting playing Tom like uh I just want to start with there I I know what the answer is I just want to see what if y’all know everybody want to say something a quick answer real quick what you think it is just quick answer why why would

Cwood not getting minutes because if you don’t got the answer I got the answer okay I’ll say my opinion my opinion I haven’t read up or anything I don’t know anything but if I was to guess I think Nico thought it was a good

Move to get him and I think Tim uh or what’s his name uh the coach kid didn’t want him and that’s his way of controlling the narrative that you know what screw you I’m I’m the coach I’m coaching not you GM that’s what I think it was anyone

Else well they say you could defend uh but I I I tend toci div on that one because I always always thought you know what it’s the same thing with ran Holmes which happened to him I think you knowly obviously ran Holmes kind of bought in

To to get rid of a bad contract but he was actually a useful player and we didn’t use him and and I think it’s almost like it’s not kids move I think he felt bad about the whole jav McGee thing that happened but then after that

He was just like anyone that played any big man we had he’s like he’s just going to banish him to the shadow realm if it wasn’t like you know his move basically so that was my opinion but yeah anyone else all right okay yeah no nobody’s

Hitting on it so I’m going to go ahead and tell you why cuz he wouldn’t defend and he killed the floow of the offense how is that description not fit thj good point m is that is that is that a question for Larry Well Point well

That’s a question for Jason kid why is he picking do that that’s who it’s a question no no seriously I’m talking about be be consistent bro like we can all tell when a player shouldn’t get minutes when a player shouldn’t play but if you’re saying you’re not giving this guy these

Minutes for that reason then the same should apply to every player if you’re not moving the ball if you’re killing the flow of the offense if you can’t defend then you shouldn’t play period That’s What any winning coach does that’s what any winning coach

Does that’s what St like I got I got a lot of Warriors yeah I got a lot of Warriors muss on my line and there’s and people that didn’t really understand the game didn’t know why uh lamb was getting minutes over um what over Kingo last season Richie

Go he didn’t do what the he didn’t do what the coach wanted him to do thj is not helping you win and he’s a detriment to your team amen so he should get the same damn treatment as the same damn player which is that uh Whatchamacallit do over in New York

Right bench his ass because he kills your flow of your offense and he don’t move the ball and he’s inefficient he don’t defend and every time and we’ve seen this for almost three weeks now that my biggest worry about your your your run begins your run begins and ends

When he goes to the bench my my biggest worry about Tim and Mike said it best he doesn’t defend but my biggest worry is he can’t move the ball yeah he can’t move the ball he can’t pass that’s my biggest worry he could score he could do that he can get

Hot but and his defense May lack but we’re a scoring team and if you can’t move the ball nobody else is scoring when he’s on the Richard where are you Richard I know you wanted to get in oh I’m here oh no I just simple comment I

Think this is a good thing because obviously there was a whole lot of repressed fads going around in here y’all and I’m hoping a couple of y’all aren’t feeling so repressed anymore Ben you got anything yeah yes I just I just said one of the things I

Want to say about Tim is that you know I think like Johnny Be always say oh but who else can give you 40 right who else can go out there and give you 40 the thing is if you’re shooting 34% from the field and 31% from fre and you’re also

Giving up a shitload of points on the other end you’re doing turnovers you’re doing all these other things you can’t keep the ball in your hands and also you’re taking shots from other guys who to be honest aren’t shooting you know below 40% just from the field let alone

Free then why why in on Earth are you playing because the thing is is just even just beyond all of that I don’t care how old he is I don’t care how much he’s earning I don’t care what he’s been able to do and if he’s a streaky shooter

I was like mate if if you give Hardy that many shots all right he could do that or better and he can also dribble he can also pass and he’s not the best passer in the world he’s better than Tim he can dribble better than Tim he can

Defend better than Tim and he’s younger than Tim and he and he deserves it and that’s the main thing actually the bit that annoys me the most is he deserves it man so surely you reward the people who deserve it if they got out there they performed you give them

Opportunities if you’re not going to give opportunities did you see at the end of the game when they brought him in a garbage time and the camera panned to Hardy’s face and you could see how pissed off he looked and how disappointed and his head was down but

He still went out there and you hit like a really like nice little like a sort of floater kind of midi thing and he hit like a fre I like I don’t know what you know what I mean it’s like this is the problem I have it’s like you should

Reward a player like that you’re killing his confidence and you know not just that who cares about Tim’s feelings who cares about feelings he’s 31 he should know better so I’m going to defend I’m going to defend him let me say this let me my bad myad died sorry but let me say

This about Tim okay we all know what type of player is you’ve played Sports I don’t know if any of you have you know there’s certain guys that have certain abilities and certain guys that don’t right now you play with the shooter you set him up a couple times and you see

He’s way off tonight you don’t want to give him the ball and we’ve seen the team ice him out when they see him playing like [ __ ] where they don’t give him the ball right couple last couple two or so games before and we are laughing because like oh good job don’t

Pass it to him even though he’s open for the shot why because it’s a dead play because he’s not making him and to me when I look at this when I look at this team I cannot blame thj because that’s the player he is he’s a he’s a volume

Shooter that’s all he is don’t expect him to pass don’t expect him to make the right read don’t expect him to dribble don’t expect him to finish a layup that’s not his game so what what the solution when you have a guy that only does one thing and he’s not performing

At that one thing as a coach if you’re a smart coach you say hey Timmy you’re off a little bit tonight have a seat right and then on a shitty team fine bring him back in if we’re up get him to build his confidence that way but you don’t do it

And sacrifice wins like tonight because this guy this coach that we call Jason kid thinks he’s doing something great by sticking with this guy while we take an l and piss off the good players I don’t want to piss off Luca I don’t want to

Piss off Kyrie I don’t want to piss off Hardy the young guys that we’re GNA keep around for a while because as a coach you’re setting up yeah you’re setting up where they don’t like you and now it’s a detriment to the team long term too okay so to me Jason

Kid fire his ass fire his ass did I go to fire Jas kid we need to call for it I I need I need what I need B F to pick if they were a coasted c players or if they were coach be Hardo players y’all keep

Jumping back and forth as M fans keep your for got [ __ ] these people feelings I think we ready players they had the exact same situation in New York hold on a good coach can recognize the player there’s some guys that need codling to get him to perform that’s what you need to do

Cuz your goal is to make them perform there’s some guys that actually need to be told you’re playing like [ __ ] you’re not going to play if you play like this you’re not showing effort that’s the guy you go against and make him play harder right that’s the kind of Coach you need

There’s no one or the other it’s not binary when you’re coaching the binary coaches suck as coaches because certain players don’t perform with them and that’s why they’re mid coaches Larry I don’t think we’re gonna fire him now I don’t think we’re gonna so I don’t want

You to think wrong we’re gonna fire him yeah you cannot fire Jason kid right now like that’s that’s dumb like I’m sorry I wouldn’t do that that’s foolish because it’s too late in the season yeah like that’s you can’t you g need continuity and and chemistry and all the coaching

All and a new system and learning systems and all like it’s that’s too late in the season now but I do think you should judge Jason kid based off of getting the talent and expectation and all now Jason kid feet should be a little bit on that on that hot seat or

Sitting his ass on that hot seat I should say as far as like if he don’t perform well in the playoffs like we may be missing that one final piece it may be a coach Listen Hold on hold wait wait wait hold on hold on sorry just want to say one

Quick thing about this if nio has the power look we obviously these new owners we think he has got the power if I were him and really kids your buddy I would turn up and say look sit him down I go listen Jason like exactly if you want to

Have your contract next season all right look I and you could just do look my hands are tied I can’t keep you here justifiably we you know in in this franchise and give you another contract unless you start making some changes and one of the big things that’s been called

For is some of your rotations with things like tip Hardway Jr some of the ways you’re doing these things and I’m not going to sit here and obviously you know you’re in control of it but what I’m saying is I would I would cut a lot

Of that out of what some of these things you’re doing because it seems that you’re doing you know some of the rotations some of the decisions you’re making around sort of player choices and who’s getting minutes and and I would I would very much drop that name in there

And just say look you just need to be careful and then see what he does because if he really cares about his job you know what he’s GNA do you know what he’s going to do then you know what he’s going to do he’s going to sa exactly

He’s gonna bench he’s gonna bench thj even he might even bench him and then when they ask him he’ll say well check with the GM yeah K SP like that as far as if it were me yeah and if it were me

I tell you what if I if I was ni and he said that about me I’d be like okay well yeah I did say that and then at the end of the season there’ be no contract you know what that’s a problem Ben problem with that is this the problem

With that Ben is that other GM other coaches other coaches are going to see that and say yeah I don’t know if I want a GM to coach me right to not let me do what I want to do do you see what I’m saying so to me I wouldn’t have that

Conversation I would look and say hey hey uh I don’t know if he has to check with Cuban now or not but I would say listen man this [ __ ] ain’t working this [ __ ] ain’t working we need to let him walk fine I get what everybody’s

Saying we can’t fire him now but to me man I feel like he is sabotage I think that’s the history he’s a sabotage type guy look da what I’d say response to that is that niik is a Salesman he’s an amazing salesman some of the deals he’s

Manag to sell to some of these other teams I don’t even know how he’s done it right yeah I think and he’s and he’s a great relationships guy I think even if he does that and say that’s worst case scenario you know kid goes well you ask

About what first of all I don’t think anyone’s going to ask why he’s not playing Tim Jun I mean the pro of the right I don’t think anyone’s actually going to seriously ask that I mean look what Grant a and stuff was saying on Twitter I mean even the the media that

Turn up they’re not going to be like oh no why AR you not playing Tim oh no basically what’s I don’t think that’s gonna happen but even if that does happen he goes oh well I can’t put my friend Tim on because you know the GM

This guy you know he’s he’s causing me problems when he’s already been threatened about his contract I would literally even if he does do that I think Nico could convince a coach a decent coach to come along and if they question that or whatever you know he

Could just say well look you know this s the situation he’s been here for a couple of years he’s had a really long run you know that the Mavericks stick with them their their GM well not the GMS their coaches for a long time and we’re we’re willing to give you that

Same you know because we believe in you and your your records all the rest of it blah blah blah but like it just came down to a you know it came down to a Crux of him and we had toly make a move on it you understand that but look you

Know we you’ve got the free reign we’re not going to like interfere in that way at least for the first year but like with any job obviously you know we need to see performance walking I want respond real quick if I was a coach walking in my bad you good L

If I was the coach walking in and you’re gonna tell me hey I you know we stick for our coaches a long time we let our coaches have free ring you can’t then back door say oh well we have to let him go and tell them do these things those

Two things don’t add up they can let any coach any coach would say okay let’s walk into Jon kid first year Jon kid First Year y’all made important trades to build the team up the team looked better he got y to the west of C finals the next year y’all dropped the ball

Y’all didn’t bring back Jaylen Brunson y’all brought in worse Talent than what y’all really originally had you allowed two players who was at the end of their legs to still play on your team that all looks bad on you as GM you had a bad year and then the third year hold up

Hold up the third year in the third year when y’all finally got when y’all started rolling y’all started y’all started off hot y’all was looking good all his players got hurt and you told him how to run his team and then you got mad when you told

When he followed your orders so you fired him why would any high CO any of the big coaches out there be like okay I believe you wait wait let me let me let me let me respond to that real quick let me sorry let me respond to that real quick

And then someone else can to say I I want to back up in after this yeah so I just want I just want to say just in response to that one so what I would say is because the thing is he’s been here for longer than he’s

Been here for what is it like two is it three years now how long’s been three years okay so so what I would say to him is this I’ll say well look we didn’t we didn’t try to interfere with his you know deliberately you interfere with the situation that was happening we didn’t

Want to just fire him like what you see other teams do in the league what we wanted to do is give him a chance to correct things because we were getting a lot of pressure from the fans and the media about a particular choice he was making or a couple of particular choices

He was making so he wanted to give him an opportunity to try and correct those and just say look and we look he’d been here three years we’d never done this the entire time and to be honest we’d hope we’d never have to do that again but because obviously you he was a

Previous mavic with loyal to employees or whatever instead of just firing him on the spot we gave him a chance to correct it based on what the pressure was from others not from you see what I mean inside the organization from outside the organization you saying that the fans and media control your

Organization so you’re saying that you don’t have no organizational power hold on hold on Larry let Pasa get in there and on top of what it Ben is saying you get a new coach that comes in here after kid has done what he’s done and plays the proper rotations like we’re a top

Media Market we’re a top team always contending for playoff spot coaches are going to want to come here regardless as Dallas Mavericks we’re not the biggest team but you get a coach coming here playing the proper rotations and it shows up on the court and it shows up in

The in the stat sheet and the win sheet Ian we’re gonna forget about all that coaches gonna want to play I get no I get I get what y’all saying but y’all are literally forgetting how much ass you had to kiss to get Rick Carl out to

Come here and he was one of the top name coaches how much literally you have to get on your hands and knees and beg him originally come when you had dirt down there we didn’t have and we didn’t have Luca dones and Kyrie Irving either I I

Get what you’re saying butk and yeah back lar remember they thought they it was questioned if if uh Dirk could be the the leading force of a championship team right but you still have one of the best he was still considered one of the top players in the NBA he was but it

Wasn’t his did not it wasn’t his appealing is having LCA Don and Kyrie Irving is all I’m saying but the problem is that that you just told me that my organization I’m come here and Coach my job to come on a high seat when the fans

And media get mad at me no hold on let me get one more statement and David you can have it you wouldn’t be doing that though because you have the same way like Jason kid has an excuse Nico has an excuse because he didn’t hire Jason kid

Right yeah but then I gotta look at your loyalty That’s goes back to no loyalty I didn’t hire you he didn’t hire him yeah no I got yeah but I’m the one that got you your job Nico man no so the [ __ ] that went got you your job you said [ __ ]

You because the fans media got mad loyal that’s loyalty can and you hear players and coaches talk about loyalty all the time no man so so Jason G gota remain our coach forever because he got Nico I didn’t say that I did not I didn’t say that I damn should

Say I literally said if Jason kid Flames out in the first round Jason kid is gone then you have a I’m agree with you but I’m saying if Jon k no you can’t even say Western Conference I top players in the game you got a team that

Has depth now there’s no you don’t even believe LCA is the top you don’t believe Luka is one of the top players no no no oh hold on what I was saying hold on what I said about Luca was I didn’t think he could be the best player like

Jordan level that kind of [ __ ] okay I didn’t say he’s not a top player in the league I said he can’t be face because he can’t be like a Jordan or LeBron D when I said we’ve had this argument before I’m not talking about that conversation you just had I’m

Talking about the one we had on Discord where you was arguing about why we should go get wimy and you’re like oh well wi wm’s GNA be way better than Luka Luka can’t reach what I never said that I was in my house at the top of

My work with LCA that’s what I was saying no D you thought Wy was literally GNA walk in the league and be God no I didn’t say that I said he would be great fit for Dallas cuz him and Luca would be great Reas that’s what I said I don’t

Even believe in W in that way I believe in wemi with another guy thata he’d be amazing no that’s exactly what I was saying you was literally ready to trade everything away to go get I would for Wy I would have I would have for Wy you

Heard it right I said everything away we don’t have anything that they would want for Wy unless you give Luca that’s the problem you tra I’m not trading see what I’m saying Wy but yes I understand but that’s I he thinks wimy is gonna be the Future No I

That’s I never said that man what I said to him think the argument was do we the argument was do we keep fighting for a playoff spot and you remember this or do we tank and I said let’s tank and the better we tank the better because I want a chance at

Wemi yes that was the argument that’s not me saying I think he’s the next one in the leag king this was after we this was you can go to Discord and you look up our log this was after we take and he was talking no CA we did it in the chat

But I’m talking about you can see us talking about Wy in the goddamn log around the time frame it was after we T and he was like everything could go to go get wmy y you don’t know except trading Luka now you want to say Exel wouldn’t tra luk

I because Wy is a center right to me you need guards or four that’s the real next one like you know what I mean that’s guys like Wy need another guy to give him the ball like a Shaq and all those kind of guys right like that but that’s not the point I’m

Hold on I want I want to ask whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we a gon just let that go hold up if Wy reaches PE is’s better than sh reaches PE better than sh expl you want to hear why was in the finals in year two bro in

Year two is W gonna be in the finals in year two Wy at his best literally I said Wy reach his Peak is better than sh one I said his Peak so wi can already’s better than sh no I said and his Peak if reach his Peak his Peak if we’re looking

At what he is right now and let’s say we max out all his stats like everybody believe he can he will be a full way better ball than Shaq ever was yes his shooting will be way better than what sha was yes his defense will be comparable if not a little bit better

It’ll be better than shs like his his offensive and defensive ability at if he reaches true Peak if he don’t get no injury and you keep developing wiy will be better than Shaq will arguably be I don’t know if he’ll be reach wh level he will reach wh wh

Level reach wh and the only reason why I’m rather ra but I’d rather have Shaq than Will Chamber that’s arguable same arguable between it to like that’s what I’m saying like so he reaches will it’s not like that’s you discredit Bill Russ Bill Russell was K cutting wil’s averages in

Half every every time they face like will was will would be averaging 50 but as soon as he had to face Mr Russell it went down to like 20 there was no match up already to shut down Shack what already defensely better Larry Larry Iber better Will Chamberlain averaged 50 and 20

Damn 20 rebounds bro yeah I said defensively you just talking about rebounds that’s part of until until he had the face Bill ain’t that part how many a wimy averaging like four blocks this year three four blocks the only reason wm’s blocks are higher than theirs is because

Blocks per game was not a stat back then bro yeah they were saying he was doubl the time and all withing you’re right you’re right it wasn’t it wasn’t a step back then I truly want to be back then come on see sorry how we get off track on this this new

Conversation little punches and all saying little stuff like Shaq when be better than Shaq or w I I didn’t think wh’s better than I’m saying looks more like yes absolutely wimy that’s that’s that’s his that’s his comp and I mean that’s great that’s Elite bro like the twin like the twin

Twin towers Twin Towers took down showtime in year two bro King I got a question how many players ever reach their Peak most players never reach their I say if he could reach his Peak K can I ask can I ask you one question about sha when he was uh in college and

[ __ ] like this did he win yes okay so I’m sorry I’d have to go with Shaq what was a beast in college D but that’s what I’m saying is like they’ve proven they were winners even in college right wemi hasn’t proven nothing anywhere so far you know what he’s

Proven to me this year he’s proven to me he’s dead last if you were if you’re if you’re generational like in that level where you can do it yourself you should be not dead last Shaq one of them players that take a team from 20 wins to damn near 60

Wins like I think the first year he went they went from 20 something or like 41 and 41 or something like that next year they was winning 60 games in his second year bro they they went to the they went to the they went to the finals I think

It was yeah his second year dra in2 his third year I think third second or third year5 once they got Penny once they got penny4 it was 94 It was 95 It was 95 which one of the years was it5 three years it was 95 when Jordan

When Jordan came back it was when Jordan came back yeah because Jordan lost the first time that’s the he wanted he the only guy with with Scotty and uh Mike to beat them in the playoff series yes O’Neal it was in ’95 so was a few years after he got

Le was Wy in college here or Euro no he play I said it because but he doesn’t look good he he said it because he he played in the weakest league in Europe and then Jack [ __ ] gague game in the G League too in the gague he looked questionable

In in a championship game as well though yeah ex even in the allar game he always in situations it seems like like from what we’ve seen so far and I’m not saying that his whole career is gonna be that way in the brightest light moments though yes wimy seems like he kind of

Shrinks up yeah yeah he’s gonna have to have another guy next to him but look I I wantan to go back I want to go back to the original conversation bro because like I’m basically looking I basically saw an identical situation in New York right Quinton Grimes was on a Jaden Hardy

Contract Evan forier basically got paid the same much as as as much as Tim guess who was getting ticked exactly Quin GRS yep you know they been call hold up y’all know that they be calling for top timo’s job before they got jayen Bron they was calling for

Job telling you that he’s doing a move better than Jason kid yes I’m not saying that he didn’t improve but I’m saying that Rost improved with it y it did improve I’m just saying I don’t I think Tom tibo is not a good coach I don’t

Like Tom Tio yeah same Tom Tibido is a defensive coach Tom Tio always he Tom Tibido will always lean heavy defense just like Jason kid the thing that makes Tom Tio J really on defense if Jason kid is lying on defense why is Tim getting ticked exactly

Exactly playing New York New York always has a pretty good defense you feel me like with Tom Tibido you expect him the marck still question if they gonna have a good defense you can’t I can’t take you serious I can’t take you serious saying that that coach kid is all about

Defense when he’s sitting there playing poile first line minutes freck man that’s embarrassing last year last year was embarrassing I don’t care he was trash he had no he had he hadn’t he had an excuse last year for that position I’ll give him that is what I’m saying is

At this point in time he doesn’t have an excuse because there’s if we’re being honest when exm comes back there is two people that help you win that give you a better chance of winning than Tim does hard gives you a better chance of winning gives you a better chance of

Winning gives you a better chance when a comes back that dude should be he should be in the P role that’s who he needs to be bro I think is why they want him to be Jason Terry but the man is Pia question how come Hardy can help you

Win when when X returns but he can’t help you win now over 10 I didn’t say that I didn’t say that that’s his point I said I I agree on the ex comeback part oh so hardy help us win I don’t think Hardy’s ready I really don’t even if Hardy’s not ready Tim’s

Ready for what hey if you wna keep if you want to keep a buck you know who I’ll play over Hardy right now if I just want to get minutes and get them as much burn as possible it’s omx I will get ready than Hardy no he’s not okay

Co let me roll up my window this is the reason why hold up this is the reason why I said this and hear me if we’re looking at pound-for-pound what this team mean it is height length and defensive abilities correct and Tim Hardway not playing hold up PO cool Co

Cool Co cool but I’m saying what this team need right now no sorry I really believe so I can’t even go on that as much I really think that ISS that it hurts us yeah okay I get that y’all feel that way I’m saying right now when y’all say why would you

Say omx is the reason because omx the problem with omx is he does too much with out settling down could him getting actual more burning time help that out yes that’s possible that could help him out he’s like a young Josh green when Josh Green first got in the league okay

Someone need to slow J my bad yes no I I was going to say so okay we get that you think that but here’s the problem right with with Hardy he’s more developed right now to play for the team than than this guy is because omx though will

Leave him wide open literally it’ll be it’ll be on offense it’ll be like they’re not going to care about him they’re going to leave him wide open and he’s going to Chuck if you already got and if you already a can’t do that you can’t do that with

With and PJ’s already strugling you have a PJ Wasington already on the floor so that’s why I was saying no okay let if you’re playing omx and PJ together I’m saying you didn’t have the same issue because PJ is already having a problem on offense right Timmy isn’t giving you anything on

Offense or defense so it’s making like PJ Washington’s deficiency look worse guys aren’t in line because you see damn PJ not scoring because Timmy can’t score if jayton Hardy was out there you can get buckets from jayton Hardy which would say PJ you don’t have to score for

Me you can just play defense Tok hey and cut to the basket PJ start cutting to the basket getting some passes from someone CU I guarantee you you know PJ already start cut see this is this is the problem this is the problem let me let me say

Something let me say something Larry py is yours next yeah yeah so so this the problem I’ve got this I think what everybody’s saying this is the way I kind of articulate it right Is What You Need is Another competent ball who’s a threat okay so if you got Hardy out

There okay if we have exm it’s fine obviously exm we can’t on his health now Hardy can create his own shot now the reason they’re trying to play Tim and give him as many shots and run him up the court and all the rest of it thing

Is Josh Green he can kind of handle the ball and pass but he can’t create his own shot right um T thj is what he basically kid was trying to use to effectively create their own shot if you watch the Phoenix Suns about Bradley Bill and I’m actually going to defend

The Phoenix Suns a little bit here when they do have Bradley Bill in all fairness they are a much better team because they have another ball handler okay who can create his own shot now if we don’t have three of those out there at any one time that’s a problem because

Then what happens is what we exactly what we did to the Suns the other night is down the stretch of the game we just doubled on uh KD and we doubled on Booker and neither of them are super prolific passes and they didn’t know what to do they had no options they had

Oh because none of these other guys can do anything apart from maybe gron Allen and you he’s more of a spot up shooter so you’ve ended up with a situation like that the reason the M did so well in that Western Conference Finals run that we had is because we had Jaylen Brunson

Luca donic Den Wy right and that was kind of the attack and if we don’t have that that’s kind of how the Mavs work we need a competent bull hander Hardy has proven that he can create his own shot so if if it’s not going to be Hardy and

And look I agree with you on the omx thing man I think omx should get more minutes but I don’t think we should be playing him over Hardy because like the other guys said you know omx is still not polished in that kind of way I mean

He can be using certain lineups maybe you know him or PJ interchangeably but you can’t put him in you know in say you know Hardy’s minutes or something you have to have someone who’s a competent ball handler I mean obviously he can’t do that pasquali is yours but one one

Statement before I’m G say to delar I’d rather have I’d rather have Jaden Hardy trying to be Spencer dewitty than Tim Hardway Jr and the floor is yours Pas I think I think uh Ben and you King uh summed up that argument very well but to this point uh if you’re having a

Uh sorry if you’re having a I’m thinking of a giddy for the Oklahoma City they just left them wide open that’s we’re going to do to omx and that’s exactly what div was saying like like if we have omx on the floor they’re just going to

Leave wide open to see if he can hit it and we did the same thing to gidy and we crushed them yeah yeah could and giddy is a player that is more established in the league and then you’re wanting to throw omx in that situation kill his

Confidence even worse yeah it’s just not happening yeah that’s a guy that we should be waiting to okay I get what y’all want to say and I understand how y’all trying to say this and I get the thing that sticks in people mind is Tim Hardway just drunken

Threes I know this is what’s in your mind dig it Tim Hardway n our 10 what you think of a bad play Tim Hardway does it’s him shooting three but if you honestly are talking about what Tim does now compared to last year compared to two years ago when he

Was healthy he’s back to attacking the basket again he’s back to driving kicking again he’s back to actually trying to shoot mid-rangers what we are forced to remember and it’s honestly Tim’s fault partially cuz I I truly do believe he rushed his injury and Tred to come back

To next year so that’s his [ __ ] fault you should have stayed out until you was fully [ __ ] healthy is this Tim hard a couple years ago which year are we talking about the year the year before the W Conference Finals the year before the Western Conference Finals is this Tim hway junr

Better than that Tim yeah we play clip is the second season yes what’s what’s better Tim Hardway now compared to then Tim Hardway back then was taking less shots towards the basket back then he was more of just chunk and threes he wasn’t trying to attempt he he wasn’t

Trying he wasn’t trying to attempt any passes this Tim Hardway is his efficiency was was probably better those those years I do not remember Tim’s efficiency from see I can tell you uh what year was that 20 we went to the Western Conference Finals what year 2022 right

Yeah uh so the year before that the year before that Tim harde Jr let mean let me say this his points he gave you 16.6 which is 0 five down from what he’s averaging now he’s giving you 17.1 right okay that year he shot 44.7% from the

Field almost 45% from the field and shot 39% from three big difference gave you three rebounds right three point three rebounds which is down from 3.6 and gave you 1.8 assists down I mean up from 1.7 he’s giving you right now he had point six steals that year he gave

You 0 five steals this year with more minutes so what is what’s better about Tim Hardway Jr from what you just list to me Tim is getting more rebounds this year from what you just listen to me I’m okay okay I’m just say this up

Didn’t say what’s up by a lot okay what about that field goal percentage did you so uh 44 sound like it was 45% from 2020 to 41% this year from the field just in general so he taking more difficult shots he probably shouldn’t take and he was shooting damn near 40%

39.8 from three and he’s shooting 36% this year okay I understand that I’m not denying that what I am saying is that I believe Tim in that year was probably taking less two-pointers is my point it might not be by a lot but I think Tim is taking more two-pointers than what he

Used to take doesn’t that mean for myself yeah but I’m saying doesn’t that mean he shouldn’t be doing that then no because actually his percentage of two-pointers is up then from that year he’s shooting 41% from the field in general no from two point he’s shooting from that year thank you baby

Uh he was shooting 48.5 right now he’s almost shooting 50% from two so he’s shooting the same from two doing 47.9 he’s shoot 47 4 he’s shooting 49.7 he’s lit 23 off from shooting 50% from the field shooting two points Lally doing better yeah so if I gave you the

Option and I gave you those two guys and they weren’t Tim Hardway junr I told you one was giving you 17 because both basically giving you 17 if we round them there and one was shooting 45% from the from the field and 40% s from three with

The three rebounds and all that stuff the same thing basically and I told you the other guy G you 17 shooting 41 from the field and 36 from three with the same basic out the numbers you would say the guy from with 17 and the 41% was the

Player you’d rather have on your I’m saying that the Tim now I’m saying that the Tim now has realized finally that when your shot is not falling attack the basket Tim back then was taking we all remember Tim doing that ho I want to pull pull up Drive try to pull up go

Sideway shoot a [ __ ] uh elbow jumper Tim that’s not your talent and what him even doing that it seemed like he was shooting 40% from three and 45% from the field and now he’s shooting less from three shoo L he’s shooting better from twoo you’re saying field goal percent I’m saying

Twoo percent that means he’s shooting too much because his field goal percentage is down J from three okay cool no no no no no his overall field goal percentage two and three together is that’s what I’m king that’s what I’m trying to tell you his twoo percentage is higher than it was back

Then which one is worth more two or three that’s a gold post move you know that that was nice no because what’s he what is he a specialist at what does he do for us King the reason why you want Tim to finally realize when your three

Is not falling please attack the basket so they at least can worry about you from something else besides the first he’s finally realized that point I think he said Kyrie told him that no lar I understand what you’re saying I understand what you’re saying with that part but if he’s shooting 39.8% from

Three you want him to shoot threes yes but he’s not shooting 39.8% from three yes so he has to draw the ball to the rim and he still is not the greatest efficient guy the worst is you know what the worst part is King 50% is pretty

Good not great it’s pretty good what what’s his percentage in two-pointers uh I think this year was 49.7 I want I want to know the exact anybody can anybody give me the exact one because I want to know this 49.7 literally I 49 all right I don’t know

What it was I don’t what it was in 2021 okay his field goal percentage 2021 from then was 39 48 48.5 two pointers but 4% off on three-pointers you tell me which one a better player the president could drive and kick finally okay hey King go look on Discord I just

Posted on the go look at the stat I’m literally looking at King knows I don’t lie about numbers like I believe you no but look at it am I reading this wrong field go percentage is that what we’re talking about FG no percent yeah so the two it will be the

One that’s it probably has two point percentage on it as well okay so his two point percentage is in 2122 or 2223 which which year it is he’s talking about2 2021 he was 524 no no C King is talking about when he was shooting 3 uh 39.8 it’s 2019 to

2020 that’s 20 oh no hold up no I’m Sor looking at it right now basball ref the wrong number sorry I’m start the wrong number looking that’s 20 2021 I’m sorry 39.8 he wasn’t he shooting 39.1 I’m sorry I’m sorry um Larry I was incorrect on that one it’s

39.1 so it’s it’s still a great three-point shooting year and D is saying he shot 52% on twoes that year that’s the year I was talking about yes he did I’m looking at it now yes shot 45 fi right so what’s better about Tim this year than that year okay then we’ll

Switch years I’ll say 10 it like everybody I easily take is better that year I have no problem with changing it that’s the year 16.6 to 45% from uh from the field that’s that’s 2021 I’m sorry 39.1 from three okay and this is what I’m saying the problem that we had with Tim

Before Tim once he got the injury I think it was I forgot I think it was West Conference year and then the year after so yes the Christian will year he stopped attacking and driving the best he started trying to just chunk shots up I’m happy to have this Tim back this Tim

Right now is is not the best player for our team but it’s pretty much the same player I can find on every other team who getting 20 plus minutes and I’m about to end the show soon because I want a little bit of time to chill

Before I gotta do the other show but my my point is Timmy’s not even really at that Timmy yet we’re fighting we’re we’re we’re wanting Timmy to be at the point he was three years ago whatever when we were still thinking about trading his ass and not knowing how much

He was worth and we want him to get there when we got a guy on the bench that can probably already be Bonafide better than Timmy at this point no that was that was before the contract so you wasn’t thinking about tra it was what we

Still were wondering what we were G to pay him no you play well in that playoff8 million yeah you fought to pay him nobody I got you but the playoffs did it is what I’m saying because before before then he was still a questionable guy wondering how much was he going to

Get paid he then showed up instead of KP in the playoffs and he got his18 million no I don’t think he was that I think he was cool in the playoffs but I don’t think he was that good I think his num dropped in the playoff no he was the

Second best player in the playoffs that year bro I could be wrong I thought yeah I know he was second best play I’m saying his numbers dropped I think he was still like I could be wrong hey King can I say one thing about uh before you go uh

Tim’s field goal percentage is in 20 324 is 476 okay and the field goal percentage for the league the league averages right hold on let me see if I can find it League averages sorry sorry The League average is uh 476 and Tim’s this year is does anybody

Have it up his field goal percentage is 41% right so this guyy supposed to be a shooter and you want him driving to the hoop and shooting wor than the regular average Larry no way man I got one point I want to say real quick

Though about this the the um Jun 39% his last three years 39.4 40.1 and 40 41% right from the field just in general we crying about scoot Henderson and all being a bus yeah scoot Henderson shooting was shooting 39% from the field and like 30 something percent from three

And all it like what I’m saying is there’s no way yo let J nardy play why is Timmy being called a bu because of different reason sco is been called a bus for different reason sco being called a bus because he was thought he was supposed to be the next generational Talent he

Supposed to be Dam near like John R coming into the league that is why scoot is being called and that’s scoot’s rookie year sco I’m not call sco Jun I got you I’m saying scoop bust rookie years compared to Tim Hardway that’s Prime yes sco is supposed to be a

Superstar Tim is supposed to be a [ __ ] player those are two different players as soon as Tim that’s the that’s not a fair comparison you’re looking at someone who’s literally supposed to walk in and change a change the team’s life if you were third best you a third best

Player on the team you probably could do that too help A team out who tell me someone’s third best player you a championship level team usually can other than like eron Gordon and all that Michael Porter Jr you will argue as the third best player on Denver

Is Denver is a different Beast I’m gonna let you have that one but other than that usually your third best is a guy cat would you call cat the second or third best player C make Allstar games and all that don’t he Kat makes Allstar games because he’s

Only the only power forward in the in the west he didn’t c m the allstar game in second year I don’t know did he make it over dirt remember hold up remember cat was the the under 25 list that list was owned by cat forever until he got to

25 did cat make it over Dirk I don’t know if he made over cat was making Allstar cause I think it’s unfair no and that’s the reason why I say that because I’m almost positive until Dirk and Tim dunan left that’s when cat became the best power forward in the

West that’s when Dirk you said became the best F in the west Dirk and Tim Duncan left well before that last two years in League that’s when C became the best cuz C was still fighting LaMarcus Aldridge for Allstar appearance yeah that was during the period when C by

Himself at the beginning though he didn’t have any help it’s the Cuban effect King it will get no stop saying it’s the Cuban effect because I’m literally saying Timmy’s back you’re you’re trying to make it seem like I’m saying Timmy is a elite player and I’m literally saying he’s the

Best player stop why you I’m not blowing Mark cu’s butthole Timmy’s going to play because right now he’s the only right now you need Dante XOM come back until Dante XM come back you can scream all you want that you want jadden Hardy I’m not saying Jaden Hardy is

Trash Hardy those are two I get that y’all want to see Hardy play more I get it but I’mma say this and look like I was right about Christian Woods because he magically left the Mavs went to the Lakers and his numbers plummeted he don’t play he don’t play I think he’s

Aing like 17 minutes A game A I don’t think so but he he don’t I think it’s dmps now CHR wood playing no it’s that okay but hold on there are a lot of we have the Lakers fast break guys all the time it’s a bunch of Lakers fans that

Like yelling for Christian Wood to play again his he’s just Christian Wood now now he has he’s Christian Wood didn’t play tonight Christi wood Christian Wood has played 50 games he doesn’t have LCA shout out to Jason kid I mean they made him Christian Wood now now he’s just Christian Wood yeah

Thj wood averages 17 minutes a game you go have to uh get your that does not sound like a player who doesn’t play he’s getting more minutes than Jayden Hardy was even looking at he played no you’re looking at average minutes played but that’s because they’re just they

Don’t care if you play 20 games they’re going to show how many you played in those 20 minute in 20 games play games he’s not play right now he’s not playing right now he’s not even he’s playing 50 games do you know how many games are we

Played in the league already and how many points does he have he’s played 50 games and how many points does he have 17 17 how many does no I don’t think 17 no chrisan wood is averaging like eight points right now this year okay 6.9 that’s what chrisan wood is averaging

And playing 50 games please stop it he’s not playing he’s playing 17 what you expect yes exactly wood hold on let me say this real quick Christian Wood Den Woody uh dodo uh Tim Hardway Jr when they move away from the Mavericks aren’t going to be playing a lot of minutes because they

Had Luca who made them better and Tim Hardway Jr right now is not taking advantage of those OPP opportunities he actually squandering some to be honest because he can’t pass the ball in the offense I mean it’s he’s gonna get less minutes because he doesn’t have the

Stars he has a golden opportunity right now and he’s not he’s not performing on it so why should we stick with that wood if we’re talking about Christi wood by the way another team they get cut immediately pretty much but here and I’m not saying wrong guys his he’s actually averaging field

Goal percent 51 right now as soon as he gets traded he will be cut and will be out of the lead yes sir that’s what I mean by the Cuban effect we have gotten we we accept bad players as good players these players aren’t good preach my

Brother Tim hard’s job is to be off the bench a good player is not a person Off the Bench a good when Hardy goes to another team he’s going to be a starter watch what I tell you and I agree with that’s why that’s why this we

Should be going after kid right now he should be a bench player but he’s playing 30 minutes Y what Ben 30es is not playing 30 minutes I don’t know why y’all keep staying no he play he play he’ll play a 30 minute he’ll give you a 30 minute bomb yeah he will play

But the reason why he’s averaging like 25 minutes but 25 minutes I think he’s aaging close to 30 but you for 17 should be at he was avering that many minutes because you were missing all your other guards Tim got all these minutes that we’re hating it’s literally because not

Missing hardy hardy hard’s not better just accept it he’s not better he’s been on a tear in the seven game winning streak Hardy’s been on a tear and seven game win in the seven game is a tear in hold on in the seven game winning streak he was averaging more points than Tim

Harde Jr in less minutes yes Timmy’s doing right now putting up all these minutes Point per minute what are we doing he was averag more than Tim in his last minutes defense playing better defense on anyway that’s all we saying he was he was on a tear putting up like 11 minutes

And 15 I mean sorry 11 points in 15 minutes Tim hard the last 10 games put up a point at it in 11 minutes hard’s putting up eight points I’m looking at Larry you’re moving you’re not hear what he said he said on the when he was

Getting these minutes in the last 10 games before these games he was on a tear of getting 15 minutes a game and he was putting up 11 and change and the last played he’s put up he’s played like 20 something minutes over 25 minutes a game and it’s giving you 11 points on

Horrible efficiency with defense and we hate those those looking at numbers for the last 15 games I’m not talking about Hardy’s differentials crazy Hardy’s in that 10 game Span in that seven game winning streak stopped sitting him the last two games his differential was high because he was coming off the bench like

Tim hard Hardway Jr should Tim Hardway should only be playing 15 minutes just like Hardy King and one more question I would to shut up let me say no no no I just shut up let me let me say this because y’all think I’m moving to goal post in the and

During the seven game winning streak this is hardest numberers plus minus he was 3.7 his points were eight his he was averaging 11 minutes he is shooting 54% Feld goal percentage let me be fair okay I’m sorry what did I mess up Larry you proving because you just said he was

Averaging 11 points Larry and then he he didn’t you know that one game not including this game the last game is included in that last no not iise not lar in the winning streak didn’t we just lose the first game today I’m looking at the I’m sorry I’m

Sorry then we just lose the first game of the day right so the last game we played is part of the winning streak right no I’m not looking at that that’s what I’m trying to tell you I’m looking at just the winning streak from when we

Started to when we just lost okay the last game we won was a part of the winning streak coach to basketball ref y can literally pull up what I’m looking I think you’re agreeing with but you’re just not hearing me listen the the who do we play last who we just beat

The Suns right we beat the Suns that’s part of the winning streak right yeah Jaden Hardy played like a couple minutes in that game numbers he played one minute I I never saw I will eliminate that I will eliminate that I would do the six games before that jayen Hardy

Averag then 10 points yes his plus was four and his plus minus is four Tim Hardway in the 10 game winning streak is averaging 11 and his plus minus is negative one with the winning streak he’s averaging a point per minute almost not Larry he’s minus 1.1 in the winning

Streak that’s that’s beyond the W that’s beyond the winning streak I think it’s the last 10 games he’s minus the last 10 games it’s it’s not 11 I promise you it’s not it’s not 11 it’s not I wouldn’t lie about this i i f very

Well on my grant ABF just put it on the screen they just posted it yeah look like no no this is what I this what I want to can you tell me okay so can you count times that when Hardy goes to the bench the Run gets killed no when he comes off

The bench the Run dies but as soon as he goes to the bench that’s when we start getting cooked cuz I’ve seen that for 3 weeks with Tim Hardway bro like you you can’t explain that away Larry I’m sorry not count times when Hardy don’t get enough minutes for me to count those

Times ask me tell you something I can’t prove on that one we just gonna agree to disagree y on that we’re gonna have to I’m going Hardy but obviously Larry I’m send you the basketball reference I’m send you the basketball ref I know Tim it says Kevin gray I’m G read this

One one last thing and I’m ending this like there’s no rebuttal because this is Kevin gray it’s not even from me Kevin gray has posted in the last 10 games since Tim Hardway Jr has scored 36 points and a win over the magic back on January 29th he is averaging 11.1 points

Per game on 34.2 overall field goal percentage 31 9 threo percentage with a minus 1.1 plus minus everybody thank you so much for joining me on playback tonight I want I appreciate everybody being here for this L was a tough L tonight hey L look at it if

I’m I’ll reply to you know you know I will I got you send it to me and I’ll talk to you but thank everybody got trying to create per link right now I know it was a tough elen I don’t want everybody to think that the season is

Over it’s not we weren’t going to win every game I told y’all that uh we should be good hopefully that Cleveland game is now an important game now we’ll see what happens but thank y’all so much I’ll see y’all tonight lar appreciate you as always da continue trolling and

Everybody else love all that good stuff and I’ll see y’all later peace man

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