@Denver Nuggets

Michael Malone Blown Away By Novak Djokovic’s Nuggets Connection

Michael Malone Blown Away By Novak Djokovic’s Nuggets Connection

Nickname fireman story behind that he puts out puts out fires that’s uh that’s the guy that would shut down the opposing team’s hot player okay I like it the fireman would be that that same guy for you guys yeah I like that I’m going start calling yeah what up

Fireman didn’t get a chance to ask after the game but because you guys sort of all went back out there afterward but um how cool was it for everyone to get to interact with someone like jovic just like having him ATT that having a connection with the before and

Everything at 10 home was posting pictures I kind of yeah I I didn’t post any pictures I I I don’t know how to FST pictures but um no it was it was awesome you know you’re talking about arguably I know it’s a very hot button topic greatest tennis

Player of all time one of greatest athletes of all time what he’s been able to do and what really struck me was when I went over and spoke with him how engaging he was um how how much he knew about our team um how complimentary he

Was uh about what we’re doing and how we play and uh and him being aware of all the times I’ve gone over Serbia and you know how much that means to you know their country his country so um it was a it was a big hit and um when my daughter

Saw a picture of me with him they couldn’t get over it they’re like wow you’re that’s so it’s one of those moments where you are spending time with greatness and and um I think was that the first time that Cola had met him they was that they met before but I

Don’t know how like many times they’ve been together um but for us to have that kind of a game and then to cap it off with spending time with uh another Joker was was a pretty cool moment what is it about Justin that allows you to trust

Him to close games when he’s a fireman he’s a fireman I mean have you been paying attention uh he’s a veteran uh and he’s proven himself to be trustworthy you know we always talk about trust but you you got to prove to people and earn that trust and Justin

For me in a short period of time has shown that he can go out there and do his job at a high level do it efficiently and you can trust him on both ends and I showed some clips today to our team some things that we have to

Clean up and some positives and Justin’s a guy that you don’t have to like tell him to do things he’s a veteran he knows what to do things yeah whether that’s offensively or defensively and uh he make he shoots the ball you think it’s going in I was

Shocked him had the layup he’s not a really good layup maker so I was happy to see him he’s a dunker and a three-point maker um but you know I think the biggest thing for me v he’s that I trust T holiday he’s a veteran and every time he’s on that floor seems

Like something good happens coach you started Christian in in the last game I know that you’ve gone to Justin in a lot of those situations where uh kcp is sitting and just wonder what went into that decision is is that something you’re looking to see Christian in

Different situations yeah I mean uh you know Christian’s been playing well lately you know I like how he’s playing and Cu uh you know the last time we played in La we started Justin yeah and Justin played really well we got the win but uh now with 21 games to go it’s also

About trying to give Christian as much confidence as possible and what better way to go out there and play with Nico you know and Jamal and Michael and Aaron now okay let’s I just got worried about doing my job defending running screening rebounding making the right plays but

More important than that I think Christians played really well for us and then that allows a GU like Justin to go out there and you know Jamal is garnering so much attention that second unit he’s being blissed he’s being double team and just to have another

Shot maker out there so now you had Jamal Michael Justin out there it’s a little bit tough for teams to guard Jamal that second unit so twofold but you know Christian was fully deserved in of that opportunity coach going on this winning streak what can that do for your

Mindset your team and confidence going moving forward to the playoffs right now yeah I mean we’re a pretty confident group as is but I I think it reminds guys that okay coming out of the break having to kind of change that mindset get back to playing at the level we know

That we’re capable of um and with 21 games to go we know that as great as 6 and0 is coming out of the break we have a lot of really tough games in front of us so that’s why I wanted to show film today and and Corrections cleanups

Because everybody’s saying how great we are no you can’t listen to that the moment you come up for air and you relax you’re setting yourself up for failure we want to stay away from that and continue to find ways to push ourselves to be even better cuz I do feel that we

Still have another gear another level that we can get to as a team from the outside looking in I kind of want to get a pulse check because it feels like seems like you’re the most connected that you guys have been maybe since you Championship me you see Jamal and nicoa

Getting excited emotional celebrating big plays and games so where would you say this team is at in terms of connectedness and how strong the culture is right now yeah I mean I for me I think it’s always um at a higher level always strong um but obviously I think

What I’ve noticed Katie is that there was a definite okay mental we can’t lose three in a row regardless of injuries not playing out brand of basketball let’s understand with 27 to go who we need to get back to being and if you’re going to do that that takes connectedness right guys

Being together that that means celebrating somebody else’s play so when Jamal hits Nicole and and nicool hits Aaron for an N1 dunk at the end of the game that is cost the celebration uh and that was a thing of beauty the way we closed that game down three we closed

That 19-6 the execution the shop making was just uh one of the best that we’ve had probably this season but uh I’d like to think that we’re always a team that is connected we play for each other and uh we understand that we all need the

Next man next to us if we’re going to do what we’re all trying to do we just win another championship do you get the sense that uh the experience of doing it last year is a big Advantage the second time around well yeah I think I think

You know there there is no doubt now I mean it’s you you can talk about yeah we want to win a championship or this team is a a championship Contender or we’ve proven that we know we’re a team that can go out there and win 16 playoff

Games and earn a championship and I think for all of our guys especially the Five Guys that started last year Christian who was here last year and played in the playoffs there is a a confidence that they have because they’ve been there and they’ve done that

And and I think with our group no matter what there is no fear I think we all believe we can go into any building in the NBA and beat anybody on any given night coach last week we were you mentioned Mike bone we found him and

Talk to him he still talks to his friends and says the greatest you guys got get jobs man what is Mike vone doing now he he’s uh lives in New Jersey still and and still working there but he he tells his friends about the moment of him scoring on the points are you

Surprised that you had the the the cry and he has the joy of that game and kind of we did a story on it and no he he he should have the joy they beat us man you know that was the uh you know in New Jersey Northern State finals parochial a

And uh we we missed out on a chance to go to the state championship so uh as heartbreaking as it was and is still for me obviously Mike bone and the rest of his bir and Catholic teammates that have your right to celebrate uh I I don’t

Even know if they want it can’t remember who they played maybe uh some some some team from down south obviously but once we lost I was you know I was devastated but good for Mike Mike if you’re watching congratulations man you’re still living on to only that though man

You got come on let’s go they s us pictures of you as a high school have you seen some of those and remember those that the newspaper sent us pictures of you yeah I remember I used to be a lot younger and better looking

Than I am now and I was kind of like being in the Oval Office what being in this job does to you it takes years off your life thank you guys

Micahel Malone Press Conference after Denver Nuggets NBA Basketball Practice. In a heartfelt press conference after Denver Nuggets practice, Coach Michael Malone shared his amazement at Novak Djokovic’s engaging presence and knowledge about the team, underscoring the tennis legend’s complimentary remarks and genuine interest in the Nuggets’ play and achievements. Malone highlighted the special moment when he and his team interacted with Djokovic, describing it as an interaction with one of the greatest athletes of all time, which left a lasting impression on both him and his family. The coach also delved into team dynamics, discussing the importance of trust and performance, particularly spotlighting Justin’s reliable contributions on the court and the strategic decisions behind starting line-ups, emphasizing the team’s focus on maintaining a high level of play and connectedness as they approach the playoffs.

#nba #denvernuggets #novakdjokovic


  1. I am embarrassed instead of this beta boy who is asking Malone questions about Djokovic! These kids in States today are going to ruin this country with their softness.

  2. People online reposted this picture but cut out Felipe so i was happy you guys kept him in the thumbnail ….until i saw you put the DNVR logo on his face. 😂😂😂

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