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Mike Brown PostGame Interview Live | Chicago Bulls vs Sacramento Kings

Mike Brown PostGame Interview Live | Chicago Bulls vs Sacramento Kings

Our our our ball containment uh wasn’t wasn’t good um in enough stretches our turnovers uh were uh very very very costly um for us tonight and then you know one of tell tell signs for us that um you know is you know usually results

In and and wins is the 5050 balls and uh there were seven of them tonight you know equal opportunity uh chances to get uh loose balls and we came up with two of them uh we came up with two 50/50 balls and and uh uh that’s not as we

Know that’s not a good percentage when you’re trying to trying to win a win a ball game Mike this seems to be coming becoming a bit of a trend at home the the blowing double digigit leads do you sense or notice any let up from the guys

When when they get up to what might feel comfortable but in the modern NBA with the scoring is n as comfortable as maybe it used to be yeah you know that in in our business obviously that the you know teams can go on a run or the script can

Flip like that and before you know it uh you’re in trouble and uh I you know uh I I’m not sure if our guys took their foot off the gas uh per se um I I feel like we didn’t do uh what we should have done and that

Was from from the beginning you know of the game even though we had gotten a couple of leads we were still uh not doing a good job of moving to basketball and they they were turning us over and that eventually caught up with us not just from the the turnover standpoint

But you know when we should have moved it and gotten Great Looks guys hit a couple now they’re in Rhythm and you know we weren’t in Rhythm the entire game from the three point point line and we missed some that we probably would have made and so more than anything else

You know if we’re turning the ball over and it’s messing with our Rhythm a little bit from the three-point line um especially late then maybe that’s the case I know we turn down a couple of Threes late in the game and we don’t ever want to turn down threes we turn

Them down and and triy to drive the basketball and that’s not who we are so when when that ball does get sprayed to you or swung to you and you’re wide open uh you you got you got to let it fly you know mik coming off a big win on Friday

Then a disappointing loss tonight what’s the mood in there and and what’s the message it’s the message you know you give Chicago credit because they they won the basketball game they did exactly what they do they played a lot of pick and rooll um they they try to get

Downhill um but the biggest thing is they swarm that paint and they get the flections and they get out and they run and so you give them credit cuz they follow their game plan but um uh obviously the moood everybody’s down uh because it was um it was a winnable game

Even though we feel like we didn’t play well um we still felt it was a winable game and so um we felt like um that we uh let this one slipped through our fingers and so it it’s it’s tough right now it’s tough for anybody to swallow

This one what what did you uh make of just some of the late game execution on your guys’ end some of the self-inflicted things that might have happened in there yeah you know it’s the same thing I thought late in the game you know we went small and you know we

Went small against Minnesota we did a nice job moving the ball we did a great job when we’re open just let that thing fly and I thought tonight um again we got too deep at times and uh when we should just got off the ball we got too

Deep turning it over we we we held on to try to drive or try to play you know the dribble handoff game again as the clock’s winding winding down and you know if you if you pass up an open shot in this league uh you will get a lot

Worse shot and or a turn or a turnover at the end of the day and and I just that’s how it is but I also think the basketball guyss um U work the game that way it happened to us tonight a plan to foul early or

Was it to just try to get the steal um before you eventually ended up fouling to Rosen uh with with with the three seconds to go so so there if I if I’m if I’m recalling right James so there was there was enough time like 14 second

Difference when they got the ball back or something like that I think and so we just wanted to try to play that one out and and I think we ended up getting the foul or the ball was a we filed oh so we got it late but then and then but there

Was a why was there was a reason why there was like a two second difference I can’t remember why there was a two second difference on it but uh they adjusted the clock back down to 08 yeah so our if I if I remember right our whole thing is on the Der rozan

Thing we wanted to try to see if we before it got shortened we wanted to just get a stop and or see if we can get get a steal once it got shortened we wanted to see if we can get a trap and then a steel foul cuz I think at that

Time but uh because we we didn’t want to go down four if we can help it and uh so our whole thing was see if we can get a trap see if we can get a steal and then after that it was Ste foul right away

So um the domas fing out with like 3 minutes to go how just just how unfortunate was that to to kind of lose him over those last three minutes and how much did that affect what you guys were able to do down the stretch I mean it’s tough anytime you

Lose you know one of your top two players uh down the stretch of a ball game it it’s it’s tough you know but the the the the reality of it is it’s him fouling out at that point you know didn’t cost us the game we we uh I think

One of you guys said we had a few self-inflicted um wounds throughout the course of the game and so you know like I said um it was unfortunate obviously if he and fox can be on the floor to close a game man I take that 100 times

Out of 100 times but we still had an opportunity uh when he fouled out and we just didn’t close the game I think there’s been a excuse me couple games now where opposing offenses are sort of looking for certain matchups in their isolation and how do you feel like you

Guys have done in executing your defense in those scenarios uh okay um you know we just we got to we got to sit down sit down and guard especially you know if it’s not one of their primary primary guys and then you know D rozan you know we anytime he caught on

The post we doubled him tonight uh and then we started hitting him I think in the fourth quarter in his in his ISO situations and uh tried to get the ball out of his hands a couple of times and and you know other guys made plays for

Him you know Kobe ended up with 37 uh just don’t because of us doubling and now the ball’s getting swung and we’re getting to him and he’s really good shooter high level shooter and he’s he’s knocking down the right shots but there was a stretch there that that he and and

Uh IO the Cino they just took us off the dribble and it you know it it’s it’s tough when you think you got to okay double or uh or hit those two guys um so we have to do a better job um of of trying to contain um you know other guys besides

You know team’s main players so that we’re not running around and double teaming everybody uh throughout the entire ball game thanks everyone thank you come

Mike Brown PostGame Interview Live | Chicago Bulls vs Sacramento Kings
Mike Brown PostGame Interview Live Chicago Bulls vs Sacramento Kings

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