@Chicago Bulls

Post Game Thread: The Chicago Bulls defeat The Sacramento Kings 113-109

#Chicago Bulls at Sacramento Kings

Golden 1 Center- Sacramento, CA




|Time Clock|

|CHI |22|27|28|36|113|
|SAC |36|20|35|18|109|

###Player Stats

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|37:49|33|10-12|2-3|11-12|0|0|0|4|2|0|2|1|-3
|A. Caruso|33:42|2|1-10|0-6|0-1|0|3|3|7|4|0|0|1|4
|N. Vucevic|31:46|10|4-13|2-5|0-0|5|8|13|2|1|1|2|4|-5
|A. Dosunmu|38:34|20|9-15|2-5|0-0|1|1|2|5|1|0|0|2|-7
|C. White|43:32|37|14-19|5-9|4-5|0|5|5|7|1|0|3|3|4
|J. Phillips|14:17|6|2-4|0-1|2-2|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|0|3
|O. Bitim|12:40|1|0-3|0-2|1-2|1|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|6
|J. Carter|11:25|0|0-3|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|2|0|0|0|0|9
|A. Drummond|16:14|4|2-5|0-0|0-0|0|6|6|0|0|0|0|5|9

**Sacramento Kings**

|H. Barnes|24:43|10|3-7|1-4|3-4|1|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|-7
|K. Murray|38:44|11|3-8|1-5|4-4|2|4|6|4|1|3|0|5|12
|D. Sabonis|31:36|18|7-19|0-1|4-4|10|11|21|4|2|0|5|6|2
|K. Huerter|23:03|12|5-9|2-3|0-0|2|1|3|2|1|0|2|1|2
|D. Fox|38:50|20|8-16|2-7|2-3|0|1|1|10|1|0|5|0|8
|M. Monk|30:22|11|4-12|2-7|1-1|1|3|4|6|0|0|1|3|-12
|D. Mitchell|9:22|6|3-4|0-1|0-0|1|2|3|1|0|0|2|1|-12
|T. Lyles|20:54|9|3-10|1-6|2-2|1|2|3|1|0|1|1|3|-12
|A. Len|9:35|4|2-3|0-0|0-0|1|3|4|0|0|2|1|1|3
|C. Duarte|12:49|8|3-4|2-3|0-0|1|4|5|0|0|0|0|2|-4
###Team Stats



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  1. crusty_butter_roll

    The Bulls are the kings of this motherfucker!

  2. Of course any team will struggle when their top two scorers are having off days, but, man, we have nothing on offense without Deebo and Coby. 

  3. Sabonis fouling out was key. That mf is one hell of a rebounder.

  4. BlammoSweetums

    Is it worrisome that the Bulls can only win if Coby is playing out of his mind and DeMar is making almost literally every shot? Yes

    But am I having a good time, unfortunately also yes

  5. 362618299447

    Once Saboner was out we went for the jugular. This team’s got character.

  6. DishonestAbraham

    Vooch is a liability right now but I don’t even care that was an electric 4th quarter. Shout out Coby for his career high ❤️

  7. LordSwampert2




    🎵***DeMar De Rozzaaan!!***🎵

  8. Listened to the comeback on 670 and I still don’t believe it

  9. chillice707

    Never been more happy to be a bulls fan from California

  10. purple_goop

    I fell asleep when they were down 20 I want to apologize to Coby White and his glorious hair

  11. 19 points on 6-6 shooting from DeMar in the 4th quarter.

    And Coby White is a bad man.

  12. WeAlreadyReddit

    Them Bulls savages out there! If I catch another comment talking sweet about Demar in the clutch, I’m fucking beatin’ they ass! I’m not fucking playin’ no more! Know them Bulls roll with Coby White and them.

  13. sillysam17

    I hope you all don’t forget we’re without **three starting players**. Lonzo, LaVine and Pat all done for the season, and these boys keep finding ways to win. Coby, DeMar, and Ayo were all awesome tonight. AC and Vuc communicated well defensively down the stretch. Our seventh man tonight was Julian fucking Phillips, but the boys got it DONE.



  14. Chitowneer

    I’m loving how well Coby and Ayo are developing.

  15. Coby White MIP, give it to him already!!

    How many of you non-believers turned off the game during the 3rd? This is our identity hahaha

  16. plague__8

    i was super depressed an hour ago, not because of the bulls but this comeback gave me a huge shot of serotonin

  17. Coby and Ayo on cheap ass deals as our young backcourt 👀

  18. lizard_king_rebirth

    I did not love the Kings broadcaster calling Ayo “Exhibit A.” I hope if he ever picks up a nickname, it’s not that.

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